
Chapter 295 295 - Battle Begins (Rebecca Perspective)

Appearing beside Sabrina was a group of people from Lotus whom SanShiGo quickly assimilated into his group. During this time, Sabrina's NPCs were ushered toward us by Sabrina. Her group consisted of 3 archers, 4 spearmen, and 2 magicians. Since the Courtyard was a narrow maze, she took more ranged troops than melee troops, which led to an unbalanced team. However, merging with us allowed for a balance in both melee and ranged.

"So, we need a total of 50 people for this part? It is like a dungeon raid in other games. Although, are we partying up with everyone here or are we spitting once we arrive inside?" - Sabrina

"Not sure yet since we don't know what is past the gates." - Rebecca

"If we are going just based on their personalities, then Helioc will lead his team away from us immediately. SanShiGo might suggest a partnership, but he will also most likely betray us whenever he deems it to be to his advantage." - Devel

"So, it is just better to split up immediately then." - Rebecca

"We will stay together as a team of 20 and figure out what we need to do in the Castle." - Nina

"Alright, lets-" - Rebecca

"Wait, it looks like they are preparing to head." - Devel

Glancing in the direction of the gate, SanShiGo and Helioc was standing in front of the gate. Noticing our gaze, SanShiGo, smiles toward us and motions with his hand for us to come over. Looking at Devel, I nod in his direction and signal for everyone to follow me as I lead them to the gate.

"We have delayed our advance long enough, and I believe it is time for us to finally tackle the Castle before us." - SanShiGo

"Before we go, I would like to ask for a simple peace treaty between all of us. Our goal is to kill the Reaper, and whoever kills him should gain the reward, however, I prefer not to have any in fighting if possible." - Rebecca

"Sorry Rebecca, I cannot agree to that. Devel and I have some unfinished business. In the Castle, should the opportunity present itself I will attack him without hesitation." - Helioc

"But-" - Rebecca

"You heard the man, no peace treaty. I'll do my best to steer clear of any unnecessary fights though. Can't use up all my strength fighting you guys." - SanShiGo

"But there is no point-" - Rebecca

"Rebecca, stop trying. They have already decided." - Nina

"It's alright. Don't worry about it. We are still cooperating." - Devel

"And I'm here too." - Sabrina

"Sigh… Fine." - Rebecca

"We will need you here to open the gate as well as your friend." - Helioc

Sabrina and I both step forward, stretching out our hands alongside Helioc, SanShiGo, and another Lotus member. A blue screen appears before all of us.
[The maximum limit has been reached. 50/50]

[Do you wish to open the gate? WARNING! Doing so will initiate the final stage of the Third Event. Yes/No]

"Yes!" - Rebecca, Sabrina, Helioc, SanShiGo, Lotus Member

[Sub Event Quest will now be accessible to the 50 members currently in this location.]

[Sub Event Quest - Reaper's Castle

Objective - Defeat the Reaper

Reward - Unknown ]

Dismissing the blue screen in front of us as the crimson gate creaks open, a wave of anxiety and excitement washes over the 50 of us. Glancing around, I see a myriad of emotions as we start the final journey of this event. Behind the gate, a menacing wave of miasma surges through, washing over us without a moment to lose, like water rushing out a gap of a dam.

[You have been affected by Death's Embrace.]

[Death's Embrace - Lose 0.5% Maximum HP every 100 seconds ]

"What a greeting am I right?" - Devel

As the miasma clears, waiting for us like predators watching their prey, was the thousands and thousands of skeletons, zombies, and other first/second wave monsters. Each and every one of them looked at us unmoving. Even though their facial muscles didn't work, I could feel that they were smirking at us.

"Just had to open your mouth didn't you." - Nina

"Well, this is just a warm-up for the true battle later on right?" - Devel

Unsheathing his sword, Devel's look of excitement, scares me as he steps in front of us, crouching down with his sword resting on his shoulder. Licking his lips, he watches the enemy as they took watch us.

"Everyone, while I did say we shouldn't have a peace treaty, how about for this party we aim to just kill what is in front of us? Helping each other as best as we can." - Heloc

"I second that thought. 50 of us and to me, it looks like a couple thousand of them. Even if they are the weaker monsters, there is just simply too many of them." - SanShiGo

"Do we have an overarching commander, or are we split into 3 separate groups?" - Rebecca

"Three groups, I'm going left." - Helioc

"Taking the right!" - SanShiGo

"Guess we go the middle…Nina? This is all you." - Rebecca

"Nice and easy. Devel, jump in and go ham, do whatever you want, only come back if you need potions, which Travys will carry for you. Travys and David, stay close, instead of rushing at them, we will march slowly. Spearmen on the right, Song and Tsugi, on the left, main focus is to protect the sides from any enemies and protect the archers and mages.

Sylvia, Frank, and Ian, you three will support Devel, follow him but not too closely, pick up the stragglers near him, and make sure there is always a path back to us. Archers, aim for the closest monsters, and mages aim for large clusters or bigger enemies. Rebecca, stay alert for a quick getaway, Sabrina follow my attacks. Potions for the rest of us will be kept by Rebecca, Sabrina, and myself while the potions on Travys are exclusive to Devel. Understood?" - Nina

"Hehe, understood." - Devel

Without a second thought, electricity pulsates out of Devel, as he launches himself into the sky, bringing his sword above his head. With a loud battle cry, he envelops his body in lightning, as he slams down into the enemy army, creating a electrical wave that decimates the nearby enemies. Following suit, Helioc dances to the left side, decapitating zombies and skeletons alike, while SanShiGo expertly commands his squadron to the right.

"Well, without further adieu, I'm off." - Mikki

"Nina, just yell if you need me." - Sylvia

Dashing forward, Mikki imitates bursting out the spider legs from the back, jumping straight into the action, while Sylvia coats her fists in holy light. With each punch, skeleton bones shatter and zombie flesh scatters, both of them slowly creating a path toward Devel, who is laughing hysterically amidst the swarm of monsters.

"David, don't let me down." - Travys

"Don't let me down? You must have no faith in me already." - David

"Hrmp, follow me close. SONG! TSUGI! Keep the left flank stable, don't get left behind." - Travys

"You heard the natural born Viking." - Tsugi

"He doesn't need to worry about us." - Song

"Make sure you guys also follow closely behind David!" - Sabrina

"Yes, miss!" - Spearmen

"I said don't call me MISS!" - Sabrina

"Charming bunch isn't it." - Nina

"I think it is quite cute. It's like Sabrina is a teacher and her warriors are her student. How cute is that?" - Rebecca

"Stop it both of you. Why can't they be normal…?" - Sabrina

It didn't take long for the swarm of monsters to reach us, with Travys and David engaging them first. Swinging his ax forward, while bashing his shield against the skulls of his enemies, Travys makes quick work of a few monsters. In comparison, David's large size, and weapons, obliterated the upper bodies of the monsters. Sending them flying with each horizontal swipe.

Protecting his sides, the spearmen, made quick work of any monster that tried to swing under his attack. Thrusting their spears into the brains of zombies, or shattering the skulls of skeletons. Song and Tsugi, were the same, bashing the heads of enemies with their dual ax-wielding techniques. If only they had hand axes that would return to them like boomerangs, then their attack power would spike exponentially.

Sabrina, Nina, and the mages were busy as well, firing small fire bolts, chain lightning, and ice shards at the enemies, stopping them from piling together too much. While the archers would pick off monsters that were by themselves but what about me? What can I add to the team? Looking around, I feel lost. Am I really just going to stand here in the middle of the battlefield and not participate? No, I'm part of the battle. I'm part of HavenFall and RavenStar. Taking in a deep breath, I look at my options and smile.

"Time to gamble right? Coin Flip! Dice Roll!" - Rebecca

Appearing in my left hand, was a coin with the goddess's bust and in the other 2 dice, with small purple apples representing the number on each side. Flicking the coin upward, while tossing the dice, I expertly catch them to reveal what I acquired.

[Successful Coin Flip! Doubling Random stat… Agility has been selected! Agility 51 -> Agility 102. Will you flip again?]

[The dice have been cast… Total… 12! Boost desired stat by 100%. Which stat would you like to increase?]

"I won't flip again for now, as for the boosted stat, well since I got Agility then… Boost Agility." - Rebecca

[Agility has been chosen. Agility 102 - > Agility 204]

My feet felt lighter than air, and it felt like the wind around me was touching me, gently edging me to take my first step. A smile spreads across my face. Who knew, 101 Luck, it ain't half bad at all.

"Time to test out this insane, agility." - Rebecca

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