
Chapter 320 320 - End Of The Event

"Right. We climb on the big panda and we just waltz on over to the hole and we jump up. Super simple, and super easy. Are you an idiot, SanShiGo? I thought you were meant to be one of the smart ones here." - Nina

"Well, do you have another idea, einstein? From what I can tell at least, the door behind us is immovable. Ester was unable to do anything and Helioc mentioned that there were no weren't even grooves alongside the wall. What we see is just an illusion. Fight Bael was the best we could and even then it was mainly Devel keeping him in check. I don't know who that lady is that is currently fighting the Reaper, but she is currently distracting it and we are losing time. This is an extremely simple solution to our problem." - SanShiGo

"SanShiGo is right, Nina. While it might be dangerous going over there, there isn't any other option. Plus, I know Mumei is on our side at least. Our only hope is that she can distract the Reaper when we arrive at the hole." - Ian

"Alright. I understand. Let's get on then." - Nina

Acknowledging the plan, we all climb on top of PanPan, with SanShiGo in the lead. Glancing over to Mumei, I see she was busy attacking and defending against the Reaper. Small spells were exploding against magic shields, while the ground seemed to shatter and break with each second. The sheer intensity of that fight was nothing like what I have seen before, and with Selino being quiet, there was no one who could tell me if that was normal or abnormal.

"PanPan, we march! As quickly and as silently as possible." - SanShiGo

"I've never heard of a gigantic creature being silent before." - Devel

"I think SanShiGo mispronounced loudly as silently." - Sabrina

"Hahaha! I doubt it matters too much. It will only take us a couple of seconds to get there. Mumei is pushing the Reaper to the side." - Ian

Catching her taking a glimpse in our direction, I sense our eyes meeting and a sight wave of confusion washes over her. However, it was only for a moment, as the Reaper suddenly accelerates, grabbing onto Mumei's neck. Jolting up, I grip my trident tightly, ready to spring into action, but Rebecca grabs onto my wrist before I could do anything.

"Babe? It is you this time right?" - Rebecca

"Yea… It's me, not Selino." - Ian

"Really? I'm so glad… I've-I've been so worried you know. There has just been so much going on after you disappeared today. And-And I've just been feeling so overwhelmed. I'm so glad you are back." - Rebecca

Pulling me down, Rebecca wraps her arms around my neck loosely as a couple of tears roll down her cheek. Giving her a soft kiss on her right cheek, I slowly pull away while caressing her head.

"Don't worry. I'm here now, but Mumei needs our help as well." - Ian

"What? No! She can handle it just fine." - Rebecca
"She is right, we aren't that far away from the hole, why make it harder?" - Nina

Nina crawls over to us on PanPan's back. With a serious expression, she questions my choice. However, her question was answered by the Reaper's actions. Tossing Mumei to the side, he turns toward us. Our eyes, staring into each other and before anyone else could stop me, I activate Enhanced Agility, clashing with the Reaper right beside PanPan.

In the short moment that I leaped off PanPan, the Reaper had already crossed half the room but I still made it just in time. Any second later and I doubt, PanPan could survive even a hit from the Reaper.

"IAN! WAIT! NO!" - Rebecca

"Sorry, babe. Reaper you are going to have to deal with me. The others will escape without fail." - Ian

"It won't be just you, Ian! I want to join in on the fun as well." - Devel

Jumping off PanPan, Devel takes a swing at the Reaper's head, making the Reaper lean backward while disengaging with me. The three of us land on the ground, and with a quick glance, I could see PanPan reaching the hole. Knowing this, I felt somewhat reassured that we will still manage to 'escape', completing the Third Event.

"... I see. I should have tried a little bit harder to kill everyone here. However, what is done, is done. I will just have to massacre the three of you here to quench my thirst. Pity, it will just be too easy." - Reaper

"Ah… I wouldn't want to be held accountable for that. Transcendence." - Devel

"What the-" - Ian

Standing next to me, Devel activates a skill that reminded me of Sylvia's Awakening skill, however, this time it felt stronger. It was as if Devel became lightning himself. His blade and himself felt like they were one and the same.

"A party trick at best. Soul… Slice." - Reaper

Enveloping his scythe in the same aura that was enveloping himself, the Reaper slices horizontally at extremely quick speeds. Activating Quickstep, I dodge the first slice, only to be meant with 2 more behind it. My senses were telling me to not get hit by them, and with great difficulty, I was able to slide my body in between the attack as I dove forward. Pushing myself off the ground with my hands, I roll forward slightly as I sweep at the Reaper's leg the moment I get back up.

By this time, Devel had already zapped through the Reaper's attack and was pressuring him with multiple quick strong overhead and diagonal attacks, making the Reaper focus on defending his upper body. However, it wasn't enough as the cat eyes flash brightly multiple times, creating a rectangular barrier around the Reaper. Thinking it was because the cat predicted my attack, I clicked my tongue, only to see Mumei standing behind the Reaper.

Her knife was creating purple sparks as she attempts to break through the barrier. However, to no avail, the knife bounces away. Counterattacking straight away, the Reaper spins his scythe around his waist, slicing through our armor and drawing blood. I knew his attack was going to affect me and Devel but to think even Mumei's barrier that Friend made also broke at the Reaper's normal attack. How strong is this guy?!

"I'm sorry hoomans, you two but you will have to leave. He is too strong for you to face!" - Mumei

"Wait, but you can't defeat him either!" - Ian

"No. I can beat him." - Mumei

"Denial is but the first stage of grief. However, you should just accept your defeat, pitiful human. I know who you are. A relic of the past. You were unable to do anything before, what makes you think you can do something now." - Reaper

"IAN! GRAB ON!" - Devel

"WAIT!? WHAT?" - Ian

"You never faced the real me. SUPERBIA!" - Mumei

Devel grabs onto my arm and with a flash of light the two of us teleport to the hole. Looking back down, I see Mumei envelop herself in a golden light as gold sparkles float around her like stars. Friend turns into a golden version of itself, while its eyes change into the color of obsidian.

[ Prideful Presence has lowered your overall stats by 50% so long as, Mumei, is within your line of sight. ]

Looking away quickly, I glance around as both Devel and I search for the others, only to see them leaping down the side of the castle, reaching the ground one by one.

"Come on, let's follow them. We are nothing but insects to the Reaper, that guy can easily kill us if he wanted to. The only question I have for him is why didn't he. It didn't feel like he was playing around with us, yet one moment he could easily kill us and the next we are just exchanging blows as if it was a spar." - Devel

"I don't know. I definitely felt like it was different. He was saying all these things and putting pressure on us with his presence and aura, yet it didn't seem like he was here to kill us. I'm confused but I also think there won't be any answers here. It is better for us to just regroup with everyone." - Ian

Nodding his head, Devel and I were about to jump down, when a loud crash could be heard behind us, as Mumei's fragile body is tossed into the air, accompanied by dust and stones. The Reaper flies out of the hole as well, traveling directly to Mumei as his scythe swings down aimed for her petite neck. Friend comes in between them, creating a golden barrier, protecting Mumei but forcing them to be sent to the ground.

Gulping down our saliva, Devel picks me up as we quickly jump down the castle arriving at the same time as Ester and Rebecca who were the last two to jump off the castle and land on the ground. Mumei crashes into the ground not far from us, but so does the Reaper as he indents the ground with his landing, standing in front of Mumei and us. Coughing up blood, Mumei's body shines brightly as Friend reconstructs a barrier around us and Mumei.

Turning toward us, Mumei limps over, as Rebecca and Sylvia grab onto her weak body before she could collapse. Rushing to her side with frantic expressions, Sabrina and Ester bring out their respective potions, only for Mumei to wave them away.

"Don't worry about me hoo…mans. I'm sorry I was unable to defeat the Reaper." - Mumei

"Mumei, don't worry about it. Do you remember me? I was with you when you were fighting Zabik." - Ian

​ "I'm sorry, hooman… I don't remember you. However, I feel a strong love from the gods and goddesses within this group. It seems my duty is to protect you once more and allow you to escape." - Mumei

"What about you?" - Devel

"I… I will be fine. Friend is here… I'll always be fine. Hoomans… Listen to me. The 4 kings are moving. Danger is afoot. Seas will churn, mountains will tumble and the skies will grow dark. However, there is hope. In each territory of the Kings as well as the Center, there is an artifact of the ancients. Find them. It will help you, Hoomans." - Mumei

"Artifact? A weapon? No, maybe something else… Interesting." - SanShiGo

"Now, my hoomans. Let me send you off. Golden Send Off." - Mumei

With a snap of her fingers and a faint smile, Mumei activates her skill, enveloping us in a similar golden aura before our bodies start to turn into golden dust. Unable to say a word during the skill, I reach out to grab onto Rebecca before our hands had already disappeared by that point. Glancing around, I nod my head to everyone as we part ways abruptly.

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