
278 Chapter 278

Bursting forward with insane speeds, Yor reaches Number 88's side instantly, quickly attacking its body with a flurry of slashes. Protecting itself, the monster immediately, brings its arm to the side, curling its body slightly as the attacks hit its arm, creating orange sparks as the monster's body harden once more. Noticing his attacks weren't working, Yor kicks himself away from the monster, creating some space.

Filling the space almost immediately, were 3 Xabarils as they charge after hearing Celine's command. Screaming at the charging beasts, Number 88 spreads its arms out as three black balls form, one in each hand and another above its head. Flinging the balls at the approaching beasts, I see a hint of pleasure and glee as an abstract smirk appears on the monster's face.

With no way to cancel the Charge Skill, the Xabarils take the attack head first as the balls land on their heads, enveloping them in a small cloud of dust and dirt. However, just that attack wasn't enough to stop them as they soon charge out of the cloud, locked on to Number 88. Lowering their tusks close to the ground, they accelerate slightly at the end of their charge, slamming into Number 88 as it uses its arms to stop 2 of the 3 charging beasts.

Unfortunately for the monster, there was a third Xabaril, who slams into the side of the monster, causing it to buckle slightly at the hit. Taking advantage of the situation, Yor appears on the other side of the monster, thrusting at its head with pinpoint accuracy. Turning its head to meet Yor's attack, it opens its mouth wide, showcasing the endless void. Remembering that the same mouth consumed the Zivotinja, Yor forcefully stops his attack, spinning to the side with the momentum.

Grunting at the failed attack, Yor dashes forward sightly, and with the attempt to not lose momentum, he bounces off a nearby tree, turning around immediately. Number 88, bursts out, inflating its body as it shoves the Xabarils to the side, before leaping into the sky with the help of the small black tornado below its feet. Clicking its tongue, at the movement, Yor could only look as the monster hovers in the sky.

"Crinzannas' let loose a barrage of attacks!" - Celine

Turning their heads toward the floating monster, the Crinzannas' activate their skills at same time, sending out multiple rings of light, each hitting into Number 88. Defending itself, it creates a purple barrier once more, blocking a majority of the attacks, before counterattacking with a series of purple and black balls. Leaping into the air, the Zivotinjas block the attack with their Prismatic Barrier, landing safely in front of the group.

However, the attack wasn't over just yet. Flashing a dark purple light, the tail that was swaying behind Number 88, starts to move erratically as a series of black stars with sparkling purple outlines start to rotate around it. With a total of 10 stars, the monster deactivates its barrier after swinging its tails toward us, sending the stars straight toward Celine and me.

Knowing how low Celine's total HP was, I grab onto her and leap backward, as 4 Xabarils come in front, to block the attack. Using their bodies to take the attack, the Xabarils could only squeal loudly as each star lands on their bodies. Covering Celine with my body, I close my eyes, bracing for a star to miss the Xabarils and hit me, however, it seems they did their jobs.

A cloud of dirt and dust had enveloped the area after the attack landed on us, but I could see Celine's face distort slightly. Biting her lips slightly, she quickly tries to get up, pushing me slightly to the side in the process. Clearing the cloud by fanning my hands, I see the disfigured bodies of the Xabarils. Chucks of flesh had been blasted off and tusks could be seen, shattered and broken.

Their eyes slowly losing light as Celine's eyes well up in tears. Grasping onto the body of the closest Xabaril, she strokes its back, calming it as best as she could before its eyes close forever. Tears roll down the side of her cheek, but with a determined look, she looks up at the monster that was floating above us. Already preparing its next attack, balls had formed around the monster.




Clicking her tongue, Celine turns her back on the monster and runs toward me. Keeping note of the monster, I grab Celine by the hand and pull her along, rushing into the forest. In the meantime, the Crinzannas let loose another attack while the Zivotinjas retreat with us. Under the protection of the forest, it will make attacking from the sky harder, reducing one of the options for the monster to attack.

After casting yet another series of attacks at the Crinzannas and Xabarils at were out in the open, Number 88 flies down to the ground, rapidly approaching us who were in the forest. Standing in its way, were several Xabarils who charged at the approaching monster. Creating black balls to parry their charge, Number 88, breaks past the herd of Xabarils, dodging a few close calls as the Xabarils, try their best to attack.

"Blood Hunt." - Yor

Appearing in front of Number 88, Yor slices downward with his short sword, landing a significant blow on the monster's shoulder as it attempts to dodge to the right. With his increased Agility, Yor doesn't let the monster escape, immediately following up on his attack with an upward slice which hits along the monster's chest. Stepping forward once more, Yor kicks the monster in the stomach, pushing it a considerable distance away.

Stepping off the ground, Yor continues his assault as he dashes toward Number 88, stopping right behind it as he kicks the monster upward. Leaping after it and travelling higher, Yor pierces the monster's stomach with his short sword, sending it downward with all his might, crashing into the ground with a loud thud. Leaping away from the monster after he lands on the ground, Yor puts up his guard as a worried expression spreads across his face.

"Be careful. I don't think my attack did much to the monster." - Yor

The dust clears, and the monster is nowhere to be seen, immediately, prompting me to check my surroundings. Quickly spinning around, I scan the area, however, the monster wasn't anywhere to be seen and even with Celine's orders for the beasts to search for the monster, it was as if it disappeared. Or so we thought.

Leaping out of Yor's shadow, the monster attempts to swallow him whole. However, Yor's Agility was too high for the monster to successfully swallow him, as Yor dashes to the side. With it momentarily stunned by Yor's quick movements, Celine shouts for the nearby Zivotinjas and Xabarils to attack. Striking with their back legs, the Zivotinjas slams their hooves against the monster's upper body, with the Xabarils charging into its lower body.

Leaping above the Xabarils, using the Zivotinjas as support, Yor aims for the monster's neck, slicing through cleaning with his sword. Knowing it might not end with cutting the monster's head off, Yor steps off the head of a Xabaril, diving forward.

"Deathly Hold." - Yor

Grasping the head tightly, Yor lands on his feet as dark-element energy is injected into the monster's head. Bursting into purple smoke, the monster's head disappears, but as I turn to look at its body, I see it squirming in place, bloating into 5 times its previous size, pushing the beasts away from it. Grabbing Celine's hand, I drag her away, toward the other side of the clearing as she commands the Crinzannas to stand in between the monster and us.

However, in the corner of my eyes, I see a flash of scarlet light, followed by an explosion as part of the mountain behind the village, explodes. Flying out of the hole, was a horse-like figure, with scarlet stripes, illuminated by the backdrop of stars. The horse looked to be galloping in the air, and I could see the faint outline of something or someone on the back of the horse.

A glowing rectangular object appears above the back of the horse, and I could see a deathly pale face before another flash of scarlet blinds me. Appearing in front of the horse and its rider, was a pair of crimson birds, as large as a person. Grasping on to my hand tightly, I turn to Celine, who was looking at the horse and the birds with a terrified face.

"That-that's the creature that is making my beasts terrified. I can feel the fear being transferred into me and-and I too feel scared. Becca. We need to get out of here right now." - Celine

"What do you mean? We still have to deal with that monster, Number 88, and how can we leave? Yor is still fighting with the other monsters." - Rebecca

Just as I say that, I notice the Crinzannas in front of us, tremble as they huddle close together, doing their best to not look in the direction of the horse monster.

"Trust me. Those flying monsters are more dangerous than Number 88." - Celine

"Alright. We need to get to Yor as soon as possible. We need to get away as soon as we-" - Rebecca

Before I could finish my sentence, I notice multiple fireballs, flying toward our direction. Activating my Coin Flip skill, I toss the coin quickly.

[Successful Coin Flip! Doubling random stat… Dexterity has been selected! Dexterity 10 > Dexterity 20. Will you Coin Flip again?]

"Damn it! No! Celine, I'm going to be a little rough, forgive me." - Rebecca

Grabbing Celine, I pull her into the forest, pushing her as far away as I could as I leap at the same time as the fireball lands behind us.


"I can't save them and you." - Rebecca

Turning around after the fireballs land, I see a hellish scene as the Crinzanna's burn, engulfed in flames. They toss their heads into the sky, huddled together as the fire burn their flesh.

"No… No… NO! NO!" - Celine

"I'm sorry, Celine. I had no way of protecting both them and you." - Rebecca

"No… I understand…" - Celine

Patting her back, as we watch the fire consume the beasts, I could feel tears travelling down my cheek. However, I could only mourn for so long as I knew, not only do we have to deal with Number 88 but now a new enemy. One that is stronger than our current foe.

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