
Chapter 101 - 101 - Other Prophecies

A long night with lots of fun must eventually end as the sun rises over the horizon and the gentle breeze washes over the land. Sunlight sparkles and glistens over the waterfall as the water droplets spray down into the earth. I exit the house to see some of the NPCs sprawled across the ground near the fire, resting on each other's lap or shoulder, leaning against the rocks we use as seats. To a modern-day person, it might seem uncomfortable but with their gentle smiles on their faces, it would prove otherwise, however, I do think I need to ask old man Hus to build tables and chairs so that we can all eat together in a more comfortable fashion. 

I notice by both the statues was the platinum blonde elf, Solar. Kneeling in front of them with her hands interlocked and her hair gently ruffled by the wind. Her skin glows in the morning sun and as I approach her slowly, silently as to not disturb her, I hear a soft mutter. A different language, similar to the language Stellar used in some of the words. A prayer perhaps? Nonetheless, I wait patiently on the side, looking at the statues myself. I take a glance at the statues' stats in case there was a change but unfortunately, there were none. 

After a while, Solar opens her eyes, her emerald girls shine as the sunlight hits them and she turns her head slowly towards me.

"Thank you for not saying anything during my prayer." 

"It's fine. I know not to disturb anything religious."

A gentle smile forms on her face and slowly she gets up, patting her knees to get rid of any dirt.

"Is it okay, if you tell me more about that prayer, Solar?"

"Of course it is okay. How about we sit by the river? I would like to rest by the water."

"Sure, this way then."

A slow and quiet walk down the path to the river. Water travels with the wind spraying both of us lightly. In response, I gesture that we move further down the river, and with a nod, Solar agrees and follows me. I pull some of the larger rocks closer to the river and we both sit down, letting our feet submerge into the stream.

"What about the prayer do you want to know, umm Ian?"

"That's okay, you can call me Ian. Since I do not know the language I was curious about it. What can you tell me? I also do not know the name of the language, I forgot to ask Stellar about it."

"For starters, the language is called ɘυϱnɒl ɘʇlƎ, or the Elf Language in the common tongue. The prayer is short and simple, thanking Goddess Ariel for the food, water, and life we were given. I also noticed that Goddess Fortuna had also blessed this place, thus I also did a short prayer thanking her for her blessing."

"I see. I have noticed that ever since I placed the Statue of Ariel, HavenFall is always bright and happy."

"Yes, that is Goddess Ariel giving this place her blessings."

"I also want to ask you something. Stellar told me about the legend of her tribe and told me that your tribe has something similar as well. Since both of you are of a similar race, I wondered if there is a major difference?"

"While we are both classified as elves we worship a different god. Our tribe worships the sun and in turn, we are sun elves. The legend she is talking about is most likely the prophecy of our tribe. A tale told by the elders passed down by their elders about a time that has not happened yet."

"Can you tell me the prophecy? If that is okay?"

"Yes, I can. There is no harm in sharing the prophecy as more people hear it there is more chance that it can eventually be stopped, even if it is not within our lifetime. If I were to translate it to the common tongue it would go like this;

Our god will disappear.

Their blessings, lost.

Danger at every turn.

Elements will rage.

Time will stagnate.

One is not enough."

"I see and did you ever understand the prophecy?"

"No, I asked other elves but they too did not understand the prophecy to a high level. All we know is one day the prophecy will happen but we do not know when."

"Do other races have something similar to this prophecy?"

"I'm not sure. You can ask Ken and Kaede or the other demi-humans, however, if they did not live in a tribe that has gone through a couple of generations they might not know anything."

"Why do you say that?"

"A lot of demi-humans are enslaved or born in slavery. They might not know much about life outside of it and if they did they were not there for long."

"Okay, I'll ask them about it later. For now, I want to get to know you more."

"Huh? I-I am not that interesting."

"No, you are very interesting. There is so much I want to know about."

"Umm, okay. A-Ask away."

"First, I want to know more about elven history, if you know anything about that?"

"Oh, of course. I do not know when our history started however, I do know that there are multiple different tribes of elves. The main tribes worship Faunus, God of the Forest, while there are other tribes like mine who worship the sun or moon. Despite just all being elves we have disputes over our gods. The biggest happens to be my tribe and Stellar's and there are multiple points of conflict throughout the world since it is not only our tribes that worship the sun or moon."

"Tell me about the main tribe, the one that worships the God of the Forest."

"The main tribe is extremely big and it is what most other races refer to when they think of elves. The children of this tribe have a small emerald diamond embedded in their foreheads. This emerald is a catalyst for their magic, and with their already outstanding talent in wielding magic they are one of the main forces fighting against the 'Kings'. The tribe also has a hierarchy system, with its normal citizens being the lowest, then higher magic aptitude elves called nobles, with the highest being called High Elves. Other tribes do not adopt this system as it creates a clear boundary between their people, instead, we only have elders as a form of government."

"I see, so the main tribe has advanced in civilization to the point where a hierarchy throughout its people is needed to create some sort of order."

"I believe so."

"What about magic? Can you tell me about that?"

"Of course. I wield magic powered by the sun. My magic is at its highest when the sun is at its peak. Normally, I use magic to support other people as well as heal them but I do have offensive magic which I use to protect myself. Stellar's tribe uses the power of the moon. Her dark magic is strongest when it is a full moon. She also has a variety of illusion-based magic including her invisibility. Other tribes also focus on their own magic but the main tribe focuses on plant or nature magic, utilizing the environment around them to their advantage."

"There is a lot of different magic isn't there?"

"Yes, the potential of magic is limitless."

"Okay, thank you so much for talking with me Solar. I must converse with Ken and Kaede as well."

"No problem, Ian. Please find time to rest up as well."

"Yep, you too."

My conversation with Solar lasted for longer than I had expected and looking at where the sun was in the sky I knew I didn't have too much time left before the server closes. I wanted to learn a bit more about the prophecy from the two new demi-humans since I had pretty much confirmed from previous conversations that the demi-humans that came with Kingston were always working for Phil which meant they had no knowledge of their history. Going back up to the main area of HavenFall, I notice the twin holding onto wooden swords, swinging them up and down next to the goblins as Gobi shouts out commands. I walk up to both of them, stopping them mid-swing, and asked if I could talk to them.

"Ken, Kaede is it okay if I talk with you? I want to learn a bit more about the both of you."

They look at each other and shrugged before nodding their heads."

"Okay, where do you want to sit?"


Only now did I notice that they couldn't speak the common tongue properly. I guess since last night they were usually with other demi-humans or laughing I didn't get a proper chance to speak.

"Okay come. If the both of you can't speak properly are you able to read or write?"


"That's fine. Then I won't take too much time from you but promise me that when Melody or Ash starts class you attend both okay? They are teaching everyone to read, write and for the both of you even speak. Promise?"


Their eyes sparkle at the notion of learning and with quick nods of their head, they readily agree to the promise.

"Okay, well the question I wanted to ask was, who are you? Where were you from? And do you know anything to do with the history of your people? Specifically a legend of prophecy?"

I spoke as slowly and with a few complicated words as possible for both of them to understand. Ken took a while before he responded, Kaede however had a confused looked on her face.


It was broken but I understood from what little Ken was able to talk about. They were from the North however their people must have been killed or he didn't know if they even existed. The prophecy obviously wouldn't be known but at least now I understand a little bit more about their backstory. I pat their heads and gently rub their hair.

"Thank you. HavenFall is safe, okay?"


With beaming smiles on their faces, I let them go back to Gobi where they took up arms again swinging their wooden swords with big smiles on their faces. Time had run out for me but now I can at least tell the others a little bit more information.. I can't wait to discuss it.

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