
Chapter 72 - 72 - Cafe Meetup

"Not free, sorry." - Evan

"Where?" - Ian

"Cafe next to the game shop. TTYL! CYA!" - Sabrina

I put the phone down and get up to pour myself yet another cup of water. Most of the early morning I had been drinking water and watching random movies but now it was time for my daily routine, exercising. 

I go out of my house and do some light stretches before jogging at a nice slow pace. The sun had already risen over the horizon and a nice golden glow was blanketing the suburb. I pull my hoodie over my head as I start to jog faster. The route had changed from just around the block to traveling around a couple of blocks and through a park.

The park had outdoor fitness equipment set up for the locals who don't want to go to the gym to do some simple bodyweight training. After discovering the fitness equipment I had started to regularly travel here during my morning exercise to complete some simple tasks. I would start by jogging to the location as a warm-up and once I arrived I would immediately stretch again.

The first task would be pull-ups, followed by sit-ups, leg raises, dips and finally push-ups. Nearby, is a water station that allows me to stay hydrated throughout the whole exercise. After being stagnant at home for hours thinking about the game moving about felt oddly satisfying. 

I sat on a bench after stretching since I finished my workout and looked around. Some other early birds had arrived and started working out nearby as well. Some doing yoga stretches others practicing some tai chi and some using the equipment I had just finished using. 

Next to me were two girls who were doing some stretches while chatting with each other and as I was just relaxing basking in the sunlight I happened to hear some details especially after I heard them mention Settlement.

"Mary, how's Settlement?"

"Hmm, it's okay like I'm not doing too much. Just relaxing with the NPCs near a river. Nothing dangerous so far."

"What! A river, lucky! I'm stuck in a rocky region. Barely any water or even grass for that matter. I'm lucky one of my NPCs can get water from the cactus-like plants."

"Well, have you heard Renee there is a company that is going around recruiting Settlement players?"

"WHAT! Really? Mary, should we go to them today? Maybe we can get them to help us in the game."

"Yea, we can try I don't mind. Next to the big game building in the city is Bones, the company recruiting players."

"Bones? Why have I heard them before…?"

"Silly Renee. They are the ones that usually make the player guilds in games. They created MercSwords in LeafStory, PowerHouse in World of Witches and Bones'R'Bones in Magic&Swords. So, assuming the same trend they will most likely create another guild like place in Settlement even though there are no guild functions in the game."

"Hmm...I see, I kind of understand but not really...Oh well, you can explain it to me more let's start heading there first."

"Wait, Renee. Wait up you're running too fast."

I watch the girls run away and think to myself about the little snippet of information they had leaked. I remember seeing a post on the forum about recruiting people for a guild but never did I imagine it was something this big. 

Should I join it? 

I get up from the bench and slowly walk back home thinking about how to progress in the game and whether to join the guild the girls were talking about. I can check it out since I am going near it today to meet up with Sabrina and at the same time maybe get her opinion on it as well. 

I got home, showered and changed into something more casual before walking to the train station and getting on the train. A nice comfortable ride without much happening around me until I got to the cafe. 

It's 945, a little early so I went to send a text to Sabrina saying I have arrived.

"I'm here." - Ian

"OH! Wait, almost there. Walking from the station." - Sabrina

"Take your time, no rush." - Ian

Standing in front of the cafe I am able to see the tall glass building next to the game shop. At the top of the building in big white bold letters is the world Bones, with two long bones in a shape of an X behind the letter B. At their front door is a line snaking around the side of the building with men in black suits and black glasses standing near the line. I look at the people slowly moving up the line when another person exits the building. 

The people exiting the buildings always had a big smile on their faces, holding onto a Bones carry-on bag. 

"Wondering what's happening in the building to Ian?"

A sudden voice coming from behind me surprises me, making me jump in fright while I turn around. Sabrina, dressed in a white crop top, an unzipped maroon red jacket and short denim shorts appeared behind me. 

"Why did you come at me like that?"

"I don't know. It seemed fun as a thought. I was originally going to hit you on the back but then again you are not Evan so...Didn't do it. Come on let's go in the cafe I'm hungry, tired and thirsty. You are paying by the way."


"Hurry up!"

Without any warning she had already entered the cafe and sat down, waving to me to sit with her.

"Okayyyy, I want pancakes with honey and maple syrup andddd an iced vanilla latte. What are you getting?"

"I...Don't know. I just sat down."

"Come on, hurry up it's not that hard."

I quickly look at the menu and looked at the cheaper options.

"I'll get a ham and cheese toast with water."

"Why are you telling me? Go to the counter."

I look at her in disbelief and confusion but once I saw her face as she looked at the menu and a picture of the pancakes I just sighed and went to the counter.

After ordering the food I went back to the table and sat down.

"So, you died. Are you feeling ok?"

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