Chapter 104 Looking at each other once, stunning the entire southern Xinjiang!

“This king will try!”

At this time, another terrifying king came from afar, and everyone was shocked when they saw it!

“It’s the Changge boxing champion, this is a boxing champion who is not inferior to the ink sea knife king Lu Kong, and even above him!”

“Yes, I heard that in the private rankings of several domains on their side, this person’s combat effectiveness is still higher than that of land and air, and it is several rankings higher than him!”

“I don’t know if this person can cross the kendo gap and have the qualifications to fight Ye Daocang!”

“Just look at it!!

Everyone was still discussing that the Changge boxing champion couldn’t help it anymore. He glanced at Lu Kong indifferently, and smiled disdainfully, then his body rose into the air.


Sure enough, a terrifying Sword Qi rose directly into the sky from the chasm, and the invincible prestige made countless people terrified to the extreme.

In an instant, the expressions of several people suddenly changed, and a trace of fear broke out in the center of their eyes.

Facing this sword, Changge Boxing King’s expression condensed, and a ray of fear has appeared.

“Humph~! Break it for me!”

Changge boxing champion is full of spirits, and the boundless spirit shook a Galaxy Cluster.

With a punch, the world trembled, and the void seemed to be shattered.

With a random punch, you can surpass many powerful emperors!


When the punch fell, the Sword Qi in the gap trembled, and then it spread out.


Everyone in southern Xinjiang brightened their eyebrows, and they were happy in their hearts. It seems that a great war is about to begin!

Changge boxing champion, as expected to surpass the existence of land and air, the strength is really not to be underestimated!

“Hahahaha, there is just one Sword Qi, but so, the top spot is none other than this king!,

Changge Boxing King smiled proudly, his body leaped into the sky, and came straight to Ye Daocang.

However, at this time, within the Sword Qi gap, in an instant, four terrifying Sword Qi burst out in an instant, showing up and down, left and right, and directly fell towards the Changge boxing champion!


Changge boxing champion’s eyes are condensed, and without a word, there are four punches in the air.

However, under the outbreak of these two Sword Qi, it far surpassed the previous sword.

In these four swords, there is an aura of destruction, wherever you go, it seems that everything will be broken and burst.

The attribute Sword Qi, or the destruction of the main killing and destruction Sword Qi, is even more terrifying!


In an instant, everything was broken, countless things stumbled and fell to pieces!

Under the eyes of everyone, Changge Boxing King was directly hit by the four swords, flew out, fell to the ground, in his mouth and nose, a big breath of blood spurted out, and he passed out directly without knowing his life or death.

Seeing this, the 700 followers who followed along the way were both timid and fearful.

Seeing Ye Daocang didn’t look at their eyes much, they relieved their minds to help Changge Boxing King up and help him heal his injury!


Seeing the heavy amount of Changge’s entire network, everyone took a deep breath and was terrified.

At this time, at this moment, they can completely understand how terrifying these four Sword Qi gaps are.

At this time, they are no longer puzzled by the dispute for the top of the list, but want to see who can break through the blockade of the four Sword Qi gaps!

The Changge boxing champion was hit by the four swords in a coma, which directly discouraged many kings who didn’t know how to make a move.

Afterwards, for several days, several invincible kings of the same domain came.

They didn’t believe in evil, and they took action one after another, but the result was to take advantage of happiness and return!

These invincible kings of several domains have been hit hard, so that more and more people are paying attention to this battle.

Over the southern Xinjiang, countless people took a deep breath and waited quietly.

Finally, on this day, a terrifying middle-aged king, dressed in an imperial robe, came here calmly, step by step, step by step to the gap between Ye Daocang.

He condensed the Sword Qi gap for a while, and suddenly, it broke out!

A horrible courage faced the sky and frightened Bahuang with invincible prestige.

Everyone couldn’t help looking sideways. When they saw this person’s face, they were shocked, and a trace of shock was revealed in their eyes.

Obviously, this person’s name is extraordinarily loud, and they recognize each other at a glance

His temperament is very amazing, the so-called Mohai Sword King, Changge Boxing King, etc., in front of him, appear to be extraordinarily popular.


The sky trembled for a while, and the boundless aura swept across the sky.

A burst of breath caused the entire southern Xinjiang, from the peak emperor to the magical powers, to change colors.

“It’s the Heavenly Dragon King of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, he unexpectedly appeared!”

“It seems that he is also very interested in this ranking!”

“So powerful, it can be called invincible in the world!

“Is he the Heavenly Dragon King who killed a powerful emperor in the Unfettered Realm three years ago when he was in the Seventh Stage of the Nirvana Realm three years ago?”

“Yes, he is, and it is really because he punched and killed a powerful man in the remote realm, so the strong men of the Tianluo realm gave him the title of king in order to distinguish him from other kings!”

“I also heard about this. Originally, he didn’t see the Heavenly Dragon Lord, because after that incident, he was called the Heavenly Dragon Lord, which means cfee!”

Everyone spoke in a frantic manner, telling the terrifyingness of the Heavenly Dragon King.

“Three years ago, he was so terrible. Now three years later, he has achieved half a step to become the emperor. How terrifying his strength would be!”

“Strange, why is he so terrible that he hasn’t stepped into the top ten?”

“I know this. He went to a Minor World to explore at the time. The Heavenly Dao list did not capture his luck, so it was not counted. He did not come out until the end of the list!”

“That’s how it is! Now, the two sides are facing the Maimang, it looks so good!”

For a time, countless people were talking about it!

At this moment, in full view, King Tianlong said: “Good Sword Qi, it’s no wonder that so many famous kings can retreat, you are very good!

Hearing this, Ye Daocang turned around and looked at him curiously.

Seeing that Ye Daocang ignored him, King Tianlong just raised his head slightly.

“Let me take a look at how powerful you are as the number one swordsman in ancient and modern times on the Heavenly Dao list!”

There was a faint smile on the corner of King Tianlong’s mouth, which made him look extraordinarily confident and unhurried.

Although there is no breakthrough Cultivation Base in the Minor World group, in terms of combat effectiveness, he does not know how many times it has soared, completely widening the gap with those invincible kings.

After saying this, he stepped forward in front of all beings in southern Xinjiang.


A punch was in the air and hit the ground directly.

Qiang Qiang~~!

After brushing, I seemed to feel the threat. On the kendo chasm below, the boundless breath shook the ancient sky, and the four Sword Qi rioted in the air and went straight out.

“It’s interesting, broken!”

The King of Heavenly Dragon smiled proudly, a punch fell, and the sky trembled again and again, and these four attributes, Sword Qi, were directly destroyed!

However, what greeted him was the more terrifying Sword Qi, domineering implied destruction, Immortal, and the killing Sword Qi merged together, presenting a three-dimensional trend, facing him directly.

Venerable Heavenly Dragon smiled proudly, did not retreat but moved forward, stepped out in one step, the terrifying spirit shook all directions, and fell directly on the gap of sight!


The boundless Sword Qi constantly emerges, stimulating the long river of time and space, making Galaxy Cluster tremble.

The terrible Sword Qi came, the King of Heavenly Dragon just smiled faintly, and an aura fell on his body, directly suppressing all Sword Qi below.


Seeing this, in the Eighty-One Regions in Southern Xinjiang, I don’t know how many creatures looked up and were shocked.

They are all there to see how terrible Ye Daocang’s four gaps are.

However, the Heavenly Dragon King actually relied on his own strength to completely suppress it.

The name of the king is worthy of the name!

At this moment, everyone was very emotional.

Seeing that he was suppressing the Sword Qi gap, the corner of King Sky’s mouth could not help but curled up with a curve of disdain.

The next moment, his whole person directly rose into the air, and his invincible prestige broke out strongly.

Afterwards, he splayed wildly, three punches were missed, and the terrifying fist drew above the sky, and the sky thunder rolled in.

Under the gaze of everyone, the King of Heavenly Dragon directly broke through the eight swords of three talents, stepped into the air, crossed the blockade of the kendo gap, and came to Ye Daocang.

After landing, King Tianlong looked at Ye Daocang playfully, as if he were watching a clown.

Seeing this, countless people all over southern Xinjiang were shocked.

In their view, a grand battle is about to begin.

“Finally, someone came to Ye Daocang!”

“The Great War is about to start!”

“I don’t know who can be the strongest?”

“That’s not good. One was rated as the No. 1 swordsman in ancient and modern times by the Heavenly Dao list, and one got a big chance from Minor World. Between the two sides, who can laugh at the end, it’s hard to say!!

“I am more supportive of the King of Heavenly Dragon. You and his aura is flat. Obviously, he has not done his best to break the blockade of the Sword Qi gap!”

“I also found out that the strength of the Heavenly Dragon King’s forehead is hundreds of times more Ascension than before entering Minor World!”

“The most important point is that although Ye Daocang is strong, but after understanding, he has achieved breakthrough Nirvana, and it has only been more than a year. In such a short period of time, no matter how strong he is, where can he be strong?”

“Ye Daocang is amazing and beautiful. The evaluation of the first swordsman in ancient and modern times is enough to explain everything, but in terms of the background, I am more optimistic about the King of Heavenly Dragon!”

Everyone was talking about it, and after getting to know them, they were more optimistic about King Heavenly Dragon!

Before entering Minor World, the King of Heavenly Dragon had beaten several nearby domains without any opponents.

After coming out now, Ascension hundreds, all the kings in the world, how many others are his opponents?

For a while, everyone couldn’t help but stared at the sky, unwilling to miss the confrontation between the two kings!

“Why, the deity king has come here, are you still unwilling to make a move?” Heavenly Dragon Venerable chuckled, looking at Ye Daocang very calmly.

Ye Daocang stood with a sword from beginning to end, his head drooping slightly, as if he did not want to look at each other.

When everyone was puzzled, Ye Daocang moved.

I saw his head suddenly lifted, looking towards King Tianlong.

King Tianlong couldn’t help but raised his head proudly and looked at Ye Daocang contemptuously.

But The next moment, his look changed.

Everything in front of him disappeared, he seemed to have come to a void, and everything around him disappeared.

At this moment, in the distance, Ye Daocang’s indifferent eyes met him.

The next moment, behind Ye Daocang, a terrifying phantom of the strong man appeared directly, stepping out.


A sound flashed in his mind involuntarily, The next moment, an ultimate Sword Ray came from the void, stretched endlessly, pointing straight to his heart.

At this moment, he only felt his hands and feet numb, and his army was weak.

This Sword Qi surpassed all essence, pointed directly at the heart, defeated the Dao heart and all the arrogance in his heart, and shattered to pieces.

Finally, this Sword Qi came to him, seeming to be a sword across time and space, and drowned directly towards him.

At this moment, he was full of panic, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes.

He felt the breath of Death, but he had nowhere to hide.

His monstrous courage and boundless brilliance of his fist skills are extremely small in front of this sword.

In reality, when Ye Daocang and the King of Heavenly Dragon looked at each other, everyone thought that the battle was about to start.

But the battle didn’t start there, but stopped in general.

Everyone was puzzled, just as they were about to ask.

Suddenly, Dragon King’s expression suddenly changed, his face was full of horror, and his mouth even yelled: “No~~!”

The fierce voice resounded across the sky, making everyone terrified.

The next moment, before everyone reacted, they saw the King of Heavenly Dragon vomiting blood, and then his body flew out directly, flew directly over the Sword Qi gap, and landed on the ground.

“You! You! You!” “The Heavenly Dragon King looked at Ye Daocang with horror, extremely frightened.

The sword that appeared in his soul just now made him feel that what he was facing was not a king, nor an emperor, but a peak Martial Sage as terrifying!


Seeing this, I don’t know how many inhalation sounds appear.

King Tianlong was defeated, so embarrassed.

Even Ye Daocang didn’t make a move from start to finish, and the Sky King vomited blood and flew out!

“Hey, what is going on, Tianlong Venerable is so vaguely defeated!” Someone asked suspiciously.

“Could it be that Ye Daocang used something that does not belong to him, that is why the Heavenly Dragon King was defeated on the spot?” Someone looked at Ye Daocang in white with suspicion, and speculated.

But soon, someone retorted: “No, this battle is calculated by the Heavenly Dao list. If Ye Daocang cheated, I’m afraid it would have been defeated on the spot!”

Hearing this, everyone nodded immediately, with no objection to this statement.

After that, they were puzzled again, what was the reason?

“It’s the contest of the soul among the souls!”

At this time, a voice full of wisdom appeared, attracting the attention of countless people.

Seeing everyone watching over, this person explained directly.

“The contest between gods and souls is a battle between Tianjiao. It stands to reason that this kind of situation will generally not happen, because Tianjiao’s inner heart is directly proportional to the combat power. If the strength of the two is not much different, the battle between the gods and souls cannot be distinguished. of!

Having said this, he couldn’t help taking a deep breath, looking at everything on the Heavenly Dao list, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, but he couldn’t help but explain.

“There is only one possibility between Ye Daocang and King Tianlong, and that is the difference in strength!”

“You can also understand that, Ye Daocang, has the ability to crush the Heavenly Dragon King!!


Similar to him, it is not uncommon for people to know the power of the soul, and the doubts of the people in the entire southern Xinjiang were solved in a short period of time.

But after they were unlocked, they all took a deep breath, and they were shocked to the extreme!

King Tianlong, how terrible, and how energetic.

However, in front of Ye Daocang, there was only one who was crushed casually. How can people accept such a result!

At this time, in various places in southern Xinjiang, many Tianjiao who had reincarnated from the emperor’s reincarnation or took their homes raised their heads, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

Obviously, the Heavenly Dragon King has already entered their eyes, and the future achievements are not low.

But this kind of existence, in front of Ye Daocang, can only be crushed, and he doesn’t even have the qualifications to be an opponent.

At this moment, Nanjiang was completely silent, and countless people looked at the figure standing in white clothes and holding a sword, without speaking for a long time.

“Where is his upper limit?”

I don’t know when, a faint voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

Everyone who heard it sighed in unison!

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