Xu Jingzhe walked unsteadily and came closer. He picked up the scattered sniper parts and looked at the sticky blood on the parts.

My heart... hurts, like a blunt knife, cutting my heart again and again.

Tang Ruyi stepped forward, not knowing how to comfort him.

Because he didn't know how to comfort people at all.

Xu Jingzhe put down the parts in his hand, ignored the danger, and jumped straight down the bottomless cliff.

Tang Ruyi, who was standing on the edge, was stunned. Before he could react, his legs couldn't help but jump down with Xu Jingzhe.

The cold breath that penetrated into his bones made his head clear, and he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He... committed suicide for love, why did he jump down with him?

It must be because his head was kicked by a donkey.

During the fall, Xu Jingzhe's werewolf vision allowed him to see farther. Through the black cold breath coming out of the huge crack, he locked onto a protruding boulder.

He exerted force on his waist, grabbed a big turn with one hand, and landed on the cliff.

With the harsh friction sound between the metal and the cliff above, Tang Ruyi also landed steadily beside Xu Jingzhe.

Looking at him with red eyes and gloomy face, he said nothing.

Forget it, we have come down, no more words are needed.

"Why did you come down?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

"Maybe... I think of you as a friend." He said to himself.

Xu Jingzhe was very moved. Although Tang Ruyi deliberately concealed his family and identity, if he hadn't helped along the way, how could he get the gift decision.

He was determined to be this friend.

In the huge crack, black fog filled the air, accompanied by the miserable sound of the wind, which made people's skin hurt.

After falling a hundred meters, the two had to use the energy in their bodies to keep warm.

This erupting black fog was really weird, containing various radioactive elements.

"Can your body handle it? The residual nuclear radiation here is very serious, as if the nuclear bomb exploded just a few years ago. Not only nuclear bombs, but also radioactive elements left by weapons that are more powerful than nuclear bombs." Tang Ruyi held a piece of metal with a strange shape in his hand, which was used to detect various data.

Xu Jingzhe looked at him steadily and said frankly: "I don't know which of the four main cities the Tang family is in, but I have to tell you that it is dangerous to be my friend."

"Because... I am a polluter."

"The rich radioactive elements here are a great tonic for me. Every inch of my cell is very active now."

"They are jumping, excited, pores dilated, and madly absorbing various radioactive elements."

"I dare say that if there is a big battle here, the polluter has a natural bonus on his body, and there will be a constant supply of energy to provide continuous fighting!

Tang Ruyi said "Oh" expressionlessly.

Anyway, when he makes friends, he doesn't look at background, strength, or identity, but only at whether they are right.

The two of them took turns descending, on high alert.

Suddenly, Xu Jingzhe stopped.

On a stone that was as sharp as a bull's horn, there was a piece of rag hanging. The rag was stained with blood, and it was obviously torn from a complete piece of clothing.

He didn't know whether it was Ye Zi's or Dilisi's, so he carefully put the rag away.

At the same time, his mood became even heavier.

In this kind of place, the longer the polluter stays, the more serious the damage to his body.

After falling to a height of 5,000 meters, it was still bottomless. The two were wrapped in an almost sticky black fog, and the visibility was no more than one meter.

Looking up, it was dark, as if he was in hell.

"Is this the crack leading to the legendary gate of hell? "Tang Ruyi's body surface was gleaming with silver luster. This was the ointment that isolated radiation and radioactive elements.

It can be seen that the ointment had a chemical reaction when it came into contact with the black fog, and a dense number of needle-sized blisters appeared.

As a result, Tang Ruyi had to stop and apply it every once in a while.

Otherwise, he could not continue to fall.

"Go up. The various elements here are too harmful to your body." Xu Jingzhe persuaded.

Tang Ruyi said expressionlessly: "Since I'm here, I'll regret not taking a look down."

"Besides, even if it really has some impact on the body, the family's medicine can perfectly repair it without leaving any sequelae."

When the two fell for more than ten thousand meters, they landed on the ground. The black fog below was much thinner than the middle part, and the visibility also increased from less than one meter to about ten meters.

This made the two feel a little relieved.

"Ye Zi! "

Xu Jingzhe took a deep breath and shouted loudly, deafeningly, and the sound kept echoing in the crack.

The sound exploded in Tang Ruyi's ears, and he was so scared that he pulled out his Tang sword, thinking that some "monster" had appeared.

He lowered his voice and said, "What are you shouting about? This place is so weird and scary, like the underworld. You made such a big noise that even the dead were scared alive by you."

Xu Jingzhe touched his nose and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I was anxious. I feel uneasy when I can't see Ye Zi."

But his shout really worked.

The fog at the bottom of the crack slowly dissipated, and the scene in front of him gradually became clear, like daylight.

Four passages appeared around them, leading to the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast, and the crack was running from north to south.

And they happened to be standing at the intersection of the four passages.

Tang Ruyi pondered for a moment, looking at the shape of the intersection, and suddenly felt familiar.

It seemed like he had seen it somewhere before.

He walked straight south without saying a word, and Xu Jingzhe quickly followed.

After walking a distance of ten miles, there was another crossroad, exactly the same as the previous one. Tang Ruyi's face became strange and a little solemn.

Continue to walk south, just ten miles, not a mile more, not a mile less, and there is another crossroad.

Xu Jingzhe naturally found the unusualness here. These crossroads must not be natural, but artificially dug.

"Wasn't this family destroyed 50,000 years ago? How could it appear in Tianyuan?" Tang Ruyi muttered in confusion, drew out the Tang sword, and turned east at the crossroad.

This time, after walking only a few miles, the stone walls on both sides suddenly changed, and stone caves appeared one by one.

The two walked quickly and found that each stone cave had a dormant chamber, and there was a "person" lying in the dormant chamber without exception.

But this person is a little different from normal humans. They are naked, handsome, and covered with fine scales.

However, these scales do not affect the senses at all, but add a bit of weird beauty.

Xu Jingzhe was shocked and asked: "Are these... people?"

Tang Ruyi shook his head and said: "They are not humans, but reptiles from ancient times. They have been breeding on the blue planet for at least tens of millions of years."

"But it is clear that they were wiped out by all the major families 50,000 years ago. Why are there so many here?"

Tang Ruyi lowered his head and carefully observed the reptiles in the dormant chamber through the special glass on the dormant chamber.

Only then did he discover that there were traces of some liquid drying up inside the dormant chamber, and the embedded energy stone had cracked, which meant that the reptiles in this dormant chamber were dead.

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