
Chapter 131 - New Skill

Gibing and Gyumi jump down from the tree landing next to me. They both were as tall as me with Gyumi being half a head shorter and Gibing being the same height. 

"Leader Ian, I'm glad you are okay. I was worried after I got taken away that you would have gotten injured." - Gibing

"The attack was unexpected. I am sorry for failing to protect you." - Gyumi

"No, no, it's okay. I'm fine. What happened? How did you evolve? Where were the goblins before? Are Gewari and Gopopo okay as well?" - Ian

"Gewari and Gopopo are safe in the treetops. They are directing the goblin archers but too many questions Leader Ian. We can answer it all later. Right now, there is something more important." - Gibing

"Right, with the both of you here and the rest of the goblins helping out we should be able to fend off the spiders." - Ian

"Yes, however, this is only a small part of the spiders. There are more out there and they are coming here." - Gyumi

"Defending against them is suicidal. Ian, if these are only a small part then we need to retreat." - Kingston

"Retreat to where though? At least this place we can see them coming. The moment we walk into the forest then they will have the advantage. We can't see them without light and with the forest being a natural obstacle course, how do you expect us to fight them?" - Ian

"I don't know. I just know we aren't looking too good. We might need to use the second potion soon." - Kingston

"Don't worry, we should be fine handling this amount of spiders. If they stay then we should be worried." - Gibing

"What do you mean?" - Ian

"Watch." - Gibing

Gibing takes a spear from our extra pile of weapons and runs towards the side with the bigger spiders. He takes a deep breath before shouting at the top of his lungs. I see his feet dig into the ground slightly as the veins in his arms and legs pop out. The air around him shimmers from his scream. His grip tightens around the spear and for a split second everything around him stops. 

Blink once and you see him screaming with the air moving. Blink again and it is as if time stood still. Blink once more time and you see him dash forward, kicking up the dirt, stones, and leaves behind him.


With his spear pointed at the closest large spider he makes a beeline towards it, zooming past Kingston who had been busy distracting it with his attacks and tanking hits while in his sand armor. Seeing that Gibing was making his move, Stellar moves away from her current opponent and leaps into the air, bouncing off Kingston's shoulder, flying towards the same spider Gibing was targeting.

Noticing the danger it was in, the spider attempts to run away, shooting a thread towards a tree behind it. However, it was Gyumi's time to shine. 

Electricity gathers above her head and a small blue spark bounces between her horns. Her eyes shine blue and she clenches her mouth. The sparks get brighter and brighter and the moment the spider thread wraps around the tree, a blue lightning bolt zaps the thread halfway, lighting up the thread on both sides.

"Discharge!" - Gyumi

Unable to escape and with the timely attack from Gyumi, the spider was unable to defend itself in time. Gibing's spear snakes under the spider's head, penetrating the flesh that connects the head to the abdomen, while Stellar lands on the spider's head, stabbing her knives in the opening that Gibing had created. 

With all her strength she slices the head off with both her knives, pulling them outwards and creating a large enough hole that separates the spider's body. Green blood erupts from the spider's body as it slumps over on the ground never to be able to see the light of day ever again. 

Seeing the success of the other battlefield, I team up with Belle, Razor, and David to fight a spider that was harassing the main defensive line. With superior speed the wolves dance around to the back of the spider, attacking the back legs. David would tank an attack with his shield or his body and since he had been buffed with 'Shield' by Solar he took no damage. 

I would sneak around David's large body the moment the spider is unable to move after attacking David. Stabbing the spider in the abdomen or attacking its eye. A successful hit or two from me allowed for Stellar to jump into this battlefield. The spider couldn't see out of 3 of its eyes and with Stellar moving like a ghost she was able to take out another 2 eyes. 

Luckily for us, the spiderlings was unable to disturb us as the goblin archers shot each one and as the fire from the flame arrows spread slowly across the clearing, less and less spiderlings dared to venture forth. Isolating the bigger spiders from the main force. 

With 1 down and 1 extremely hurt the other spiders start to work together. The 2 healthier spiders stood in front of the hurt spider baring their fangs at us but between them and us stood Gyumi.

"Gyumi what are-" - Ian

Before I could finish my sentence she dashes forward and with her high agility reaches the space in the middle of all 3 spiders. The electricity above her head started to create sparks that zap the ground around her. Her white horns shine bright and a small blue ring of lightning manifests. The spiders turn towards her and move their long legs to attack Gyumi but the moment her eyes shine white I could tell the spiders' felt a sense of regret in attacking.


The small blue ring expands around her quickly reaching big enough that she could fit her whole body inside it. With the wave of her hands outwards the ring expands further, melting the spider legs as it touches the ring of death. Losing all their legs surprised the spiders and they fell flat onto the ground.


I cry out as I dash towards the closest spider as well. Beside me were the rest of the group shouting out as he attack the unmoving monsters killing them as quickly as we can. We were able to repel the monsters but now there was another problem the fire that we created to kill the spiders had spread across most of the clearing.

"We can't use water for this since we don't have enough. Use dirt and rocks, smother the fire before it becomes any bigger!" - Ian

Even though everyone had just gone through an exhausting battle there was no time to rest up. The fire was a massive danger not just to us but also HavenFall and the rest of the forest. The moment the becomes out of control, it will spread faster than rumors on the internet.

I instruct the goblins to carry piles of dirt, tossing them on the edges of the fire, while the human and demi-human shieldbearers used their shields to stop the fire from spreading to the forest. David used his shield to press down on the fire, slowly extinguishing them. Rocks were gathered and used to become a barrier so that the flames don't travel too far and after a while, the fire died down with the collective efforts of everyone in the group.

With that, the heavy atmosphere lifts as we start to cheer for our victory against the spiders but that was when I remembered Gibing saying it wasn't the end. 

"STOP! Gibing, explain to us what do you mean, that this was just a small segment of the spider army." - Ian

I turn to Gibing as I see him pick up his spear and turn his back towards us. His eyes focused on the forest ahead of us with Gyumi nocking an arrow into her bow. 

"Phalanx formation. NOW!" - Ian

The shieldbearers while gasping for breath picks up their shields and stood in front of us. Pressing the shields together and showed a determined look as they ready their short spears and peek through the small gaps.

"Leader Ian, that was but a scouting team for the spiders. All the goblins got captured by the spiders one by one which took out our eyes. However, they didn't kill us straight away, instead they captured us and wrapped us in the white thread." - Gibing

"I escaped from my bindings with a small sharp golem rock I had hidden in my mouth. Cutting through the thread took time but since they weren't going to kill us yet I had enough time to cut through." - Gyumi

"Once Gyumi got out, she got me out. We were trapped in some cave and I was lucky that I happened to be placed next to Gyumi but the moment the both of us came out, the spiders attacked us." - Gibing

"The spiderlings were numerous and quick making them tough opponents especially since we were just using stones found on the ground, but after killing a small swarm of them we were able to discover a small pile of things wrapped in white thread. Cutting through the thread we were able to reunite with all the goblins." - Gyumi

"But it was then that a large spider appeared." - Gibing

"We were scared since we had no weapons but we were eventually able to kill it by running out of the cave and miraculously finding some of our weapons." - Gyumi

"Although it was just a couple of spears we were able to use our nimbleness and agility to dodge its attack and with Boss Gobi's excellent teachings about teamwork we were able to kill the spider. Resulting in me and Gyumi's evolution." - Gibing

"We then set out to find our weapons as well as everyone else. That cave may have only housed one large spider at that time but we both could tell that was more than just that. Maybe we were lucky that we happened to be trapped near an exit because if we took even a single incorrect path then every goblin here would have been killed." - Gyumi

"Well, I'm glad the both of you are okay. I'm glad everyone here is okay but are they coming right now?" - Ian

"The spiderlings have retreated to the forest but I still see their red eyes watching us from the shadows." - Gibing

"Yes. We are still watching." - ???

A sharp feminine voice sounded in my head.

"What was that?" - Kington

"You could hear that?" - Ian

"Yea?" - Kingston

"I think everyone here can hear it." - Stellar

"It is telepathy but I can't see who is using it." - Solar

I desperately glance around but I couldn't see anything. The bonfire burns brightly, lighting up the clearing but even then it wasn't enough.

"You mish-mash of a group have slain my BEAUTIFUL children. MY CHILDREN. Oh, how it hurts by heart." - ???

"Your children?" - Ian

The wolves start to growl around us and I see Belle looking around before she turns up at the moon. Her growling becomes more aggressive after she looks up and I follow her gaze.

Suspending in midair as a woman with white hair that glitters in the moonlight. Her pure white slender body is accompanied by two large mounds and a small waist, but as my eyes look slightly towards the lower half of her body fear replaces all my previous thoughts. 


Well, a jet-black spider's abdomen replaces her legs.

"Naughty kids here have entered my playground and they deserve to be punished." - ???

She turns her body seductively towards us, bending over and letting the moonlight hit her face revealing her blood red eyes and sinister grin. The sharp white canines that litter her mouth had a hint of purple liquid drooling out.

She holds her breasts up with an arm and leans back slightly. Her eyes look down on us as her cheeks become slightly tinted with rose pink. She bites down on her index finger as her grin becomes even wider. Her purple tongue comes out of her mouth, licking her lips.

Her next few words sent shivers down my spine as she smiles and squints her eyes slightly while looking directly at me.

"You.. You are mine." - ???

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