
177 Chapter 177

There were quite a lot of things that needed to be prepped for the event, mainly weaponry, armor, and potions. With the Golden Age finishing soon, I asked a goblin scout to gather people at HavenFall to formally discuss the event and our solution to it. Howard, Noah, Kingston, Robin, Stellar, Gibing, Gobi, and David were gathered and discussed in a house that was constructed for the purpose of meetings. Howard and Noah made this house during the time I was away, to meet up with each other with Gobi and old man Hus to discuss recent events.

Originally, I would have liked to have Nina or Sylvia here as well, but the two of them haven't come back yet. I had started messaging Nina in real life, but even she doesn't know how long it will be until she makes it back to HavenFall. The trials set up by Ares are long and arduous, but both of them are gaining strength the longer they participate in them.

"Alright now that everyone is here, I need to tell you that something major will happen in a week. " - Ian

"The event right?" - Kingston

"Yes, the event. Something that Sylvia had informed me was going to happen soon." - Ian

"I heard about this from Melody. Are you sure it is going to happen in a week?" - Noah

"Positive. This is why I have gathered everyone here today specifically to discuss this. " - Ian

"Alright, hit us up. What's the plan?" - Howard

"We have three places where we need to more or less defend. The main base, HavenFall, the Krepost and the connecting road between the two. Owen, Rex and Spike as well as some other people have done a good job in clearing the route between the two places and have already started to construct a brick road. However, that doesn't mean the area is safe.

There are still monsters in the forest and with the event coming this area might be in danger. If this area is taken away from us, support from both sides will not come. We wouldn't be able to contact and get reinforcements from either HavenFall or the Krepost. So, we are dividing the army into 3 sections. HavenFall defense team, Road defense team and Krepost defense team.

The Road defense team will consist of our highest agility troops, namely the demi-humans who specialize in speed, the goblins as well as the wolves. I have already talked to Noah and Gobi and found an approximate number for this team. 10 demi-humans half cat and half dog, 10 goblins, and 6 wolves. Stellar and Gewari will lead this team alongside Luna, who will lead the wolves." - Ian

"But Gewari isn't out of the Ikanda yet." - Stellar

"Right, but if she does finish before the event happens, then she is moved to your team. The objective of your team is to spread out, covering the whole of the forest. Everyone in the team is fast and strong in a 1 v 1 situation, making it easy for others to come in and help if needed. You are to constantly move up and down, looking out for any enemies that might appear in between HavenFall and Krepost.

Furthermore, you are the first to reinforce one side if anything goes wrong. Send 5 troops to the side that isn't being attacked, and the rest will come to the side that is being attacked. Once the defense is completed, then you go back to the forest and repeat. How does that sound?" - Ian

"It will be tough, and we will be constantly moving everyone, making it very physically taxing." - Stellar

"What about getting the Zivotinja?" - Kingston
"The saddles are still in a prototyping stage and the stirrups don't exist yet. What's more, is that the road isn't finished, so moving around in the forest might be more detrimental than helpful." - Ian

"However, they can help in the forest near the Krepost. Celine has allowed them to wander into the forest to see how they would react to the new environment, and they were about to gallop along the flatter areas." - Gobi

"Alright, Kingston, notify Celine about allowing them to defend the forest behind the Krepost while the rest of Stellar's group can defend the other areas." - Ian

"Got it." - Kingston

"Moving on to the Krepost, I will be stationing Kingston, Gibing, and David at that location. Frank, Gopopo, Yor, Celine, Ken, and Kaede will also be there. You will be taking along with you 20 demi-human shield bearers, some of which are wolves, bison and dogs, 10 human shield bearers, 5 demi-human archers which are cats, and 5 human archers. Kingston will be appointed the main leader of the Krepost with Gibing and David supporting him and Gopopo leading the archers. Any questions so far?" - Ian

"Aren't I taking a lot of melee troops? What about here?' - Kingston

"Don't worry, it should be fine here. You also have Celine's tamed monsters to help out in the fight. She will be managing that." - Ian

"Alright. If you need more people, tell me." - Kingston

"Don't worry, I will. Now for the people in HavenFall. Howard, Noah and Gobi will be commanding the front line consisting of 10 demi-human shield bearers, 6 human shield-bearers, and the 4 hobgoblins. Robin will command the archers, consisting of the 15 female corps, 10 goblin archers, and the hobgoblin archer. Belle will be busy commanding the 7 wolves that are left, while the wolf cubs will be inside. Owen, Spike, Meg and Val, and 3 more people will help transport arrows, while Lucina and her group of 4 will help take care of any wounded. Questions?" - Ian

"Are you sure about this setup? There doesn't seem to be a lot of people in the front line." - Noah

"Right. While we can hold out, we don't have the manpower to launch an offensive strategy against an enemy army." - Howard

"That's because I want HavenFall to focus on defense. The amount of archers is just one part of the strategy. We have 4 archer towers at the front of HavenFall, 2 at the back, and 1 more down at the bottom of the canyon right next to the gap next to the waterfall where I originally came from to make HavenFall. Howard has already blocked off that route, making the only path out being via the archer tower itself.

Our wall at the front is also high with spikes in front of it and a moat behind it. Having only one entry point makes it hard for any enemy to come into HavenFall and by that time, they would be attacked by our archers. Down in the canyon, there are only two places where they can come from, the wall next to the archer tower and from the direction of the wave.

The cave is where we believe the event will happen. I'm sure everyone here already knows, but Owen discovered a locked door as he was mining for copper. While there is still a copper vein in the cave, he and his team of miners have dug around the door, making it a relatively open space, that connects to the cavern above it. The HavenFall team will be positioned in HavenFall and then set out to the cave once we confirm that something is happening there.

I had the option of preparing right next to the door, but I am afraid of what might come out. I don't want to put anyone in needless danger, so we will depart once we are certain nothing will happen to HavenFall while we are gone. Any questions?" - Ian

"What about equipment for everyone?" - Howard

"I was about to get to that." - Ian

"Old man Hus, Lime, Martelo, Rycka and a few others have been busy working as hard as they can forging armor and stocking up to make sure we are all equipped. Once we are done here, Kingston, Gobi and Stellar follow me to the Barracks and Armory where I will show you the equipment for your group." - Ian

"Got it." - Kingston

"Yes my Lord." - Gobi

"On it." - Stellar

"Good. Everyone else, I want you to gather your group and make sure they are prepared. The Krepost defense group will depart tomorrow morning with any supplies they need, while the Roads defense group will prepare in the training grounds. HavenFall defense group will prepare in the main plaza. Alright, everyone, let's move." - Ian

I walk out of the meeting house, followed by Kingston, Gobi and Stellar. I walk with the three toward the Barracks first to show them the weapons which old man Hus had made, before taking them to the Armory next door.

"Old man Hus has made bronze spears, knives, and shields in the time he had working. Kingston and Gobi you will be taking the spears and shields as primary weapons for the shield bearers and a stone goblin knife as a secondary weapon. Martelo and Rycka have made Crizanna Knives from the fangs and claws, as well as Ijagu and Zivotinja knives.

These knives do less damage, but take them in case your main weapon breaks.

Stellar, your group will be using the bronze knives as well as the light wooden shields. The wooden shields won't provide a lot of defense, but it is light and can help defend against arrows and other projectiles and since it is small, they can be fitted onto your forearm.

As for armor, the stone armor will be used for all melee troops, while wooden armor and Ombidia Leather armor are used for archers and scouts. Stellar take the Jackalope clothing as well since the forest will get cold in the night." - Ian

"Alright." - Stellar

"I'll prepare a large trolley to bring this back to the Krepost." - Kingston

"There is one near old man Hus's workshop. I'll show you." - Gobi

"Thank you, Gobi." - Kingston

"The three of you will be vital in the upcoming event. Be careful and stay strong." - Ian

After assigning everyone with armor and weapons, I went to acquire Lucina's potions, handing them out in baskets for the groups. These potions are going to be a lifeline for us and since Lucina has been working non-stop in producing the plants, the potions have started to collect dust with how many of them there were. However, with this event, there was no need to be stingy. I empty her whole storage into baskets and crates to give out to everyone, making sure they were prepped.

A week passes quickly and on the day of the event, at night as I was calming my nerves for the event, a bright white pillar of light erupts in the direction of the cave. It zooms upward into the sky and one by one, I start to see more of them erupting out of the ground far and wide.

[ Hello everyone! Are you ready? Well, regardless of whether you are, it is time to begin the third event! ]

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