Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 8 Fighting zombies with ease

System: "Ding, are you hungry?"


System: "Go?"


System: "Ding, I'll take you to find something to eat."

"But Zhang Manyue told me to stay here honestly." Xu Jingzhe said.

System: "Ding, are you hanging out with her?"

"It's not can't be done."

System: "Ding, hehe... Man, wouldn't it be nice to rely on your own fists to make a living?"

"There's no such thing as soft rice."

System: "Ding, but have you ever thought that you can't eat the food Zhang Manyue brought back?"

Xu Jingzhe said: "..."


Why am I always being manipulated by this dog system!

System: "Ding, you are scolding me."


System: "You do."

"You are a roundworm in my stomach. Did I tell you?"

System: "Yes."

"But it's so high, how can I get down?" Xu Jingzhe changed the subject, not wanting to waste time on this boring argument.

System: "Ding, climb down."

"What if I fall to death?"

System: "Ding, life and death are in your own hands."

"Are you going to change your appearance?"

System: "Of course."

Xu Jingzhe gritted his teeth. He had worn this mask enough. He wanted to live an upright life.

I changed into new clothes and a new mask from my backpack, and my chest seemed to be a little inflamed.

After climbing over the collapsed wall, Xu Jingzhe stepped on the bricks with one foot and moved to the next floor.

He didn't dare to look down. It was too scary. If he stepped on the air, he would fall and become a meat pie.


Two floors.

Three floors.


After descending to the sixth floor, Xu Jingzhe felt that his arms were sore and he could not use any strength. He held the edge of the broken window sill with both hands, stepped on a brick with both feet, and took a deep breath to keep his balance.

System: "Ding, why don't you take the stairs?"

"You! Why didn't you tell me earlier!!"

System: "Ding, you didn't ask me either. Besides, I'm going to tell you a shortcut now, why don't you thank me?"

Damn it!

Xu Jingzhe was about to be pissed to death. He entered the room through the window, and sure enough he found a broken cement staircase that extended down to the first floor.

He was a little depressed because Zhang Manyue couldn't walk up the stairs, so he had to parkour.

She had misled herself.

When I came downstairs, I stepped on the ground with my feet, and a sense of solidity came to my heart.

"Where to find food?"

System: "Ding, the most linear and three-dimensional human facial feature is the nose. Your nose is lying on your face like a dung beetle, so naturally it doesn't look good."

"The nose is composed of bones and soft tissues. The bone component is 70% minerals, 22% organic substances, and the remaining 8% is water."

"Look for a mountain first. The mountain has the most minerals. Maybe you can find something you can eat."

Xu Jingzhe left the ruined high-rise building and came to the open space. To the west, he could vaguely see the outline of the mountain, but he didn't know the distance.

"Are you sure you really want to leave? I want to live a few more days."

Xu Jingzhe thought of the zombie dog she met yesterday and felt worried.

System: "Ding, love is gone or not."

Xu Jingzhe walked quickly towards the mountains.

On the way, he saw more things in the polluted area.

Palm-sized caterpillars with colorful spikes squirmed on the black tree trunks, leaving a transparent trail wherever they crawled, and soon attracted flies as big as fingernails.

On the branch, a spider as big as a basin was spinning a web. The silk was glowing black, but the silk was thicker than a little finger.

"Zhizhi..." A group of rats as big as bicycles crawled past. When they saw Xu Jingzhe, they stood up, looked at him with their yellow pupils, sniffed the air for a long time, and then left.

The two mice at the end still held half a rotten snake in their paws.


The further Xu Jingzhe walked, the more frightened she became. The only way to survive in the polluted area was to become stronger.

"Hey, what's the sound?" Xu Jingzhe stopped, raised his ears and listened carefully.

Behind him, there were faint sounds of 'hungry' and 'hungry'.

It's just that every time I feel hungry, my bowel movements are very long.

"Hungry..." "Hungry..."

He turned around and looked, scared to death.


The living zombies look exactly like the ones in the movie.

Sure enough, art comes from life and is higher than life.

Three zombies, with different shapes. But the same thing is that their faces and bodies have long been rotted into disfigurement, and their teeth are exposed. One eyeball was dragged down and dropped to the edge of the mouth, one had a broken arm, and most of the head was cut off, leaving his mind empty.

The last one was the most outrageous. There was just a layer of skin connected to its neck and head. It was jerky when walking and its head was jerky, as if it had a bug.



Xu Jingzhe is about to cry but has no tears. You are hungry, and so is he.

The road is facing the sky, can't everyone go to one side?

Without hesitation, Xu Jingzhe turned around and ran away, looking back while running.

Five minutes later, Xu Jingzhe left and returned.

He discovered one thing, zombie humans and zombie dogs are different.

Lost humans walk very slowly, with the soles of their feet dragging the ground and limping. They can only walk up to fifty meters in a minute.

Therefore, Xu Jingzhe, who was very curious, came back again, holding a stone in his hand.

After throwing it in his hand, Xu Jingzhe smashed it towards one of the zombies. "Bang!" With a sound, the stone hit the zombie's empty eye socket.

The zombie didn't feel anything and continued to walk slowly.

He made a sound of "hungry..." "hungry..." in his mouth.

"Hehe..." It felt very relaxing and the pressure in his heart was released.

Xu Jingzhe picked up a lot of stones on a slope and piled them together. He moved a big stone and sat on it.

"What a pity, it's almost there. If I could have a glass of iced Kola and a piece of fried chicken at this time, I could eat and drink while fighting zombies. This would be fun~"


"Hit it!"

"Yeah, hit it again."

"Oh, three points! Hit the chest."

"Hey, it's so slow and I didn't hit it. I need to practice more."

After smashing the first wave of small stones, Xu Jingzhe relaxed physically and mentally. He stood up and jumped, stretched his waist, and made a lewd sound of "um~".

Xu Jingzhe, who was in a playful mood, didn't know that danger was approaching quietly.

He picked up another twenty or so stones and lined them up.

Xu Jingzhe retreated to a distance, took a run-up, and kicked!

The small stone was spinning rapidly under his feet, hitting the zombie in the face.

"Fuck, I would definitely score a goal if I put this kick in the World Cup!"

"Then the value will soar, sea cucumbers, wives, big villas, nothing less."



Twenty stones, all hit the zombie's forehead.

Xu Jingzhe was sweating profusely while playing, and he was a little puzzled. Playing football shouldn't be difficult.

Such a big frame, such a small football.

Why couldn't a country with more than one billion people get together thirteen people to play football a hundred years ago?

Strange, strange.

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