
Chapter 18 - 18 - Trap

I slowly crawl along the ground towards the closest tent. I held onto my spear and shield and carefully crept closer to the tent. I make sure I made as little sound as possible. Behind the tent, I got up slightly and crouch walked to the next tent drawing closer to the large rock. The noise from the goblins shouting at each other drowned out the noise from my footsteps. I could see the hobgoblin's face as I got closer. It was wearing a wide grin as it looked down at the goblins a look of superiority could be seen.

There were 6 tents and a large rock surrounding a large fire. I could see a large pot hanging above the fire, from a couple of large poles. Clouds of steam could be seen above the pot and a single goblin was stirring the insides of it. There were goblins holding weapons hopping from one leg to the other dancing around the fire. Some yelling and shouting while eating some sort of meat. Pieces of the meat would spray over other goblins every time they yelled. It was like a chaotic mess around the fire.

I stay quiet slowly moving behind tents inching my way towards the rock. Suddenly, a goblin turned the corner and walked behind the tent. Its eyes were closed and it was whistling softly as it walked further away. As silent as a cat, I stay still and unmoving. The goblin walks past me and I leaped on it. Stabbing the back of its throat with the spear while pushing his head down to the ground. I kill it as quickly and quietly as I can making sure no other goblin notices my presence. I move back behind the closest tent and let out a sigh of relief.

It took a bit of time to get to the rock and during that time I had killed 2 more goblins that wandered away from the fire. I looked up and saw the hobgoblin grinning. I lick my lips and swallow my saliva while I held onto my spear. I draw the spear back and aimed for the hobgoblin's head. I step forward and tossed my spear. Unfortunately, I stepped on a branch and the sound made the hobgoblin turn behind. He sees the spear fly towards him and awkwardly twists away. The spear barely grazes his shoulder and he falls down into the crowd of goblins.

I curse under my breath and start to sprint away. I hold onto the shield tightly with my left hand while grasping the goblin knife in my right in case something unexpected happened. Not long after I could hear the sound of goblins chasing after me. Their iconic screeching and yelling filled my ears and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

I sprint faster and faster, I can feel my heart beating louder and harder than ever and as if my luck couldn't get worse I had run into a dead end. Since it was dark and there was only a limited amount of light I couldn't tell where I was running and I didn't even know I had run into this dead end. In front of me and to my sides were the walls of a mountain towering over forest. I turn around to see the crowd of goblins slowing down and spreading out covering any path of escape. I smile weakly at the group of goblins and went into my battle stance. I can see their nasty grins and smug faces as they surround me, some were taunting me with their weapons while others licked their lips revealing a disgusting set of teeth.

The group of goblins parted in the middle and the leader of them appeared, the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin walks forward confidently and the moonlight shines on his body as if he was a saint. Its bow was replaced by a thick wooden club, twice the size of its arm. It spits in my direction and that was when I recognized it. The hobgoblin was the goblin with the club and shield during the last attack. It had evolved, became stronger, faster and bigger while at the same time earning the rights to lead a group of goblins. I laugh nervously at the goblin looking at him intently ready to react to any of its moves.

It leans forwards and pushes off the ground hard enough to leave a small indent on the ground. It dashes forward and swings the club upwards and then smashing it down. I block the strike with my shield but underestimated the amount of raw strength of the hobgoblin. I could feel the blow throughout my whole body. I see the hobgoblin wind up for another attack and quickly sidestep the blow. At the same time, I counterattack stabbing forward with my knife. The hobgoblin rolls away and the knife nicks his nose. It looks at me pitifully and starts to laugh. Its wide grin grew wider and its eyes bulge out of its sockets and with a crazed laugh pounces towards me gripping the club with both hands swinging it down from the sky creating a cloud of dust as it lands. With such an obvious attack I step back dodging the blow but I couldn't stop the follow-up attack. The hobgoblin leaped towards me hitting me square in the chest cracking and breaking the wooden chest plate. I bring up the status screen to see how much HP I had left.

Name: Ian

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 3/10

Mana Points (MP): 0/0

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 5

Luck: 5

Equipment: Goblin Knife, Wooden Shield, Lucky Goblin Totem Necklace

With only 3 HP left I was very worried but despite how dire the situation looked right now, I smiled.


Hidden on top of a ledge above a golden light flashed and a golden wolf jumped down. Standing next to me was once an enemy but now my friend. A confident smile spread across my face as I saw the hobgoblin's surprised expression.

"Hey hobgoblin, get ready because it is our turn."

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