
Chapter 58 - 58 - HavenFall Vs Balta

Balta's bellowing shook the air and created waves in the river. With bloodshot eyes and bulging muscles, he charges at David raising his ax high into the air. I turn to Gobi and the goblins and yelled my orders.

"SHOOT! Keep shooting your arrows!"

At the same time, I leaped into the river wading across the river towards David. Following me were the wolves, Owen and Frank.

The ax comes crashing down on David's shield cracking and shattering it to pieces. The excess force pushes David and Howard back a few steps. David's hand trembles from the hit and he fail to hold his weapon.


Howard pushes David to the right while leaping to the left narrowly dodging the incoming blade. Grunting at the failed strike Balta kicks Howard in the chest sending him rolling towards the river and near us.

The arrows whistle through the air, some lucky shots hit Balta in the chest and thighs but were unable to pierce through his armor, while others land on the ground near him.

"Howard are you ok?"

I kneel next to him and check out his body. Owen and Frank push forward getting near Balta with their spears in hand thrusting and stabbing while rolling and dodging to the best of their abilities. The adult wolf harasses Balta with her constant hit and run technique while the pups growl and howl at Balta.

Howard grips his chest and coughs up blood. His eyes are disorientated and he fails to make up words.

"Stop trying to speak Howard. Stay here. Rest up. Thank you for the good work."

I pat his shoulder and look at the situation.

David is defenseless and is currently focused on dodging however looking at the beads of sweat pouring down his face I can tell he was nearing his limits. Owen and Frank were trying their best to do damage with their spears but due to their lack of experience Balta manages to dodge or block their attempts.

The only reason Balta has not killed them all yet was due to the adult wolf. Her timely attacks prevented Balta from making a lethal blow on anyone but even then we can't rely on just that.

I need to find a way to win.

A way to beat Balta.

A weakness.


There it was a weakness.

Robin's arrow lands dead on Balta's right eye.

Green blood sprays from his eye like a fountain, he drops his weapon and pulls the arrow out. Resulting in pulling his own eye out of its socket. He screams and shouts gripping his face in pain.

A chance!

Owen and Frank step forward confidently stabbing at Balta's right arm. Since they knew they would be unable to puncture the chest plate, they opted for an easier target. The exposed right arm and with the blindspot from losing his eye he would be defenseless against the strike. And like planned his right arm now had two new holes.

Following up on the opportunity the wolf pounces on Balta's head clawing and scratching the top of his head creating deep crimson marks.


Enraged at the attack Balta bellows at the top of his lungs. Sending Owen and Frank flying landing on their bottoms. The wolf noticing the danger retreats first and lands gracefully behind Balta.

I haven't even done anything yet but it seems like they were doing fine.

But it looks like we were celebrating too soon.

Balta's skin changes from the green orc skin to a blood-red color. Similar to the Blood Ogre skin however Balta's body started to glow a soft red. He removes his hand from his face revealing a river of blood coming from his right eye socket as well as a face as black as thunder.

His eyes staring daggers at us and his mouth was half closed with a white mist coming from it each time he exhaled.

"Little bastards dare hurt me the great Balta. You think just because I lost an eye you win? WRONG! You have only made it worse. Now. DIE!"

Blasting off the ground Balta punches David in the chest, breaking the stone chest plate as easily as breaking a twig. David gets launched into the air and lands in the river with a big splash. Trying to avenge David, Robin, Melody, Gobi and the goblins fire their remaining arrows at Balta.

With a snort in their direction, Balta leaps off the ground and dashes towards them. The moment he enters the water I attack. Tossing a rock at Balta's right side, landing it square on his face. Stopping with one foot in the river he turns his head towards me.

"Did you just throw a rock at me? DIE!"

Drawing his attention might not have been part of my plan but now it is, I prepare for the engagement and position my spear pointed at Balta's head whiling holding my shield in front of me.

Balta draws his fist back ready to punch me when an attack on his right side occurs. Melody's arrow finds its mark piercing his old wound, the right eye.

Squealing in pain and distracted in front of my I take my chances and stab at his left eye with my spear. Seemingly more conscious of the attack Balta sways his head back allowing himself to be sliced on his cheek.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire they say because Balta's swaying causes him to be unbalanced. Frank had picked up David's ax and swung it at the back of Balta's knee causing the orc to fall to his knees.

In this sticky situation, Balta swings his arms around rolling off to the side out of the immediate danger. However, where he rolls too was not in his favor. Owen's lucky positioning stabs Balta in his shoulder with a goblin knife causing the orc great pain.


I scream at the top of my lungs as I dash forward holding my spear. I toss a knife at Balta's face missing it narrowly but the shock of the knife causes him to delay his retaliation. Owen moves away and the wolves come in to clean up. Biting the defenseless rolling orc and scratching him with their claws.

The red glow wanes and Balta's war cries instead become cries of pain and horror. It didn't matter where we attacked, face, eye, hand, arm, feet or legs we sliced, hacked and stabbed Balta with anything in our hands. From knives to spears to even rocks on the ground.

It was like a scene out of hell, green blood splattering everywhere on our bodies and the ground while a single monster was betting beaten up by humans, goblins and wolves.

[ Defeated Boss Monster - Orc General Balta ]

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