
Chapter 16 - 16 - Decisions, Decisions

Luke grasped the tooth in the middle of the necklace. As he finished saying the chant the tooth became enveloped in a golden light. It warped around the tooth detaching itself from the necklace and forming a golden ball. The ball morphs into the shape of a wolf before dissipating revealing the golden fur underneath. With a loud howl at the sky, a golden wolf appears next to Luke.

Name: Golden Wolf

Race: Beast (Wolf)

Health Points (HP): 50/50

Mana Points (MP): 10/10

Strength: 15

Vitality: 25

Intelligence: 15

Dexterity: 8

Agility: 25

Luck: 5

Skill: Moonlight Renewal (active) - 2 MP, Pounce (Active) - 1 MP

It bears its fangs at the closest goblin instantly biting the neck before pouncing on the next goblin. It travels from goblin to goblin killing them with a single strike.

It wasn't before long when the goblins in front of the wall died. Due to the strength of the golden wolf and the pressure it exerts the goblins stopped running towards us and instead stayed in the depths of the forest. It was the first time we had a break from the constant attack. Although I was still worried about the goblin archer. The two arrows that the archer shot towards me could have taken my life.

I gathered everyone near the gate making sure to close it before talking.

"We have two options. Stay here and defend or split up and attack while defending. The first option is without a doubt the safer option. The second is extremely risky because we can end the fight by destroying the encampment however, by splitting the up we lose a lot of defense here as well as potentially sending the attacking party to their deaths. For those that want the second option put up your hand."

I gave everyone a little bit of time to think about the two options. After a bit, it seemed like everyone made their decision. Robin, Howard, Luke and myself had put their hands up. I was the last person to put up their hand and once I did David asks me a question.

"Do you think the second option is the better option in order to survive?"

I look back at him and shook my head.

"No, if I was thinking about only survival then I would choose to defend against the goblins. However, I am thinking about the future. If we can defeat the encampment we will be able to take the resources from the encampment at the same time there might be hidden gems there. Items that will enhance our lifestyle or enhance our strength. At the same time, this is all a guess. There might be nothing there and I just made everyone go through hell and back but it's a risk I am willing to take."

David still shakes his head.

"I don't understand. We don't have the resources to attack and defend how do you propose we do it?"

I smile at David and tell everyone my plan.

"It might sound hard but I think we have a chance. With the number of goblins that attacked us from sunset to now, there would have been hundreds of footsteps meaning it would be an easy task to backtrack towards their encampment. Oscar will be leading the way especially since he knows where the general direction might be. Luke will be the weapon or more importantly, it would be the golden wolf. However with only 30 minutes before the golden wolf disappears we will need to time the attack wisely. We have already used it once so we know what to expect. Then there is me, I will make the decisions on moving forward or retreating."

Everyone looked at me as if I was a ghost.

"Wait, how is this a plan it sounds like suicide."

Owen broke the silence with a sarcastic tone.

"It does not SOUND like suicide it IS suicide"

Oscar did not agree with the plan at all and expressed his disbelief at my words.

"No, I think it is the best option we got."

Everyone looked at Robin. She stood there with one hand on her hip looking at us with a face of disinterest.

"Honey, stop being a bitch. You are the best tracker we got and if we want to find the goblin's encampment only you can do it. You need to grow a pair and go out into the wild. Furthermore, we need to repay Ian for helping us when we needed it most."

Robin walked over to Oscar and stands right in front of him.

"Mum...I-I can't just go out there knowing I am going to die."

"You are not going to die. No is, I'll make sure. The moment there is any danger I will voice the order to retreat and the 3 of us will go back to here and defend until the goblins stop attacking."

I look straight into Oscar's eyes as I speak to him. Not wavering a single step. With a sigh, Oscar reluctantly agrees and Owen looks at Robin giving a doubtful look. Robin looked slightly annoyed before she walked over to Owen and punched him in the chest.

"BE A MAN OWEN. You better defend this place with your life."

I gulp nervously looking at the interaction between the two thinking I should never get on Robin's bad side.

[ Loyalty Points (Robin) + 10 ]

[ Loyalty Points (Robin) 60/100 ]

"Ok, here is the plan once again. Howard, David and Owen will be defending the gate. Robin will provide support from the wall and Lucina I want you to help Robin out whenever she needs it. Luke, I know you did not say anything during that conversation so I assume you know what is happening. I want you to stay behind me. If we get into extreme danger I want you to call for the golden wold immediately otherwise wait for my signal. Oscar, lead the way."

With a nod from everyone, Oscar, Luke and I set off for the goblin encampment and into the depths of the forest.

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