
Chapter 93 - [Bonus ] 93 - Slow And Steady

"Phalanx shield formation!"

As the words roll out of my mouth, my men gather in front of me. Shields pressed against each other, shoulder to shoulder, with a shield roof covering their heads. It might not be to the extent of the ancient Greeks, it's purpose still stands. To create a physical wall in front and above in order to defend against the enemy. I would have loved it for Howard and David to join the formation, however, their size and stature were too large and uneven when grouped with the others.

I proposed that the demi-humans would be at the front, since their strength and vitality is higher than the other humans, and now that I am looking at the formation in front of the cave, I feel like that was one of the best decisions I could have done. Howard is positioned behind and on the left, whereas David would be on the right, with Kingston in the middle. There will be times when I miss something, and having Kingston in the middle would provide him a better view of the battle, allowing him to make split second decisions if needed.

I position myself behind the three, with the goblins next to me. I take out a stone and hit it against another, producing sparks. I only found out recently that Owen had found some flint stones in the river. Having a goblin hold a torch, I proceeded to light it with the flint. Once, the torch was ablaze, I hold an arrow and light the end. Calmly, I position myself to fire the arrow.

Following Robin's instructions, I breathe in and out, nocking the arrow and pulling back. With another breath, I release the string at the same time I exhale. The arrow flies into the cave, whistling through the air and lighting up the path. Unfortunately, it doesn't fly all the way until the first corner, instead it gradually falls onto the ground burning slowly on the path.

"It looks clear for now. Gibing, anything in front?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, leader Ian."

"Okay, everyone advance."

"Yes, leader!"

With one foot in front of the other, the shield wall advances. Three people side by side with the scutum shields just barely fit in the cave, with only enough space for maybe a goblin to squeeze through. 

Each step, we make echos throughout the cave. An accidental bump with the shields would cause the air to vibrate softly, resonating with the echos. Tension fills the air, and I can sense everyone's grip tighten on their weapons. Even though there has been no signal from Gibing and the other goblins, everyone still reacts to even the slightest of sounds. 

In what felt like an eternity, we finally reached the place where my arrow landed. The fire has long since extinguished and only a wisp of smoke remain. 

"Everyone, take a deep breath. I know it is tense, but we can't keep progressing like this. Every time someone accidentally makes a sound, I can see everyone tense up, and that's going to keep happening unless we learn to relax a little. So, DEEP breaths everyone."

I try my best to calm everyone's nerves. Making them stop and perform a different task. At the same time, while everyone was trying to relax, I nocked another arrow and fired it forwards. 

"See everyone. I know it is tense, and we don't know what is in front of us but look. That arrow will light our path and each arrow after it. We will know when something is in front of us, and we will be able to prepare for it, okay? Now, relax yourself and let's move onwards."

Contrary to everyone's thoughts, I was the most tense, but at least now they have more confidence in themselves. Each step they took felt less hesitant and a small flame can be seen in their eyes. 

We reach the second arrow, this time much quicker. One of the demi-humans at the front picked up the arrow and passed it back. I take the arrow and fire it again, sending it down the tunnel, but as I do, I hear a loud banging noise echoing from the depths. Howard glances at me and I nod at him. 

"Everyone, get ready. They're coming."

It sounds like giant scurrying mouses running from the bottom of the cave up, each step bringing them closer and closer. Stone banging against stone, tumbling forward with all their might. The vibrations in the ground feel like an earthquake is happening, stones fall from the sides and the ceilings. 

I give Gibing a fire arrow, telling him to shoot it as far as he can, at the same time I light up 2 torches and throw them in front of us as well as another 2 behind us lighting up our surroundings. Gibing's arrow flies further than mine, landing just shy of the next corner, but it was enough. 

Seconds later, the first golem turns the corner. Its white stone body peak from behind the corner and horrific grin can be seen. Its long claws creep around the corner and like a tsunami, more golems rush behind it. Smashing into the cave wall before tumbling forward. At the forefront of the golem's attack, zooming faster than the others, was a flying golem. With a sinister grin and its wings stretched out far enough that it is scraping along the walls, it flies towards us. 


One second.

Two seconds.



Not long after my shout, the golem smashes head first into the shield wall. 


The demi-humans at the front groan together, shouting their lungs out as they push against the golem. I can see them struggling from the sheer force that the golem produced, but luckily they pushed off the initial impact. 


Unlike the people behind the shield, I could see the golem winding up. Its stone claw comes crashing down on the shield, creating an ear-piercing screech.

"Anyone with a spear attack first! Howard watch on your left, its wing might come close. David, attack it with your spear and Kingston you might have to help the shields hold its place, just be ready."

The two demi-humans on the side of the wall proceeds to stab the golem on the sides, while David and Howard find opportunities to attack when the golem gets too close. However, this was just the start of the fight. 

Within, minutes the rest of the golems caught up and pressed against the first golem making it incapable of doing large swings and this worked in our favor. Making less space to move, it became more susceptible to hits. Ever since the golem fight, old man Hus thought about using the golem's body as a weapon. Replacing the original spearheads were sharpened golem stones, creating a stronger weapon. However, I only gave it to the front-line. Since the goblins and I won't be engaging in close combat, there was no need for us to use the weapon. 

[ Golem Stone Spear 

Attack: 15

Using the body of a slain general golem to create a stronger spearhead. It has a lower chance to break when struck against other objects.

Made by Hus ] 

"Be careful on the right, David! Howard get back!"

I shout out commands while sending arrows over the heads of the golems, however with all the shoving and moving at the back the arrows get lost in the abyss. It was a slow grind as we constantly fight with the golem, each and every small stab eventually accumulated into cracks along the golem's body and with one good swing from Howard or David the golem's body would break.

Sweat flew off everyone's body as they continue to stand their ground against the wave of golems, and eventually their work paid off. The first kill.


With the first golem down, its body collapses onto the ground and is immediately stepped on. Broken into even small shard by the next golem. I notice that the golem was slightly different. The one in front of us was bulkier and had proper hands. Forming a fist, it lifts its hand above the shields.


"Coming to support!"

Kingston rushes under the shields and holding it upwards with the other NPCs. The fists come slamming down on the top, mimicking an explosion as it echoes throughout the cave. Due to the golem failing its attack, both Howard and David stepped up slightly on the protruding rocks of the walls and swung their club/spear at the golem, smashing its upper body and simultaneously breaking the golem core. The second kill.


Sometimes one and sometimes two, the golems, came up and banged on the shields. I see the blood dripping from the shield bearers' hands. Their skin peeling from gripping the handle too hard, but it wasn't just them. After noticing their pain, I signaled three goblins to rush to the front, replacing the shield bearers' duty of attack, allowing them to focus only on holding the shields together. In turn, they were able to switch the handle to their non-dominant hand and allow their other hand to take a break.

Kingston would constantly shift between helping the front shields push back against the golems and the top shields from the attacks. His extra strength allowed the shield bearers to have an easier time, but I can see the sweat dripping off his face. The constant attacks are wearing him down, and not just him, everyone as well. However, I can't see an end to the golems.

"Leader Ian, we might need to retreat slightly."

"Gibing, I know that, but why are you suggesting it now?"

"We do not need to go too far. Just around the corner. It will allow ample space for wolf Luna to attack from the sides while still being small enough that the golems will not push through."

"Are you sure on this information?"

"Positive, leader Ian."


The best moment to move back is when Howard or David defeat a golem. Timing a step or two during that moment was easy enough, and with just 10 steps we were at the corner. 


As if waiting for her turn, she goes under Howard's leg and through the gap on the left. Jumping off the ground and ramming into the closest golem before retreating back through the gap.

A hit-and-run strategy. While the damage caused to the golem was minimal due to its defenses, it provides another avenue of attack. This meant Howard and David do not be the only ones that needed to deal the final blow. When there were enough cracks on a golem, the force of Luna's attack shattered the golem into smaller rocks, dislodging the core and letting it fall to the ground. It was slow, but it works, and slowly I could see the stats of my NPCs rising. 1 strength here, 1 vitality there, bit by bit. While it wasn't guaranteed that they were gaining stats from every kill after a bunch, I could see a small increase. 

Slow and steady. 

Just like any MMO, there is always a time when you have to grind mobs.

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