
Chapter 85 - 85 - Spike And Val ( Luke Perspective)

What a familiar feeling.

My small stone knife with just the edges sharpened against other rocks slicing, cutting and stabbing into flesh. Green blood splattered everywhere covering my arm, my body, my legs, the rocks, the dirt and even other goblins. 

The constant screams, shrieks and yells fill my ears. My eyes dart around constantly taking in the new information, where is the closest goblin? Should I dodge backward and then attack? Maybe a stab here will be enough to kill it? Is Sylvia doing okay other there? How about Solar? Stellar?

I stab my knife into the eye of an attacking goblin puncturing through it and twisting it, destroying its brain before pulling my knife out. I take away the goblin knife held within its clutches and proceed onwards to the next enemy.




Rinse and repeat.

The sound around me muddles together. Like the feeling of trying to listen to someone talk to you when they are above water while you are submerged. My breathing slows but my body moves faster and faster. 

I cut and cut.

And once my knife breaks I pick up another from my enemy pushing forward constantly.


Pulled out from my trance and literally pulled backward I fall on my back looking at the clear blue sky. 


"You dumbass. Look at where you were going to attack." 

I push myself up with my elbows and look in front of me. Standing behind the cage in front of the girl was the guy. Both with terrified looks on their faces, like they saw a monster even though goblins were just surrounding them. 

I reach out with my hand trying to grab onto the cage in order to break them free.



I jolted back from his aggressive tone. 

"Just stay back, please."

I stood there in a daze. Unsure what to do.

"Luke, the goblins have been more or less defeated with the wolves hunting down any escapees."

"Thank you Stellar. Where is Solar? And Sylvia are you okay?"

"Solar is tending to one of the wolves. As for whether or not I'm okay, I should be asking you that. What the hell happened during that fight? You started to go crazy you know. Running headfirst into a crowd of goblins. Sure you got out alive and barely touched but that is some reckless behavior."

"Sorry, Sylvia…"

"Whatever. Just…Just say something if you aren't feeling well. HEY! You two what are your names? I'm Sylvia, this dumbass on the ground is Luke and the dark elf is Stellar. We have another companion who is an elf called Solar and some wolf friends."

The boy looks behind him, seeming hesitant about revealing anything about himself or the girl. But for better or for worse he resolves himself and introduced themselves.

"My name is Spike and this is my little sister Val. We were slaves that were captured yesterday when the goblins here attacked a transportation unit between two other settlements."

Hearing about active trade routes piqued my interest. 

"Who was trading with who and where is the trade route?"

"Kronos…And any settlement or village within his domain. However, trading slaves is the norm. We have been shipped to 5 or 6 different settlements already but yesterday just so happened to be the first time where we were attacked mid transport."

"Kronos is gathering slaves? What for?"

"Sorry, I'm not sure. Most of the time we get traded between other slave traders. This time someone or something with a Kronos emblem was trying to gather slaves of any and all kinds. I doubt they care if one batch of slaves were lost."

Listening to Spike's story I began to wonder more about the purpose of the golem encampment.

"Hmm…Stellar what do you make of this?"

"Well, I think Kronos wanted to conduct some experiments by mixing different races rather than different monsters. Or even mixing races and monsters together."

"That would be worrying right?"

'Luke! Enough thinking let's get the two of them out first."

"Okay, okay. Stellar give Sylvia a hand. I don't think I should help here."

Sylvia and Stellar began to knock down the cage with the goblin clubs. At the same time, I went to find Solar and thankfully she wasn't too far away. 

Kneeling next to a golden wolf whose side had been stabbed by a knife was Solar closing her eyes and pouring a soft golden light into the wound.

"Solar, after you are done here can you do a quick check on the new people. The boy is called Spike and the quiet girl is Val. Heal any wounds they might have sustained."

"Sure Luke. Are you okay by the way?"

"I'm fine why do you ask?"

"I was going to cast haste and lesser shield on you however both spells seemed to be unable to be cast on you. It happened when you ran into the horde of goblins and you were surrounded. I understood you came out okay but I was still worried."

"I'm not too sure about it either. During that whole time, I felt like I was in a trance-like state. I couldn't hear anything around me. Like someone had covered my ears with something just enough that I can hear sounds around me but I couldn't make out any words."

"Hmm…Not too sure either sorry."

"That's okay Solar. Thank you for worrying about me."

Solar gives me a soft smile before turning back to the wolf and continuing to heal her. I walk back to the cage where Sylvia and Stellar had released the two. At the same time, Sylvia had broken some sort of wooden plank chain around their wrists and feet allowing them to move their limbs more freely.

"Spike and Val. I have a question for you. Will you join us in gathering more people? My goal is to save people or other demi-humans or other races that have been placed in an unfair situation due to monsters or the Kings."

"You want us to fight? Never! Me and my sister are not fighting for your goals. Even if the goal is a very just and selfless goal. I cannot risk my sister who is my only family dying."

"That's fine. I only wanted to ask you. However, there is no place safe at the moment. I know of a safe haven however it is far from here and I do not intend to return there any time soon. I can take you there after I finish my business, is that okay?"

After a moment's silence, Spike gives in to my proposal.

"Okay…But my priority is my sister. If the fight looks unwinnable I will leave as soon as I can."

"That's fine as well."

I smile and look away from Spike and look towards Sylvia who was tending to Val's hair.

It's so strange how can anyone be able to communicate so well with someone they had just met. This girl who I had deemed quiet and reserved is giggling away with Sylvia.

Noticing my stare she gives me a small frown, pushing the inside of her brows together and pouting her cheek a bit.

"What you looking at, huh? Dumb Luke!"

I can only sigh, why is she like this?

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