
Chapter 314 314 - Meeting The Reaper (Nina Perspective)

With Devel and David in the front, we push past the door. Even without anyone saying anything, we all knew that we were nervous. Each step took us closer to the Reaper, an unknown being capable of conquering a large territory on this continent, rivaling the other 3 kings. Nervousness was probably the least of our concerns, but while I don't know what the others are thinking about right now, my own thoughts were racing.

There were too many possibilities and too many unaccountable problems that could rise up during this final boss fight with the Reaper. After hearing about Andud, from Devel and Rebecca, it seems like there is another high-tier general after Mori Calliope. Another necromancer, with a bundle of magic tricks that can be used. Then there is the disappearance of Mikki.

I know that creature that is disguising itself as Ian isn't dead. There is no way, right? To be able to replicate another person's skills to a high degree, as well as retaining whatever skills they already had, to die before getting to the boss fight, feels too absurd. Even if he were to be unlucky enough to be teleported into a room with a General, I'm sure he would have a trick or two to stay alive.

Then that begs the question, where is Mikki? Is he disguised as someone in this group and merely playing along? Or is he still trapped somewhere in a room? Or… Is he behind us? Following us. Watching us.

Turning around, with bated breath, I see the door slowly close behind us. Nothing was behind us. Gulping down my saliva, I turn back to the front, as I notice everyone had stopped moving. Catching a glimpse of my surroundings, I notice the numerous tall black pillars, each with a purple trident at the top. The pillar were only a meter or so apart, creating a line all the way to the other side of the room, where seated on a throne made out of the bones of humans and monsters alike, was a hooded figure.

Holding onto a long obsidian black scythe with a white bony hand, the hooded figure tilts its head toward us, as the crimson skull on the top of the scythe flashes red. Unable to see their expression, we stood our ground, with Devel and David in the front. Glancing around, I try to see if there were any other people nearby, in case of an ambush, but I didn't see anyone. While they could be hiding behind one of the pillars, I wasn't too sure, and I wasn't going to plan around such uncertainty. With my mouth slightly agape, as I am about to speak, the hooded figure interrupts me. Speaking in a low, slow, monotonous voice, the hooded figure addresses us, as if we were nothing more than insects.

"So, you were the ones who entered my domain."

"If this is your domain, then I can assume you are the one called the Reaper?" - Devel

"Yes, I am, and since you are here, I assume you are looking for death. Rise, Skeleton Army." - Reaper

Banging his scythe on the ground, the Reaper extends his shadow outward, covering the area in front of him. Reaching out from the shadow were the bony hands of skeleton warriors. Their rusty and broken swords, spears, axes, and shields, emerge with them, as their chattering jaws resonate with each other, creating a chilling symphony.

"Ah, shit, It's already starting. How many are we looking at?" - Sabrina

"Too many. Kill what is in front of you, and call out if there are any anomalies. Back off and slowly retreat to the back wall, at least that way we won't be surrounded." - Nina

"Our original formation will have to change. Sylvia, Ester, Helioc, and Frank, guard the sides. SanShiGo and Rebecca, support Helioc and Frank the moment they start feeling overwhelmed by the number of skeletons. DON'T delay it." - Devel

Walking slowly to the back, we cautiously watch the skeleton army's movements, as they stood still in front of us, waiting for the Reaper's command. Pressing my back against the door, I feel a slight sense of security, but that didn't last long as the Reaper stretches out his hand. Enveloping his hand in a dark-purple aura, he signals the attack.

"March forward, Skeleton Army." - Reaper

Stepping forward as if they were one unit, the Skeleton army advances toward us. Each step booms in our ears, resonating through our bodies as they come closer. Raising their weapons high, the skeletons start to bash their shields, in unison, intensifying their horror. Licking my dry lips, I grasp my wand tight as I open the fire book, resting it on my left hand. I notice everyone else doing the same, as cold sweat drips down their neck at the approaching monsters.

The moment they were only a couple of steps away, their eye sockets ignite brightly shining like a pair of rubies as the skeletons in the front lines leap at Devel and David. Brandishing their weapons, they collide with Devel's sword and David's fits. Pushing them back easily, the two of them stand their ground against the onslaught of enemies as they start to quickly curve around, meeting Sylvia and Ester.

"These skeletons are as strong as the ones that have appeared from the Portals at the start of the event, the only difference is the weapons!" - Devel

"Well, having multiple weapons stabbing or slashing at you would make a difference! Not sure if you have noticed, but the skeletons aren't just attacking randomly." - Sylvia

"Interesting, it is like they all have some sort of knowledge of combat. Attacking only at our most awkward or weakest points, despite their weak and slow attacks." - SanShiGo

"Annoying. We just need to eliminate them as quickly as possible." - Helioc

"Take the shields! They may break after a hit or two, but it can help you when you need to catch a breath." - David

"I don't think there is much point wasting my MP on these monsters. I can only use my weaker spells if we want to save the stronger ones for the Reaper." - Sabrina

"He hasn't made any movements since commanding the Skeleton Army to attack us. Although, that doesn't mean he doesn't have any other tricks up his sleeve. Maybe he thinks we will just die to the skeletons?" - Rebecca

"Highly doubt it, Rebecca. He is just observing our responses. Seeing what our abilities are and what are our limits. Maybe he can kill us with just the skeletons, but he isn't doing it because he wants to see how strong we are first." - Nina

"Great observation, Nina. ANY thoughts on solving the immediate issue though? While David and I can keep this up, I rather finish this as quickly as possible. I'm assuming this is just phase one of the boss fight." - Devel

"Thoughts on solving this?! Are you stupid? What thoughts are there? It's just killing them or being killed. No. WAIT! I got it!" - Nina

Glancing over his shoulder, Devel looks at me with a slightly confused face. Smiling back, I point past him, at the horde of skeletons that were rushing at us like a tsunami.

"Jump into the crowd and use your counter-attack skill, aim for the left side. At the same time, I'll use one of my skills to deal with the right. Helioc, Frank, and Rebecca, eliminate the rest of the monsters as quickly as you can, once we finish our skills." - Nina

"Wait! That skill has a relatively high cool-down. What about the boss fight? I'm pretty sure I will need it for then." - Devel

"You might be right, but if you want to slowly kill these skeletons without Sabrina and me, using too much MP on our weaker skills, then this should be a good alternative solution. If you have a better idea, I'm happy to hear it."  - Nina

"Why not summon the Panda, SanShiGo?" - Devel

"Summoning it is a one-time thing only. What if it dies straight away? I lose a lot of my potential fighting power. I would rather summon it when it truly matters. Plus, it is not like PanPan will kill all the skeletons for us. PanPan will be able to help, but it would be as if we just had another ally." - SanShiGo

"No other AoE?" - Devel

"Too much MP!" - Sabrina

"I can use my final attack?" - David

"No, it is too useful to be wasted on these skeletons." - Nina

"I can awaken? My attacks will do more against these skeletons, once I do." - Sylvia

"Not enough to tilt the scales in our favor quick enough." - Rebecca

"Alright, I'll do it. It should be fine." - Devel

After a short back-and-forth conversation, with everyone, Devel decides to follow my plan. Gripping his sword handle tightly as he bursts through the crowd of skeletons, like a bolt of lightning. Taking his place, Helioc defends with David, while Rebecca, takes Helioc's position.

Through the small gaps in the skeletons' movement, I see Devel, tanking hit after hit, as his body slowly glows blue. Gradually becoming brighter and brighter with each subsequent hit. After a moment, Devel releases his skill, with a shout, blowing the skeletons nearby away, instantly eliminating the skeletons surrounding him.

Smiling, I hold my hand up in the air as I concentrate on my skill. Feeling the warm surge of energy flow through the book and into my hand, I cast my newly acquired skill.

"Fire Lance!" - Nina

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