
Chapter 7 - 7 - Forum

I take off the VR helmet and move towards the bathroom. I took a shower again and looked at my phone 0620. The game only occurred between 0000 and 0600, however you can experience another 24 hours in the game. After walking around for a bit I felt how stiff my body was compared to my in-game counterpart. Since it was still early I changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I exit my house and a drop in temperature causes me to shiver a bit. I start to do some light stretches before jogging and then some light running. Running around the block was harder than I thought and it wasn't even 3 kilometers. I stopped multiple times before I got back home and once I got home I laid down on my bed breathing heavily.

"How can people exercise? It's so hard, so tiring."

I looked at my phone and it said 0730. It took me around an hour to run around the block. I slowly got up and showered again to get rid of all the sweat and then got some toast and butter for breakfast. By the time I finished breakfast, it was 0800. I went to sit on my chair and turned on my computer. I searched for the game site and clicked on the forums tab. The sheer number of posts overwhelmed me, each time I refresh the page tens of new posts appear. At the top, in red bold text, another post of Elves_or_Nothin was pinned.

"PROGRESS day 1" - Elves_or_Nothin

HELLO, MY BEAUTIFUL ELF-LOVING FANS! It is I Elves_or_Nothin and in this post I will recount the first day of Settlement and give me an opinion. Now, if you read my previous post before playing the game you would know some of the bare basics I was able to find out BUT there is just so much more. You spawn at a location, random, and you are not alone. I have talked to other players and found out that you can be spawned with a minimum of 3 NPCs or a maximum of 6 NPCs. Furthermore, there were A LOT of people who did not pass the first night and died. I was one of the lucky few that had 6 NPCs.

I spawned inside a forest of some sort and the graphics were unreal. The attention to detail to even the smallest rock and the quietest of sounds were UNBELIEVABLY amazing. I was however a little disappointed that the NPCs with me were human and not elves but that's ok (It was NOT ok. WHERE WERE THE BUSTY BLONDE ELVES!!!).

I asked some of the NPCs what we would be doing and about their past and found out that they were previously enslaved in an encampment. Cross-checking with other players and finding out the story is exactly the same however the creature enslaving the NPCs was different. I had kobold enslaving my NPCs while others had orcs, dragonewts and even goblins.

After which our party moved onwards and we were able to find a small clearing where we constructed a simple wooden tent by placing fallen logs against each other to form a triangle. Then draped lots and lots of greenery from bushes to moss and BAM shelter done!

As night fell, one of the NPCs got back from hunting and was able to catch a small rabbit and picked up some wild vegetables making a pretty filling dinner. At the same time, I was notified by the system of the first event a night attack which happened between midnight and sunrise. I told my party about a potential attack happening tonight and the 'hunter' NPC set up some basic traps around the camp while at the same time another NPC sharpened various lengths of sticks to use.

Night attack happened as of course, I didn't die! We were facing wolves and with the help of everyone we were able to defend against the onslaught. Right before sunrise, we were met with the 'boss'. It was a kobold dressed in leather pants and a chest plate holding onto a spear. Who would have thought those traps set up earlier actually helped. The kobold stepped into one of the traps and lost his balance and me being the strong warrior I leaped on the kobold and stabbed him in the face over and over until I thought he was dead. Pretty good for me!! After killing the kobold the rest of the wolves dispersed and there was a bit of downtime before the event finished. Once the sun rose the monster corpses burst into purple smoke and loot appeared. Not all the wolves gave loot but I was able to get a few goodies. The kobold however gifted me his chest plate and then the leaderboard screen appeared and I saw myself at 9th place. YAY!

Overall, the game is super good and I will be posting my experience every day I play.



As I was reading the post I compared Elves_or_Nothin's experience to mine. His first enemy were wolves and even though they travel in packs there can't have been as many wolves as there were goblins. This means the system counted the number of goblins I was able to kill and it was similar in value to the number of wolves killed by Elves_or_Nothin. At the same time Elves_or_Nothin could have reached 9th place because he was able to kill the 'boss' of the event. I was unable to kill the goblin with the shield but I still entered the top 10 which means that the 9 people above me were able to kill the 'boss' of the night and everyone below me was unable to or died.

Even though I was unable to kill the 'boss' I still received an item from the night which was obviously different from the standard loot drops. However, I have no idea what the luck stat can do for me at the moment.

It seemed like the rest of the posts were about players either flaunting that they were able to survive or players complaining about dying. I scrolled through the forum a bit more and saw a post that intrigued me.

"Status Screen" - Unpopular Student

Name: The name of your character or NPC name

Race: The race of your character or NPC race

Health Points (HP): How much health you have left compared to your total

Mana Points (MP): How much mana you have left compared to your total

Strength: How strong you are, How much damage you will/can do

Vitality: How much health you have and the recovering speed

Intelligence: How much mana you have and the recovering speed

Dexterity: How adept you are at moving your hands, how steady they are when creating weapons or armor

Agility: How fast you are when running, improves chances to dodge

Luck: How lucky you are, can affect migrating to new places, resources and loot

Equipment: Shows what equipment is equipped

Skills: Shows both passive and active skills

Currently, all that is seen in the status screen.

It was not a popular post and was eventually drowned out by the constant rush of new players posting about their experience, however, It helped me understand a little bit more about the game. I can only hope that my increased luck will help me in the long run.

As midday approaches, I went to my job and once I finished I picked up some dinner and went home. I ate the food quickly and rested my mind and body ready for another day in Settlement.. Right before midnight I laid in my bed and once the clock turned 0000 I closed my eyes and went back into the game.

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