Chapter 448 Judge

"Okay, as long as Rhea comes with me, this bag of gold coins will be yours." Xu Jingzhe simply threw the remaining half bag of gold coins on the table: "There are a total of 20 gold coins here, can you take Rhea away?"

The curly beard's eyes were shining, his hands were shaking, and his throat kept swallowing...

Just then, a team of law enforcers wearing silver armor and silver hollow masks walked outside the house, very handsome. There were three people in total, with exactly the same decorations and swords hanging around their waists.

"Oh, my God, dear law enforcers, come quickly, come quickly, these two men are discussing a dirty deal."

"They want to sell young, beautiful, honest and virgin girls to become prostitutes. Yes, they violated the women's wishes. See the glittering gold coins on the table, there are witnesses and evidence, get up, law enforcers!"

Old Arthur rushed out like crazy, shouting, holding two pieces of sausage in his hand.

The three law enforcers were startled, and they drew their swords at the same time and walked towards the shop together. The three tall bodies were like three iron towers, tightly blocking the way in front of the house. Old Arthur hunched in front of them, barely reaching their ribs, and it was very funny to pretend to be powerful.

"It is a serious crime to force a decent woman to become a prostitute. She will be stripped naked and whipped 999 times, then tied to a cross and paraded through the streets, and finally burned with fire. Run." Banlie said hurriedly and anxiously.

"I didn't force Rhea to become a prostitute. I fell in love with her at first sight and wanted to take her away from here." Xu Jingzhe explained.

"We all saw it." Banlie pointed at his eyes: "The curly beard is not a good thing. He has coveted Rhea's body for a long time, but Rhea is a virgin, so he has never dared to move. If you take possession of Rhea tonight, he will be able to take action in the future."

"Besides, you are an outsider, and the law enforcers must believe what old Arthur said. What's more, there are so many gold coins on the table!" Banlie spoke as fast as a dog running in the snow, watching the three tall bodies getting closer and closer, trembling with fear.

He turned his head and looked at Xu Jingzhe with a calm face. He almost wanted to jump up and hit him on the head, thinking that he was scared. He glared at old Arthur again. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He messed up his breakfast.

"Go to the Black Forest, where the law enforcers will not enter!" Banlie took a step back and stood in the shadow behind Xu Jingzhe.

On the wall behind, there was an ancient hard bow for decoration.

"Stand still and wait for the law enforcement trial!" One of the black-skinned law enforcers yelled loudly.

"Stand still and dare to disobey the will of the law enforcer, and you will be the enemy of the entire Holy City!" Old Arthur shouted triumphantly.

"Brother Jingzhe, run!"

Almost the moment when Old Arthur finished speaking, Xingxing jumped up, holding a wooden plate picked up from the ground. However, there was an orange-yellow light that was faster and almost stuck to the sword of the law enforcer.

The wooden plate was chopped into pieces by the leading law enforcer. After the man chopped it into pieces, he put away the sword and slapped Xingxing's belly with the smooth sword. As a result, Xingxing fell backwards to the ground, knocking a table and chair away. She leaned weakly on the fallen table and said in a delicate voice: "Brother Jingzhe, run."

After shouting this, she lowered her head and smiled happily, like a cunning fox.

"Meow!" The orange cat's claws randomly slapped the other two law enforcers, and the friction sound gave people goose bumps all over their bodies.

"Hey, hey, hey, law enforcers, look carefully at the people you want to catch, don't hurt my granddaughter." Old Arthur jumped to Xingxing and muttered something in a low voice.

Xu Jingzhe put away the gold coins on the table. He didn't want to be caught by the law enforcers. The Tang sword was unsheathed, and the store was flashing with cold light.




Three crisp collisions, and the three law enforcers flew backwards. Xu Jingzhe looked back at Xingxing to make sure she was okay, and then said fiercely to Juan Huzi: "When I see you next time, Rhea will be mine!"

The first ray of sunlight from the horizon sprinkled on Jerusalem, and the whole city exuded golden light. "Ding..." The ancient and melodious bronze bell rang, accelerating the awakening of the people who were still sleeping.

An ancient castle located in the center of Jerusalem became busy, with many people. Except for the friction of armor and footsteps, there was no other sound.

At this moment, the three law enforcers have taken off their helmets, holding them with their right arms, and their left hands on their chests. They kneel on one knee and hold their heads high: "Holy Judge, this outsider is very powerful, with an oriental face. His sword skills are extremely fast, as swift as a snake and as fast as a deer!"

"With such a fast speed, he has the same strength as a bear."

"He only used three moves for the three of us."

The empty and ancient hall, the floor paved with earth-yellow marble, and a chair in the middle of the long corridor. The chair is forged with steel, and behind the chair are swords that pierce the sky. The middle-aged man sits on the chair, noble and solemn, with a sapphire hanging on his chest and a cloak made of the most precious animal fur behind him.

His bright yellow eyes slowly turned, and he looked majestic without being angry. He turned the green wrench with his right thumb and said, "It's not that you are too weak, it's that he is too strong."

"That knife should be a Tang knife. People who use Tang knives as weapons are powerful and terrifying."

"Thank you, Judge Shengming!" The three of them lowered their heads at the same time.

The footsteps gradually rose, and more and more law enforcers appeared in the hall. They were wearing uniform armor and were tall and mighty.

Two law enforcers in golden armor stood in the front, their weapons were spears.

"Gray, Kenny, you two take 20 law enforcers and capture the oriental boy holding the Tang sword."

"To attack the law enforcers is to be my enemy and the enemy of the whole Jerusalem!"

The voice was cold and hard!

Gray and Kenny, each with 20 law enforcers, walked out of the hall together in neat steps, with heavy faces.

Oriental face? !

The two of them thought of an ancient legend that had been circulating in the Holy City for a long time, about that person! Yes, they are still enjoying the gift of that person!

The whole city is like this.

Xu Jingzhe returned to the Black Forest again, this time he was alone.

In front of him was the decapitated statue.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking at him quietly, Xu Jingzhe's restless heart gradually calmed down, breathing slowly and long. The moment he saw Rhea, Xu Jingzhe could feel the blood rushing up his brain, very impulsive, like a teenager of seventeen or eighteen who encountered exciting things, not doing everything in front of him rationally.

It was completely, completely driven by the blood, to do all this.

He tried to suppress it, but he failed.

"The terrible breath of the holy book." Xu Jingzhe murmured.

Banle said that the Black Forest Law Enforcer would not come, so he didn't have to worry about being disturbed, so he just went to sleep.

He would not miss the stars and the moon.

When the Milky Way crossed the sky at night, he could glimpse the secret of the sharpshooter. If it was really the shooting decision... Xu Jingzhe's heart was pounding, he must get it, just like Rhea.

After getting the shooting decision, he went to the shop to forcibly take Rhea away from the Holy City and return to the battlefield of Cangshui City as soon as possible.

The brothers there need him!

"Kill! Don't retreat, those who retreat will die!"

"Brothers, don't be afraid, they are just polluters, they are also afraid of death, they also have fear. We must muster up courage and overcome fear, we can't overcome fear!"

The shouts of killing shook the sky, and the corpses of Cangshui City were still accumulating, just like the falling snow in the north in winter, layer by layer, not melting, from the thickness of the instep to the calf, and from the calf to the knee, it has been increasing.

On the long battlefield like a snake, the battle line of each family was retreating. The polluters were no longer running around like mad dogs, but were led by the drums and hit wherever they were pointed.

Jiang Ye fired a shot, piercing more than a dozen polluters in a row, and the black gold dragon spear was stuck in the ground, and the tail kept shaking.

Pulling out the bloody black-gold spear, Jiang Ye turned his head and looked at the diverted team behind him: "Qin Shuai, supervise them to keep up. In the Dark Night Legion, there is no distinction between families, only captains and vice captains. Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed!"

"And whoever doesn't cooperate with the formation will be kicked out."

During the time when Xu Jingzhe was away, the Dark Night Legion could not withstand the pressure after all, and began to allow the "abandoned children" of major families to enter. Some are real abandoned children, some are fake abandoned children, and the real and fake are mixed in, and Jiang Ye and Tang Ruyi can hardly distinguish.

However, Qin Shuai was sent by Qin Keqing personally. Although Qin Keqing's combat effectiveness is not very good, her vision is still relatively long-term and unique. The Dark Night Legion became famous in one battle, and the underground base was surrounded by people. In addition, the major families exerted pressure openly and secretly, so they were forced to accept it.

With more people, the talents of the Dark Night Corps immediately seemed stretched. Qin Keqing took the initiative to recommend several talents of the Qin family to make them the backbone of the Dark Night Corps.

She did not ask Qin Shuai and others to "rebel" after they achieved something in the Dark Night Corps. She only hoped that one day, when the Qin family was in danger, Qin Shuai and others would have the power to speak in the Dark Night Corps and bring their subordinates to come in time.

With the relationship of Xu Jingzhe, Tang Ruyi and Jiang Ye turned a blind eye.

At first, many abandoned children of the family were still arrogant. After all, they used to have noble status and walked sideways. Looking at the two young faces of Jiang Ye and Tang Ruyi, they did not give face at all.

The two of them were also straightforward. There was only one word for those who were disobedient, kill!

Yes, kill!

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey! !

On the first day, more than 200 people were killed, and their heads were hung on the railings at the entrance of the temporary base, and sticky blood dripped all over the floor.

On the second day, there were fewer people who disobeyed orders, but there was no shortage of gossip behind their backs.

Kill, keep killing!

One hundred people were killed on the second day!

Fifty people were killed on the third day!

A total of 250 people were killed. In front of everyone, when Jiang Ye's black gold dragon spear cut off the last person's head, Jiang Ye said coldly: "Military orders are like mountains. Those who disobey will be killed!"

Since then, the people who joined later have been completely honest and trained according to the plan. There is no dissatisfaction with people who are weaker than them becoming captains, and they dare not go west when they are told to go east.

However, once they really go to the battlefield, some people show their true colors. This group of people not only greatly delayed the growth of the entire team, but also secretly squeezed out those who wanted to follow the Dark Night Legion. The squeezed out group of people fell under the hands of the polluter. The vacant candidates, the major families continued to take over, and so on and so forth, just like sifting a sieve, the sand left on the sieve must be larger than the sieve.

It's big, eye-catching and in the way.

These people's calculations were very good, except for the Qin family. Several members of the Qin family were arranged to serve as captains or deputy teams in different teams, secretly remembering the shameless behavior of these people.

After the battle, those people will disappear soon...

It's night, and the stars are as bright as water.

The Milky Way does not span the sky, so the entire Holy City must have been a lot darker yesterday. A rickety figure walked in the darkness, with a cold face and gray-white eyes that showed no sadness or joy.

He came to the ancient castle in the center of the Holy City and was familiar with the roads.

A tall and sturdy figure stood on the edge of the high city wall, his scarlet cloak flying in the wind. He held a long sword in both hands and looked at the various pedestrians on the street below.

"Here you come, old Arthur." said Daemon, the judge.

"Yeah." Old Arthur sneered: "Why, have you forgotten who your master is?"

"Call me by my name, your conscience is being eaten by dogs, you bastard!"

The cloak flew out. Its own weight and the force of the wind made it fall slowly, and there was no trace to be found. Finally, it hung on a tall and huge green palm tree, like a monster with teeth and claws.

A golden lightning flashed on the high city wall that had lasted for thousands of years. The lightning was dazzling under the bright starlight.

Lightning struck at old Arthur!

Old Arthur stood only about fifty meters away from the judge. He held his breath and concentrated, his rickety back straight, ready for this terrifying sword.

Breathe in, still as a rock.

Draw the bow!

Yes, old Arthur did not have a bow in his hand, but he made a gesture of drawing the bow.

"Quick!" Old Arthur said.

The golden lightning split crookedly and hit the old city wall, and a large piece of rubble rolled down, and white smoke flew everywhere.


Old Arthur once again opened his bow and shot an arrow. Daemon, who was charging forward with the broad golden holy sword at an angle, raised the sword in front of his chest with a serious expression. It was like he had collided with an invisible giant. Damon dragged him on the city wall. A trace hundreds of meters long was left.

In the end, the golden giant sword was inserted into the gap between the rocks, and he stopped.

Damon stood up, straightened his body, and mocked old Arthur: "It's not what it used to be!"

"And I will soon surpass you, poor last adjudicator."

Old Arthur coughed twice, and his sparse gray hair looked pitiful under the bright starlight: "It's a pity. I'm afraid that the day I lie in the coffin, I won't be able to understand the last move of the Archer, return to zero."

"Hahaha..." Damon laughed loudly: "Tell me, why are you looking for me as a judge?"

"The boy with the oriental face and the Tang sword is in the Black Forest." Old Arthur turned around and put his hands behind his back: "Catch him, don't hurt him, just let him stay in the dungeon for ten days."

"This is the second thing you have done for me!"

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