
Chapter 29 - 29 - Sharing Information And The Start Of Pottery

After coming out of the game I went for a jog and at the same time, I scheduled a meeting with Evan and Sabrina. I checked the forum after my jog and did not see any new information which means either people have not found out about the technology tree or people are hiding the information. Hiding the information is a perfectly valid strategy to get ahead of the rest of the players since there are a lot of black rectangles which means there is a lot of technological milestones.

I decide not to think too much about it until I meet up with Evan and Sabrina. I instead look up information on the creating of pottery. Since it was partially complete that means that something the NPCs in HavenFall correlated to pottery. It might be referring to the wooden bowl created by old man Hus. So I searched the internet for information on creating clay pots and other uses of clay. Surprisingly, I found out that clay can be found in canyons and near river banks which means there is a change that the river below HavenFall has clay. With the addition of clay, we can make pottery and structures. There would be less reason to create mud walls and houses because clay can be used to create bricks. I keep researching more on the applications of clay until it got closer to the designated meet-up time.

I take a train to the city and walk towards the game store where I see Evan and Sabrina arguing in front of the store. I wave towards them and said my greetings.

"Why is it every time I see you two I see you both arguing? Are you both dating or something?"

"NO WAY WOULD I DATE THIS GUY! It's this elf-loving idiot's fault. He told me the meet-up was 2 hours ago and I've been here since."

"HEY! HEY! I said I was sorry. Plus I got you some ice cream."


Evan sighs as he looks at Sabrina pouting next to him.

"Ian, let's go in you said you wanted to tell us something important?"

"Yea, lead the way."

We all walk toward the private rooms again and after closing the door I got straight to the point of the discussion.

"Do either of you know about the Technology Tree?"

The pair showed confused looks before shaking their heads.

"Okay, well in the game I discovered a new feature. The Technology tree appears after you have completed 3 technological advancements. In my case, I achieved Archery, The Wheel and Masonry. Let's call the new feature Tech Tree for short. The Tech Tree is extremely big it has a lot of uncovered technologies waiting to be discovered and implemented. I do not know which ones you both had achieved but once you have done 3 you will unlock it. I suggest we all share whenever we achieve a technological advancement, that way all of us can proceed through the Tech Tree. Any questions?"

Evan and Sabrina stayed silent for a bit before Evan proposed a question.

"What are the terms of completing a technology?"

"I don't know yet. I plan to test it tonight. The game shows partially completed technologies too which means that so long you are on the right track you can figure out the rest of the technology. My partial technology is pottery and tonight I plan to find clay and create a wooden pottery wheel to create a clay pot. Hopefully, this succeeds and the pottery technology will be completed. I achieved The Wheel technology by creating a wheelbarrow. You can create something similar that uses the wheel and I would assume the technology will be completed."

"Hmm, I can only think of Archery completed for me since one of my NPCs made a bow and some arrows. However, nothing comes to mind when I think of technological advancements"

"That's fine Evan, I wanted to tell both of you this information because I do not think I was the first to find out about the Tech Tree. The system did not reward me for coming first which means that someone else has done this and not shared the information."

"THOSE SNAKES! Even though Evan puts so much information on the forum. "

I jumped a bit back after Sabrina's sudden outburst. It seems she cares about Evan a lot more than she shows. After more talking about the Tech Tree and methods I used to potentially achieve my advancements we parted ways and I went back home. I had dinner and relaxed in bed before going back into the game.

Once back in the game I still see everyone celebrating. I smile as I look at the scene before me and my body felt warm. I let everyone celebrate a while longer while I went over towards the Goblin Hut. The next goblin is to spawn in 10 minutes so I decided to stay nearby. Gobi noticed me heading over towards the Goblin Hut and he followed as well. I inform Gobi again about his leadership duties and the importance to guide and integrate the new goblins into HavenFall. The goblin's tasks will be to dig up the trench while Howard or David will shovel the dirt into the wheelbarrow and transport it towards the cliff edge in order to create another wall. Luke or Oscar will be gathering thick pieces of wood from the forest while foraging for more food. Owen, Lucina and Robin will be tending to the field and slowly expanding it to create 4 fields of equal size next to each other.

Once the new goblin came out I introduced myself to him and let Gobi handle the rest. Old man Hus was sitting near the fireplace sharpening the spearheads. I walk towards him and proposed a new project for him.

"Old man Hus, now that we have created a wheel how about we create something else that uses the wheel."

"What is it lad?"

"It's called the pottery wheel. We will find another piece of wood much like what we used for the wheel only this time we need it thinner. We then dig a hole and place a log over the hole and create a hole through this log. We then create find two sticks, one needs to be hollow to some extent and one needs to fit inside the hollow stick. We attach the solid end to our wheel and insert the stick through the hole to make a stationary axle and the wheel can spin around horizontally. We then make another hole near the edge of the wheel where we can put jam another stick there to turn the wheel. It will be faster than turning it by hand as well as more convenient. What do you think old man Hus interested?"

Old man Hus thought for a bit while scratching his chin before smiling and looking at me.

"Lad, you have some very interesting ideas. I don't know what this pottery thing is but it will eventually be something I will be doing too so this is just the first step. Leave the construction to me I will ask Luke to help me find the materials."

I nod at old man Hus's words and move off towards the river. It's time to find some clay!

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