Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 223: A damaged mecha that surpasses the first-level technological civilization

Morgan Nabi threw Xu Jingzhe aside, flapped his bloody wings, and rushed out like an arrow, killing the newly appeared Morgan Nabi.

The new Morgan Nabi giggled, his voice was extremely lewd, and he also spread his wings to avoid Morgan Nabi's attack.

In the laboratory, two figures chased each other, raising dust all over the floor.

Xu Jingzhe looked at Tang Ruyi lying on the ground several times, and Liu Neng caught his eyes. He smiled sinisterly, came to sit next to Xiong Kun, and looked at Xu Jingzhe.

In his mind, he was recalling the passion with Morgan Nabi. He really couldn't understand why Morgan Nabi was so different and made people linger.

Five minutes later, the new Morgan Nabi also turned into a floor of glass elastic marbles, bouncing and disappearing.

If several people hadn't witnessed this weird scene at the same time, who would believe it?

"Godmother, let's..."

"Let's leave this gloomy place first." Morgan Nabi had 'killed' herself with her own hands, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

Xiong Kun carried Tang Ruyi on his back and walked in front first.

The laboratory was very large, and many glass bottles used for experiments were crushed on the ground. Moreover, the new Liu Neng appeared in front of several people again, staring at Morgan Nabi with lustful eyes.

However, Morgan Nabi had put on a layer of transparent black gauze at this time, blocking part of her vision, but she was even more charming.

"You go and deal with him." Morgan Nabi said with a pout.

Liu Neng received the order, and his eyes wandered around Morgan Nabi before he was satisfied.

A minute later, the new Liu Neng was dealt with, and several people set off together.

The newly born 'individual', although the appearance is exactly the same, the strength is almost zero, and it is easy to deal with.

"With your current insights, can you analyze what's going on?" Xu Jingzhe asked in his mind as he walked.

For some reason, he thought of the evil thoughts of burying the gods, and felt uncomfortable all over. He always felt that there was a pair of sinister eyes staring at him in the dark.

System: "Ding, according to my observation, this should be a special energy body."

"Special energy body?" Xu Jingzhe was puzzled.

"As for the laboratory you were in just now, it should have been developing some kind of biochemical cells or...pursuing immortality. For example, using clones, biochemicals, bionics, etc. for experiments."

"Developing and developing this kind of biochemical cells needs to live on a special material. This kind of soft regenerative material can only be produced when the technology reaches level one or above."

"No more?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

For a while.

System: "Ding, there is a magical creature called turbellaria. Only by reaching the third level of civilization can its mystery be solved."

"This creature can constantly replicate and regenerate itself. If you divide it into two, it can become two of itself. If you divide it into four, it can become four of itself."

"There are reliable scientific experimental records that a turbellaria was once divided into thousands of parts and became dregs. However, all these dregs grew into intact turbellaria."

"I suspect that this special energy body that appeared has some special connection with this turbellaria."

"At a specific temperature, humidity, energy, heat, mass, and other factors, multiple factors come together to give birth to 'him'."

Xu Jingzhe scratched his head and said, "There are still things that your Blue Star No. 1 system cannot explain."

System: "Ding, the technological civilization here is much higher than the current Blue Star civilization, at least reaching the 1.8 level or even higher. Isn't it normal for me not to understand it?"

"Besides, if I analyze this special energy body at this moment, the energy stored in your body will not be enough to be exhausted."

Although the voice of the system remained unchanged, Xu Jingzhe still felt contempt from it.

He was deeply despised by the system.

"Do you think they succeeded in their research?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

System: "Ding, obviously they didn't succeed. If you really want to research immortality, do you still have a chance to come into the family ruins to search for treasures?"

"Don't they treat you like slugs, rub them, crush them and feed them to dogs?"

Xu Jingzhe: "..."

System: "Ding, but..."

"But what?"

System: "Ding, if you can catch this energy body and slice it for analysis, it won't be a problem to live a few dozen years longer."

Xu Jingzhe listened, his eyes lit up, and he started to think about it.

Then, he had a headache again. Let's not talk about whether he can catch this so-called special energy body, and whether he can escape from Morgan Nabi is still unknown.

However, Xu Jingzhe can be sure of one thing.

Morgan Nabi will not kill him for the time being, she has not got what she wants.

Another point is, as the system said, slice and analyze.

This requires professionals to do it, professionals, do professional things. Tang Ruyi once said that if you want to have a foothold on Blue Star, you must have your own power.

Money, scientific research talents, strength, resources, etc. are all indispensable.

It seems that I have to think about this matter carefully.

Otherwise, how to get the lunar soil evolution liquid? How to develop the battle suit? How to manufacture the mecha?

But, the most important thing now is to think about how to escape with Tang Ruyi.

The space on this floor is very large, and damaged metal doors are lying in all directions. When passing by these rooms, Morgan Nabi just glanced at them casually and did not go in.

The purpose of her trip was to visit Lejue. If it weren't for the fact that this family's technological civilization had reached level 1.8 hundreds of thousands of years ago, she would not have wasted her time here.

After walking for about half an hour, she could often hear shouts and sounds of vibrations from the ground and upper space. Obviously, every floor was not peaceful. He must have discovered some treasure.

Suddenly, Xiong Kun, who was carrying Tang Ruyi on his back, paused.

He stepped back a few steps and stopped at the door, looking inside with fiery eyes, like a thirty-year-old bachelor seeing a naked beauty.

The three of them looked to the right at the same time, all breathing rapidly, and their blood suddenly became agitated.

This is a... damaged mecha!

It was split into two at the waist and stood in the room. If it hadn't been split at the waist, the height of this layer of space would not be enough.

However, the damage was too serious.

Above the waist, the red metal fragments on the chest have a deep crack, which is more than ten meters long, and the special tempered glass on the transparent cockpit surface is also cracked, as if it was cut by some sharp weapon with supreme power. Two metal arms, one hand is broken, and the other is cracked from the shoulder, hanging there, connected only by some wires.

Looking below the waist, the two pillar-like metal legs are covered with dense knife marks, each of which is very deep, and the edges of the cut metal are curled.

Even so, several people are very excited, and the enthusiasm in their eyes can't be concealed at all.

100,000 years ago, the technological civilization of this family exceeded the first level, which means that this damaged mecha must have exceeded the level of the first level mecha.

If the core database of the operating mecha can be found, as long as the materials are kept up, it may not be impossible to create a brand new mecha with the same combat power as this mecha.

Thinking of this, Morgan Nabi breathed heavily and could not help but be more vigilant. She had to be on guard against Liu Neng, who was also a half-step corrupted person like her.

Treasures can be very tempting, let alone mechas!

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