
Chapter 21 - 21 - Ancient Ruin

[ Congratulations to these players who have gone above and beyond ]

[ 1. SAMurai

2. Scarlet Witch Sabrina

3. Devel

4. Helioc

5. Kitty

6. Bleu

7. SanShiGo

8. Hide-ha

9. Ian

10. Elves_or_Nothin


[ While other players achieved spectator results. The top 10 will receive a greater prize for their efforts. The top 50 will also receive a prize however, will not be mentioned on the leaderboard.]

The blue screen appeared in front of me the moment I logged back into the game. I see that the leaderboard had changed compared to the previous leaderboard. However, SAMurai is still at the top. I can only imagine how strong he is or how strong his NPCs are. As I was thinking about the leaderboard another message appeared.

[ You will now receive your reward. ]

[ Please choose one:

+(1 - 5) Strength

+(1 - 5) Vitality

+(1 - 5) Intelligence

+(1 - 5) Dexterity

+(1 - 5) Agility

+(1 - 5) Luck ]

Surprisingly, the prize this time was a stat increase. The only way to increase the stats of players is from equipment but now there is a chance to increase stats. However, which is more important right now? Strength will increase my damage but that can also be increased by the attack stat from weapons. Vitality will increase my HP in case I get hit too much. I don't have any skills to use the MP so intelligence is unnecessary. Dexterity is also unnecessary since I am not building any weapons. Agility could be important for running or for dodging. While luck is something that I wasn't sure of. I already had an increase of Luck from the goblin necklace but I do not feel the increased luck.

"What if I got luckier?"

I spoke quietly to myself as I select Luck from the blue screen.

[ Congratulations you have received +5 Luck ]

I was stunned for a bit. I got the maximum value from the reward and my luck increased to 10. Was the increase in luck from the equipment what helped me get the maximum reward? I could not help but think the two were related but I did not have long to think as I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Oscar and Luke walking out of the house.

"You two wash up and get something to eat we need to go back to the encampment and the place where we defeated the hobgoblin to collect any loot."

Both of them nodded towards me and walked off towards the river in the canyon. I could hear them chatting about last night's adventure as they walk away.

"David, Lucina and Robin get ready we are going on a small trip."

David and Robin got their equipment while Lucina got a couple of large woven baskets. She seemed to have made a couple more since yesterday but I was glad she made more, it would make it easier to transfer some of the loot. Thinking about moving things I believe I should invent the wheel here to make some carts and wheelbarrows. I can get old man Hus to cut out wood and make some rough versions of carts but that will be for another day.

Everyone eventually got ready and we set off. We follow Oscar as he leads the way towards the dead-end first since it was closer compared to the encampment. Once we got there we saw the loot on the ground and made sure to pick up everything.

[ Goblin Knife

Attack: 1

A short stick tied to a sharp stone]

[ Goblin Club

Attack: 1

A short slightly thicker stick]

[ Hobgoblin's Club of Rage

Attack: 10

Vitality: 5

Skill: Rage (active) - 5 MP

A large wooden stick fueled by the rage of the previous holder]

There were 10 goblin knives and 8 goblin clubs which David carried in his basket. I walked over to the hobgoblin's club and when I touched the club I could feel the wrath and rage of the goblin. My mind was filled with rage for a split second before it disappeared.

I pick up the club and swing it around before moving on towards the encampment. Robin and Lucina chatting along the way about the bright flowers along the forest floor while Luke silently shadowed them. Oscar was busy leading the way and checking for tracks while David and I were in the back talking about the events that happened after I left. Only a few stray goblins had come towards the gate and were instantly silenced by Robin's marksmanship.

"Everyone, we have arrived at the encampment be careful I am not sure what is still here."

Oscar warns us as we got to the encampment. There was still smoke from the fire last night, coming from the middle of the encampment, and the 6 tents were still there. It looked like a ghost town. We slowly move forward with Lucina in the middle, Oscar and David at the front, Robin at the back, and Luke and I on the sides. It seemed like there was no danger in the encampment anymore. We spread out and quickly raid the tents picking up anything that might be useful.

I walk towards the tent closest to the rock and out the corner of my eye I see something golden half-buried under the rock. I walk towards it and dig around it revealing a small golden box. I grab the box and a message appears.

[ Congratulations you are the first player to find an Ancient Ruin ]

[ An Ancient Ruin is an item that can give the player various benefits ]

[ Since you are the first to find an Ancient Ruin you may choose from these benefits]

[ Please choose one:

+ Population

+ Stats

+ Resources

+ Equipment

+ Artifact ]

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