Chapter 444 Pilgrim

The song was ethereal and long, ‘flying’ in the mist, chanting softly. Xu Jingzhe looked alert, with the Tang sword lying flat on his legs, revealing half of its sharp crescent.

Behind him, a full moon was spinning silently, and the mist that enveloped him was shattered.

It was an ancient Western ballad, and Xu Jingzhe recognized it. The voice was like the ballad, full of seductive magic and unknown dangers.

The voice was also similar, with the charm of a Western woman.

The dim light hanging on the sea surface was getting brighter and brighter, which meant that it was getting closer and closer to Xu Jingzhe. Xu Jingzhe breathed slowly, and all the muscles in his body were tense.

He didn't think that at this point in time, Du Xing Chuan Shu was a weak person.

In fact, the light was still very dim, but it became very bright in Xu Jingzhe's field of vision. The Tang sword and the metal scabbard made a very low sound, cutting through the mist.

"Oh, are they pilgrims who sneaked in?" An old voice came, and the tender and ethereal singing stopped abruptly.

Two people?

Xu Jingzhe had already stood up, holding the Tang sword tightly in his right hand, and the thin metal scabbard was at his feet. The moon wheel rotated faster, but it was still silent.

Similarly, Xu Jingzhe also answered the question of the old divine voice silently.

The mist was still there, and his eyesight had not yet discovered what kind of boat the two people came on, or was it not a boat at all?

"Oh, I feel a cold murderous intent, which is even colder than the fog rising from the sea at night." The old voice grumbled dissatisfiedly and comforted: "Don't be afraid, my friend, are you a pilgrim?"

"No." It was simply cold.

"Oh? You are not a pilgrim, then why are you here? Aren't you going to Jerusalem?" The old voice complained: "Then this time it will be another trip in vain, what a miserable life." Xu Jingzhe could feel that the voice was very close to him, but there was still no boat.

He was holding his breath, ready to strike at any moment!

"Grandpa~ It's obvious that you wanted to go out to sea to catch mermaids, but you didn't catch any, so you came to the pier to take a look." The little girl's clean voice exposed the old man's background.

"Ahem... What nonsense are you talking about." The old man blushed in embarrassment, and the light floating on the sea suddenly dimmed. An old man and a young man in a small broken wooden boat suddenly appeared in front of Xu Jingzhe, only ten meters away.

"Hey, hey, hey, put away your terrifying long knife with a cold light. I can smell the stench of blood and ancient rust on the knife here." The old man jumped off the shabby boat with dissatisfaction, walked barefoot to the stern, hummed and hummed, and pushed the boat hard. The waves wet his clothes, but he didn't care. The little girl giggled on the boat, and a pair of deep blue pupils that were bluer than gems looked at Xu Jingzhe curiously.

Xu Jingzhe subconsciously put away the Tang knife, fearing that he would scare the little girl. For some reason, as soon as the little girl appeared, Xu Jingzhe felt relieved for no reason, and was sure that the other party was not a bad person.

He squatted down, looked down at the little girl, and looked at her kindly.

The deep blue pupils became even bluer, the outermost circle was like the summer sky, and the middle was the distant sea he saw during the day.

"What's your name?" The little girl asked, holding her cheek. She had already landed and sat next to Xu Jingzhe. Her bare feet seemed to be made of shells, white, kicking the sea water, splashing waves.

"Xu Jingzhe."

"My name is Xingxing."

"The twinkling stars in the sky."

"Stars, stars." The old man pretended to shout in anger. He bent over, holding a thick and long rope in his hand, circling around a big stone to fix the small broken boat: "Don't talk to strangers, what if he deceives you?"

"If you leave grandpa, grandpa will live alone for the rest of his life. Oh, poor old Arthur!"

"Grandpa worked so hard to violate the city rules of Jerusalem and exchange precious items with pious pilgrims, just to accumulate rich wealth for you to marry a man you like."

"I tell you, strange men are all poisonous snakes. They will coax you and take my cute and beautiful granddaughter away from Jerusalem. At that time, you are also pitiful, a poor little creature who has no real love for you."

The old man chattered and told.

Xu Jingzhe then moved his eyes away from the little girl's flaxen hair and looked at the old man quietly. The old man was only five meters away from him, and a strand of white hair danced in the wind, just like his nonsense.

He was very old, with wrinkles on his face and sparse eyebrows. It was hard to imagine that it was such an old man who took a little girl who looked only eight or nine years old from Jerusalem to the other side of the sea.

On the map, this sea area was very vast.

"Grandpa, your nonsense is like Okap in heat, barking non-stop in the dead of night, and you can't stop it." The little girl covered her ears, and her white jade-like feet kicked more happily, like two fish swimming intertwined with each other.

The old man showed his few yellow teeth, smiled at Xu Jingzhe, and shrugged. At this time, he had already fixed the boat and stepped on the sea water to come over: "Boy, you are not a pilgrim, why did you come to the platform?"

"Sure enough, a lot of words, like a rainstorm." Xu Jingzhe thought to himself, "I'm going to Jerusalem."

"Why don't you go to Jerusalem for pilgrimage?" The old man twitched his trough nose, which was one size larger than that of an ordinary person, and sat down next to Xu Jingzhe's other hand. He lowered his head and looked at the sheathed Tang sword, with greed in his eyes.

"What a beautiful pattern. Are the animals and plants living on the plains engraved on it?"

"Yes." Xu Jingzhe answered the old man's second question.

The old man had no ill will towards him, and Xu Jingzhe was willing to chat with him.

"It's really beautiful. This sword can be sold for a lot of gold coins in Jerusalem." The old man's wrinkled hands were a few centimeters above the Tang sword, and he wanted to touch it but was embarrassed.

"Grandpa, you talk too much nonsense." The little girl taught the old man a lesson with dissatisfaction.

"Hehehe..." The old man scratched his few white hairs: "You know, I've always been a chatterbox."

"Hey!" The old man's gray eyes rolled around: "Boy, you're going to Jerusalem, right?"

Xu Jingzhe crossed his arms, nodded, and put his feet into the cool sea again.

"I like your knife. Give it to me as your travel expenses, and I'll take you to Jerusalem." The old man did not hide his purpose. He tilted his head frankly, looked up from Xu Jingzhe's side, and opened his mouth in anticipation.

Xu Jingzhe did not look away and firmly refused: "No."

"I will find the port and take a fast cruise to Jerusalem."

"Hahaha..." The old man laughed loudly, and even the little girl on Xu Jingzhe's left hand covered her mouth and laughed secretly, her eyes were bright, like two blue moons, and like round little apples embedded in them.

"You, it seems, it seems that you are not a pilgrim, actually, actually, hahaha..." The old man kept slapping the wooden board under his buttocks: "You actually said such stupid things."

Xu Jingzhe pouted, not wanting to argue with an old man.

"It was also an old man who told me that there is a port here, and asked me to wait for the ship to enter the port here." Xu Jingzhe had a bag of gold coins in his hand like a magic trick, throwing them up and down.

The old man's sight shifted instantly, like a dog seeing shit, his gray-white eyeballs rolled around, abnormally fast.

Uncle Da said that Jerusalem is very likely to be a city-state that has not been polluted too much by the secular world, and they trade with silver and gold coins.

This bag of gold coins is enough to support Xu Jingzhe to find the woman.

"Forget it, forget it, this knife is indeed exquisitely made, but I can't play with knives. Otherwise, you pay me ten gold coins and I will take you to Jerusalem. Now, immediately, set off immediately."

"Then why don't you rob? Ten!" Xu Jingzhe despised.

"If I wasn't worried about not being able to beat you, I would have already started to rob you. Why would I bother you?" The old man said bluntly.

"Grandpa~" The little girl turned her head away, unable to bear to look directly at him.

"Then answer me a question first." Xu Jingzhe said. He didn't want to delay the afternoon. The aura of the holy book on his body continued to weaken. The sooner he arrived in Jerusalem, the sooner he would find the woman.

"Was this a port? If it was a port, why did it suddenly disappear?"

"But you have three questions." The old man shrugged.

"What's the difference between one and three for you? It's a very simple question. The difference between one gold coin and two gold coins is huge. At least, one gold coin can let you buy a brand new boat."

"The liar is the rutting Okap." The old man hit the snake with a stick.

Xu Jingzhe's head was full of black lines, and his silence was deafening.

The rutting Okap should be a cat, he thought.

"First, this used to be a port, a prosperous port." The old man turned and looked back: "Once, the mountain walls here were full of houses, all kinds of houses, and merchants and pilgrims from all over the world would come here."

"Second, thirty years ago, there was a war here, a terrible war that destroyed everything..."

"Later, someone came here and buried something under this beach. Since then, wealthy merchants have stopped coming here, leaving only pilgrims who come here for asceticism."

"Why is this the place where pilgrims come?" Xu Jingzhe asked again.

"Hey, do you want to be an Olap in heat?" The old man said angrily, with his hands on his hips, very dissatisfied with Xu Jingzhe: "Are you going to Jerusalem or not? It's late, we have to go back."

Xu Jingzhe took out a gold coin, shining and heavy, and handed it to the old man, saying: "One is enough."

"Swoosh." Xu Jingzhe felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the gold coin was tightly grasped in the hand of the old man, as if he was afraid that Xu Jingzhe would regret it: "Regret is an Olap in heat!"

Xu Jingzhe knew that he had given too much, a lot.

"Hehe..." Xingxing laughed happily, her long flaxen hair brushing against Xu Jingzhe's body: "My ribs hurt from laughing, Grandpa, you have been led astray by Cersei in the brothel. No, maybe it's Oday, or Keren... too many, you are such a bad grandpa."

"If Grandpa is not bad, no one will love him." The old man put away the gold coins, ran barefoot to the boat tied with the big stone, and called Xingxing and Xu Jingzhe: "Hurry, you can't sneak in later."

The faint yellow light lit up again, sweeping away layers of endless gray mist. The air was wet and salty. Xu Jingzhe was not sure whether the old man would lose his way in the thick mist and mistakenly go to the depths of the sea, but looking at the free Xingxing, he gave up his doubts.

A full ten minutes passed. Xu Jingzhe couldn't bear the old man's slow paddling and 'appreciated' the mist on the sea: "Grandpa Xingzhe, if you don't mind, let me row the boat."

"Hey, boy, are you dissatisfied with me, an old man, for rowing slowly?"

"I'm worried that you won't be able to return to Jerusalem before dawn." Xu Jingzhe responded.

"Hehehe..." The old man smiled, stopped what he was doing, and took out an old smoking gun from somewhere. The head of the gun was made of silver.

Two bright lights suddenly appeared in the star's blue eyes, and the flames were beating. The old man flicked the match in his hand, and the pink flame disappeared. His mouth sank deeply, and the silver gun tip flickered. After a while, he exhaled a thick smoke: "Why are you going to the Holy City? ?”

"You care what I'm doing there?"

"Of course." The old man and Xu Jingzhe sat face to face: "If you are a bad person and the law enforcers of the Holy City pursue you, my grandfather and grandson will be in trouble."

"Forget it about me being a bad old man. Look at the stars. She has a round and cute face like an apple. She can't bear the pain."

Xingxing saw Xu Jingzhe looking at her and nodded obediently.

After a minute of silence, Xu Jingzhe slowly uttered a few words: "My heart led me here."

"Oh?" The old man looked at Xu Jingzhe blankly, forgetting to smoke his old smoker.

This was the longest time Xu Jingzhe had been silent since she saw him. Xu Jingzhe was secretly happy that she could finally calm down and enjoy this lonely world.

"Wow!" the old man slapped his thigh and exclaimed: "If your long knife wasn't filled with the pungent smell of blood and decaying rust, I would have thought you were a philosopher."


The old man suddenly laughed and threw away the oar in his hand: "Stars, sing and go back to Jerusalem."

"Okay, Grandpa." Xingxing nodded in agreement. Five small but slender fingers brushed the dark blue sea. An ancient, mysterious and ethereal song escaped from her throat, like a mysterious bird deep in the forest. Noble bird.

"La la la la..."

The ethereal singing spreads far and wide...


Hearing the noise, Xu Jingzhe suddenly turned around and saw huge ripples on the calm sea surface, and a huge shadow appeared under the hazy water.

The old man seemed to be used to it, so he took out a match and lit the old smoker that he had put out because he forgot to smoke.

The dilapidated boat rushed towards the depths of the sea at this moment, so fast that Xu Jingzhe thought time had stood still, if it weren't for the cold sea breeze hitting his cheeks.

When the first ray of rosy sunshine appeared on the sea surface and split the gray-white mist as thick as a curtain, Xu Jingzhe raised his head and looked not far away.

There, a huge island stood alone. The island sparkled with sunlight, as if gold was sprinkled everywhere.

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