
Chapter 127 - Resting Up

"Kingston." - Ian

"Yea?" - Kingston

"How did you feel about those two fights we just had?" - Ian

"Uhh, they were hard?" - Kingston

"Not just that. I know both of us are players with our own thoughts but, please listen to me. I don't want you to get hurt either." - Ian

"Ah… Yea sorry. I didn't mean to rush out. I don't know what I was thinking back then." - Kingston

I place my hand on Kingston's shoulder as I see him shyly scratching his head.

"It's fine. Just be careful. I don't want to act on your promise so soon." - Ian

"Thanks." - Kingston.

Kingston handed back the antler to me and we both walk back towards everyone else. Yor had been treated and moved to the river bed with everyone else checking their equipment. Some of the spears had been chipped so they needed to be resharpened. David was helping Celine make a fire so she could make hot soup for everyone to feel recharged. I could tell that everyone was visibly tired from the fight, despite their cheering attitude. 

I walk closer to Stellar and Solar, who were under the shade, resting beside a tree. The two were sipping on some water with Ken and Kaede. I only now remember that I had told them to be with Gibing throughout the whole battle. I forgot about the two of them but I guess they didn't forget about my orders to stay with Gibing.

"How are the two of you? Are you feeling okay?" - Ian

"Yep! Gibing took care of us." - Kaede

"He told us to follow him closely. We didn't do much during any of the fights." - Ken

"That is okay. I'm glad the two of you didn't join in with any of the fights. It would have been scary." - Ian

"No, I think it was okay. Maybe when that insect thing came out but otherwise it wasn't that scary." - Kaede

"Ian, the both of them are very brave wolf children." - Solar

"What do you mean by that?" - Ian

"It is in their blood to fight and while they might not have participated in the fight, they learn while watching as well." - Solar

"That's right. I think uncle David did a great job when the insect attacked him but I also think he could have attacked back. His ax should have been able to cut the insect's arm off at that moment." - Ken

"Wait what-" - Ian

"And uncle Kingston could have attacked the tail earlier too. His spear could have at least knocked the tail giving you a chance to fight back." - Kaede

"And, and, Aunty Stellar could-" - Ken


Ken received a small wack on the head from Stellar as she 'corrects' him.

"Sister Stellar could have attacked the insect with more of the red balls she has in her pouch." - Ken

"No. She can't. Ken while that would have worked, the red balls are for emergencies only. The first one was okay since I was in trouble however if she used more it would have been wasted. The damage from the core wasn't enough to even damage the monster's eye, let alone the hard exoskeleton. Although, I am surprised with the way both of you analyzed the battle." - Ian

"Is it weird…?" - Kaede

Pouting to the side, Kaede holds onto my arm and looks at me with a slightly worried expression.

"No, it's not weird Kaede. In fact, I want both of you to keep watching. Learn from what we have been doing and do your best to understand it." - Ian

"Okay!" - Ken, Kaede

"Now, Stellar and Solar. Would either of you care to shed any light on that insect we just faced?" - Ian

"Like I said before it is not a normal monster in Kronos's army. However, there is a possibility that Kronos added more monsters to his arsenal." - Stellar

"What do you mean?" - Ian

"Ian, Kronos is known for his experiments. Stellar and I were held hostage and were almost made to be fed to a monster of sorts until Luke and Sylvia came and saved us. I believe that monster is another experiment." - Solar

"The monster had a face similar to an ant and a fly while also having dragonfly wings, a scorpion tail and flea-like legs." - Kingston

Kingston, who I had thought went to the bigger group answered behind me.

"Did you see anything else, Kingston?" - Ian

"No. Well at least from what I saw those were the insects that I saw on that monster's body. That monster was like-" -Kingston

"Frankenstein." - Ian

"Exactly." - Kingston 

"Is Kronos known for combining monsters?" - Ian

"I am not sure what this Frankenstein is but Kronos is known for experimenting with monsters. It wouldn't be farfetched if we found out he was combining them as well."  -Stellar

"Then we can assume this is a combination of monsters, fitted into one body. However, that monster could communicate with him." - Ian

"It knew telepathy?" - Solar

"Yes. Or well something like that. There was an annoying buzzing sound constantly in between its words. I can only guess it is because it can't talk normally." - Ian

"A monster with intellect is scary. Especially if that monster happened to be inside another monster. Why and how?" - Kingston

"I think it was a parasite. I think that jackalope was a host for the monster." - Ian

"Do you know what you are saying?" - Stellar

"Yes. If that monster can go inside another monster and in turn mutate the monster into a stronger form then Kronos's army will always be double the number. Each monster houses two monsters. Itself and the parasite." - Ian

"Knowing that makes it scarier." - Stellar

"I think that monster is the first of its kind." - Solar

"What makes you say that?" - Ian

"Why would it be by itself? So far away from Kronos's territory." - Solar

"You're right. Ian, Kronos's territory is towards the east, however, aren't we heading towards the west?" - Kingston

"Yea, we are…" - Ian

"Then maybe, the monster being here is an experiment in itself. Kronos might have been testing its survivability in a place far away from his reach. If the monster caused havoc which hurt other people it can only be positive." - Kingston

"Hopefully, that monster won't come back." - Ian

"We need to be prepared for these unexpected things." - Stellar

"I know, but how can we? Every time, we defeat one enemy do we just expect that another will come out of it?" - Ian

"I don't know." - Stellar

"We should tread carefully is all. Ian, maybe we stop here for a good while before moving on. I would say after the sun has reached its peak and the sun's rays have cooled down do we keep moving." - Solar

"I don't want to be in the middle of the forest during the night. I would prefer to have exited the forest before the sun sets." - Ian

"I think it is better to be in the forest. We don't know anything beyond the forest just yet." - Stellar

"Hmm, okay then. For now, we should eat something and rest up for a while." - Ian

"Agreed." - Stellar

"Ken, Kaede let's go down to Celine and have some soup." - Solar

"Okay~" - Ken, Kaede

I watch as Solar leads the two demi-humans away with Stellar following behind closely. Kingston nods his head towards me and follows after them, looking eager for a meal. I smile to myself as I follow after them as well. The heart-warming scene of everyone sitting on a rock, leaning against a tree, or just relaxing on the ground with their basket on their back and their weapons next to them, eating some fruits and slurping on some soup made me feel happy. 

I get a bowl from Celine and after serving me she asks to talk to me off to the side. I nod my head and the both of us moved a little away from the main group. David took over the role of giving food to other people while Celine was away.

"What is wrong?" - Ian

"The wolves are worried about the trip." - Celine

"Why? What have they noticed" - Ian

"Belle told me that the enemy that they just faced made her feel terrified. She said that that has never happened before." - Celine

"Are you serious? That is bad… What about Dawn and Razor?" - Ian

"They feel the same. They also feel ashamed that they were unable to react to the monster attacking us." - Celine

"Tell them it is okay to feel scared, it is normal. However, the fact that they are worried that more monsters of the same caliber will appear worries me. That monster wasn't normal, in fact not even the King Jackalope was normal." - Ian

"Right and they think it is better to go back home." - Celine

"Really? They are that worried? That's pretty bad then…" - Ian

"I think they are overreacting though…" - Celine

"Huh? What makes you say that?" - Ian

"I believe because they are feeling scared of the unknown they want to be back in the safe area that they know. The three of them are not used to these monsters and have not experienced such danger after all Belle used to be part of the old wolf pack that ruled this area." - Celine

"Right, Aur ruled here so most of the stronger monsters was defeated by Aur or avoided the pack." - Ian

"Right. So, I think they are just scared and need some time to adjust." - Celine

"That's fine then. We won't be moving for a while so that care of them and try your best to remove any anxiety that they may have." - Ian

"Of course. May I ask what is the next course of action?" - Celine

"Let's go back to everyone and I'll explain that." - Ian

"Sure!" - Celine

I drink all the soup on my way back to the main group while I collect my thoughts. 

The new monster.


The wolf's anxiety.

Our condition.

Everything that might relate to what is going to happen in the next week or so.

Once I got to the group I took a deep breath before talking.

"Everyone. I'm glad I can see everyone. I know Yor has a bad injury but at least he is not dead and I am grateful for that. This new monster is part of Kronos's army. We know nothing. Nothing about the creature and barely anything about Kronos himself. However, we fought it and we won. Which means we can do it again. It will be hard but we knew that didn't we? We knew it was going to be hard. We knew this journey was going to take a lot out of us. We have only made it halfway through the forest. Some of the scouts have made it here and yet look at the dangers already. It is going to be more of this. Each day might be our last BUT together we can do it. FOR HAVENFALL!" - Ian

"FOR HAVENFALL!" - Kington


The moment I finished my small speech Kington helped raise the morale by cheering first. Everyone else followed right afterward creating a loud cheer that could have been heard all the way in HavenFall.

"Okay, for our next course of action. Rest. We need it. Those two battles took a lot out of some of us and resting is a priority. However, before sunset, we should move into the forest and find a clearing big enough for all of us to get a good night's sleep. Rest up, repair your equipment and stay sharp. I want 4 people on watch at all times with a rotation. Kingston helped set that up. Those on the watch make sure to listen to every sound and make sure to take in all things you see. If there is anything unusual communicate with someone and be on your guard. You will be the first line of defense if anything happens, so be on alert." 

"Yes, Leader Ian." - All

I nod and smile before asking Celine for a second helping of soup. The warm soup fills my stomach as I sit on a smooth rock relaxing my body and mind.. Eventually though, the game ends and I go back out into the real world.

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