
Chapter 89 - 89 - Let’s Go To A Place ( Luke Perspective )

Clouds of dirt block my view. Loud explosive sounds ring in my ear. Sweat flying in every direction as I desperately dodge and jump out of the way. It is hard dodging in this environment. 

Trees becoming sticks.

Boulders becoming rocks. 

And the once levelled land filled with dips. 

What makes it worse is that it is night. The darkness has crept in, and the sun has fallen, replaced by the moon. It's moonlight softly illuminates the surroundings but even then it is not enough. A massive shadow is cast over the ground, blocking the majestic light. 

Belle and Dawn's movement has turned sluggish from the repeated attacks on the golem, however, not a dent can be seen in its stone skin. Even when I attempted to damage it with the club, it was futile. 

Nothing can hurt it.

The protective shield from Solar has also disappeared after saving me from some unfortunate hits. At the same time, I can feel my own movements slow down as well. It won't be long until I run out of stamina. 

My heavy breathing condensed white clouds in front of my face. 

I can only try it again. 

I reposition myself, dashing forward and under the golem's legs. Turning my back to the moon as it shines up in the sky. I can feel it. A deep gaze upon my back, just like before. 

I channel the feeling inside me and imagine myself in that state once again. A soft yellow glow envelops my body.

A heart beat right next to mine.


The golem turns around and looks down at me, readying its sword above its head. I breathe in sharply and whisper under my breath. 

"Golden Ascension."

I jump forward, smashing the club against the golem's face. Cracks form around its skull, but before I could attack it with all my strength again, it retaliated. Swinging its head around and almost hitting me with the point of its horn. I kick off its neck and land on the ground, dashing forward immediately and attacking its legs. 

Cracks form with each attack, but it came at a price. The hobgoblin's club was slowly breaking. 

I need to deal a decisive blow before the club gets destroyed. 

I dodge out of the way as I see the golem stomp the ground. A desperate attempt to retaliate against me. It starts to flail, stomping the ground near it and swinging its sword around its body. 

Belle and Dawn rendezvous at my position and look at me. I felt a deep connection with the both of them. I howl at the moon while pushing the energy inside me to its limit. Yellow sparks envelop both wolves. Their fur gradually glowing a bright yellow, and their fangs grew larger and longer. A distinct lightning bolt can be seen in their eyes as they howl to the moon. Their bodies wrapped in a cloak of lightning as they dash towards the golem. 

Their speed double, maybe even triple what it originally was as they ram their bodies into the legs of the golem, targeting the cracks which I created. 

Not wanting to fall behind, I move forward as well. Slower than Belle and Dawn, it takes me a bit longer before I joined the attack, but I felt slight changes in my body. At first, it was just a second heart beat that I could feel, however after howling to the moon and placing all my energy into it, I could feel Belle's and Dawn's heartbeat. Their hearts beating at the same time as mine. Synced together.

I feel like they are drawing power from me while I am drawing power from them. I can see it. Tiny sparks along my skin and the yellow glow becoming brighter and more defined. 

An explosion like sound occurs to the side of me as Dawn destroys one of the golem's legs. I run out of the way as the golem collapses on one of its knees. Seeing an opportunity and seeing as how the club is on its last legs, I dash forward while calling for Belle and Dawn to follow me. 

Time to finish this.

We dodge past the last attack of the golem, using its falling momentum to attack us with its sword. Its face completely open and without any protection was our objective.

Belle rams into the side of the horn, cracking it, while Dawn proceeds to destroy it with another ram. Followed up by me as I swing the club into the same spot where I attack the first time. The club cracks and shatters into many small splinters, but so did the golem's head. Small stones scatter in multiple directions, all except for a blue stone. Placed in a hole of the golem's neck as a blue stone. Not knowing any better, I take out the ball and like magic the golem, which was upright on one knee, tilts to the side and collapses on its side. 

The yellow glow leaves my body and the wolves turn back to normal. 

Belle brushes her head against my body seeking attention, followed by Dawn as she licks the back of my hand. I give them a gentle smile as I brush their fur. 

However, strength leaves my legs and I fall. My eyes blur, and before I pass out, a shadow overlaps the moon.


"Will Luke be okay, Solar?"

"Sylvia, can you please stop asking. He is going to be fine. He just overexerted himself."

"Yeah, but like…"

"Sylvia. It's going to be okay. Can you go find Stellar for me?"


Sylvia leaves in search of Stellar, while I slowly awaken. My eyes flutter open and I feel my whole body groan.

"Luke, stop moving. I felt like you were somewhat awake during that short talk with Sylvia. I told her to go out, so I can talk to you privately."

"Where…Are we?"

"At the goblin encampment that we raided before sun down. We are currently inside one of the huts. Stellar is in the forest with Hugo and the twins while Val, Spike and the other two wolves are nearby next to a fire warming up."

"That's… Good. Everyone is safe."

"Luke… I don't think we can keep raiding encampments. Sure the goblin encampments are doable however, I doubt we will be able to find any more of them. You weren't there during the fight between us and the goblins, and you didn't see it, but we were definitely struggling. Now, seeing the golem attack us like that and how little power we have against them, we will die at this rate."

"... I -"

"That's not all. We have more people now. Some of them have no experience fighting. Even Spike and Val had to take up arms. It was fine hen it was you, Sylvia, Stellar and me since we were used to fighting, however, not everyone is like us."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"We find a home for them. Somewhere, some place where they will be safe. You came from a safe haven, did you not?"

"Yeah, I did, but I don't know if I am ready to go back…"

"What do you mean?"

I elevate my body slightly, leaning on my elbows and looking at the concern Solar.

"Solar. I left that place because I needed to become stronger. I…I let my friend die before. I can't let that happen again."

"LUKE! It will happen again if you are not careful. You were lucky this time with the golem but what about next time. When Sylvia saw you on top of Belle's back, she thought you died. You obviously didn't wake up when she was crying and shaking you, which only added to her worries. I'll leave you for a bit and let you think about what I said. Get some rest for now."

Solar stands up and walks out of the goblin hut. Her steps quiet and hesitant.

Once she left, I slump back down to the ground. My whole body refusing to move the way I want it too. 

Solar's words stick in my mind. Is it okay to go back? I haven't even achieved anything yet. Would Ian, Howard, Lucina and old man Hus welcome me back? I would right? 

What do I even say to them? Hey, I'm back and well these are my friends I helped along the way. Is that it? How long have I even been gone? A couple of weeks? A month? Maybe 2?

As these questions bombard my head, Sylvia enters the room. I tilt my head back a bit and see her worried expression as she looks down at me. Tears well up in her eyes and I can see her holding them back.

"Sylvia, you can cry, you know."

I expected a waterfall of tears, but to my surprise it was more of a small stream.

"I-I know. *hic* I know. *hic* "

"Come, sit. Talk to me."

"I-I *hic* Thought you died. *hic* Don't die you idiot." 

"I won't die."

"Don't *hic* die."

"I won't."

I lay there in silence as Sylvia softly cries. Holding onto one of her hands softly to reassure her was the best I could do but after a while she stopped. Her eyes puffy and red, but it looked like she was ready to talk.

"Luke, I know you are stupid and an idiot, but you cannot go rushing into battle again like that, okay?"

"Yea, I get it, Sylvia."

"And we should prepare ourselves more for upcoming battles. Weapons and armour. We can't go running into strong monsters like that with small knives and animal skin."

"Yea I understand."

"And we should teach the newer people how to fight. They will have to put in some effort or else we will all die to an ambush."


"And we-"


"Yea, Luke?"

"Let's go to a place. A place where it is safe."

"Huh? Where?"


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