
Chapter 137 - Time To Get Stronger

The day starts very relaxingly.  Putting out the fires and getting into formation before venturing off over the hills. From what Gibing gathered last night there were different groups of monsters roaming around in our path. While most people would want to avoid doing battle in an unknown territory, I think our group needs the battles. 

For one thing, everyone grows stronger after a battle. Even if it is just a little bit, we get stronger each time. What's more the loot we can acquire from killing the monsters will be better than anything since I have increased Luck. So, time to find some monsters to kill.

"Are you sure you want to keep fighting different groups of monsters?" - Kingston

"Yeah. Better loot and everyone gets more experience in fighting as well. Ken and Kaede especially." - Ian

"I just feel like by finding groups of monsters we are exposing ourselves to unnecessary danger." - Kingston

"We are. I'm not denying that we are walking into danger, however, if we don't take risks we won't grow." - Ian

"Alright. I get you. I also want to get better at using my skills and fighting is the only way." - Kingston

"Exactly and I also need to get used to my new stats. I'm not sure how much strength to put into my polearm and I'm not used to how fast I move sometimes." - Ian

"So I take it you will be at the front in our next few fights?" - Kingston

"I'll be right next to you and David, fighting for my life while Ken and Kaede sweep up anything I miss." - Ian

"Sounds good hahaha." - Kingston

"Do you think I'm going to regret… This decision?" - Ian

"If someone dies definitely but if this goes well then instead of regret you will be loving your decision." - Kingston

"You think so?" - Ian

"Of course. We get stronger. The NPCs get stronger. That's all it is." - Kingston

"Right." - Ian

I look into the distance, gazing at the towering mountain range. Its peak is covered by the clouds and it ranges further than the eye can see. Below it was the hilly grasslands covering the ground as far as I could see. 

Gibing and the other goblins spread out, climbing the hills and scouting out any potential groups. Our next target was zebra-looking monsters. A group of 6 white horses with black lightning bolt stripes were galloping across a flat area. They had 2 small horns next to their small black ears as well as a white lightning bolt tail. 

"Looks like Gyumi but a horse." - Gibing

"Gibing, come here. It looks like you want to get hit." - Gyumi

"May Gibing rest in peace." - Kingston

"Gibing is still right though. The monsters here look like they use the same skills as Gyumi or at least something similar." - Stellar

"We should be able to defeat them though since there are only 6 of them." - Frank

"What do you think we should do Yor? I want to know how you think about this." - Ian

"Well, considering our superior numbers we should surround them. We have almost 5 times their numbers and most of us are fast making it easier for them to detour around to the back to cut off the escape. The only problem with surrounding the monsters is that we don't know strong they are and if we can defend against one of their attacks." - Yor

"I agree. Surrounding them would be the best way to deal with them. If they get up to speed then I am afraid we won't even be fast enough to catch them so if we close off their escape route we should be able to defeat them relatively smoothly" - Ian

"I also think Gibing and Gyumi should lead the charge on the monsters initially." - Yor

"Oh? Why is that?" - Ian

"Because it would look like a monster is trying to aggressively fight another monster and inherently goblins are weak monsters. It would get complacent and have less incentive to escape from a group of goblins. In turn, we use that change in attitude to sneak around the other side with Stellar using stealth and coming up close to the monsters ready to ponce on any of them if needed." - Yor

"Alright, we will go with your plan. Gibing and Gyumi get 5 goblins each and detour around the monsters and come up from behind. Make it quick. They may be grazing on some grass right now but we won't know when they will leave." - Ian

"On it." - Gibing, Gyumi

"Ian, I also think the wolves should come into the encirclement last." - Yor

"Okay. Celine get it done. Have them protect you." - Ian

"What about us?" - Ken, Kaede

"You will be up at the front with David, Frank, Yor, me, and all the shieldbearers. If possible, play a more decisive role when engaging in fights. Don't just come into it and swing your ax or spear. You need to be careful when you are fighting and be mindful of your surroundings." - Ian

"Okay. We will do our best." - Ken, Kaede

The rest of the goblins were behind the front line, with their arrows nocked into their bows. In the distance, I can see Gibing, Gyumi and their group of goblins. They march towards the zebras shouting and screaming, attracting the eyes and ears of the zebras. They lift their heads glancing at the intruders, only to continue chewing on the grass.

Gibing decides to move closer to aggravate the monsters, tossing his small knife at the closes monster, however, the knife bounces off a blue shield that appears suddenly on the zebra. Immediately, Gibing tenses up and puts up his guard glaring at the monsters in front of us. Next to him was Gyumi and the other goblins, pressing their shields together forming a small phalanx formation.

One of the zebra stops chewing on the grass and looks down on Gibing. Its small black pupil, eyeing Gibing as Gibing hides behind his shield. A blue spark starts to form above the monsters' head. Slowly, that singular blue spark grows until it is a continuous stream of electricity. 

The zebra starts to paw the ground with its right front foot and at the same time, the spark grows brighter. The white lighting tail on its back stands up and the monster lowers its head. Slowly it starts to trot towards us, the electricity growing with each step.

"We move in now!" - Ian

The moment the monster starts to move forward I decided it was time to counterattack. Most of the monsters' attention was on Gibing as well as the zebra who had wanted to fight Gibing. The moment we reveal ourselves the monsters caught wind of us, neighing loudly at us as we got closer. 

However, after the neighing was the lightning coming between its horns. The first monster was galloping towards Gibing and the others, its eyes determined. The monster releases a stream of electricity as it gathered from the static electricity in the room and the world. 

Knowing what was coming, Gyumi decided to take the hit first, blocking the attack with her hand, to find out the strength of the monster. Since Gyumi had the lightning element the attack barely did any damage to her but instead powered her up. The edges of her pupils had thin blue snakes sparking in and out as the electricity gathers above her head.

With a shout, the archers on Gibing and Gyumi's side releases their arrows but were blocked by the invisible barrier. Seeing the barrier block the archer's attempts, Gibing rushes forward with a spear, smashing the head of the spear into the right side of the monster. The barrier can be seen again and the monster did take any damage, however, felt the recoil. 

We reach the group of zebra and ready as I was, I dash forward slamming my polearm into the closest zebra which also happens to be the stronger.

However, another barrier.

Seeing my unsuccessful attempt of breaking through the barrier, Kingston runs past me hitting the monster with the tip of his spear, penetrating through the protective barrier. Followed up by Frank's stab into the side of the monster. Enraged by taking damage, its tail starts to glow bright white.

Within seconds of me noticing the tail was different, it couldn't hold back the urge anymore. It flicks its tail at the closest person which happened to be David. Several white stars hit David's body only for him to feel nothing since Solar had cast Shield on David. 

I smile at the result. While the monsters can use lightning-related skills and buff, their overall damage was lackluster. However, I might have just been lucky. The monsters are more suited to be bred into support characters. With buffs, it can become a vital member in most teams, except it was a monster. 

The shield bearers ran past off us positioning them around the monsters.. Pressing their shields together we created a reverse phalanx formation and now it was time to attack the monsters.

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