
Chapter 133 - Forward Or Backward

"Ian…?" - Rebecca

"Hmm?" - Ian

Rebecca peers at me curiously above her magazine as she sits by the table, wearing a pink top with blue denim short shorts. 

"Are you alright?" - Rebecca

"Yea. I'm alright." - Ian

"Hmm… Alright. You just kind of look off." - Rebecca

"Really? I'm just thinking of something." - Ian

Rebecca puts down her magazine and leans over the table slightly. The valley between her chest reveals itself as she stretches her back, letting out a soft moan.

"Tell me about it. You listened to me before, I'll listen to you now." - Rebecca

"How long are 6 months?" - Ian

"What?" - Rebecca

"Well, I got cursed by a monster and in 6 months I will be turned into a half-human, half spider." - Ian

"Okay… Context?" - Rebecca

"Umm, there is a monster that serves The Horde. One of the 4 Kings. This monster calls herself, Queen of Spiders Selino. She attacked our group in the forest and placed a curse on me. From what I can tell about the curse, it says I will become a spider after a certain about of time, which turns out to be 6 months." - Ian

"So, how come you are worried about the time? You have half a year to settle it don't you?" - Rebecca

"I guess but why 6 months? Why is it so long or is it really just short and I'm just thinking it is long?" - Ian

"I don't even understand what you are saying BUT, I think you shouldn't worry too much about it yet. The curse was only applied yesterday right? Then you have a lot of time to focus on what is important right now and at least it hasn't appeared in real life or anything… OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR NECK?" - Rebecca

"WHAT? WHAT?" - Ian

I stand up desperately trying to look at what was on my neck. I go into a panic as I try to find a mirror to look at myself. I rush to the bathroom and stare at the mirror.

"I was just kidding. You don't have to be so panicky." - Rebecca

"Oh my god. You scared me, please don't do that again." - Ian

"Hmm, no promises." - Rebecca


The day goes by smoothly and eventually, it was time to go back into the game. I had told Evan, Sabrina, and Sam about my curse and got their opinion on it, which was the same as Rebecca's. Since I had just gotten the curse, then I shouldn't worry too much about it just yet. There was still time and maybe there will be a way to dispel it later.

I open my eyes to the clearing. We had rested long enough already and it was time to start moving. Following the map as well as the sun to guide us in the correct direction we ventured off, deeper into the forest. 

After the last two incidents, none of us had enough time to fully rest up, however, we couldn't afford to stop. While Selino left a message saying she had left I was still afraid of the possibility that she would change her mind and come back to slaughter us. The many spiderlings that were under her command terrify me, after all, Gibing and Gyumi said that what we faced wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. 

Despite all the setbacks we faced some positives came out of it, namely the evolution of Gibing and Gyumi. I finally had a chance to question both of them about everything as they walk besides Ken and Kaede.

"Ken and Kaede were the both of you alright?" - Ian

"Yep! We killed some spiderlings in the clearing before Celine took us to the side when everyone grouped up." - Ken

"We did our best to not disturb everyone that was fighting." - Kaede

"That's okay. Maybe when there are fewer monsters the both of you can fight them." - Ian

"OKAY!" - Ken, Kaede

"Now, then Gibing and Gyumi. I have some questions I want to ask you. I'm very interested in what happened to the both of you especially when you evolved." - Ian

"Well, what happened was we were trapped in that cave, and we had no choice but to fight our way through. Every time I killed a spiderling, I felt something in my chest pound harder. Like my heart was beating faster and harder each time I killed a monster. It was only when Gyumi and I killed the large spider did I feel like my heart exploded." - Gibing

"I had a similar feeling. My heart was racing faster than ever before and I feel like the world around me was changing. Sparks flew around me the moment my knife entered the large spider's body." - Gyumi

"I felt a rush of power when I stabbed the monster as if I had gained newfound strength." - Gibing

"Interesting and this plays into your evolution as well. Gibing became a hobgoblin warrior after feeling like he gained new strength and Gyumi, you became a valiant hobgoblin with electric or lightning powers." - Ian

"Right and I feel like this is only the start. I feel like I can get stronger." - Gibing

"My powers are hard to wield at the moment but I am slowly adjusting to them. I will do better than before, Leader Ian." - Gyumi

"How about the other goblins? Do any of them feel the same way as you?" - Ian

"I have asked, however, at this moment none have the same heart beating feeling." - Gibing

"I believe it is only a matter of time before they too will experience evolving." - Gyumi

"Will they become normal hobgoblins or do you think they will acquire a special skill and become a variant much like you, Gyumi." - Ian

"I cannot say. I don't even know what triggered this evolution other than us killing spiders in the cave and at the moment where I was about to evolve I saw sparks." - Gyumi

"There is a lot to learn about this topic isn't there." - Ian

"There is much indeed." - Gyumi

"Well, can't stress too much about it. I'm going to head to the front and check on our surroundings." - Gibing

"I will do the same." - Gyumi

Both of the dash forward chasing after the scouts in the front. At the same time, Stellar and Solar fell back towards me with worried faces.

"What's wrong?" - Ian

"Are you sure about continuing?" - Stellar

"There have been too many close moments." - Solar

"I am thinking about it… However, we have only been gone for a day. This is our second day away from HavenFall." - Ian

"Yes but, we have been so close to death. We could have died when the spider queen attacked. We were lucky enough that she spared us." - Stellar

"I feel uncomfortable knowing that she can be near us and we wouldn't even know." - Solar

"How about this. Since we don't know what is beyond the forest, we should at least have a look. We need more information about our surroundings and venturing out on a journey is one way to find out. If there is nothing out there between the forest and the mountains we are seeking then we will go home and evaluate the situation." - Ian

"Agreed. If there is something we can use that is nearby the forest we should take it and then come back at a later date but if there is nothing then we would most likely die the next time a strong monster attacks us." - Stellar

"I also want to at least have a look at the environment past the forest. This so far is the further I have ever gone away from HavenFall." - Ian

"I would have liked to show you around my home, Ian. I feel like you would have liked the large trees, the chirping birds, and the floating fireflies that accompany you wherever you go." - Solar

"Maybe someday Solar. When we can travel wherever we please." - Ian

"I look forward to that day." - Solar

Moving through the forest was still an ordeal. The thick vegetation on the forest floor made traveling hard, however, it wasn't long until Gibing came back to me, saying that they have reached the exit of the forest up ahead. He dashes past me, telling the rest of the scouts to move up as well and together we push past the last few steps, out of the forest.

The moment I walk out of the forest a cool breeze hits me, blowing some dirt into my eyes. Unable to open them, I close my eyes for a second as I rub out the dirt, and the moment I open them again, I see a sea of tall emerald grass, as they dance and wave in the wind as the sun blesses them with an orange hue. 

I step forward towards the green ocean only to almost lose my footing. The forest ends on a slope and I almost fell down the slope. A burst of short laughter escapes me as I sit on the ground and look out into the distance.

Initially, I thought it was going to be a large grassland with an endless flat area filled with grass and wildlife. However, large green dunes litter my sight with the occasional trees sprouting out of the ground. 

Different from the forest where there were minimal traces of fauna, I could already see monsters resembling deers, bison, and zebras. Looking up into the sky, I could see birds of various sizes soaring through the air. Fluffy white clouds drift along the blue sky. 

I turn my head back towards everyone behind me. Stellar and Solar were mesmerized by the view while next to them, Yor was leaning against David as they look at the sky. Frank and Kingston were standing side by side looking left and right, following the monsters. Ken and Kaede had their mouths open as they stare at the green ocean. Gibing, Gyumi and the other goblins were pointing and whispering amongst themselves while the human and demi-human shieldbearers were gazing in silence.

"So… Are we going forward or going backward?" - Ian

"Forward." - Stellar

"Where else are we going to go?" - Frank

"There is only one option."- Yor

"I will follow wherever you want to go, Ian." - David

"May the sun bless us on our journey." - Solar

"Let's GO!" - Ken, Kaede

"We're here for an adventure, right? And to kill some dinos." - Kingston

"Wherever Leader Ian goes, we go." - Gibing, Gyumi, Gopopo, Gewari and all other goblins

"We follow Leader Ian!" - human and demi-human shieldbearers

"Okay then, let's march together. Into the unknown." - Ian

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