
Chapter 293 293 - Portal To The Castle (Rebecca Perspective)

Understanding the situation as best as I could, I follow Nina as she gathers the 6 of us at the gate of the Krepost. Sylvia has changed into leather armor while wielding gloves with small spikes around the knuckles. David, dons his copper armor, holding onto a large tower shield and stone ax, while Frank covers himself in a black cape, with numerous knives underneath. Mikki still has the armor Ian was wearing during his capture, while Nina and I wore cloth armor.

Since we were in the backline most of the time, I made sure to have lighter armor so I could escape danger or help Nina escape as quickly as possible. I could fight, but after talking to Sylvia and Nina, it was understood that my role was to keep Nina safe during a fight. Her firepower has increased since the last time I saw her due to Ares's blessings.

"Alright, let's head out." - Nina

With David leading the way, the rest of us followed him. Without the help of the Zivotinjas, our travel took quite a while before we enter the cave and passed through the portal. There we slowly ascend the stairs until we reach the top, meeting a familiar face to David and Frank but to the rest of us, it was our first time meeting.

"Look who is here. RavenStar." - Devel

"Devel, we meet again." - David

"You must be the tank of the party, I didn't get your name the last time since we were kind of busy fighting each other. However, Ian. Are you okay?" - Devel

Panic spreads through me as this was Devel, the person at the top of Bones as well as the enemy who both Kingston and Ian fought in the Abyss not too long ago. However, this time, it isn't Ian who is here but Mikki, a mere spider in disguise.

"Devel, nice to meet you. I'm sorry about before, hopefully, there are no hard feelings." - Mikki

"None at all, but I can't say the same with my teammates. Travys, Song, and Tsugi aren't too happy but we can't please everyone."  Devel

"Let's cut to the chase, why are you and some of your members just hanging around here in front of the portal?" - Nina

"Since you weren't in a formation, I can assume that you aren't here to fight." - Rebecca

"Excellent observation ladies, I'm not here to fight RavenStar. Quite the opposite, in fact, I wish to collaborate with you. As for the reason, you will find out the moment you approach the portal." - Devel

Looking at each other, Nina and I approach the portal in unison. Stretching out our hands the moment we draw close to the portal.

[Congratulation, HavenFall for finding 1 of the Portals to the Castle. A great number of contribution points will be allocated to HavenFall.]

[Only 10 participants are able to traverse through this portal. However, once through there is no going back. Please be careful as there are strong enemies on the other side.]

[Only those acknowledged by HavenFall will be able to pass through. Current participants 0/10]

[Do you wish to pass through? Yes/No]

When did we acquire this portal? Was it when Kingston found it after the battle? Regardless, this is something of high significance to us and to Bones. However, having 10 people pass through when we only have 6, does this mean it wants us to cooperate with Bones? Although working with them will be beneficial to us since Devel is so strong. Quickly I refuse the prompt while turning toward Nina who was also refusing the prompt.

"No." - Rebecca

"This is a ticket directly to the final boss the of event, the Reaper." - Nina

"Exactly, and this is why I propose a collaborative event between Bones and RavenStar." - Devel
"Terms and conditions first." - Nina

"You don't want to be the one making demands, missy?" - Devel

"I would like to understand what goes through your mind first before placing my terms and conditions on the table." - Nina

"Hmm… I know you. Nina was it? That arrogance is hard to miss, and you are Ian's girlfriend? Rebecca? It seems that Ian brought out the hard guns. Where is Kingston? He didn't feel like coming." - Devel

"It's none of your concern, Devel." - Rebecca

"Feisty isn't she." - Devel

"Just a little." - Mikki

"Shut up! Devel, just answer Nina's question. Stop wasting time." - Rebecca

"Alright, calm down, just trying to lighten the mood. As for the terms and conditions, I don't have much I want to ask for, other than some of the spots available for the Portal to the Castle. As for what happens on the other side, I ask for a second pick on the loot, as well as clean cooperation during fights. Thoughts?" - Devel

"That really isn't much. Well, I would like good cooperation between us, especially since we don't have enough members for the Portal anyways. However, it will be 6 of us and 4 of you, and I will not budge. As for the loot, yes we will take first pick on anything we find and we will cooperate as smoothly as possible on the other side." - Nina

"Then, we have an agreement? Ian, are you not going to say anything?" - Devel

"I trust her decision, and there isn't anything I want to add anyways." - Mikki

"Alright then, to a happy allied force between Bones and RavenStar." - Devel

Holding out his hand, Devel looks at Mikki waiting for a handshake. Without hesitating, Mikki stretches out his hand and gives a strong shake. A small spark of electricity zaps around Mikki's hand, making him raise his eyebrows.

"Alright, so who are the 4 that you are going to take?" - Mikki

"Myself, Travys, Song, and Tsugi. Us 4 will be the ones who will go with you through the Portal." - Devel

"I would like to know a brief rundown of the skills between the 4 of you, in order to create tactics and strategies for what might come." - Nina

"That I cannot do. If I expose my subordinates and my own skills to you, I will be at a disadvantage. Hmm… How about this, I can tell you the roles which the 4 of us usually take during battles." - Devel

"Fine, whatever you want. I just need some sort of information to run off so I can give proper commands during battle." - Nina

"A little tyrant, I see. Well, Travys is more of a tank, he will do well next to your tank and he also has some healing and taunting abilities. Song and Tsugi are similar to each other, both are flankers that hit hard and are able to retreat quickly. Myself, well, I'm an all-rounder much like Ian is, I'll go wherever you need me to and do whatever you need me to." - Devel

"Alright, done. Are we going soon?" - Nina

"Ready whenever you are." - Devel

"Everyone? How are we feeling?" - Nina

"I'm ready." - Mikki

"Same here." - Rebecca

"Ready as I will ever be." - Frank

"I'm ready as well, Nina." - Sylvia

"I'll do my best." - David

"Great, then let's go." - Nina

"Perfect, let me get my people ready as well." - Devel

Devel quickly walks away, moving toward his group of subordinates, while the rest of us huddle around the Portal. Looking at Nina and Mikki, I feel slightly out of place. There was nothing I could do to contribute to the conversation with Devel, only listening in to his and Nina's back-and-forth conversation. Clenching my fists tightly, I gaze toward the rest, making a small vow within myself to do a lot of work on the other side of the Portal.

"Alright we are ready." - Devel

"Good to meet everyone again." - Travys

"So this time we are working together?" - Tsugi

"Don't get in our way okay?" - Song

"I'll let us in." - Rebecca

Reaching out, I touch the Portal as a blue screen appears in front of me.

[Only those acknowledged by HavenFall will be able to pass through. Current participants 0/10]

[4 beings are not affiliated with HavenFall nearby, do you wish to allow them through as well? Yes/No]

"Yes." - Rebecca

[Travys, Devel, Song, and Tsugi are now acknowledged by Becca of HavenFall.]

[Would you like to pass through? WARNING! Once you pass through there is no coming back. Yes/No]

"Yes, all 10 of us will pass through." - Rebecca

[Initiating Portal to the Castle…]

The moment I said yes to the prompt, the Portal starts to glow brightly, spinning around in a vortex as I feel myself being pulled into it. Letting myself go, my body gets sucked into the Portal along with everyone else and after a few moments, I reappear outside. Glancing around quickly, taking in the situation and observing my surroundings I start to see why this was called Portal to the Castle.

Looming above us, situated upside down a gigantic curved mountain like a frozen wave, was a jet-black castle, equipped with tens of small spikey towers. Bats and other flying creatures swarm around it, creating a dense fog but all of us could still see the sinister outline of the castle before us. Turning our attention away from the castle, looking down, I see a simple black fence with a crimson door in the middle. Standing in front of the door is another group of people, who were looking back at us.

Stepping away from the group, a man clad in black with a shiny knife in his hand, sparkling like the stars in the night sky, and a red scarf wrapped around his neck approaches us. Devel takes a few seconds to register the approaching person before smiling and walking toward him.

"Helioc, Helioc, Helioc, my little friend. it seems this place connects it to a few other locations. Who would have thought?" - Devel

"It's nice to see you as well, Devel. I did warn you that I would attack you the moment I see you again." - Helioc

"Try it." - Devel

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