The light of death mercilessly harvested the lives of the survivors. No matter how strong they were, they could not escape being shot by the light of death. The blurred light devoured their flesh and blood and completely disappeared from this world.

Poseidon, wearing a somewhat damaged first-level battle suit, watched all this in silence. When the thunder as thick as a mountain crossed the sky, he thought he had become an abandoned child of Adam City. He didn't know what Adam City had done. There was endless sadness in his heart that spread to his whole body like water. He froze in place, searching for the crazy Xu Jingzhe.

In that second, he had a strange thought in his mind, why should he stay in Adam City?

But it disappeared in an instant. He was not strong enough, so he was not worthy of knowing the thoughts of the top leaders of Adam City. He was not strong enough, so he could not control his own destiny. He was not strong enough, so he should be regarded as an abandoned child.

So... he had to become strong, very strong.

Xu Jingzhe was just a stumbling block on his way to strength!

When the thunder fell, the first-level battle suit covered his whole body, and he was intact. After a short silence and a shock in his heart, he searched for Xu Jingzhe's figure with a fluke mentality.

He should be dead. Even though his body is comparable to that of a half-step polluter, under such a violent sea of ​​thunder and lightning, without special means to resist thunder and lightning, I am afraid that only a thirty-year polluter can withstand it and still have the strength to fight.

The broken body stood up swayingly, a two-meter-tall rock giant, a polluter with half of his body still jumping... Poseidon glanced at them one by one and shook his head.

No, no, he really died in this huge thunder disaster. The ground was covered with large and small black pollution cores, like black fruits condensed after blooming flowers withered.

In the distance, a golden light flashed by. Poseidon wiped his eyes and looked carefully. There was nothing. It might be a piece of exploded metal.

The Shang team passed by him, nodded slightly, and continued to move forward. The sound of an engine came from behind him, and a plastic hose as thick as an arm appeared on the side of the modified truck body. The powerful suction force made the contaminated cores within five meters around disappear.

"Let him die, a... pitiful opponent." Poseidon shook his head and turned away.


When he walked only a few thousand meters, a shrill scream came from behind him. He turned around suddenly and saw a silver light spinning rapidly in the air, as fast as a meteor.

The man who fell to the ground was split in two by the extremely sharp moon wheel, along with the weapon in his hand, and blood fell on the pitch-black land, which was shocking.

The moon wheel did not stop attacking. After killing one person like a knife cutting tofu, it quickly turned back and fiercely cut the back of the second person.

The second person reacted to the sudden attack, but did not dodge it completely. The moon wheel cut off half of his body diagonally, and blood sprayed like a fountain three or four meters high. His screams were heartbreaking, he rolled on the ground, struggling, and the weapon fell to the side, stained with his blood.

The remaining few people gathered in a circle, they were very nervous under the protective suits, what was that!

They didn't see clearly at all, and they had already harvested the fate of two companions!

Poseidon rushed over, and his strong aura and resolute face made the remaining six people feel a little relieved. Their strength is not weak, they have all been selected through layers of selection to be worthy of being the users of Shang. However, they are facing the Moon Wheel, and the danger beyond cognition makes them tremble in their hearts.

The Moon Wheel reappeared in front of several people, but did not attack. It was at the same height as their eyebrows, rotating silently, as if demonstrating or warning.

Poseidon moved his footsteps lightly, his body under the battle suit was tense, standing in front of the six people, and just wanted to speak. The Moon Wheel suddenly moved, leaving only a silver light in the air, and the chariot collecting contaminated cores was split into two. The cut between metal and metal is as smooth as a mirror, almost reflecting people!

More than a dozen modified trucks were not spared and all broke down. Poseidon narrowed his eyes and suddenly felt a ray of gaze behind him. He looked back.

Obviously, Jörmungandr was standing under the city of Moslek, at least hundreds of miles away from him, but Poseidon looked at this gaze. He felt the meaning of this gaze, to capture Xu Jingzhe alive.

After the gaze paused, another ray fell on Xu Jingzhe in the distance. Jörmungandr was watching quietly with his hands behind his back, his eyes were deep, and it seemed that there was a vast universe spinning inside.

Xu Jingzhe saw such a scene, under the huge city wall, there was an independent man, without sadness or joy.

"Hehe..." Xu Jingzhe sneered, and his smile was very sad. There was only the last ray of morning glow hanging in the west, which was indescribably desolate.

One step, two steps, three steps, Xu Jingzhe appeared in the eyes of Poseidon and Shang's team, and they were shocked!

An almost transparent skeleton body, without a trace of flesh and blood. On the chest of the skull, a heart with a faint golden glow was beating strongly, stretching and shrinking. As for the head, there was nothing. There were no eyes in the eye sockets, only fine red blood and meridians squirming there, which was very scary.

It was hard to believe that this was Xu Jingzhe!

Yuelun flew back and stood beside Xu Jingzhe. He stepped on the ground, and from his feet, fresh flesh and blood surged. From his feet, the meridians wrapped around the transparent bones upwards, and the flesh and blood grew, and soon a complete body grew.

However, there was no trace of blood on his face, and it was terribly pale.

"Sure enough, you are not dead, and you didn't let me down." Poseidon looked solemn.

If it were him, he would never have survived the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison without a Level 1 battle suit.

Xu Jingzhe sneered at Poseidon, raised his middle finger to him, and then...'click' he fell heavily to the ground with his face facing the ground. To recover his body, Xu Jingzhe used up the last bit of energy.

At the same time, deep underground, the golden shadow of Kuafu disappeared, and Xiao Aman was sleeping soundly.

Poseidon was very surprised. He was ready to fight with Xu Jingzhe, but he didn't expect... Xu Jingzhe actually fainted. It just happened that he could save a lot of trouble and directly take him back to Moslek City and give him to Jörmungandr.

The Level 1 battle suit on his body disappeared, and he strode towards Xu Jingzhe. When he approached Xu Jingzhe, Poseidon felt something and looked up at the depths of the contaminated area.

In the distance, a golden mech ran over, the last ray of orange-red light from the setting sun sprinkled on his back, the surface of the mech shone with an intoxicating luster, and the streamlined lines seemed to be made by God holding Thor's hammer, flawless.

During the running process, countless contaminated cores were crushed by it, which made Poseidon feel painful. The mech pulled out a Tang sword that was tens of meters long, and then held it tightly with both hands.


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