Ye Zi and Dilisi retreated to the door. Ye Zi took out the black soil and seeds, muttering something.

Then, he buried the seeds in the soil.

Roots sprouted, leaves of various shapes grew, and a greenness enveloped the two of them, isolating them from outside observation.

Dilisi set up a sniper and aimed.

98K shot the robot's head with one shot. Unfortunately, ordinary bullets could not penetrate it at all, leaving only a white dot.

"Ye Zi, little enchanter!" Dilisi said.

Ye Zi took the copper bullet handed by Dilisi and placed it in the palm of his hand. A second later, a thin layer of silver film was coated on the surface of the copper bullet.

Load, pull the bolt, aim.



This time, the bullet penetrated the chest of the simulated robot, leaving a small hole in his chest that was transparent from front to back.

In the small hole, sparks came out of the moving parts, but the robot did not fall down and was still in battle.

Dilisi and Ye Zi frowned at the same time and continued to enchant bullets to shoot.

The whole room was in chaos, bullets flew everywhere, leaving whistling sounds in the air. Several people were targeted by the robots and could not dodge at all.

Qiu Chan was bold and careful, as light as a swallow, dodging the bullets and going behind the nearest robot.

She hugged his head with both hands and threw him on his back, making a loud "bang".

Then, she cried out and used all her strength to pull out the robot's head. At the broken part, the wires sparked and made a sizzling sound.

"Be careful!"

Lu Xiaoxiao was sharp-eyed, jumped up from a metal platform, pounced on Qiu Chan, hugged her and rolled to the corner, and a green laser beam swept across, and the alloy metal platform was split in two.

There was a wisp of white smoke.

"Hiss..." Qiu Chan took a breath of cold air.

What a terrifying laser beam!

Zhou Bo grabbed Liu Xiao's collar, his eyes bloodshot, and shouted loudly: "Can you enter the system now and shut down the robot program!?"

Just now, he was shot in the arm while protecting Liu Xiao, and blood was flowing.

Now his arm is slightly numb and he can't use strength.

"I, I don't know either." Liu Xiao was frightened and his legs went weak, and he cried in his voice: "This programming is too complicated..."


The green laser swept across the scalps of the two people, and the hair in the middle instantly disappeared, becoming a Mediterranean hairstyle. The two people were so scared that they shrank their necks at the same time, and they pressed tightly against the bottom of the alloy table, not daring to breathe.

"Fuck!" Zhou Bo cursed, stuck out half of his head to look, and felt a chill on his head.

The few people who came in with him, except Guan Lu and Liu Xiao, were already dead. Their bodies were cut into several pieces by the green laser, and their intestines were scattered all over the floor, which was disgusting.

"Guan Lu, go and smash the door, I'll cover you!"


Guan Lu turned into the Hulk, with great strength. He resisted the bullets that shot into his skin and ran to the glass door.

Zhou Bo crawled and rolled, standing behind Guan Lu with his hands crossed.

He shouted: "Shield!"

With Zhou Bo's hands as the center of the circle, the air rippled and a huge circular shield appeared.

A yellow five-pointed star was drawn in the middle.

The bullets shot at it, making a ding-dong sound. For a moment, it actually blocked the dense bullets.

"Hurry up!" Zhou Bo shouted in pain. These bullets were not like ordinary bullets on the blue planet. They hit it and quickly consumed the energy in his body.



Guan Lu smashed the glass door hard, making a loud noise. The glass door, which was made of some unknown material, did not move at all, without even a crack.

At the same time, Xu Jingzhe had already arrived at the bottom of the tallest building.

He looked up, and his heart trembled, as if he had thought of something.

Standing in the distance, this city gradually decreases from the highest building. The outermost building has only one floor, which is the most. The buildings a little further in are two or three floors. The higher the floors, the fewer the number.

Isn't this a perfect pyramid shape? !

Moreover, he went into rooms of different heights several times. The higher the floor, the bigger and more gorgeous the room.

The higher the technological content inside.

This is a city with a very clear level division. The person at the top of the pyramid should be the manager of this city.

He was very curious about what kind of technology would be in this tallest building?

It surpassed the current 0.93 level civilization of Blue Star!

Entering the first floor, it was empty. There was nothing except a beautiful reception desk.

There were five elevators on each side of the reception desk 50 meters away. On the right side of the elevator, there was a spiral staircase to go upstairs.

Xu Jingzhe thought about it and chose to take the stairs. He didn't know which floor Ye Zi and the others were on, so taking the stairs was the most suitable.

The stairs went up to the second floor, and there was a large space in front of him. Facing the east was a glass door with a metal nameplate on it that said "gym". Through the glass door, the scene on the second floor could be seen clearly.

The door was open, and Xu Jingzhe entered and took a quick look.

There were many types of gyms. He saw several such as weight rooms, weightlessness rooms, gun training, motorcycle training, brain and mental training, etc., which were completely different from the ordinary gyms he knew.

After a rough look, Xu Jingzhe lifted his legs and went up to the third floor.

His pupils contracted violently, and the scene in front of him made his scalp numb!

There were countless robots, bullets were fired randomly, green laser beams were swept from time to time, and several agile figures shuttled through them. Who else could it be but Lu Xiaoxiao and the others!

There was also a 3-4 meter tall Hulk, holding a fist bigger than a washbasin, smashing the glass door.

The movements and expressions were a bit funny.

It was just that the sound insulation was too good. Even though it was so close, no sound could be heard.

"People, people, there are people outside!"

Guan Lu seemed to have seen a savior, and he shouted while hammering.

Xu Jingzhe rushed forward, accumulated strength, and swung his fist.

He punched the glass door hard.



The huge force rebounded, and even his palms couldn't bear it, and they were numb.

I don't know what kind of glass this door is made of, it's indestructible!

"Crack, crack!"

Zhou Bo's face was heavy, his arms were shaking, there were too many bullets, too dense, and they kept shooting.

No matter how thick the shield was, it couldn't stop it!

It had begun to crack!

His eyes were filled with regret. For the so-called treasure, he was so greedy that he was only willing to cooperate with people whose strength was not much different from his. When he encountered danger, no one stood up.

Lu Xiaoxiao swung her ponytail, did a few backflips, and pressed down on the robot's shoulders from top to bottom with one knee. The robot bent its knees and fell to the ground with great force.

She fell backwards to the ground instantly. Almost at the same time, a green light flashed, and the robot that was pressed to the ground by her was split into two.

However, the green light still rubbed her right shoulder. The protective effect of the special clothes was almost zero, and a large piece of flesh was cut off.

She almost fainted from the pain!

Then, the second green light shot towards her again. In her current state, she couldn't avoid it at all.

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