Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 22: Taking on a mission in times of crisis

Bai Qing turned his head and tried to find the little Lolita. With just one glance, they would understand each other.

It was only a distance of 200 meters, and the little Lolita threw one accurately.

Unfortunately, I didn't see it.

The siege continued.

There were constant shouts and screams under the city of Moslek, and various corpses kept falling from the first floor. The polluted people who had been in the city for more than 30 years were as steady as Mount Tai. They were either standing or sitting, and they were not in a hurry to attack.

The unmanned fighter jets fired again and again, and the earth was riddled with holes. The bullets from the drones hit Bai Qing, just like mosquitoes tickling, and could not cause him any harm.

Bai Qing took a deep breath and his brain worked quickly.

After being polluted, he gained two abilities.

One is photographic memory. In his mind, he can simulate the sniping scene in 3D according to the situation on the scene, and calculate the chain reaction that will be caused by the next action.

So he chooses the one that has the greatest advantage for him.

The second is firearms. As long as all kinds of firearms are in his hands, he can learn them without a teacher.

However, the first one is too mentally and physically exhausting. If he calculates it, he will be exhausted and unable to continue fighting.

Bai Qing buried his head. There is only one way!

Jump sniper!

In this case, only jumping sniper can make him get out of trouble.

Only by using himself as bait and both sides being injured can he survive.

"Hu..." Bai Qing exhaled a foul breath and adjusted his body to the best state, without any distractions.

The opponent was high above and had a wide field of vision.

He was blocked by the zombies, white walkers and polluters attacking the city, which made it more difficult.

If there was no interference, Bai Qing would have a 50% chance of success, but in this case, it was only 30%.





"Xiao Si, your third sister and I are going to go to the second floor of the city wall. You set up the sniper to protect us. Over."

Just as Bai Qing was about to jump sniper, Wang Ning's voice came from the micro headset, and he stopped abruptly.

"Got it. Give me one minute to prepare. Over."

Among the six people, except Xu Jingzhe, everyone has a headset behind their ears, which is only one centimeter in size.

This headset is very expensive, not afraid of magnetic fields and radio interference, and Wang Ning spent a lot of money to get it.

In the last battle, the little Lolita's headset was damaged, and it was not repaired in time.

This also led to Bai Qing not being able to use the headset to ask for help.

Time was urgent, Bai Qing grabbed a big stone beside him and threw it into the air to attract the attention of the sniper.

At the same time, his tense body jumped up, like an arrow from a string, and quickly moved towards Xu Jingzhe.




Three gunshots, almost without interval.

"Fourth brother!" The distance of two hundred meters was not far, and the little Lolita noticed it when Bai Qing stood up.

She carried a huge stone as a shield, tears shed, turned into a ray of light, and rushed towards the fallen Bai Qing.

On the roof of the second floor.

The woman revealed her slender figure, her long hair flying, her sight passed through many obstacles and looked at her target.

Why did she expose her body regardless of the danger?

Since there was no third hidden sniper, there was no need to use herself as bait.

She felt a little disappointed... This was not a fair duel.

Unfair victory.

Bai Qing fell to the ground, his blood dyed a large area of ​​soil red, the bullet pierced his abdomen, and his intestines were all crushed.

If it weren't for the medicine given by Wang Ning to suppress the toxicity running around in his body, I'm afraid he would have died.

"Fourth, fourth brother..." The little loli covered the wound with both hands, trying to block the wound.

"Don't, don't cry. Fourth, fourth brother is fine."

"Big brother, big brother and third sister are going to the second floor, help me over and protect them." Bai Qing gritted his teeth. He had been in the contaminated area for eight years, and his physical fitness was not too bad.

The little loli nodded, hugged Bai Qing in a princess hug, and exposed her back as a shield.

Fortunately, the woman did not attack the little Lolita.

Her target was the mysterious sniper.

"Fourth brother, you are injured!" Xu Jingzhe hurried forward to help, his eyes full of worry.

"Hehe, hehe, it's a small matter."

Bai Qing patted Xu Jingzhe's shoulder and comforted him in a low voice.

Xu Jingzhe took off his coat, and the little Lolita took it and wrapped it around Bai Qing's abdomen to prevent him from losing too much blood.

"Big brother, third sister, I'm ready, over." Bai Qing's hand touched his earlobe.

"Bai Qing, you exceeded one minute this time and have missed the safest time to enter the city. As an old man, you made a mistake that you shouldn't have made, over."

"Received, over." Bai Qing did not explain. At any time, the safety of the boss is the first priority.

In the eight-fold mirror, Bai Qing saw Wang Ning and Leng Qing mixed in the crowd of polluters.

The two were about five or six meters apart and could take care of each other.

"Hit the laser cannon on the far right, find a way to change the path of the laser beam, there are still 30 seconds for the fifth laser beam to be fired, over."





Four shots were fired in a row, each shot hit the same point, with no error.

The alloy shell of the laser cannon had cracks, but it was still intact.

"Buzz!" The laser cannon fired, and the blue laser of dozens of meters swept across without blind spots. There were still ten seconds to cut Wang Ning and Leng Qing's bodies.

Become cannon fodder in this battle.

The hearts of the two men were in their throats.

The fifth gun was fired, still at the same position, the alloy shell of the laser cannon exploded, the blue laser trembled, and deviated from the original route.

The two seized the opportunity, jumped up, went directly to the second floor, and disappeared.

The two had been observing the situation on the second floor, and the bearded man found the safest time for them. Unfortunately, it was delayed by Bai Qing.

The original route and plan had to be changed, and the bearded man had to formulate a new strategy.

This kind of mistake could kill at any time. After all, this is the city of Moslek.

In normal times, the polluted mutants over forty years would not dare to break in.

"Cough cough..." Bai Qing coughed violently, his face turned blue, and he spit out black blood in big mouthfuls.

He couldn't shoot anymore, he had to keep his vital signs stable. If the virus entered the heart, no one could save him.

The little loli panicked, tears fell.

"System, system, can you save people!" Xu Jingzhe asked.

System: "Ding, can't."

"Fuck you...!" Xu Jingzhe was so anxious that he scratched his head and cheeks, but he was helpless.

This feeling is so fucking bad!

It's terrible!

"Xiao, Xiaoliu, the safety of the boss and the third sister is in your hands. When they come out, they must be followed by people from the polymer compound area."

"Protect, protect them."

Putting the micro headset behind Xu Jingzhe's earlobe, Bai Qing fainted.

Xu Jingzhe's hands were sweating nervously when he was ordered to take charge in a critical situation.

However, he knew that the fourth brother had already fallen.

If the boss and the third sister got into trouble again, their team would be wiped out!

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