
Chapter 124 - 124 - Fighting The Alpha Jackalope

"What's the plan then?" - Kingston

"Don't rush in is the first step." - Ian

"Done." - Kingston

"Looking at what is happening, I think it has a berserk state much like Kingston's. It's not even jumping around and attacking us. Instead, it is just attacking whatever is near. We should attack from a distance and only confront it head-on if necessary. Archers attack from various angles and immediately run after firing an arrow. Everyone else set up position on both sides of the river. If it ever stands still in between we rush out. Got it?"

"Got it!" - Kingston, Yor, David

Belle pounces towards me, landing in front of me and next to Celine. She growls slightly, signaling with her head to move back.

"Ian, Belle is saying for us to retreat." - Celine

"Why? Did she notice something we didn't?" - Ian

"Yes, from what she is saying, jackalopes aren't meant to be aggressive by nature. They are usually prey to other monsters. This jackalope is also too large to be normal as well. She thinks that it will be too dangerous to stay here." - Celine

"Okay, revising the plan. Go upstream but never take your eyes off the alpha jackalope. Kingston, lead Yor and the others on that side upstream as well. Goblin archers keep attacking the alpha jackalope but keep your distance." - Ian

"Alright! Yor, let's move. Keep shields up and be careful about your surroundings. The small jackalopes might attack us as we move upwards." - Kingston

"Let's do the same, David lead the way upstream while the shieldbearers walk backward. Celine stay close. Solar attack only if necessary and where did Stellar go after she attacked the alpha?" - Ian

Appearing out of thin air behind me and tapping my shoulder was Stellar.

"I'm here and I saw something." - Stellar

"WAH! STELLAR! Don't just pop out of nowhere." - Ian

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, Ian." - Stellar

"Tell me as we move upstream, what did you see?" - Ian

"Kronos's mark behind the alpha jackalope's ear. There was a patch of fur that was shaved off behind the ear and with a quick glance, I saw the black hourglass mark." - Stellar

"Kronos…" - Solar

"Kronos is the one that controls the golems right? The one that likes to experiment on monsters?" - Ian

"Yes. Kronos or one of his minions must have done something to the alpha jackalope for it to increase in size and aggression." - Stellar

"This is getting more dangerous and we haven't even gotten that far from HavenFall. Anyone of our scouts could have stumbled upon this monster had it appeared earlier." - Ian

"Yes, and it also signals that Kronos or someone under him is nearby or within a day's travel." - Stellar

I think silently as we move through the shrubbery along the riverside, keeping an eye on the shieldbearers' condition. Sweat could be seen rolling down their cheeks. There hadn't been any attacks yet but with how tense the situation was I can't blame them for feeling a little tired, especially with how heavy the Scutum shields are.

"4 jackalopes ahead!" - David

I instantly snap my head away from the backline to the front. 4 jackalopes stood in front of our path with their heads pointing towards us. The sharp brown antlers were ready to pierce into our flesh.

"David stand at the front. Frank be ready to support. Shieldbearers keep an eye behind us. Celine stand with the shieldbearers. Solar can you cast shield on David, Frank, and I. Stellar you do your thing." - Ian

"O-Okay Ian." - David

"Got it." - Frank, Celine

"Don't die." - Stellar

"On it. 


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bnɒ ƨbnɘiɿʇ γm ƨƨɘld nυƨ ɘʜɈ γɒM

Shield! " - Solar

Once the Solar's chant finished the three of us, David, Frank and myself, became enveloped in a whitish-yellow glow. 

[ Spell: Shield of the Sun has been activated on you. Disappears after 10 mins or after taking 55 Damage ]

A small icon that looked like a bubble appeared in the corner of my eyes and after focusing on it, I was able to read the description of the spell that got cast on me. Since I have never experienced buffing magic before I was pleasantly surprised by the minor detail, however, I had more concerning thoughts that need to be addressed first. 

The moment the spell finished casting the jackalopes started to hop towards us. Using its large back legs to push off the ground it hops towards us at a fast rate but having faced them before David stands his ground and dashes forward meeting two jackalopes mid hop. The other two jackalopes hop around him leaping onto me and Frank.

Both Frank and I block the straightforward attack with our shields. Frank pushes the jackalope off his shield and immediately follows up with a thrust of his spear. I follow along, pushing the jackalope off and knocking it against a tree before attacking myself. Unfortunately for me, it recovered faster than my attack allowing it to escape my spear. I stand with my feet apart and my shield in front of me gripping onto my spear behind me waiting for the jackalope to make its move. I tank another straightforward pounce but it was a mistake since it left it open for an attack from Stellar who had appeared behind the jackalope. Her knife stabs into the neck of the jackalope and slices through splattering blood on the ground. I had seen her helping David off to the side before moving towards me, while Solar helped defeat the jackalope that Frank was fighting.

"Good job and thanks for helping." - Ian

"It was nothing." - Stellar

"We should keep moving Ian." - Celine

"Got it. David, lead the way." - Ian

With a nod, David moves forward. I pick up the loot drops which were just 2 pieces of jackalope fur and flung them into my basket before following David. In the distance, I could still hear the sound of trees falling and ear-piercing squeals from the alpha jackalope accompanied by thundering howls from Belle, Dawn and Razor.

"Oh no, it's coming." - Celine

"What do you mean?" - Ian

"The last howl from Belle was her telling us that the alpha jackalope broke through and is leaping up towards us." - Celine

I look back but I could only hear the sound of trees falling. I gulp down my saliva nervously.


"On it!


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Haste!" - Solar

I can hear it.

It's getting closer.

Thundering sound and the creaking of trees as they tumbled onto the ground.

A bolt of scarlet lightning appears in front of us. The amber antlers push into the shieldbearers forcing them back and shattering the shield buff. Dirt and dush are kicked up all around us creating a dirt cloud but luckily for us, the initial force and damage were tanked by the spell, stopping the alpha jackalope in its tracks. 

However, before we could even attack it, it leaps out of the way, towards the river. Realizing the monster's intent Frank shouts as loud as he can.


The alpha jackalope knew, it must have. It knew that we were separated and choose to attack the smaller group. It was looking at us for a while before Kingston attacked, was it remembering us? Remembering the numbers? Our scent maybe? Either way, its attack on us and then instantly changing targets was definitely abnormal. Whatever Kronos did to the jackalope, it must have increased its intelligence as well.


The monster blasted through the forest landing in the middle of the river but before it could take off, I see Stellar on the other side casting a spell.

".ƨƨγdɒ ɘʜɈ oɈni mɘʜɈ ϱɒɿb

ƨwobɒʜƨ ɘʜɈ ɘƨɒɘlɘɿ nooM ,ʜO

.bnɒʜ γm oɈni ƨwobɒʜƨ ɘʜɈ ϱniɿd

bnɒ ɿɘwoq ɘm Ɉnɒɿϱ nooM ɘʜɈ γɒM

SHADOW BIND!" - Stellar

Below the alpha jackalope, a dark shadow appears. 10 long arms with small child-like hands wriggle out from the shadow, gripping onto the monster's body and pulling it down slowly. The monster starts to sink but at the same time, it starts to rage. Forcefully shaking the hands-off.


"ATTACK NOW!" - Kingston

Kingston appears from inside the forest with his group, spears pointed at the monster and rushes toward it.

"ATTACK!" - Ian

Likewise, I charge in with my own group, yelling at the top of my lungs. 


Before any of us could reach the monster, it broke out of the spell, leaping up and away, landing downstream. The wolves caught up and were growling behind the jackalope and not too far behind were the various goblin archers hopping from branch to branch positioning on the trees that haven't fallen down yet.

We reposition ourselves in the water, ready for another round.

"Stellar, do you think you can cast that spell again?" - Ian

"I can but I need it to stay still." - Stellar

"David and I will rush in and keep it occupied." - Kingston

"No, let the wolves tank it. Kingston, David and Frank will support the wolves. Everyone else will slowly surround the monster. Solar, how many more times can you cast shield?" - Ian

"10 more times." - Solar

"Cast it on all the shieldbearers, Kingston, David, Frank and myself. After that retreat upstream with Celine." - Ian



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Stay safe. Please." - Solar

"We will do our best. Alright, round two.. Let's do it." - Ian

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