Before dawn, Vladimir brought Xu Jingzhe to his residence.

On the way, the two exchanged names, which meant that they knew each other.

Not far away, an old wooden church stood there, with a European-style building shape. Most of the stickers on the blue windows had fallen off, and several windows were broken. When the wind blew, it made a humming sound. On the top was a cross, which was eroded by the years and was crumbling.

"This is the residence of the noble Duke Vladimir!" Vladimir stood up, one hand in front and the other in the back, making a gesture of invitation, polite and courteous, and the temperament of the aristocracy was self-evident.

It must be said that his deep eyes, high nose bridge, tough lines and almost sickly pale face did bring a sense of nobility.

"Your residence should not be the kind of castle on the edge of the cliff, why is it so shabby?" Xu Jingzhe said sarcastically.

Vladimir's body stiffened, thinking of something, and said stubbornly: "Nobility is the purity of blood. Not all vampires living in castles are called nobles."


As the wooden door was slowly pushed open, a smell of decay and decay came to the face, and the turbid air was choking.

Inside the church, it was mottled, and the decorative paintings on the wall had fallen off in a large area, and the color was almost gone. The candlesticks on the wall were lit with a few candles, emitting a faint light.

Because of the wind brought out by the door, a few small flames jumped, and it felt like they would go out at any time.

Under the candlesticks, there were two rows of wooden long chairs, arranged at equal distances, with a thick layer of dust on them.

"Where are the things?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

"I'll get them for you." Vladimir said, and came to a coffin.

The coffin had a strange shape, like a big box, covered with decorative paintings and silver rivets.

Xu Jingzhe leaned over and looked inside. There were many gold bowls, gold rings, and gold daggers flashing charming luster from time to time.

"Hua La La..."

Vladimir took out the things in the coffin, lifted the bottom board, and revealed a dark hole.

"The bones of the wolf king are very important. I buried them in the church. Do you want to go down with me?"

Xu Jingzhe shook his head. He was only interested in the bones of the wolf king. There was no need to risk his life.

Who knows what this vampire is up to!

After a while, Vladimir came out from underground and opened the bones of the wolf king wrapped in the parchment roll, with a face full of pain.

The bones of the wolf king!

It witnessed the glory of their Vladimir family and is a witness to history.

On the parchment roll, a white bone wolf claw lay quietly, and time did not erode it.

The surface is as white as jade, with a faint luster like jade. If you look at it from a different angle, you can vaguely see purple spots.

Xu Jingzhe squatted down, his eyes shining. In his eyes, this is not the bones of the wolf king.

It is a piece of contaminated core, a life-saving medicine.

He took it in his hand, felt the touch was warm, weighed it, and asked: "Is this the bone of the Wolf King?"

"Of course."

"How do you prove that it is the bone of the Wolf King?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

Vladimir's eyes were full of hidden smiles, and he answered irrelevantly: "Whether it is the bone of the Wolf King, we will know in a while?"

Xu Jingzhe was alert and asked: "What do you mean by this?"

"Hehe..." Vladimir smiled elegantly, and took out a goblet and a glass of red wine from somewhere.

With a flick of his middle finger, the wine glass made a crisp sound and responded.

He poured himself a little red wine along the wall of the glass. The red wine was as red as blood. Under the shaking of his wrist, it slowly rotated along the wall of the glass.

He lowered his head slightly, took a deep breath with his nose facing the wine glass, and his face was intoxicated.

"The bones of the wolf king cannot be touched directly with the skin."

"The moment you touched it, the wolf-transforming parvovirus had already 'invaded' your cell shell, and separated from its own capsid and began to replicate in large quantities."

"You...will soon become wolf-transformed. The wolf-transforming bacteria and virus are so powerful that your body cannot bear it at all."

"You will...die miserably!"

After Vladimir finished speaking, Xu Jingzhe's body began to mutate.

Accompanied by violent tremors in his body, he felt itchy all over. This itching from the inside out made him struggle painfully, and his hands kept scratching.

Blood marks appeared on his skin one by one, and blood beads emerged.

Immediately afterwards, gray wolf hair began to grow on his body, starting from the chest and quickly spreading to the limbs of the body. At the same time, bone growth appeared in his hands and feet, squeezing out the original fingernails and toenails, and hook-shaped toenails appeared. The new sharp and sharp nails were ten centimeters long!

The sharp hooks flashed with cold light, which made people shudder.

Vladimir supported himself on the side of the coffin with one hand, tasting the homemade red wine and appreciating the scene in front of him.

Wolf transformation, I haven't seen it for a long time.

Watching the werewolf die painfully in front of him, he felt indescribably comfortable.

Xu Jingzhe smashed a chair, raised his head suddenly, and his eyes were terrifying. The shape of his eyes became a long and thin triangle, and the iris and cornea began to expand, almost occupying the entire eyeball.


The wolf's tail grew from the coccyx, and the pelvis became larger and wider, allowing him to walk upright.

"Ah... Roar..."

The roaring sound was mixed with the sound of the wolf, and it spread far and wide.

"Death is not painful, but the fear before death is painful. You are lucky to be infected by the bacteria and virus of the wolf king's bones and become a wolf."

"I look forward to you becoming a werewolf completely, and then...kill yourself."

Vladimir held a goblet and danced a lonely waltz alone.


In a deep mountain hundreds of miles away, as the sun rose, seven or eight people appeared in a mountain stream.

There were men and women, and they were not wearing much.

The man was strong and heroic, with bronze skin and obvious eight abdominal muscles.

The woman was seductive and sexy, with strong muscle lines on her thighs, which could be seen as the result of regular exercise.

One of them stood up his ears and made a gesture to silence the others.

"I heard the call of the werewolf." He said.

The howling of the werewolf can usually be heard dozens or hundreds of miles away, which is the limit distance that ordinary people can hear.

But the werewolves with racial advantages have a keen sense of smell and unusual hearing. They are especially sensitive to wolf howls and can capture sounds hundreds of miles away.

Then, he jumped onto a branch several tens of meters high, as agile as a monkey, and after a few more jumps, he reached the top of the tree.

His ears moved slightly to make sure he had heard correctly.

Painful howling!



He howled in response.

He jumped down from a tree hundreds of meters high, and his body changed as he jumped down. When he landed, he had become a ferocious wolf, with green pupils that were breathtaking.

He was seven or eight meters long and two meters tall, like a large motorcycle!

Among the remaining people, three followed, jumped up from the ground, and pounced forward, all turning into hungry wolves.

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