Chapter 441 Strong Enemy

"Rumble..." The sound of huge rolling stones made the earth tremble. Qin Shuai wiped the blood from his face and looked back in horror. He was half-bent, with one arm dangling in front of his chest. Three bone spurs were inserted into his abdomen. From front to back, broken flesh and blood could be vaguely seen floating around.

Life for life!

Qin Shuai successfully eliminated the powerful polluter, but he was also at the end of his might! He smiled miserably and calmly, watching several giants turn into stone balls and roaring towards them. Wherever they passed, the White Walkers and the Qin family's children who had no time to escape were all turned into flesh.

He held the alloy iron rod diagonally in his right hand, feeling indescribably sad. He actually had the strength to avoid it, but he was physically and mentally exhausted. Looking at it, the people who were tortured and killed were all the children of the Qin family.

Ashamed, angry, powerless!

Countless times of shouting, deep in my heart, no! The Qin family will not be defeated, but it is a first-class family! !

Reality gave Qin Shuai a hard slap in the face, making him dizzy and unable to distinguish between east, west and north.

The rolling stone was getting closer and closer to Qin Shuai, and he could clearly see that the meat paste and mud stuck to the surface were mixed together, indistinguishable from each other.

"The Qin family will not be defeated!" He thought to himself, opened his arms, closed his eyes, smelled the pungent smell of blood, and welcomed death.

At this moment, he actually enjoyed it.

Enjoy the moment before death.


Qin Shuai was hit hard, rolled several times in the air, and then landed heavily on the ground, which shocked his internal organs almost to the point of losing their original flavor.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and at the same time he felt his chest stagnate and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Qin Keqing's pretty face was cold: "Is this how you lead the Qin family's children?!"

"I..." Qin Shuai was speechless, feeling the cold murderous intent in Qin Keqing's eyes, and feeling that his chest was collapsing.

Suddenly, his chest relaxed, and he was pulled up by Qin Keqing's jade hands. Qin Keqing was very close to him, and her breath hit his pale cheek: "Follow me and summon the Qin family's children who have not yet died in the battle!"

"Kill until you die!"

Qin Keqing pushed Qin Shuai, drew his sword, turned around and slashed.

Just one second.

The strange ghost that came suddenly was split by force, and its body paused briefly, and then fell to both sides. Qin Keqing rushed out from the middle, turned around and shouted at Qin Shuai who was still in a daze: "Follow me!"


Qin Shuai felt that energy was pouring into his exhausted body like a tide, inexhaustible. Fighting without reservation, reaching the bottom of despair, but seeing hope from Qin Keqing again, feeling great sadness and joy, Qin Shuai broke through.

The iron rod was like a black poisonous snake, pushing away a mutated coyote, and then smashing it down with both hands, turning a skull into white powder.

Qin Shuai followed Qin Keqing's footsteps, and the two were back to back, leaning on each other.

"Children of the Qin family, come closer to me!" Qin Shuai shouted.

This shout became the hope of the Qin family in all the chaos. They saw the two people fighting fiercely in the middle of the chaotic battlefield and pushed forward desperately.

"Be careful!" Jiang Ye saw that the top of his head suddenly turned black, pushed Qin Keqing, and used his own strength to roll forward. "Boom!" With one kick, the place where the two of them were standing sunk down to a depth of one meter!

A strand of Qin Keqing's loose black hair flew into the air, and after rolling a few times, she stood up: "Hold him from the front, and I'll sneak attack from behind!"

Although the giant's attack power is strong, its movements are not very fast. Qin Keqing exerted force on her feet and jumped forward. Holding the handle of the knife with both hands, she exerted all her strength and thrust it hard into the giant's thigh.

"Ugh!" The giant beat his chest in pain and turned around, becoming even more violent.

Qin Shuai's pressure increased sharply, he gritted his teeth, held the alloy iron rod across his hands, and blocked the giant's punch. Qin Keqing grabbed the leg with bulging muscles like a raised stone with one hand, and moved like a monkey, getting down to the giant's waist in twos and twos.

Then rise from the waist and come to the back.

Half-kneeling on the giant's waist, he used his feet to block his body so as not to fall on his trembling back. The jade hand grasped the handle of the knife tightly and raised it high "Puff!"

The long knife fell to the bottom, all the way to the handle!


The giant let out a desperate roar and threw Qin Keqing away with a furious final blow. Qin Keqing couldn't control her body in the air. She landed on the ground and slid for fifteen or six meters before stopping. Before she could be happy, she saw a mutated dog rushing towards her!

A rotten cheek, a mouth dripping with yellow viscous liquid, a single eye that is turbid white, opening a huge abyss mouth, biting Qin Keqing's slender pink neck.

The long knife, as bright as ice flakes, was two meters away from him, but his dislocated arm could not use any strength. He could only watch the dog's mouth, whose gums were blacker than carbon and emitted a vomiting smell, approach him.

Qin Keqing was so frightened that she broke out in cold sweat, and the hair on her face stood on end!


At the critical moment!

A vine as thick as a finger wrapped around her slender waist, and under the huge pull, she felt as if her body had turned into a ripe prawn. If the suit hadn't removed most of his strength, his abdomen would have been injured.

The wind is blowing in my ears!

Tens of seconds later, she fell steadily into a warm embrace. Her eyes were bright and she looked at the man holding her.

My confused.

"It's not hurt, is it?" Xu Jingzhe asked with concern.

Qin Keqing suddenly felt very wronged, her big tears dripped down, and she cried with one hand covering her face. Xu Jingzhe was at a loss, and quickly put her down, constantly comforting her: "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm here, aren't I?"

Looking at the messy battlefield, Qin Keqing hesitated to speak.

I'm here, but how many Qin family members can I save?

"I'm sorry." Qin Keqing said with her head down.

Xu Jingzhe was slightly stunned, smiled, looked at the five thousand people behind him, and shouted: "Dark Night Legion, fight!"

"Xu Yan, open the defense in full. Anyone, remember, I said that no one can enter the protective shield!"

"Medical team, maintain the energy in your body and hold the pill in your mouth!"

"Assault team, with the Dark Night Legion as the center of the circle, within a radius of two miles, no polluters are allowed to approach, and those who approach will be killed without mercy!"

Xu Jingzhe passed down the orders one by one, and the Dark Night Legion executed them meticulously and acted in an orderly manner, comparable to an old army. Qin Keqing looked at the army in disbelief. The number of people was not large, but in this situation, the military appearance was moving.

The five thousand people who suddenly appeared were like divine soldiers descending from the sky, blocking the polluters like mudslides.

If the Qin family's previous army was a dam, it was destroyed by the flood and was in danger. Xu Jingzhe's five thousand people were like a strange stone that fell from the sky, blocking the dam mouth and blocking the rolling torrent.

The mutant animals, the white ghosts, and the skeleton army were the most irrational and fearless. They were fearless and didn't care about the extra five thousand people.

One by one, the ferocious dogs hit the transparent protective shield. The huge impact force broke the dog's head, and the blue, white and red stuck on it, which was extremely disgusting.

The destructive power of one evil dog is nothing, and ten evil dogs are nothing, but when thousands or tens of thousands of evil dogs hit together, the destructive power is amazing.

More and more polluters gathered from all directions, hitting the transparent protective shield again and again.


The transparent protective shield shook violently, and Qin Keqing's face turned pale. The Dark Night Legion had been surrounded and had no chance to leave. There were "ants" all around, layer after layer.

Not only Qin Keqing's face turned pale, but also the thousands of defense teams led by Xu Dayan. Every impact fell on them through the protective shield.

The protection of thousands of people cannot be underestimated, but how to face the attack of thousands of polluters together?

The treatment team was the same. The pills in their mouths were shrinking rapidly. They had to keep the energy in their bodies sufficient. A green light spot was steaming around them. There were so many and so dense that it looked like green rain.

The "green rain" was swimming, wrapping around the defense team and treating them.

This is also the reason why the defense team can always hold on!

There are too many polluters, three layers inside and three layers outside. Except for the gray sky, nothing else can be seen.

Xu Jingzhe took the long knife from Qin Keqing's hand and turned back to say: "Let you Qin family children move closer to this side, I will go out to support."

Qin Keqing looked at the fleeting back figure, and a sense of attachment actually arose in her heart.


The long knife drew silver-white light in the air, and Xu Jingzhe was like a horse-drawn sight. Behind him, there were countless limbs on both sides, and blood paved a "devil's" road for him.

The surroundings of him became an absolute taboo, and those who approached would die!

Xu Dayan let out a long breath, and the pressure on the defense team was instantly reduced. They deeply felt the gap between themselves and Xu Jingzhe.

"Assault team, harass the polluters, and bring the Qin family children together!"

"Qi Chao, you lead 500 assault teams to kill out and stabilize the chaotic defense line of the Qin family!"

"The deputy captain of the assault team, lead 500 people, and kill from the right wing. You don't need to chase the enemy, just cooperate with Qi Chao!"

The protective shield cracked a gap, and Qi Chao led 500 people out in a line. Five hundred people were dispatched in a unified manner, without any confusion, just like a sharp sword, fiercely stabbing into the chaotic crowd.

The strength of the five hundred people was not that strong, the highest was Qi Chao, and they would be cannon fodder among a group of polluters. But this cannon fodder led more cannon fodders to work together and use their strength together.


The protective shield cracked again, and the deputy captain of the assault team led five hundred people to kill from the right, close to the Dark Night Legion. Looking down from a high place, the Dark Night Legion seemed to have suddenly grown a wing. This wing was very flexible, moving back and forth with the legion as the point, sweeping out a semicircle.

Xu Jingzhe jumped up with a long sword in his hand. Several big guys were strong and thick-skinned, causing a lot of trouble for the assault team.


With a flash of cold light, the bodies of several big guys nearby were all separated, and they fell down with a bang, hitting the ground, splashing countless dust.

Xu Jingzhe didn't know how many polluters he had killed, he only knew to kill, kill, kill!

The sword fell.

Qin Keqing's dislocated arm had been healed, and she left the protective shield as she watched the Qin family battlefield gradually stabilize. Qin Shuai was not dead, but was saved by her.

Xu Jingzhe saw Qin Keqing and knew her intention. He turned back to the rock-solid army and said, "Heavy armor team, protect Miss Keqing, and allow the Qin family's children to get close to her!"

Thirty-six people, thirty-six armors, colorful.

As soon as the heavy armor team appeared, the breath of killing was stagnant, protecting Qin Keqing, and no polluter could get close.

Gradually, more and more children of the Qin family gathered, and the decline finally stopped. The broken dam's earth and rocks gathered together, and a new dam appeared again.



At this moment, a low horn sound suddenly sounded. Xu Jingzhe was stunned and turned back to look at the Dark Night Legion. Why did he suddenly blow the horn to retreat to the army without his own orders?

In the Dark Night Legion, a man stood tall on the mound, with his hands on his mouth, and the sound of the horn continued.

The first order of a soldier is to obey!

Apart from Xu Jingzhe's orders, the sound of the horn is the only order that everyone must obey! Xu Jingzhe swept with his sword, shattering dozens of skeletons. He walked drunkenly on the fairy girl, and was the first to return to the army.

Holding the bloody sword in his hand, he strode towards the temporary earthen platform and said with a cold face: "What happened? Why did the horn of retreat suddenly sound?!"

"Xia Kun, why are you blowing the trumpet?"

When Xia Kun saw Xu Jingzhe coming back, a look of relaxation appeared on his solemn face. He pulled Xu Jingzhe and pointed forward without saying a word.

Xu Jingzhe took a breath of air as he watched. Seven or eight miles ahead, zombie animals were gathering. They were standing neatly in rows, numbering at least tens of thousands.

Behind the zombie animals is an army of skeletons, holding white spears in their hands, ready to go!

He looked far away, through the crowd, and saw a man. The man has a tall and slender figure, especially a pair of blood-red eyes, which look like they are made of rubies, and are very distinctive.

The man seemed to be aware of it, his eyes burst out with a chill, and he smiled at Xu Jingzhe.


Xu Jingzhe’s first feeling was that he was an enemy no less powerful than the five Adam sons, and that he was a polluter! !

The horn was thick and low, and the Dark Night Army brought the Qin family's children back. After a brief period of confusion, the Qin family's children were unified behind them.

"Report, Boss Xu, fifty stormtroopers were seriously injured, one hundred and fifty were slightly injured, and there are no casualties yet." Qi Chao came to report.

Xu Jingzhe nodded and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and treat him as soon as possible. There will be a life and death battle soon."

Qi Chao was shocked and withdrew his fists: "Yes!"

As soon as Qi Chao left, Qin Keqing came up again. She wanted to thank Xu Jingzhe. His timely appearance not only saved the reputation of the Qin family, but also saved many of the Qin family's children.

Thousands of people rescued at least about 5,000 of the panicked disciples. In this battle, the Qin family suffered heavy losses. Of the 30,000 people on the battlefield, only about 5,000 were still alive.

"Thank you first." Xu Jingzhe smiled bitterly, pointed to the distance and said: "Look over there, someone is commanding the polluters. This battle is not going to be easy!"

Qin Keqing looked in the direction directed, and her heart that had just been relieved suddenly tightened again, and her delicate body was stiffer than the drawn bow.

There is no need to consider which one is more powerful, the led polluters or the chaotic polluters.

"You, can you hold on?" Qin Keqing asked tremblingly.

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