Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 446 Headless Statue (1/2)

Chapter 446 The Headless Statue

The stars burned in the night sky above, releasing thousands of clear and bright rays of light.

Every one of them was like this!

The rays of light from thousands, tens of thousands, millions, and hundreds of millions of stars intertwined with each other, smoother than velvet, and they fell together, covering the entire holy city of Jerusalem.

At this moment, Jerusalem was like a pearl floating in the depths of the deep sea, shining brightly.

Xu Jingzhe raised his head and saw a bright and brilliant Milky Way across the blue night sky, like a sharp Tang sword, huge and cold.

"Does the Milky Way in Jerusalem appear often?" Xu Jingzhe asked in a low voice, his heart was unusually calm, and he admired the shocking scene in front of him.

"It's hard to say, sometimes it's like this every night, and sometimes there are only a few lonely stars hanging in the sky in the west of the moon, which is really pitiful." Banlie answered seriously.

"Go to the Star Square." Xu Jingzhe asked Banlie to lead the way.

Banlie nodded quickly and trotted ahead to lead the way. When they left the house and went to the street, Xu Jingzhe realized that the number of people was several times that of the daytime. Both men and women were pious, silent, but quickly rushed in the same direction.

Xu Jingzhe and Banlie were caught up in the crowd. There was no need for Banlie to lead the way. They were led forward by the crowded crowd.

The stars were shining, and Jerusalem was as bright as day.

The stars in the sky descended, and the city on the ground led them. The two had a substantial connection.

Xu Jingzhe was once again shocked by this wonder. He felt that his soul was cleansed by the stars, and all the dirt on his body was eliminated. When he entered the city, he deliberately found some black and red berry juice that was difficult to wash off in the mountains and smeared it on his face to cover his handsome face.

At this moment, all these things disappeared, and Xu Jingzhe revealed his true appearance.

After walking for an hour, the crowd's pace slowed down. From a distance, he saw that it looked like the place where the sun was born.

Too dazzling, too bright!

It was a nearly substantial ray of light, falling from the sky, completely and without any leakage, "smashing" on the Star Square, which became the brightest and purest place in Jerusalem.

The pilgrims had already knelt down, lined up neatly, kowtowed devoutly, and chanted ancient scriptures.

The native residents of Jerusalem tried to get as close to the Star Light Field as possible, but they were very restrained and not crowded. They sat cross-legged on the ground, with their hands flat and raised upwards, and the falling starlight overflowed from their fingers, like a stream of water, washing their bodies.

"When the Milky Way crosses the sky, the starlight around the Star Light Field can cleanse the dirt and repair their damaged bodies." Ban Lie whispered in Xu Jingzhe's ear.

"Not only that, they can also draw sacred power from the starlight to take their archery skills to a higher level!"

"Sacred power?" Xu Jingzhe closed his eyes and carefully felt the starlight composed of countless light points, which was a little cold.

"Yes, don't you know, distinguished guest? You didn't come for it?" Banlie seemed very surprised.

Xu Jingzhe turned his head to look at him, and Banlie was surprised again, how could he be more beautiful than a woman's.

"We are all archers." Banlie explained: "Born."

"Hitting the target from a hundred steps away is a basic skill."

"Can an eight-year-old child do the same?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

Banlie smiled proudly: "You still underestimate Jerusalem. When we can walk, we can take a bow without anyone's guidance. We can shoot at the flies buzzing around the raw mutton from a hundred meters away without aiming."

Xu Jingzhe's eyes were full of shock: "Can you shoot arrows if you can walk?"

"Yes, distinguished guest, if I lied to you, I would not be able to give birth to offspring and inherit the excellent bloodline of the third best archer in Jerusalem." Banlie was even more proud.

"Is it... because of the starlight?" Xu Jingzhe raised his head again and looked at the shining galaxy in the sky. At this moment, humans were extremely small in front of it.

"Yes, it's because of the starlight, but it's the starlight of the galaxy in the sky. Look there." Banlie stood on tiptoe and pointed to a place. Xu Jingzhe looked in the direction of his finger, and his vision passed through the layers of dazzling starlight.

"He is Sagittarius, the father of the Holy City. Our archery skills are all given to us by him and the Milky Way when they shine."

At this moment, Xu Jingzhe thought of one of the six decisions that Tang Ruyi had said, the shooting decision!

When you are locked by the person who masters the shooting decision and he draws the bow, you don't need to struggle in vain. Yes, any struggle is futile and will only make you more afraid.

Because you can't avoid it, the shooting decision will definitely hit you.

Yes, it must!

"Wait, you just said that your archery skills are the third in Jerusalem?" Xu Jingzhe caught a sentence that Banlie said when he was so excited.

"Uh..." Banlie scratched his head, met Xu Jingzhe's clear eyes, and a fear rose in his heart: "It's just the third."

Banlie shrugged, looking helpless.

Everyone is the third among the sharpshooters, Xu Jingzhe can't imagine how high Banlie's shooting skills are.

"Look, the first group of people left, you come closer, many beautiful women are going home." Banlie suddenly reminded, interrupting the question that Xu Jingzhe was about to ask.

"Wait for me here." Xu Jingzhe stepped on the fairy drunken step, squeezed into the crowd like a loach, and quickly came to the front.

He carried a Tang sword on his back, and his figure was tall and straight, which instantly attracted the attention of many women.

Xu Jingzhe looked at them calmly, beautiful women with black skin, beautiful women with white skin, beautiful women with wheat skin...

Many women came over on their own initiative, and they were all coquettish and bold, and flirted with Xu Jingzhe, but they were all swept away by Xu Jingzhe's indifference as a sword.

This approach not only did not make these women sad, but more beautiful women came, laughing foolishly, making a jubilant noise, and a few women who were slightly younger and bolder, hugged Xu Jingzhe's arms and rubbed him with their own advantages.

Xu Jingzhe was unmoved and very disappointed.

Soon, Xu Jingzhe became the second "Star Light Field", surrounded by all kinds of women.

"Grandpa, why don't you let me go to find Brother Jingzhe." Xingxing rode on Old Arthur's neck, hugged his arms, and gnashed his silver teeth angrily.

She kept turning her head and looking back, trying to catch the figure surrounded by women. However, she was disappointed. The women were like bees swarming around the blooming flowers, buzzing non-stop.

"It's all your fault, my old baby." Xingxing plucked out the few white hairs on old Arthur's head as punishment.

Old Arthur laughed crazily, swaggering like a fat duck that was full and stuffed: "That boy is a bad guy. You see, when he met us, the dirt on his face was not washed off."

"Knowing that the Milky Way would cross the night sky tonight, he washed himself clean and white, and went to seduce beautiful women to spend a good night with him." Old Arthur sniffed: "It won't be long before all the women in the city will be attracted by his little face, and prostitutes will only do business with him when they open their doors."

"Humph! Damn boy."

"Yes, including me, I am also a woman from Jerusalem." Xingxing deliberately angered old Arthur.

"Humph, then let poor old Arthur tie your feet with chains." Old Arthur said playfully.

"Then you can't lock my heart. I just want to stay with Brother Jingzhe." Xingxing pulled out another white hair. Old Arthur shook his head and couldn't avoid it. He said with a stern face: "Grandpa is already a hairless old rooster."

"Then shave off Okap's hair and I'll weave a beautiful wig for you."

"No, it smells like urine..."

Xu Jingzhe couldn't resist the passionate local women after all, and fled in a hurry. When Banlie saw hundreds of women chasing him wantonly, he shouted excitedly.

"Dear guest, take them down, they will warm your bed voluntarily, you don't have to be responsible."

"Don't run, put them in order, we will go to one house a day, knock on their boudoir door in the dead of night, they are waiting for you naked, their blood is boiling, and the quilt is warm as spring!"

"Don't worry, they are not only good at shooting, but also good at bed, with strong thighs, slender and strong waists..."


At three o'clock in the morning, Ban Lie saw Xu Jingzhe with a cold face at home. He leaned against the wall, and the scabbard of the Tang sword was in close contact with the ground.

Ban Lie was startled: "Oh~ my dear guest, hundreds of people didn't take you down?"

He said flatteringly.

"Where should we go next?" After a pause, Xu Jingzhe said again: "Except for the Starlight Field and the brothel, where else will there be the most women?"

"Just tell me, I will go by myself." Xu Jingzhe's voice was a little stiff.

Banlie smiled, his teeth looked unusually white under his bronze skin. He put his hands together and said, "God bless you, distinguished guest."

"That place needs one gold coin."

"It's the lowest price, it can't be less than one gold coin."

Xu Jingzhe's mouth twitched. Old Arthur easily cheated him of a gold coin. When he was eating kebabs, he already knew the prices in Jerusalem. One gold coin was enough for a family of four to live a comfortable life for two years.

There was endless barbecue, endless wine, and beautiful maids serving every night.

"Tell me first, where I went and what I can get?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

"I swear to Sagittarius, if the things there are not precious, please take back my archery skills." Banlie looked at Xu Jingzhe with a warm look and swore sincerely.

A heavy gold coin drew a perfect arc in the air.

Bantie held it firmly in his palm, his strong body with naked upper body trembling slightly, he could not hide his excitement and said: "You are straightforward, I am sincere, the best cooperation."

Xu Jingzhe followed Bantie and walked on the quiet and deserted path, with tall palm trees on both sides of the road, rustling. The Milky Way has been swallowed by the blue sky, the stars are still shining, but they have lost their previous brilliance.

Sagittarius also disappeared, the sky is high and clear.

A very clean sky, a very clean, simple and wild place.

For no reason, Xu Jingzhe thought of the stars that were like the blue sky in summer.

"Stars." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know it.

The path was winding and narrow, and there were many yellow-brown stones piled up next to it, which were extremely hard. Xu Jingzhe gently brushed his palm, and the rough sand rubbed against his palm, making a crackling sound, like a crawling insect.

After passing through this rugged mountain road, there was a bush half a person high. After passing through the bush, there was a small and dense forest. Xu Jingzhe smelled the wet and salty smell of the sea water and heard the sound of the sea hitting the rocks.

It should be the other side of the sea.

"We call this forest the Black Forest. It occupies one quarter and one quarter of the area. Although it is not big compared to the whole Jerusalem, it is very dangerous inside. Various powerful beasts shuttle through it."

"So, at the beginning, no one would enter it except hunters who were begging for food. Of course, the hunters who entered it died without exception, and the death was tragic. I followed the large army to search in the daytime."

"It was during the search that I found it."

At the edge of the Black Forest, Banlie found some animal feces. He mixed it with wet mud and touched it on his body. While wiping it, he explained: "In this way, we will merge with the Black Forest, and animals will not smell our existence."

As he said, he walked towards Xu Jingzhe with a handful of sticky things in his hand.

Xu Jingzhe retreated quickly: "I can hide my breath."

"Don't blame me if something goes wrong. You can't take this gold coin back." Ban Lie looked at the Tang sword in Xu Jingzhe's hand with fear, and the scabbard was engraved with exquisite patterns.

"Remember, don't look back, I will always follow you." Xu Jingzhe said in a deep voice.

Ban Lie plunged into the Black Forest, familiar with the road. Xu Jingzhe performed the assassination technique and followed him.

Walking in the dark, Xu Jingzhe heard a low and heavy panting sound, and saw a black bear like a hill sleeping soundly. On its head was a huge beehive, dripping with sparkling honey. A poisonous snake as thick as an arm was entangled in the vines, spitting poisonous apricots from time to time, and its cold triangular eyes ignored everything.

Soon, Ban Lie stopped in front of a huge ancient tree. The ancient tree was lush and leafy, and the umbrella cover was like a small half of the green cloud, covering half of the sky.

Around this ancient tree, there is a headless statue!

It is impossible to tell what race he is, but he has strong arms. The sculptor has shown the characteristics of an archer very well. He holds a bow and arrow in his right hand, which is engraved with simple vine patterns. However, the bow and arrow are also half broken, and the bow string is missing. He stands here quietly, waiting for someone.

Because of the long time, many places of the milky white marble statue have cracked, and the cracks are filled with dust and dead leaves.

Xu Jingzhe showed up and slowly approached, and an ancient and sad atmosphere suddenly enveloped him.

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