
Chapter 4 - 4 - Mesa

On the way to the mesa the environment slowly changed, there was more flora and fauna at the same time the rough rocky uneven ground became more sandy and loose. There were cacti, small shrubs, desert poplars and other various forms of flora. At the same time, I could hear the occasional loud high-pitched cry of birds and the sounds of dry grass rustling in the wind. The blazing heat soon chilled to a more comfortable temperature as the sun descends towards the horizon and the looming shadow of the mesa creeps over the ground. The surface of the mesa was rugged and worn down by the wind over time with countless ridges and small caves littered on the walls. Walking closer I could see that it wasn't a single big mesa, there were some taller and some wider creating walls of sandstone.

"Over there, if we follow that path we can get on top of the ledge and then it's just a bit more until we reach that cave."

I follow Howard's finger as he points out our path towards shelter. Once we decided our route we picked up the pace at the same time I saw Luke and Lucina pick up sticks and uprooting dry grass.

"Is this for creating a fire once we get to the cave?" I was curious and clueless about the things needed to survive in the wild. Once I log out of the game I need to search up different ways to survive and how to build different essential items and buildings.

"Yeah we can use the sticks and bit of the grass to start a fire, we have a flint in the bag Howard is holding and we can use the rest of the grass to make a bed so we don't need to sleep on the ground."

Surprisingly it wasn't Lucina that answered me, it was Luke. Luke was a quiet boy throughout the whole time I met him. Only asking if Lucina was ok and speaking softly to Howard to watch where he steps but otherwise he did not say a single word to me. I can only assume it was because of the increased LP.

"You should pick up some as well Ian, the more the better or do you prefer to sleep on the ground?"

"Ah, yeah I will. We should also pick up some larger rocks to place around the fire. That way the fire does not spread towards the bedding."

I pick up branches and rocks from the ground putting the heavier things in the bag while holding onto the lighter objects. We walk towards the path and slowly approach the ledge making sure to hug the side closest to the wall as we walk closer to the cave.

It did not take long before we reached the cave and we finally could rest. The cave was very small. It felt more like a small indent inside the mountain with a small overhang but after a couple of hours of nonstop moving, it was time to sit down and relax. However, it was only me resting.

Luke started to pile the collected sticks and grass, Lucina took the excess grass and spread it around the interior and even old man Hus was doing something. He took some of the thicker sticks and the sharper rocks and started to cut them in half, rolling them to create fiber. He told me he was going to make some basic weapons for us to defend ourselves but Howard and I had nothing to do. So instead, I started to talk to Howard and asked him about the encampment and plans for the future.


The sun starts to set and we sit down around the fire Luke made. Old man Hus made 2 makeshift short spears and 1 makeshift ax out of sticks and stones tied together by the fiber he made earlier. When I picked up the ax and the spear, what surprised me was that a status screen appeared showing the equipment status.

[ Makeshift Spear

Attack: 1

A stick and a sharp stone fixed at one end by fiber

Made by Hus ]

[ Makeshift Ax

Attack: 1

A stick and a sharp stone fixed at one end by fiber

Made by Hus ]

[ Loyalty Points (Hus) + 10 ]

[ Loyalty Points (Hus) 10/100 ]

It was not a major increase in stats however it was the first weapon I could see and hold. Old man Hus was also happy when I confidently swung the ax in front of him telling him he did a good job making it.

"What are we going to do for the night? Should we do a night watch?"

Howard breaks the silence between us and looks around.

"Will there be animals coming out at night or something?"

Is there where my first battle will happen in this game? Will it be wild animals or magic beasts maybe even orcs or goblins?

"There is a chance. Most magic beasts are nocturnal or have good eyesight at night however the ones we need to look out for are the goblins. They infest the world like rats and attack anything living. However, they are weak but they are never alone."

Howard looks at me as he tells me that there is a chance that goblins would attack us at night.

"Why does it seem like even though there is a chance it will happen it will definitely happen?"

I retorted back jokingly but I immediately regret when I saw the blue transparent screen in front of me.

[ OPENING EVENT - Midnight Attack

Objective - Survive the night

Reward - unknown ]

"How do we defend this place against goblins?"

I sit up straight and ask Howard for details.

"Even though I mentioned goblins it could be anything that comes for us at night. It could be magic beasts, goblins, orcs or even dragons. However, if it is indeed goblins then we just need to survive and slowly wear them out. They are not strong nor fast but they are cunning and large in number. Why are you asking? Do you think we really will be attacked by something?"

"Yes, I honestly do think we will be seeing some uninvited guests. We have reached a new place and we are not familiar with the environment and its current residents so it makes sense that something will not like us being here. We should rest up now though since the sun has just set and when the moon is at its peak we should be awake and prepare for a battle."

I got nods from everyone and after a couple of mouthfuls of bread and sips of water, we lay down on the grass beds. I closed my eyes and rested my body waiting for midnight.. Soon I fell asleep for the first time in this game.

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