
257 Chapter 257

Leaving the Krepost, we slowly advance towards the tunnel where the Abyss Portal lies. The formation of our troops was simple, demi-humans and hobgoblins in the front with shields, scouts on the side, Zivotinjas in the back, and everyone else in the middle. The goblin scouts also held onto torches, as well as some demi-humans in the front, lighting our surroundings as the sun dipped below the horizon. With no monsters obstructing our path, we make it to the tunnel in no time.

Standing in front of the Portal, I press my hand against the door, activating it. Nodding to Stellar, I let her and the goblin scouts pass through first. Activating her invisibility skill from the mask, she cloaks herself and the goblin scouts before moving through. As we were approaching the tunnel, I had already informed Stellar of a scouting plan for when we arrive at the Portal.

Letting her and her goblin scouts move in first, we will be able to gauge any enemies that are loitering around the entrance of the Abyss. At the same time, she will be able to quickly assassinate any nearby enemies, escaping immediately after she does, putting any groups into disarray. Trusting her skills, I let her initiate the plan the moment we arrive, wasting no time.

We wait for a while, letting Stellar do her job. In the meantime, David, Gibing, and a few demi-humans set up some torches around the Portal, making the place less of a deary hole. Leaning against the wall, I glance around the site. Seeing everyone talking to each other lightened the mood up. I could see their faces relax a little compared to their stone-cold expressions as they were marching towards the tunnel but that brief moment of relief fades quickly as Stellar and the goblin scouts exit the Portal.

"What is the situation Stellar? Tell me as much detail as possible." - Ian

"At the moment there are no enemies at the entrance. We searched the whole floor, making sure to check the Portals as well for any signs of their opening, even waiting for a while just in case someone was going to go through but no one. However, that doesn't mean that someone isn't already in the Abyss.

With a quick scout up the staircase, we were able to spot a few dead Guiafairo, along the steps. These monsters looked to have been sliced and pierced multiple times. It was unclear if it was done by a singular weapon or by multiple. A quick discussion led us to fall back as we were unsure what might be ahead of us." - Stellar
"Excellent choice. You were able to bring us enough information for us to know that there are most likely enemies above us. The number and their skill level are unknown, but that shouldn't matter too much for now. Do you need to rest up before entering the Portal again?" - Ian

"No. The scouts and I are fine to continue. Just say the word, my lord." - Stellar

Nodding at Stellar, I turn to Kumi who was tending to the Zivotinjas. She was brushing their necks while feeding them some grass she had in a small pouch.

"Kumi, how are the Zivotinjas feeling? Will they be okay?" - Ian

"At the moment, they are fine. The environment here startled them at first but after seeing everyone else walk forward confidently, they slowly became accustomed. I'm sure they will be fine passing through the Portal as well." - Kumi

"Good, then we will go through now. Stellar and her group will go first again, followed by the demi-human and hobgoblin shield bearers, then it will be us and the archers, followed up by the Zivotinjas." - Ian

"Understood! Scouts, let's move." - Stellar

Replying to my command, Stellar passes through the Portal once more with the goblin scouts. The demi-humans and hobgoblin shield bearers press their shields together side by side, leaving no gap before marching through in 3 rows of 5. Kingston and the rest follow up, tightening their grip on their respective weapons. Gopopo even nocked an arrow, just in case there is an unexpected situation.

Walking last in this group, I turn back and look at Kumi once more. Her smiling face reassures me as I turn around and walk through the Portal. Appearing on the other side, I see everyone in a battle-ready stance. Glancing around, I see no enemies and letting out a low sigh, I turn behind, watching the Portal as Kumi and the Zivotinjas walkthrough.

Calming the Zivotinjas immediately, Kumi brushed their necks softly, speaking into their ears as their slightly aggressive nature reveals itself in the unusual environment. Kumi takes only a minute to calm them all as they pass through one by one. Satisfied with her work, I smile at her and pat her head, making her blush slightly.

Finding Kingston, I nudge my head in the direction of the stairs, while placing a finger against my lips, signaling silence. Everyone knew we had to be quiet. It was part of the plan I had spoken about along the way to the Tunnel. No matter the situation, we had to be as quiet as possible, so that we won't notify the enemies we are there, behind them.

Kingston nods his head, patting David's shoulder and pointing for him to move up. Kingston was already recognized as the second leader or the vice commander, after his constant contribution to the Krepost and to fights. Leading the front will always be Kingston, while I lead from behind, watching over the whole battle from a different perspective. David moves forward at a relatively slow pace, allowing the shield bearers to catch up with him and reorganize their formation as they approach the stairs.

It was impossible to have a wide formation along the stairs of the Abyss, instead, it was better to have a strong frontline which David makes up for with his bulky build. Just him is enough to deal with the front, and if needed the shield bearers behind him can assist immediately. It wasn't just them, Gibing and Howard were not too far away either and in the worst-case scenario, I can scale the wall to reach the front.

Kingston falls back a few rows, allowing David to take the lead as a few rows of shield bearers separate them. Next to him were Gibing and Howard, both so focused you could see their eyes bulge out of their sockets. Gopopo was a lot further behind, alongside the goblin archers, however, his position will always make it so that he could strike any enemies at the front even with the curving staircase.

Kumi carefully brings the Zivotinjas up the stairs, and to her surprise, they were able to climb them with relative ease, with some even jumping up a few stairs. The only downside to having so many people doing a stealth-like mission is… Well, the amount of people. The noise of our footsteps echoes in the Abyss and the sound of our armor clinking against each other creates a melody, ringing in our ears.

Seeing this, I gave up on even the slightest chance that was being 'sneaky'. Kingston also just shrugged his shoulders, there was nothing we can do other than to press onward. Moving past the Guiafairo corpses, David pushes them down to the ground, giving us more space to move through. Hoping there would be an item left behind, I made sure to carefully inspect the corpse before David threw it away, alas there was nothing.

Bit by bit we advance higher into the Abyss, and the corpses were increasing. There were a lot more compared to the first time and as we got further up, the damage inflicted on these monsters was also increasing. At the start, it was merely just sliced and pierced flesh, but as the monster corpses increase, we start to see torn flesh, shattered skulls, and protruding bones. Whatever was killing these monsters, disregarded the method and went for the most effective means of killing.

Can't say I wasn't impressed but at the same time, I was curious as to why these bodies were still bodies. Didn't monsters burst into purple smoke when they die? No, there was an exception to this… The Alpha Jackalope. However, that was due to a monster living inside the Jackalope, what about these?

This thought swims around my brain, but seeing David tossing them down the side of the stairs and letting their corpse slam into the ground, slowly pushed any theory I had further away. Looking up further, I could see the exit to the next floor. David stops suddenly 20 steps away from the exit and looks back at me.

Nodding my head, I signal him to advance further. Nodding back, he readies himself, cracking his knuckles through his gauntlet. Yes, David's new weapons are gauntlets made out of stone, bronze, and Ijagu leather, complimenting his new fighting style perfectly. An air of tension spread throughout us, as David reaches the next floor and walks up.

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