The half-donkey was surprised. Last time he accidentally broke into the damaged New Territory, he clearly felt a lot of 'treasures' scattered everywhere. The main core was picked up in the New Territory.

Why is it different this time?

With a nervous look on his face, he walked straight forward for several kilometers, changed directions, and used the 'treasure gathering' power again. His perception was empty.

No more, nothing.

He's still looking for a useless treasure, but his biggest reliance is his ability to collect treasures!

"What?" the old blind man asked in a deep voice.

The half-donkey seemed to be very afraid of the old blind man and did not dare to hide it: "I, my superpower has failed."

The old blind man's black blind eye has not yet been closed, and his eye sockets seem to be inhabited by a nine-nether hell, and the blackness seems to be pouring out and swallowing you up in one bite.

He stared at the half-donkey coldly and said, "Did you do it on purpose, and then took advantage of it all by yourself while we weren't paying attention?"

It's obvious that he doesn't trust the half-ass.

"How, how is it possible!" Ban Lu said anxiously: "You think that everyone has your strength, walking around in the ruined New Territory."

He thought for a while with his head down, and suddenly said: "I know, this damaged New Territory continues to be damaged, causing the spatial structure to change. Last time it may have been only the size of a small town, but now it may be the size of a city."

"The treasure that was originally left at that location may now be thousands of miles away from us."

Xu Jingzhe nodded, feeling that what Half Donkey said was reasonable. The New Territories cannot be judged by common sense, and it is normal for various accidents to occur.

The old blind man closed his eyes, and the invisible aura on his body converged, making him no different from an ordinary little old man.

"The New Territories are still being damaged, and there are many unexpected situations. Everyone, please keep up and alert them as soon as possible if you find anything wrong." Half Donkey said, raised his legs and walked inside.

"Wait a minute." Gong Er rarely said seriously.

"This is a locator. Wear it on your wrist. As long as the distance is not too far away, you can feel it." Gong Er took out six round rubber bracelets. On the rubber bracelets, there is a raised in the middle. Glass.

Six tiny spots of light gathered together.

"It's okay, it's cute." Li Haha put it on his left wrist and kept looking at it, very happy.

The mountains in the New Territories rise one after another, and there is no end as far as the eye can see. There are huge trees on the mountains with exceptionally green leaves, and each one is like being carved from jade.

The six people walked extremely carefully, their spirits were tense, and they did not dare to relax at all.

After walking for about half an hour, Xu Jingzhe suddenly got goosebumps all over his body. Almost instinctively, he reached out and touched Zhang Manyue beside him.

The palm passed through Zhang Manyue's body easily.

At the same time, Zhang Manyue's body was like the moon in the water, ripples appeared, gradually faded and disappeared.

Xu Jingzhe suddenly stopped, his pupils shrank to pinpoints, and he shouted in a low voice: "Gong Er."

Although the sound was not loud, Gong Er could definitely hear it from such a close distance.

However, Gong Er walked straight forward, his body stiff, the distance between his arms swinging, and the size of his steps.

Like a set program!

He raised his wrist and glanced at Gong Er's locator. On the locator, there was only a single point of light, which remained motionless.

Xu Jingzhe knew that it was himself.

A chill deep in the soul came over him and enveloped him. As he walked like this, the living people around him disappeared, replaced by just a 'light and shadow'.

But unfortunately, you don't even have any sense.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Zhang Manyue's voice came from behind Xu Jingzhe.

In an instant, cold sweat soaked his back, and he turned around slowly. Zhang Manyue was holding a Tang knife in his hand, looking at him in confusion?

No, no, Xu Jingzhe recalled where the few people were walking just now.

The half-donkey is in front, behind him is the old blind man, and behind the old blind man are Li Haha and Gong Er. Xu Jingzhe and Zhang Manyue walked side by side at the end, without distancing themselves from each other.

How could Zhang Manyue, who had disappeared, appear behind him?

In normal times, Xu Jingzhe would definitely not think about this problem, but this is a broken New Territory, a New Territory where weird things can happen.

"Where did you go just now?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

"Me? I'm always behind you." Zhang Manyue said.


Xu Jingzhe suddenly took action, as fast as lightning!

He didn't hold back this palm, hitting Zhang Manyue's chest with 80% of the force.


Zhang Manyue did not resist and allowed Xu Jingzhe's palm to fall on her chest.

In Xu Jingzhe's stunned look, Zhang Manyue flew high like a kite with its strings broken, her clothes dyed red with blood, and she fell heavily to the ground.

After falling to the ground, he rolled several times before stopping his body.

"You..." Xu Jingzhe was stunned.

Zhang Manyue's body after being transformed by Ji Qingci is very powerful. She can definitely compete with half-step evil transformers. How could she be injured by her palm?

In other words, she never thought that she would take action against her.

For a moment, Xu Jingzhe was filled with a deep sense of guilt. Yes, even if you have doubts, you should ask clearly. Such a rash move is hurtful.

Xu Jingzhe walked over quickly, helped Zhang Manyue's body, and asked with concern: "Are you... okay?"

Zhang Manyue smiled at him, and her voice suddenly became cold: "Of course I'm fine."

Her body exploded, becoming a series of translucent smoke visible to the naked eye. The translucent smoke enveloped Xu Jingzhe's body, making him unable to move.

"Hehehe... Flesh, flesh, delicious flesh!" The old voice sounded, with uncontrollable excitement, almost crazy.

The smoke rushed into Xu Jingzhe's brain along his nostrils, trying to occupy the magpie's nest.

His head was about to explode, and it seemed that a little man appeared in his head, eating his brain bite by bite.


Xu Jingzhe's eyes were red, and he screamed to the sky. The golden pollution core and the energy in his body were used at the same time, and a huge energy burst, but he still couldn't move.

Blood flowed out of his nostrils and ears, dripping and da da, and soon dyed his whole body red.

"How many years, how many years..." The old voice was too excited, and you could hear that he was crying. If there really was an old man here, he would definitely be trembling all over, and tears would flow from his turbid eyes.

Even the sticky and turbid snot would flow out, dragging on the mouth and flowing into the mouth.

"Damn experiment, what the body is the cage of consciousness, give up the body, sublimate the consciousness and get eternal life! We were deceived, we were all deceived, they used our bodies as materials and nutrients, hateful, hateful..."

"Consciousness can't be immortal, it can't be, the existence of advanced civilization will never be a separate ideology..."

Xu Jingzhe's eyes kept changing, sometimes evil, sometimes old, and sometimes clear, alternating repeatedly.

His temperament was also constantly changing.

Wretched, powerful, indifferent...

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