
204 Chapter 204

Slinging the duffle bag over my shoulder and extending the handle of the suitcase, I pull it outside and put on my shoes. Rebecca follows afterward, putting on her boots and the two of us had a light conversation as we wait for the driver to arrive. On the dot, a sleek black car rolls in front of us. Its huge waterfall grille and upright chassis shine in the sun, spotless as if it just came out of the factory.

The driver's seat door opens softly, and a young man in his twenties walks out, buttoning his suit in one fluid motion. His blonde hair radiates in the sunlight as he ruffles through his hair, and breathes out a deep breath. Walking around the car and stopping at the backseat, he casually opens the door for us, before giving us a warm smile.

"Mr. Ian, Ms. Rebecca, it is nice to meet you. My name is Adam. Mr. Sam has informed me that you already knew that I was coming to drive you to the airport. I will be your chauffeur for today. Please make yourself comfortable inside the car whilst I place your bags in the trunk. I have already prepared a glass of sparkling lemon water in the cup holder for you to hydrate yourself." - Adam

"Uhh…" - Ian

"Thank you, Adam, for the help. We just have one suitcase and the duffle bag for you to place in the trunk. I will hold onto my purse if that is okay?" -Rebecca

"Of course, Ms. Rebecca. For now, please make yourself comfortable." - Adam

"Come on, babe. Leave the bags to Adam and come inside." - Rebeca

"Wait, what?" - Ian

"Follow me." - Rebecca

Rebecca smiles at Adam, before getting in the car, waving her hand at me to follow. Still confused, I follow Rebecca while placing the duffle bag on the ground next to Adam and rolling the suitcase next to it as well.

"Umm, the duffle bag has a lot of electronics, just be careful with them." - Ian

"Of course, Mr. Ian. I will make sure nothing is damaged on the trip." - Adam

"Hurry up babe, let the man do his job and come and relax in here with me." - Rebecca

"Okay, coming. Thank you… Adam. I'll leave it to you."- Ian

Nodding in acknowledgement, Adam closes the door behind me and all the outside noise vanishes. Only the sound of the bubbling water in Rebecca's hands as she was sipping from it softly. Soft cream leather seats with jet black highlights, it was the first time I have ever sat inside an expensive car. Usually it would be buses or taxis.

"Have some water, babe, and calm down. You need to relax." - Rebecca

"How can I? This is so different from what I'm used to. How are you so relaxed?" - Ian

"I've experienced this before plus you see this in movies all the time. All we need to do is relax and let Adam do everything. It's like having a butler." - Rebecca

"Never had a butler before. Baby, I'll just follow your lead okay?" - Ian

"Okay! Don't worry, I'll help you!" - Rebecca

Moments later, Adam opens his door and gets in the driver's seat. Adjusting his mirrors and putting on his seatbelt before starting the engine.

"I will be taking you both to the airport now. Just relax and enjoy the ride. Please notify me if there is anything either of you would like whether it is more water, a soda, music or a slight detour for food." - Adam

"Thank you, Adam. I think we will be fine for now." - Ian
"Maybe some nice calming music?" - Rebecca

"As you wish, Ms. Rebecca." - Adam

Playing on the tablet that was embedded in the dashboard, Adam selects a playlist called Peace and Love. Soft piano music starts playing from the speakers and Rebecca and I engage in conversation, sometimes asking Adam for his opinion. The drive was smooth with little traffic, and we arrive at the airport after an hour of driving. Adam parks the car and hands the key to a person wearing the same clothes as him, before taking our bag and suitcase out of the trunk.

"Mr. Ian, Ms. Rebecca, please follow me, Mr. Evan and Ms. Sabrina are already waiting on the plane for our arrival." - Adam

"Lead the way, please." - Ian

"Have you ever been on a plane, babe?" - Rebecca

"No, I barely left my area, only going to the city when needed, so this is my first time leaving home to go somewhere pretty far away." - Ian

"Excited?" - Rebecca

"Yeah! I'm also excited about what is in store for us once we land." - Ian

Walking past the crowds of people at the airport, we approach a side door which Adam opens up for us, signaling with his hand for us to move in.

"Mr. Ian, Ms. Rebecca, this way, please." - Adam

"There isn't a need for passports or tickets?" - Rebecca

"Not at all. Mr, Sam has already prepared a private plane for the journey." - Adam

"How long is the flight?" - Ian

"It will be explained on the plane as it is easier to explain to everyone all at once." - Adam

"Understandable. Just through the door?" - Ian

"Yes, then take a right at the end. It will lead you to a corridor that leads to the plane."- Adam

"Will you not be joining us?" - Rebecca

"I will be joining once I place your bags in the storage unit inside the plane." - Adam

"Alright thank you for showing us the way." - Ian

"It is my pleasure to help, I will see Mr. Ian and Ms. Rebecca soon." - Adam

With a slight bow, Adam walks away with our bags whist, Rebecca links her arm with mine as we follow the corridor toward the plane. Low hums from the nearby planes echo in the corridor, as we walk along a red carpet towards the plane.

As we approach the plane, I see a slender woman with fair skin and dirty blonde hair tied in a bun with a black and gold juda stick holding it together. Dressed in a tight black blazer with a white blouse underneath, and a black tight miniskirt, she turns her head in our direction and with a calm expression approaches us.

"Good morning, Mr. Ian and Ms. Rebecca. I'm glad you have arrived safely. My name is Eve and I will also be your chauffeur for today alongside Adam. I had Adam pick you both up, whilst I went to get Mr. Evan and Ms. Sabrina. Both of them are already on the plane and are currently enjoying some commodities provided by our in-plane bar. Please follow me." - Eve

"Thank you, Eve. Are we going to wait for Adam before we leave?" - Rebecca

"Yes, he has already informed me that he will arrive in 5 minutes, once he is here we will inform you about some information before we fly." - Eve

"Okay, lead the way." - Ian

Stepping into the plane, and through a gray curtain, we were greeted by Evan and Sabrina slouching in large brown leather seats with a tall champagne glass in their hand. Evan was wearing a simple black v-neck shirt with a gray jacket and beige chinos, while Sabrina was wearing a short denim jacket and bright red crop top, and black short shorts. Noticing our presence, Evan waves his hand calling out to us.

"YOOOO! Look who it is, the man of the hour. The one guy that always stops the game with his crazy in game luck." - Evan

"Hey, love birds! Wow…I like the fit Rebecca!" - Sabrina

"Thanks Sabrina. I'm digging your look as well. I could never pull that off." - Rebecca

"How's everything so far? What do you know about what is happening?" - Ian

"Absolutely NOTHING! I'm just enjoying this comfortable seat and this champagne. Unfortunately, I have to share the space with this person over here but other than that we are chilling." - Evan

"Eve told us to relax until you guys came. We only got here about 10 minutes before you anyway, so we barely did anything. AS FOR THIS GUY! In 10 minutes, he drank 3 different shots as well as had a beer and a glass of champagne. Unbelievable, what an idiot." - Sabrina

"Hey, hey. I asked first. She said Sam allowed us to just have it. It's all free. Why not use it? Plus I think Sam wants us to indulge ourselves a little." - Evan

"Eve, is that true?" - Ian

"Yes. Mr. Sam has informed us that you are all able to drink whatever you desire so long as we have it on the plane. He wants you to enjoy yourself to the fullest." - Eve

"Who is Sam anyway? We knew he was rich, but we never thought more than that. After all, none of us asked each other about our personal life. It was mainly talking about Settlement whenever we chat." - Evan

"I believe he would like to tell you that information himself. Now then, Mr. Ian and Ms. Rebecca what would you like to drink?" - Eve

"Umm… Just a wat-" - Ian

"We will take two glasses of champagne. Thank you, Eve." - Rebeca

"Babe?" - Ian

"As you wish Ms. Rebecca." - Eve

Pushing the curtain away, Eve leaves us to prepare the drinks. Rebecca turns toward Sabrina and grabs her wrist pulling her up from her slouched position.

"Just enjoy yourself. Sabrina come sit with me over here. Let the two boring boys, talk amongst themselves." - Rebecca

"Alright, alright. I like this. No one else belittles that man child other than me, and that felt refreshing. Rebecca I think you and we are going to have a great time together." - Sabrina

"Please help yourself." - Eve

Coming up behind me, Eve hands me a glass as she looks into my eyes. I gaze at her sparkling sapphire eyes, before averting my attention. Picking up the glass I give my thanks to Eve before sitting down on the seat Sabrina was sitting in.

"I'm back. Eve?" - Adam

As I sit down, Adam pushes the curtain away, slightly taken back by the amount of people in the cabin. Eve gives Rebecca her glass before walking to Adam and with a nod, the both of them stood in front of us.

"Dear guests. Thank you for coming along Mr. Sam's abrupt wishes. Adam will start us off with some safely instructions first before we go into the details." - Eve

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