Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 385 Aren’t you going to slap me to death?

"Tick tock, tick tock."

Thick blood slowly dripped down the luxuriously decorated walls. Seven or eight elites of the Wang family were buried on the 30th floor of the Wang Family Long Mansion along with the women they had found.

They left in pain, and Xu Jingzhe tortured and killed them.

"Let's go to the next venue. Before dawn, pick out all the Wang family's properties except the Wang family's head family." Xu Jingzhe's voice was cold.

"Let's go." Jiang Ye took the black gold dragon gun thrown by Xu Jingzhe, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Han Shuangjiang.

In the AI ​​control room, the information was synchronized and told Jiang Ye the Wang family property closest to Wangjia Longsha.

Jiang Ye put away his phone: "Let's go!"

Wang Jia No. 1 KTV is the most famous KTV in Sioux City.

How to describe Wangjia No. 1 KTV is luxury. On weekdays, in addition to the local young masters from Su City who come to spend money, people from other cities also come over. Without them, the Wang family has cultivated a group of 'succubi' who are first-class in bed.

You can let the second generation have fun, because for the second generation under a normal marriage, their women are equal to or even stronger in strength. Except for the necessary inheritance of the family line, it is impossible to please them.

Tonight, the Wang Family KTV No. 1 was rarely 'quiet' and was not open to the public because the Wang Family received an important person from Adam City.

Although he was said to be an important figure, in fact, even Wang Tai did not show up, only Wang Tai's brother was there to accompany him.

In the extremely private room, several important people were hugging each other. The beautiful woman on the right was holding a cigar in her hand, and the beautiful woman on the left was holding a good wine in her hand. She took a sip of cigar and a sip of good wine. Both hands were not honest.

"Brother Wang Bao, it's not that I won't sell it to you, it's just that the control is too strict."

"Every Shang is recorded and supervised by a dedicated person. The entire Adam City has tried its best to build only dozens of Shang, and most of them are defective." Kerry's left and right hands pressed hard on the soft Rubbing.

"However, the Wang family is willing to spend 20% of all their wealth. They are sincere." Wang Bao smiled and looked flatteringly at Kerry, who was younger than him by who knows how many years.

A trace of disgust flashed in Kerry's eyes. If he hadn't been treated too harshly by his family in Adam City, and the Wang family had cultivated a new group of succubi, how could he have come to Nuwa City to play? Happy territory.

"Thirty percent, what about brother Kai Rui? But 30%, just for the sake of death." Wang Bao gritted his teeth and continued to quote.

Kerry waved his hand and said with a smile: "That's really not possible."

The reason why the Wang family tried every means to buy Shang was entirely because of Xu Jingzhe. Everyone knew what happened under the city of Mosluk. Xu Jingzhe was almost destroyed by Shang. He could only hate that woman. If she hadn't blocked Shang's light, Xu Jingzhe would have died.

"Fifty percent." Wang Bao said the bottom line.

The whole Wang family was too afraid of Xu Jingzhe. No one would have thought that Xu Jingzhe was growing so fast that it could no longer be described as terrifying. In just two years, he has gone from an insignificant clown to a figure that cannot be ignored by the younger generation.

As long as the powerful people before the age of thirty are mentioned, Xu Jingzhe must have a seat.

Therefore, in the past two years, Wang Tai has been focusing on improving his strength.

However, the Wang family is not at the end of the road, because in the secret base of the Wang family, the old head of the Wang family is still sleeping. He is a member of the ranks of those who have been corrupted for thirty years, and is a terrifying 'old monster'. However, when these old monsters wake up once and come into contact with the air, the price they pay is huge.

Kerry couldn't help but apply a little more force to his hand. The beauties on his left and right showed signs of pain for a moment, but restrained themselves very well.

Fifty percent, for him personally, is indeed a lot.

It's just that it's not worth the risk for him.

Kerry shook his head, his flaxen hair slightly curled up, looking very handsome.

"I really don't understand why your Wang family spent half of their financial resources to buy Shang. Although Shang is an orphan, its value is by no means that high."

Wang Bao smiled helplessly: "It's not because of Xu Jingzhe."

"Oh?" Kerry became interested.

"In the early years, our Wang family had issues with him, and they would never stop fighting. His growth rate is surprising, so we are worried..."

In fact, what Wang Bao wanted to say was not because Adam City suddenly started a war with Pangu City, catching Pangu City off guard. In desperation, Pangu City went to the polluted area to offer high rewards for polluters to enter Pangu City to fight against the elites of Adam City. The Wang family was very afraid that Xu Jingzhe would appear in Pangu City, and then borrow a road from Pangu City to arrive at Nuwa City silently.

Kerry smiled and drank all the wine in the cup: "It's just a Jingzhe. It's nothing. Not to mention the five Adam brothers, even I can slap him to death."

"Don't worry, we will protect your Wang family."

Wang Bao nodded hurriedly, picked up the wine glass in his hand, and glanced accidentally: "Hey, why did the ktv door open? Is anyone out?"

"Asshole, you didn't know to close the door when you went out. I'll teach you a lesson later."

"I opened the door. I thought it was too stuffy inside the ktv." At this moment, a calm voice sounded behind Wang Bao.

"Boring? Who do you think you are? You dare to open the door casually!" Wang Bao turned his head and shouted loudly!

Eyes facing each other.

A pair of eyes is angry, a pair of eyes is without any emotion.

Wang Bao was stunned for a moment, then slowly said: "Xu Jingzhe?"

Xu Jingzhe nodded and smiled.

Very cold.

"No, you are Xu Jingzhe, making trouble!" Wang Bao didn't believe it. After saying this, the temperature in the KTV suddenly cooled down.

No, it was indeed Xu Jingzhe.


Yes, he is Xu Jingzhe, and he is here for revenge!

Wang Bao was about to shout, but it was too late. He was pinched by Xu Jingzhe's neck, his face flushed, and he couldn't move.

He knew that he would die if he moved.

Kerry stood up from the sofa like a cat with its fur standing on end, staring at Xu Jingzhe.

He said, "I am not a member of the Wang family, and your affairs have nothing to do with me."

"Nothing to do with it? How could it be? Didn't you just slap me to death?"

Kerry smiled awkwardly: "When, just now? Why don't I remember it, Wang Bao, do you remember it?"

"I remember what I just said should be..."


The sound of bones breaking sounded without warning, and Wang Bao's neck was crushed by Xu Jingzhe without even shouting.

"You dare to kill me, do you know where I come from..."


A black spear pierced through Kerry's heart. He lowered his head in disbelief, then raised it again, spurting blood from his mouth. He pointed at Xu Jingzhe and said, "You, do you know who I am?"

Two figures walked into the room one after the other. Tang Ruyi said, "No matter who you are, we will kill you if the five sons of Adam come!"

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