
Chapter 44 - 44 - A New Enemy

David nods to me and we both walk along the bank of the river. Each step was slow and steady as we were trying not to slip on the muddy ground. It was the first time going down the canyon, the first time we reached this spot was the initial journey from the small cave after the first event. Speechless from the waterfall and exhausted from the journey we founded HaveFall but barely searched the surroundings. Afterwards, the only places we travelled to was the forest. Now it was time to search deeper into the canyon and find out if there are any enemies or resources in this area.

Tall umber cliffs surround me and David, enclosing the winding river. The river slithers between the cliffs like a snake. It is calmly traveling further and further into the horizon. On the banks grew patches of small shrubs and young skinny trees. They housed bright olive green leaves, swaying in the gentle breeze. It was like walking into a new world. If walking into the forest felt like I was being trapped in its dark green embrace, then this was like walking down an aquamarine runway with a green crowd following you every step of the way.

A truly different experience, I felt relaxed and refreshed even if my feet were getting water and slightly muddy but that's just part of the experience I guess. I look behind me and saw David admiring the view as well his mouth slightly agape, his eyes wandering around inspecting every nook and cranny. Like a child seeing a new toy for the first time, his slightly excited expression could be seen as he followed me.

"David, you seem like you are enjoying yourself."

I chuckle as I talk to him, amused at his surprised and slightly embarrassed red face as if he was caught doing something he should.

"It's not like that. The view was just amazing."

"Hahaha, I know. I get that too but we have to be careful. Neither of us know what is down this path, it could be paradise or it could be hell. "

David nods and tries to assume a straight face but despite his efforts sparks of joy can be seen every time we turn a corner. We followed the river slowly, twisting and turning until I had to leave but after an uneventful day I returned and continued the journey with David. I talk to him about how his life as been in HavenFall as his past.

"It has been good here. Old man Hus and Lucina have been taking care of me well and I help them whenever they need it. Sometimes, I see old man Hus try to spin the pottery wheel really fast and I get scared he is going to hurt himself so I rush over and help him. Sometimes, Lucina brings back a heavy load of fruits and vegetables s I rush over and carry it for her. I like it here. It is better than before."

"What is before if you do not mind me asking."

"Before...Was bad. Robin and Owen fought the leaders of a goblin and orc encampment barefly breaking Oscar and me free from that place. However, the rest of the slaves were either captured or killed in the escape. That as about a week before we met with you guys. During that week, we ran and we ran. Over a mountain, through rivers and finally into the forest where we were met with the lone golden wolf. At that point, I thought I was just destined to die. No matter how much I ran I was going to die. That thought came to me when we were getting attacked by the goblins as well. But you were here, Howard and Luke as well. You guys were brave and had so much strength. I want to be like you."

"David, you can be better than me. Look at me, I'm small, skinny and not that agile either. You are big and strong. You are just a little bit timid of new things and tough challenges but one day you will be faced with a task and you will grow from it."

I end up talking to David more and more, trying to boost his ego and change his way of thinking. With his stats he could be a big asset in the near future. A tank, just like in MMORPGs, he had high vitality and high strength and with his huge stature he could easily overwhelm other humans. While he is still smaller than Blood Ogre, he was reaching that size only being a head shorter and his body being less muscular.

As we talked I was still trying to pay as much attention to the surroundings as I could in case there was something in front of us. We were reaching a bend and a large bush was blocking the sight around the corner so I felt a little anxious. In fact, every time there was a big tree or boulder I felt anxious that there would be a monster hiding there waiting for easy prey. It seemed this time though my gut feeling was right. As I turned the corner, at the edge of my peripheral I saw something move. Quickly, I pull my head back and signal David to be quiet. I crouch and slowly edge myself around the corner hoping to catch a glimpse of what was moving.

My lips were dry and my palms started to sweat as I moved my head around the bush. I could finally see the culprit of my anxiety. There were two goblins standing next to each other. They had brown tattered bandanas swung around their necks and an animal skin wrapped around their waist and were holding a goblin knife each. Behind them was a larger monster. It had a lighter colored green skin with a rounder face and body, smaller less pointy ears and a stout like nose. At the same time, two small fangs protruding out of a wide mouth and droopy red eyes. With only a tattered animal skin covering its lower regions it was about the same size of a fat teenager. It was also holding onto a small wooden club in one hand while the other was scratching its belly. It yawned loudly, scaring the two goblins next to it before speaking to them in a low, lazy tone.

"Should we head back now? I'm bored of standing here."

The goblin on its left snapped back at him quicker than usain bolt. While the other goblin joined in the jeering.

"No, you lazy pig. Do you want to die to the chief's ax?"

"Yeah, yeah you pig. Although, you are right, it is boring here."

The orc hit the left goblin on his head with his club, causing the goblin to show an angry expression.

"I'm bored! Maybe, I'll go play with those humans the chief just found."

"HA! You play with the humans? You have about as much chance as we do. You are just another grunt. If you were as strong as the left and right guardians maybe but you are not."

This time it was the orc's turn to turn mad.


The orc consumed with rage swings his club at the goblin, repeatedly smashing the goblin until it was just a pile of mushy guts and green skin.

"Ian...We should leave bef-"

David's quiet shaky voice snaps my attention away from the angry orc but suddenly a low shout cuts David's sentence in half


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