
Chapter 317 317 - Fighting Bael (Nina Perspective)

Within a single moment, Selino, inside Ian's body, saves us and at the same time pushes us into the deep end. In front of us, a wave of destruction cast by a demon of unknown origin and strength, and yet the strongest person in this room is about to leave us? Before she could give us enough time to think, Selino releases her skill, and the silvery cocoon disappears around us, giving Bael a path to destruction.

"I'll only help you out this once~ Thousand Threads!" - Selino

From her fingertips, thin snow-white threads exude out, spreading far and wide in front of us, like a giant hand covering the sky. As the threads touch the numerous balls that Bael had thrown at us, multiple small explosions occur. An endless stream of purple smoke and white dust fills the area above us, rocking the whole castle as I see Rebecca, tumble to the ground. Looking back at me, Selino gives me a wink, sending chills down my spine before dashing forward, past her wall of threads.


Standing before everyone, Devel grips his sword as lightning sparks around him. However, there was too much to think about. What do I say?

"Ah-" - Nina

"Looking at the information given to us, Bael shouldn't be as strong as we think he is, not only does this Selino person say he isn't but also the state of the game. This is only the third event, and the objective was to defeat The Reaper, which means by conventional gaming standards, Bael is nothing but a mini-boss. There should be some sort of weakness we can take advantage of, other than that, no other thoughts right now." - SanShiGo

With a slight grin on his face, SanShiGo voices his opinion first. His thoughts align with mine, however, there is a slight difference. No, not a difference, I can add more.

"Wait-" - Nina

"GET READY!" - Devel

Ripping the smoke in half and emerging with a sinister smile on the human head, Bael licks his lips as he places one hand on top of the other.

"Well, well, well. It seems only insects are left. The Queen of Spiders herself has left you poor fools to fend for yourself. A terrible display of leadership, if I must say so myself." - Bael

"We weren't under her in the first place, so there isn't a sense of leadership that you are speaking of. How about her settle this another way…?" - Devel

"HAHAHA! To think even insects would think to negotiate when their lives are on the line. It seems you have evolved in the small-time I have left this plane, but no. You will die. Dark Spear." - Bael

"On it! Flame Body!" - David

Appearing above Bael's head, a dark purple spear appears, conjured from the sinister aura that seeps out of Bael's hand as he holds his arm up. Steeping forward, Bael throws the spear down aiming for the small gap between Devel and David, however, Devel intercepts the attack blocking it with his sword. David dashes around Devel, enveloped in flames as he charges at Bael. Clicking my tongue, I can only do what I do best, after all, Devel and David are the greatest shields I can have.

"Frank and Helioc, attack from the sides! Sylvia, Ester, and Rebecca be ready to switch with either Devel or David, while SanShiGo, I know you have some sort of healing powers, so I suggest you use them. Sabrina and I will aim for the two heads on the side. Sabrina, attack the cat head, while I deal with the frog." - Nina

"You don't have to tell me twice." - Helioc

Dashing away the moment I finish telling everyone their roles, Helioc makes his way to the left side, while Frank gives me a nod before rushing to the right. Sylvia pats my shoulder, before putting on a serious face as she joins Devel and David. Standing in front of Sabrina, Rebecca, and Ester cover for her as she begins to cast small-scale spells at the feline head. Walking over to me, SanShiGo gives me a curious look as he asks me a question.

"So you know about my healing powers you say? What gave it away? Or did someone say something about it?" - SanShiGo

"Nothing much, other than Ester's clothing. Parts of her leggings are torn, but there aren't any wounds. While that could have been done by just moving around, I have a slight suspicion that you could heal." - Nina

"I thought I said I could use buffs and what-not. Not healing abilities. I thought that should cover my lack of skills, after all, the only significant skill I used with summoning PanPan. Nonetheless, I would have used them if I needed to, like… Right now.

I ask Hygieia, the goddess of health, for her blessing.

Let my companions feel your strength, course through their veins.

And may their bodies become your spear and shield.

Power Harmony!" - SanShiGo

[Power Harmony: +100% Strength, Intelligence, and Agility. 4:59]

"Now then, shall we focus on defeating Bael?" - SanShiGo

"Of course. What else can we do? Fire Bolt!" - Nina

Turning back to the problem at hand, I observe Devel dashing forward right behind David who had just taken a Dark Spear to the face. Gripping his sword tightly, he jumps on David's back, stepping off him and reaching Bael quickly. Swinging his sword down, Devel initiates the first attack on Bael's body, however, with a small flash of yellow light from the feline's eyes, a thin translucent black shield appears in front of Bael, protecting him against Devel.

At the same time, Sabrina and my Fire Bolt spell lands on the cat's head, creating a small plume of smoke, hindering its vision for a split second. Enough time for Helioc, to blink close to Bael.

"Act 1 - Dance in the Midnight Sky." - Helioc

With his skill, Helioc masterfully slices at Bael's lower body, blocked by the small shield that is blocking Devel, however, instead of stopping with the first attack, he continues to dance around the demon, slicing quickly like a black storm. Accompanying him on his onslaught of attacks, Devel and David quickly try to deal as much damage as possible to the shield, attacking from various directions.

On the side, not too far away from them, Frank slices the inside of his palm with a small goblin knife. Letting the blood drip to the floor, creating a small circle with an eye in the middle, he places his hand in it, speaking out while closing his eyes.

"Heed my call, my blood servants.

Appear before me. Serve me. Die for me.

Come, before me." - Frank

Lifting his hand off the ground, as the blood shines a deep scarlet, Frank smiles as he licks the blood from his palm. The blood pools seemingly increase and morph into 5 separate bodies. Each one was familiar to those who lived near HavenFall or the Krepost. A Xabaril, Zivotinja, Crinzanna, a giant python, and a goblin. Each monster instead of its natural color looked like they were dyed in blood, with rubies for eyes and pearl-white teeth and fangs that could be seen as they grinned.

"Bleed for me." - Frank

With Frank's command, the blood-red monsters sprint toward Bael, reaching him within a couple of seconds while dodging the elongated tongue from the frog head. Each monster expertly maneuvers around the attack, even the bulky Xabaril was able to elegantly dodge it, barrel rolling to the side. Once they were in range, they attacked Bael as well, alongside Helioc, Devel, and David. Frank not too far behind them, attacks Bael with a Mind Blast while commanding his blood servants.

Opening my book in one hand, and pointing my small wand in the other, I activate the strongest skill I had while signaling to Sabrina to attack with all her might. The both of us, cast our strongest spells, aiming for the human head, as Devel breaks the magic barrier with his sword.

"FIRE LANCE!" - Nina


Our spells explode on Bael's head at the same time, creating a plume of smoke as the explosion rings in our ears. SanShiGo grabs onto both our hands, with a serious expression, as a thin white bubble wraps around us. Seeing SanShiGo's movements, Ester quickly casts a skill enveloping her body in the earth, while Rebecca quickly tosses a coin in the air, dashing to the side and Sylvia activates Awakening.

Multiple purplish-black spears rain down from the sky, jabbing into the white bubble only to barely crack it. Yellow runes could be seen floating about on the surface of the bubble as it slowly repaired itself, ejecting the black spear away.

"So, it is targeting the back line? Even though Devel and the others are attacking it." - SanShiGo

"Why? Wouldn't it be more beneficial if it kills whoever is in front of it? Devel is obviously applying more pressure." - Sabrina

"It must think we are more dangerous… We can use that to our advantage! Hear me out. I got a plan." - Nina

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