The room is not big and a little cramped, but it is clean and tidy, and it smells good like a girl.

"You are incredible. It must be the elites of the Wang family who are sent out." Sister Qiu patted her towering chest to ease the energy consumption caused by walking through the wall.

"Then you still dare to save me?" Xu Jingzhe asked with raised eyebrows.

"Hey." Sister Qiu slapped Xu Jingzhe on the shoulder with a strong force, and said: "We are all from a prosperous family. We are one family, and we have fun fighting against the big families in Huhe District."

"Thank you." Xu Jingzhe thanked him.

"You're welcome. The place is small. You can sit wherever you want. Land in Sioux City is expensive and housing prices are high. I really can't afford it."

Xu Jingzhe moved a chair and sat down, and asked: "Can you tell me more about the Wang family? I have a bad relationship with them, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to get along with them."

"What kind of Liangzi do you want to talk about first?"

"I killed someone, a combat training personnel from Adam City, probably on the Wang family's territory."

Sister Qiu's eyes widened, she was very surprised, she gave a thumbs up and said: "You are so strong!"

"The high-level officials of Adam City and Nuwa City have been having constant friction. They have been trying to find excuses to hit Nuwa City hard, and this is what happened. No wonder the Wang family is going to war."

"It's really hard to be kind." Sister Qiu fanned herself and said, "I regret saving you. What do you think I should do? How can you repay me tonight?"

"Actually... I can escape myself." Xu Jingzhe whispered.

"Hey, I have this figure and this appearance, but you still don't like it?"

"That's not what I mean." Xu Jingzhe changed the subject and asked proactively: "Then do you know the Ye family?"

"Ye family? Nancheng Ye family?"

"Why are you asking this? Are you a member of the Ye family who committed a crime and fled to Sioux City?"

Xu Jingzhe looked at Sister Qiu seriously now. Her facial features were not ugly, but rather exquisite. She knew so many big families and was not afraid of the Wang family. She must have real abilities.

"Can you think of a way to get me to Nancheng? I want to go to Ye's house," he said.

"That won't work. If you run to Nancheng at this time, you won't cause trouble for the Ye family."

"The top priority is to find someone to hug you. Firstly, you need to prove your strength. Secondly, you need to find out the conflicts that occurred between you and the five combatants. The fault lies with them."

"Let me think about it."

Half a minute later, Sister Qiu slapped her head and said, "By the way, the Li family and the Wang family in Su City are bitter rivals. The two families have been secretly competing for many years. I will help you connect and prove that it is not your problem."

"Then the Wang family will definitely suffer a big loss!"

Xu Jingzhe looked at Sister Qiu and said, "Are you bad at dealing with the Wang family?"

"No, no, we red households don't have to deal with anyone. We will deal with whoever gives us money."

"Then how dare the Li family use me?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

Sister Qiu blinked her eyes, as if looking at a fool, and said suspiciously: "Are you really from the Chemical Industry District? If the technology in the Chemical Industry District were not advanced, I would have suspected that you came here by 'smuggling'."

"Every major family has a bunch of invisible killers, all of them are from famous families, and they serve them with delicious food and drinks. When they don't deal with anyone, these people will take advantage of them, you understand."

Xu Jingzhe nodded. The world in the Chemical Combination Zone was far more complicated than he knew.

It's not as peaceful as on TV.

There was only one room in the house, but Sister Qiu didn't care. She stripped naked and went to sleep in front of Xu Jingzhe, and motioned for him to come up and join her.

Xu Jingzhe sat on a chair and meditated all night.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the ball girl disappeared and didn't come back until noon.

"It's terrible. Su City is in a storm. The Wang family has directly issued a reward order. I'm afraid there are many people on the road looking for you."

"You are quite valuable. You just took a 30-year-old contaminated core, a secondary alloy, and the Wang family entertainment venue, and you can spend it as you like for a year."

"Tsk, tsk, my heart is moved when I see it."

Xu Jingzhe looked at her and said, "Then you won't hand me over?"

Sister Qiu grabbed Xu Jingzhe's arm and teased: "Who told you to be so handsome? If you go to bed with me, Sister Qiu is willing to go through fire and water for you."

"Don't bother me." Xu Jingzhe broke away and said, "Is anyone from the Li family here?"

"Of course, your football sister is going to take action. One is worth two. She is waiting at the door."

After exiting the alley, a black business car was parked at the door. Next to the business car, stood a man with short hair, a black suit, and the appearance of a bodyguard.

He made a gesture of invitation.

Xu Jingzhe and Sister Qiu got into the car together, started the car, and disappeared at the intersection in an instant, heading towards the avenue.

There is a light fragrance in the carriage, which makes people relax and take off their guard.

Xu Jingzhe also felt that his brain was dizzy, and then his body shook and he regained consciousness. On the other hand, Miss Qiu was already asleep and unconscious.


At this moment, the short-haired bodyguard sitting next to him suddenly became angry. He raised his fingers into a hook and dug out Xu Jingzhe's eyes.


Xu Jingzhe reacted quickly and raised his arms to block. Putting two fingers on Xu Jingzhe's arm, the short-haired man's expression changed. The flesh was so hard that both of his fingers were about to break.

Missing the blow, the man made a fist with his left hand and smashed it into Xu Jingzhe's head.

Xu Jingzhe's blocking right hand came over and rotated around his fist. At the same time, he held his wrist and pulled it forward. His left hand grabbed his neck and exerted slight force.

His throat could be pinched at any time.

"Okay, you passed the test."

At this moment, the man in sunglasses sitting in the passenger seat spoke.

"Tell me, how many times have you been baptized? What special powers do you have?"

"After three baptisms, my superpowers are infinite strength, resistance to attack, and strong recovery ability."

"How did you clash with that team?"

"They wanted to take advantage of me." Xu Jingzhe said calmly.

At this time, the middle-aged man turned his head, looked at Xu Jingzhe, and said, "I believe what you said."

"It just so happens that we have always been at odds with the Wang family. They sent out some elites to catch you. You can mix in with the killers of the Li family and kill everyone."

"If you perform well, there will be rewards."

"Can you tell me what you want first?"

"I just want the lunar soil evolution liquid." Xu Jingzhe said.

"You are so arrogant. It depends on your ability."

"If you are the best, the Li family is willing to train you with all their strength to become the king of the underground."

Halfway, Sister Qiu was dropped off. Two hours later, they came to a large basement converted from an underground garage.

Many people were waiting, dressed in fancy clothes, sloppy, both men and women.

All of them were killers trained by the Li family.

"A new guy is here, Luffy, let's meet each other. I'll be with you guys tonight."


Some people clapped, some sighed, but without exception, they were all impressed by Xu Jingzhe's appearance.

Damn handsome!

"Uncle Big B, is this thin dog okay?" Someone was dissatisfied.

"Yes, we don't take in garbage."

"As for this thin dog, I don't think it's okay."

The people in the red households are all criminals. Needless to say, they are strong. They have gone through life and death with their heads on their belts. It's normal for them to look down on newcomers.

"We'll know tonight if it works." The man in sunglasses said, and turned away.

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