
Chapter 60 - 60 - Time To Rest

Slowly we drag our feet back to HavenFall, our tired bodies and mind preventing us from moving quickly. Only the wolves and the goblins that was in the lead looked okay as they moved along.

David was being helped along by Frank, after the battle, his chest started to hurt and after removing his chest plate there were small bruises here and there. After the adrenaline during the fight wore off the pain started to kick in making it hard for him to move.

Howard, being beaten down by Balta, was being helped along by me. With his arm swung around my neck we proceed step by step slowly.

The sun had risen over the horizon and its golden rays beam down on us. The water glistens as the sun shines over it and a gentle breeze brush against our skin. The sound of the waterfall slowly gets louder as we get closer.

During the travel home, everyone was quiet. Too tired to make conversation but once the waterfall was in sight, sighs of relief came. Happiness wash over everyone's expressions and with newfound energy we start to jog, then run.

Small cries of joy came from everyone the moment we got home. Lucina, Lime, Celine and old man Hus met everyone at the top of the path. Waving at us from the top all the way until we got to them. A round of hugs and tears of joy came afterward. Celine hugged everyone while crying, her face only showing how relieved she was that we all came back safely.

"I'm so glad everyone is safe!!"

I pat her head once it got to my turn for the hug. After the pat, she wraps her arms around me placing her hands at my back and held me tight.

"Thank you for bringing Melody and Frank home safe."

"It's fine, they both did a great job over at the encampment. I should be thanking them for a job well done."

After the hugging session and a quick bite to eat courtesy of Lucina, everyone that went to the encampment fell asleep. Lime was helping old man Hus repair the equipment while Celine was grooming the wolves as they relaxed and Lucina was tending to the budding crops.

I took this time to find out what the ancient ruin will give me. Holding the golden box I open it and after the box disperse into the air a small ring appears.

[ Tin Ring

Follow the arrow on the ring to find a Tin deposit.

Only works once. Will disappear once the deposit is found.]


I cry with joy and pump my fist into the air. With copper and tin, I can make bronze. With bronze, I can make better armor, better weapons and maybe even some jewelry. I can start an economy if I wanted to with just bronze coins as well. So many possibilities!

I slip the ring onto my ring straight away and I see that the arrow was pointing in the direction of the encampment. While the encampment was still far away at least tin might be found somewhere near it. If it was next to the encampment it would be the best since there wouldn't be much distance between the two when it comes to mining them. Without worrying too much about what happens now I went to relax with Celine and the wolves.

Gobi came towards me not long after with the new goblins and asked for some advice on what they needed to do in HavenFall.

"Gobi, I will eventually need the new goblins to teach other goblins the ways to mine copper however I want them to relax for now. If Howard and David were awake I would have ask them to co-operate with you to build your house but since they are injured and resting I would have to trouble you to build it yourself."

"Don't worry Ian, I got it sorted!"

"Great! Also, I want you to teach them how to fight. Archery is a good start but using other weapons would be great too. Most goblins only know how to use a knife or a club I would prefer if they are able to use shields and spears. They would be more effective in a fight and allow for more strategic positioning and formations. Think you can do that?"

"Hmm...I think I can show them basic spearmanship and how to wield a shield but I'm not an expect either. I used a club before and now I have only kind of learn how to shoot an arrow with a bow but even then I'm not that good."

"That's fine. Basic is enough. How to thrust, poke and swing with a spear. How to raise their shield and how to block a strike. Those are the things I need them to understand. You and the goblins aren't dumb. U need more time and experience in order to be strong. "

"Okay. I understand I will work them hard! First, building a house! Second, get strong! Got it, Ian!"

Gobi sents off with the goblins new and old with a happy expression finding sticks, branches and bundles of leaves and tall grass in order to create a house. Their happy expression hits my heart and a smile forms on my face. I place my head on the adult wolf's side resting in her fluffy coat and watching the clouds roll across the side. Eventually, time passes by with me resting there and the game shuts down and I see the familiar ceiling of my house.

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