
Chapter 23 - 23 - Plans

Once I had chosen the name, old man Hus brought out a long piece of wood. He took out a goblin knife and I wrote down the name HavenFall on the wood. Howard and David picked up the wood and went towards the gate. Placing it between the gaps of the wall above the gate. Our place now had a name and anyone that comes near it can tell that this place is HavenFall.

Oscar and Luke rested up chatting near the fire while Robin and old man Hus were discuss about improvements to her bow and arrows. Owen went down to the river to catch some fish for dinner while Lucina went into the forest to forage for more vegetables and fruits. At the same time, Howard and David were building another mud house next to the first mud house. Everyone was moving forward towards a goal or relaxing making me happy inside since I did not need to tell them to do anything allowing me to get to my own devices.

I hold the Goblin Spawn orb and walk towards the corner of HavenFall. Near the edge of the cliff and next to the wall I place the orb in the ground as per instructions. It shines blue before melting into the ground. The orb turns into a blue liquid which starts to spread out covering a rectangular area. I step away from the area and after a few moments, the edges of the rectangle start to move upwards towards the sky. It forms a dark blue box before bursting into blue smoke.

Once it clears I see a small wooden cylindrical structure. It had a red curtain covering the front a grey animal skin as the roof. It was the same height and about twice the size of my body. I reach my hand out to grab the red curtain to look inside when a system message appears in front of me.

[ Goblin Hut

Spawns 1 Goblin a day.

23 : 59 : 59 ]

The red curtain seemed to be immovable and the hut itself looked very run down. Thinking about it a bit more I went to Howard and David and asked them to make a smaller version of the mud house next to the Goblin Hut. They were confused with my request since they never heard of a Goblin Hut so I brought them to the location.

"How does that make goblins?"

"Not sure Howard I got it from the encampment. The goblins that come out of it will however be friendly. I will explain it more at night when we have dinner with everyone."

Howard and David ask a few more questions before I left them to make the house.

Now it was time to plan for HavenFall.

At the moment HavenFall only had a storage house (shelter), a mud house, a fence next to the cliff, a mud wall, a wooden gate that looked like a couple of logs between the wall and the Goblin Hut. There was a lot of space since the area of HavenFall was very large. Currently, the houses were closer to the cliff and the wall was only 2 houses from the forest which was on the other side of HavenFall. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from one side to the other side.

While HavenFall was very long it was not the widest place. Only able to fit about 10 houses between the mountainous walls that surround HavenFall. I walk around the whole place thinking about what to put and how to improve HavenFall. Some problems I thought about were food and defenses. Our source of food at the moment was fruits and wild vegetables from the forest and fish from the river. While it is readily available now there will is a chance that this game has a seasonal system. Once winter arrives in the game then food will become harder to acquire. A reliable source of food is need something like potatoes or onions.

Lucina has harvested some variations of potatoes from the forest so maybe we can start a farm. As I walk along the edge of the cliff I find the location is good for a farm. It had a lot of sunlight and since the river is only below so obtaining water for the crops would be very easy. After plowing the ground and maybe adding soil from the forest the place would end up being a farming district but that would require a bit of time.

As for our defense with only a wall, there really wasn't much of a defense. As I walk towards the wall I think about ways to improve it. I think back to other games I played before that had castle defenses and thought about building a moat or a trench in front of the wall. I also thought about spikes placed in the trench and along the wall.

I walk past the gate and look back at the wall from the outside. I see the hard work put into the wall. Each brick is placed into the wall made by hand and another layer of mud on the outside to smooth out the appearance. A roughly build gate bridging the gap of the wall with a sign above it displaying the name. It looked like a cheap impersonation of a gate but I felt warm looking at it.

I need to replace the gate with a proper door or even a draw bridge if I decide to create a trench although the more I look at the wall from the outside the more I feel creating a trench would benefit HavenFall. Creating a deep hole would make it harder for enemies to attack HavenFall. At the same time, it would make enemy attacks be more focused at one point rather than spread out since there are not enough people to defend the whole stretch. In the trench could be spikes or water or even both.

Behind the wall, I think having some watchtowers would benefit as well. Having a place snipe from would help Robin when she uses her bow. I can see a couple of possible locations for a watchtower. Having 2 at the gate would pose as an immediate threat and having one at each end to take care of the flanks.

I had a lot of ideas in my head for improving HavenFall but after walking around the place the best thing to implement is a farm and then the trench. I walk back towards the fire outside of the mud house and see everyone already gathered walking for fish to be cooked. Lucina was also cooking a vegetable soup over the fire steering the pot full of various kinds of vegetables.

Since everyone was gathered here I start to explain about the Goblin Hut and my plans for the future. I asked Lucina to gather the potatoes tomorrow morning in order to sort them out at the same time I asked her to see if any other vegetables could be replanted. I explained to men about creating a trench at the wall. I also explained that the goblins that come out of the Goblin Hut will be another addition to our family and there will be no discrimination.

Everyone slowly took in the information and accepted the plans making me relieved that there were no objections.. I can only wait now until tomorrow for the goblin to spawn and see its capabilities.

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