Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 45 Triangular Matrix vs. Ten Thousand Eight Thousand Rains

The speed of the ‘person’ was not fast, it could be said to be a constant speed.

Facing the six people, he was still so calm, the five golden flowers were both alert and excited.

Lu Xiaoxiao took out her gold-rimmed glasses, pushed her high nose bridge with her middle finger, and waved her hand, and the five people dispersed.

Ye Zi still matched with Di Lisi, using the terrain to hide herself.

Qiu Chan took the initiative to block in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, waving his hands.

A minute later, he retreated again.

Among them, only Ming Xixi did not make any movement.

If there was any... it was to retreat a few steps to the right rear.

With Lu Xiaoxiao and Qiu Chan, they formed a triangle.

Two minutes later, the person came closer, and Xu Jingzhe was able to see clearly.

He had goose bumps all over his body. The ‘person’ in front of him could not be called a ‘person’, it was more appropriate to say that he was a monster.

He was about two meters tall, and his body was covered with green scales. The green was not evenly distributed. Some places were dark green and almost black, and some places were light green like young buds just emerging from branches.

Like fish scales, they were covered layer by layer in a neat and regular manner. His eyes were blue-gray with a strange green tinge. His nose and mouth were still normal, and he should not have completely transformed into a beast.

Below were his arms and legs, which had completely transformed into beasts. His sharp claws were more than ten centimeters long, and they seemed to be able to cut the air when they moved casually.

His tail also swung a few times from time to time, rubbing against the hard ground, making a "da da" sound.

It was a bit like the legendary lizard man.

For some reason, Xu Jingzhe felt a trace of pity in his heart.

He should have been the same as him at the beginning.

He was a real person.

A mouth, a nose, a pair of eyes and ears.

They were the same kind!

"Hiss..." This person was obviously laughing, and the sound he made was not "giggle" or "haha" or "hehe", but the sound made by a beast.

"Humans...delicious humans."

"Flesh...flesh, I want to eat."

Instantly, his blue-gray eyes turned blood red, and his eye sockets seemed to be filled with blood.

He rushed up with his tail swinging, the earth shook, and the dust flew, just like an indestructible armored vehicle, which could easily smash a small mountain.

If this huge impact force hit the soft bodies of the three people, it would definitely be bloody.

"Boom!" A loud noise exploded in Xu Jingzhe's ears, making his eardrums buzz and his head dizzy.

Shaking his head, he retreated dozens of meters and opened his mouth in surprise.

That...lizard man.

The beast-like claws were holding his head and spinning in circles, unable to stand steadily, staggering from side to side, with several golden stars on his head.

On the other hand, the three people were motionless, but their faces were slightly less bloody.


The lizardman roared and opened his bloody mouth. The tongue in his mouth was very long, one meter long. The front end of the bright red tongue forked into two small tongues, which kept shaking.

It dug the ground with its right hind leg, and the soil splashed.

With a sudden force, it hit the three people again.

This time, Xu Jingzhe saw it clearly.

The lizardman seemed to hit an invisible transparent wall three meters away from Lu Xiaoxiao, who was in the front. The huge recoil made his head dizzy.

The bodies of the three people trembled at the same time, and then stood straight in an instant.

"The triangle matrix between three meters and eight meters-the ghost wall effect is invalid."

"The reaction force within three meters is obvious, tighten it up!" Lu Xiaoxiao shouted.

The three people moved inward several meters at the same time. It was a large equilateral triangle before, and now it is a small equilateral triangle.

Once, twice, three times.

The lizardman did not give up, and the scales on his body stood up.

On this land, the roar continued and was deafening.

After another collision, a few scales fell off, and a few spots of scarlet fell.

Dazzlingly bright.

Xu Jingzhe did not dare to delay, and knocked open the stone to eat the soft fluid inside.

After the last transformation of β-1 bacteria in his body, the energy capacity of cells was ten times that of before, so the soft fluids he picked up could be eaten into his stomach, absorbed by the system, and converted into energy and stored in the body.

By the way, it can also strengthen his bone hardness.

"Swoosh!" A golden bullet, shining in the sun, disappeared in an instant.

"Puff!" With a sound, the bullet accurately hit the place where the lizardman's scales fell off and drilled into the body.

The piercing pain made it roar, its eyes became more blood red, its long tongue stirred in the air, and its saliva flew everywhere.

"Boss, I'll do it." Qiu Chan seized the opportunity and changed his position.

Standing in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, he raised his right hand above his head with five fingers spread out.

Then, he made a downward pull.

Suddenly, silver light flashed around the lizardman, and silver threads appeared out of thin air, tightly strangling him.

Wanting to cut him into countless pieces.

Of course, this was not a thought, Qiu Chan did it. Hundreds of silver threads wanted to cut through the lizardman's hard scales and cut into the flesh, so they were stretched straight and seemed to be about to break at any time.

"Roar... Roar..."


The lizardman struggled, resisted, and twisted. The scales and silver threads made a harsh sound, just like the sound made by someone who just learned to play the erhu. Xu Jingzhe shuddered and almost vomited the soft fluid he had just eaten.

This special sound can be regarded as a sonic attack.

"Shoot its eyes, eyes are its weakest point!" Qiu Chan said anxiously to the headset. Her slender five fingers began to turn blue due to excessive force, and the degree of the five fingers gathered together became larger and larger, and she was about to collapse.

Obviously, this polluter with more than ten years of experience is not an ordinary polluter, but an 'elite'.

The gunshot, because of the twisting of the head, missed the target and hit the scales on the lizard man's head, causing several pieces to fly away and sparks to splash.

"Hiss..." The lizard man felt pain and raised his head to the sky.

The power in his body finally broke out.


The first silver thread broke, cutting the stone on the ground, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

It was like a domino. If the first piece fell, the entire domino would fall.

The silver thread was no exception.


"Zheng!" "Zheng!"

However, the speed at which it broke was more rapid than the collapse of dominoes.

Fortunately, Qiu Chan dodged in time, and the silver silk thread that bounced over cut across her towering chest.

Then, the clothes made of refined silk were cut open, revealing part of the black lace bra, which was extremely sexy.

"Come back!" Lu Xiaoxiao shouted in a low voice.

This polluter who was more than ten years old was many times stronger than the ones they had encountered before.

Qiu Chan stood back to the original position, and the triangular matrix was retriggered.

"Ten... one hundred thousand... eight thousand... rain!"

Almost at this moment, the scales all over the sky came like rain, each of which was extremely sharp, emitting a faint cold light, and cut across.





The sound was really noisy and chaotic, with large and small beads falling on a jade plate.

The 'transparent wall' three meters away was densely packed with scales.


A high-speed rotating scale broke through the reaction force defense and almost brushed Lu Xiaoxiao's cheek.

A strand of long hair slowly fell.

And then... a wound about five centimeters long, as thin as a needle and thread.

Blood was coagulating, and slowly slid down her beautiful and wonderful side face...

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