Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 411 Buried the entire secondary civilization

Qin Wushuang looked at the worn notebook on the table with a shocked expression. It was exactly the same as the photos left by the ancestors of the Qin family!

Why are the things belonging to the ancestors of the Qin family in the Han family?

At this moment, Qin Wushuang's thought of killing a few people flashed away. However, after only appearing for a second, they were suppressed severely. It was effortless to kill Xu Jingzhe and others, but what about Han Shuangjiang?

Although the Qin family and the Han family are both first-class families, one is at the bottom and the other is at the top, so there is no comparison.

"This is a manuscript written by the ancestors of the Qin family. It involves many secrets of the Qin family. Why is it in the hands of you and the others?" Qin Wushuang looked at them with a cold face and a pair of tiger eyes, putting a lot of pressure on the four of them.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Qin Shuang muttered dissatisfiedly. Qin Wushuang was a veteran changer for thirty years. He was very powerful. His slightly released Qi made several people feel as if a big stone was pressing on their chests, making them unable to breathe. .

"Shuang'er, you don't know the significance of these manuscripts to the Qin family. If the contents inside are leaked, the Qin family will definitely become the target of public criticism!"

Qin Shuang was stunned for a moment and looked at Qin Wushuang in confusion.

"Uncle Wushuang." Han Shuangjiang smiled and said calmly: "I don't know why the handwritten notebooks of the ancestors of the Qin family are at the Qin family base in Xicheng. It was because I discovered the clues that I came to see Uncle Wushuang. ”

Han Shuangjiang opened the book of records and pushed it forward: "Please take a look."

Since the content inside is already known, there is no need to say more. Qin Wushuang opened it and took a quick look. The content inside was accurate. The only thing is that there is part of the content missing at the end, and that is the key point.

After reading it, Qin Wushuang was silent for a long time, waiting for Han Shuangjiang to speak.

"Uncle Wushuang, the purpose of our visit is to know the contents that were torn out from the back of the notebook. As long as we know the contents, we will return this manuscript to the Qin family. What do you think?" Han Shuangjiang made the conditions directly.

Qin Wushuang poured himself a glass of wine. After taking a sip, he looked at the remaining book on the table with a tiger-like gaze. Judging from the materials, they should all be written by the ancestors of the Qin family, but the two notebooks of the Qin family are not handwritten copies, but photocopied versions.

One is a diary, which records everything the ancestors of the Qin family and the Wang family did in Antarctica. There is another book, which is a digital symbol. Different numbers correspond to different words and symbols, a bit like the Morse code in ancient times.

Therefore, he wanted to know what was recorded in the other notebook Han Shuangjiang brought.

"Can you open the other one and read it?" Qin Wushuang asked.

"Of course, we come here with sincerity." Han Shuangjiang smiled, picked up the notebook on the table and handed it over. Qin Wushuang's big hands gently and softly touched the dilapidated notebook cover, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

As a descendant of the Qin family, he naturally does not want the things belonging to the ancestors of the Qin family to fall into the hands of others.

I carefully opened the cover, and what I saw was a series of numbers. On the yellowed paper, many numbers were blurred and almost indistinguishable.

In just three breaths, Qin Wushuang made up his mind.

"You four, wait for me for a moment and eat first." Qin Wushuang strode away, clenching his fists to hide his excitement.

Yes, yes, he found the number he had been searching for secretly!

If he guessed correctly, the numbers in this entire book should be the coordinates leading to the South Pole. A whole book of numbers is written to prevent it from being cracked by a powerful family.

With the coordinates of the Antarctic, we can find the location of the Antarctic Ice Palace. Thinking of this, Qin Wushuang's breathing became heavy. Because, at the end of the notebook, the ancestors of the Qin family wrote: "Under the terrifying abyss, the most advanced and complete civilization on Blue Star was actually buried."

"The records of the civilization itself are the so-called secondary civilization of the universe!"

A complete second-level civilization...if it were controlled by the Qin family, he couldn't imagine whether it would be able to rule Blue Star and transform the solar system immediately.

Fifteen minutes later, Qin Wushuang left and returned. He placed the complete rubbing version of the Qin family on the table and said in a deep voice: "I hope the four of you will keep it secret for the Qin family. If it leaks even a little bit, don't blame me, the Qin family, for not remembering our friends." Affection."

The four of them nodded at the same time. What Qin Wushuang could show them was his trust in the four of them. If the four of them wanted to tell something that threatened the safety of the Qin family, they would not be looking for trouble on their own.

Han Shuangjiang took it and found the torn previous page, feeling very happy. I was finally able to figure out the rest of what happened. I was halfway through the book. What’s the difference between being torn off and being unfinished?

The remaining content is not much, and it roughly records the group of people going to the depths to complete the test of the Ice God. Many of them are briefly mentioned. What dangers were encountered when going deeper into Antarctica, how many times they were encountered, and who died. There is no complete record of the previous records.

Xu Jingzhe frowned, why did he feel that this book seemed to have been modified by the Qin family. He pretended to think and glanced at Qin Wushuang vaguely. His face was expressionless.

"Look, there are records here." Han Shuangjiang let out a low exclamation. The onion-like index finger pointed at the bottom of the text, which recorded that at the door of the first floor under the abyss, crystals were scattered all over the ground. When he got closer, he discovered that it was a strange gem.

Qianqi took the lead and squatted on the ground to observe carefully. He shook his head in disappointment and gave up.

There are also a few short sentences without detailed explanation. Several people turned through the paper significantly faster, focusing only on two words, gems.

Unfortunately, the contents recorded later did not mention gems. The four of us were a little disappointed. Only three pages were left, and the complete notes were over. If we still couldn't find any clues, we would lose both the wife and the army.

Turn to the third to last page.

We had an internal conflict, which was very intense. Several people were injured and their battle clothes were torn.

Wang Haer was also seriously injured. He took my hand and hid in a room that I didn't know what it was for. He was panting, covering his wound, and blood kept flowing.

"Lao Qin, do you still believe me now?" Wang Haer asked me.

I hesitated for a moment and said that I believed him. He lay on the cold wall and smiled: "Believe me, that's all."

"It would be nice if I had a cigarette." He calmed down for a long time and suddenly said something.

I patted his shoulder to comfort him.

After a long silence, he finally spoke: "Lao Qin, I found the secret of the so-called God of Icefield."

I was shocked and looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'll take you out of this shabby place, but you have to agree to one thing."

"Why can't we go together?" I asked.

Wang Haer smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't explain much, but kept asking me if I could agree to it.

I agreed.

He took out a gem. It was not big, only the size of a fingernail, and it was almost weightless: "No matter what, give this gem to the descendants of the Wang family."

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