Chapter 108 Can’t beat a dog

The picture on the Heavenly Dao list has disappeared, but the picture that stays in everyone’s mind can’t disappear no matter what.

At this moment, the look of Emperor Longteng’s wolf and fox has been lingering in the hearts of everyone.

Everyone involuntarily took a breath of cold air, shocked.

Ye Daocang, he really did it!

The power of a clone actually defeated Emperor Longteng!

“Is this the number one swordsman from ancient and modern times on the Heavenly Dao list? It is really suffocating!”

“It’s too cruel, Emperor Longteng is not his enemy!”

“I don’t know what to describe, those two swords, in my mind, h linger for a long time!”

“My ancestor, the Eighth Stage Cultivation Base of Xiaoyao, he just spoke in horror. With these two swords, he will die!”

“There is news from Longtai Bamboo Garden that their ancestors of swordsmanship have some sentiments because of the sword of Ye Daocang, and they have realized the swordsmanship Realm, and Cultivation Base has also stepped into the half-step Martial Sage!”

“There is also news from the Arctic Swordsmanship Villa. The Saint Son of their Villa has comprehended the Sword Domain of fire, and has stepped into the half-step king, and is expected to compete for the ranking of the Tianjiao!

“What’s this? Saitama Martial Sage, the master of the Saitama Gate, learned something from it. With a sword of cold light for millions of miles, the Sword intent of thunder and fire is everywhere I go. Familiar with turbulence, under Martial Sage, no one It can be within a hundred miles!”


Hearing this, I don’t know how many people took a deep breath and were shocked.

More and more news is coming. I don’t know how many people have once again ascension and gain in this understanding.

In the Ye Family, the many Tianjiao who had been observing had closed their eyes. From these two swords, they had more or less understood a lot of things.

Ye Daocang put down the tea cup, turned and left.

He knew very well that the appearance of Emperor Longteng completely freed him from the entanglement of countless kings.

Even Emperor Longteng was defeated, are they stronger than Emperor Longteng?

I have to say that although he doesn’t look down on this class as a great emperor, his reputation is so loud that he can save a lot of trouble!

If Emperor Longteng sees this, I am afraid that he will be depressed to vomit blood at this time.

In Tianlu City, the whole hall was full of uproar, and in this city’s largest restaurant, it was boiling again and again.

“How is it possible!” Chen Tianji looked embarrassed, and looked at the Heavenly Dao screen. The fact that Ye Daocang defeated Emperor Longteng with a clone is unbelievable!

But at this point, he just didn’t believe it, and the facts were already in front of him.

“Hehe, Brother Chen, I don’t know the gambling agreement that many brothers said before, can you still count?”

I don’t know when Bai Xiaosheng has already walked down from the attic above, and said with a smile on his face at the frustrated Chen Tianji.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes fell on the two of them, some were amazed, some admired.

They thought that Bai Xiaosheng would definitely lose this time, and it was a disastrous defeat.

But I didn’t expect that the loser of the final bet would be Chen Tianji!

At this time, everyone’s eyes fell on Chen Tianji, to see if he would break his promise!

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether he will break his promise or not in front of Bai Xiaosheng. Even if he does not leave Tianlu City, in the future, the various forces will not find a person with no credibility to buy intelligence information.

At this moment, Chen Tianji’s face was pale.He knew very well what would happen to his position in Tianji Valley if he lost the intelligence site of Tianlu City!

Definitely plummeted!

He looked at Bai Xiaosheng with an embarrassed expression: “You already knew that Emperor Longteng was not Ye Daocang’s opponent?”

Except for this, he really couldn’t think of why Bai Xiaosheng would make this bet with himself before!

When Bai Xiaosheng heard the words, he curled his lips in disdain, and then sneered: “Chen Tianji, you too value me Bai Xiaosheng, one is the reincarnation of a great emperor, the other is the first swordsman in ancient and modern times, from the Patriarch of the Martial Sage family. Is the existence of Bai Xiaosheng accessible to me?”

Hearing Bai Xiaosheng’s words, everyone who originally doubted was also silent, because Bai Xiaosheng was right.

This kind of existence, let alone Bai Xiaosheng, even the Baixiao Villa behind him is not qualified.

Chen Tianji’s breath suddenly became extremely pale, with a decadent expression on his face.

He stared blankly at Bai Xiaosheng, an old opponent who had been competing for a long time.

This time, he was defeated, and he was still unable to make a comeback.

In the end, his energy and energy vented all over his body: “May you lose the gambling, Bai Xiaosheng, from now on, the information site of Tianlu City is yours~~!”

After saying this, he turned around and was about to leave!

However, Bai Xiaosheng snorted coldly: “Brother Chen, don’t forget the own promise. If Brother Chen thinks this table is not your embarrassment, you can pay to buy this table for Brother Chen! ”

He will not be deceived by Chen Tianji’s appearance at this time.The two sides have been fighting for many years, and the hatred has penetrated the bone deeply. It is absolutely impossible for him to let the other party go!

“You! Bai Xiaosheng, don’t go too far!” Chen Tianji gritted his teeth and turned around, looking at Bai Xiaosheng with resentment and roared.

Bai Xiaosheng opened the folding fan lightly and ignored it. Instead, he smiled faintly: “Of course, if Brother Chen doesn’t want to eat this table, he won’t be embarrassed about it. After all, this is Brother Chen’s promise to you, not the book. seat!”

His words can be described as murder and condemnation. If Chen Tianji fails to fulfill it, it will be very difficult for him to make a comeback in the future.

Those who do intelligence, if they don’t believe in words, who would dare to buy your intelligence?

Chen Tianji obviously knew it too, and of course he would not be willing to give up.

In the end, his expression changed several times, and finally, he slapped a palm on the table.


This table made of jade is directly shattered.

Subsequently, under Chen Tianji’s control, all swallowed from his mouth onto his stomach.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will die long ago, but it is hard to say for the practitioner. Although it will be uncomfortable, it will not die!

Seeing Chen Tianji’s actions, everyone was stunned and sighed secretly, cruel!

Seeing this, Bai Xiaosheng put away his fan and said with a faint smile: “Brother Chen is indeed a promise, admire it!”

Chen Tianji tried to endure the uncomfortable, and looked at each other with a stern look: “Bai Xiaosheng, between you and me, there is no end!”

After speaking, he left directly with his sleeve.

Bai Xiaosheng looked at his back, his eyes flickering coldly.


He snorted in his heart, and then, without stopping in the hall, he came to the floor where Ye Zangtian was.

“Brother Ye, it’s done, thank you, now the intelligence site of Tianlu City is the only one of my Baixiaosheng family!”

Bai Xiaosheng changed his previous Killing intent and indifference, and said to Ye Zangtian with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Ye Zangtian didn’t speak, just looked at him faintly!

Seeing his appearance, Bai Xiaosheng suddenly understood what it meant.

“Brother Ye, don’t worry, you and I see it like before, I promised you, Bai Xiaosheng will never break my promise, I will return to Baixiao Villa and get the information you want!”

Seeing this, Ye Zangtian retracted his gaze and nodded faintly: “So, thank you!”

Seeing Bai Xiaosheng’s back, Ye Zangtian’s eyes flickered.

“In less than two months, the thirty-six strongest in the Tianjiao list will be out. Time, just enough, thirty-six places, I, Ye Zangtian, will get it!”

“With Bai Xiaosheng’s information, that thing will almost certainly get into my hands, and the complete inheritance of Emperor Qitian will be handed over!”

Thinking of this, Ye Zangtian’s heart was also excited.

Soon, Bai Xiaosheng came back again, Ye Zangtian got the information he wanted and left directly!

Bai Xiaosheng looked at Ye Zangtian’s back for a while with emotion.Perhaps, from now on, the two will no longer be the same!

Ye Zangtian is destined to be the proud son of heaven!

Since Ye Daocang defeated Emperor Longteng, it is impossible for anyone in southern Xinjiang to dare to provoke Ye Daocang.

But, don’t forget, in the Ye family, he is not the only king on the list!

Ten days later, over the gate of the Ye family, a male demon race with a lion head and golden hair, just like a golden lion king, came here.

“Are you a snarling dog? This king, the golden lion clan, nine mad lions, the golden lion king Xie Buxun came to enlighten me!”

Xie Buxun looked down, croaking in the big basin and eating, the corners of his mouth twitched.

If it wasn’t that he really didn’t know who to challenge, he really didn’t want to come to fight with the snarling dog.

If you win, it is estimated that you will be told that you have won the dog, and if you lose, you can’t even beat a dog!

No matter how you fight, others will laugh at him.

But he counted the list of the top ten kings, and found that none of them are good to bully.

Only this big black dog, who wags its tail at the sight of bones, is good to be bullied.

When he talked about fighting, above the sky, Heavenly Dao felt that he had the power to kill and create Happy Realm, and directly opened the live broadcast mode.

When they saw that it was the nine-headed golden lion king Xie Buxun who was about to challenge the snarling dog, their expressions suddenly became weird.

Obviously, at this moment, they are thinking about whether Xie Buxun can beat the dog!

At this moment, the snarling dog who was gnawing on his bones heard someone calling him, and couldn’t help but look up, just in time to see a golden lion demon proudly looking down at him!

This made him very upset, and he grinned directly.


The snarling dog barked and Monster Qi leaked all over his body, and the fierce light in his eyes was already flashing.

However, this dog bark made the entire southern Xinjiang, countless strong people’s mouth twitch, and roared with laughter.

Originally, this should be a very solemn ranking dispute, but because of this bark, people can no longer hold back.

Their gaze fell on Xie Buxun again, and a trace of weirdness had appeared.

Xie Buxun’s expression was blue and red, and he didn’t need to think that he knew at this moment how weird the sentient beings in southern Xinjiang looked at him at this time!

“Huh! No need to say more, let’s make a move, I will give you a chance to make a move!”

Xie Buxun looked at the Snarling Sky Dog proudly, he already wished to leave here.

Seeing this, the snarling dog, roared, rose directly into the clouds, and killed the Golden Retriever Lion King.


Smile back to smile, but the snarling sky dog ​​can rank fourth in strength, and there is no need to question the horror.

The unique anger of the Primordial Fierce Beast in the sky rioted in the void, making a sensation towards the sky.

Behind the snarling dog, the ancestors of the Heavenly Dog clan erupted, roaring and shaking constantly.

The strength of the Heavenly Dog clan is really not bad at all. When the demon court was established, the ancestor of their Heavenly Dog clan was not as good as the top ten demon saints, but was also one of the top demon saints.

The Heavenly Dog family alone occupy two Primordial Stars, which is enough to show the horror!

Not to mention, the Heavenly Dog clan still has a trace of the blood of the ancient fierce beasts, so fierce and mighty, even the top ten demon saints are jealous.

“Good come, kill!”

Xie Buxun’s expression was solemn, and he could see how terrifying the Skyhound was at a glance, and he didn’t talk nonsense. He punched out, and behind him, a nine golden lion found a riot!

The two peak kings of the demon clan collided, and the sky was shaking.

Countless Ye family members lifted their eyes and looked over.

When I saw this snarling dog, who usually acts as a gatekeeper, burst out with all his strength, it turned out to be so terrible, I couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva.

Fortunately, on weekdays, I treat him well, and I don’t mean to molest him!

At this moment, the snarling dog broke out directly, and his body changed directly with a roar to the sky.

A tens of meters high, with slender limbs, and no trace of a variegated black dog appeared. Without a word, he stepped on Xie Buxun’s chest with one foot!


The golden lion king flew out directly and fell to the ground, causing severe damage.

The Roaring Sky Dog seemed to be a little annoyed that the other party interrupted him to eat, his blood basin opened wide, and he bit directly at Xie Buxun!

“1 Hugh hurt me, thank you brother!

At the critical moment, a loud cry came, and accompanied by a terrible scream, it rushed forward and landed directly on the head of the Howling Sky Dog!


A clear voice came, and the snarling sky dog’s figure paused, then after shaking the dog’s head, he looked forward in surprise.

In the distance, an eagle-nosed man in purple clothes has stepped forward and came to Xie Buxun’s front.

“It’s Shiwan Dashan, Li Yunying, the saint son of the Ziqingyunying clan. It is rumored that he and Xie Buxun, the saint son of the golden lion clan, are best friends. I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Huh? At this time, shouldn’t you be shocked by the terrifying flesh of the Roaring Sky Dog? Facing the half-step imperial-level Azure Cloud Eagle with one claw, it was unscathed!

“When you say that, I really found out that the body of this snarling dog is terrifying!

“No wonder he will be ranked fourth in the Heavenly Dao list. It is really scary. I don’t know what kind of blood he has in his body. It is so scary!”

The Roaring Sky Dog seemed a little annoyed, looking at the violent gleams of Violet Cloud Eagle and Xie Buxun below.

At this moment Li Yunying stood in front of Xie Buxun, his hands still shaking.

With that claw, he tried his best.He thought that he could at least severely inflict the Roaring Skyhound, but in the end he didn’t even break the skin!

“Brother Xie, are you okay?” He turned defensively and looked at the snarling dog, and generally asked Xie Buxun behind him.

Xie Buxun had already slowed down at this time, and looked at Li Yunying with a grateful look: “Thank you very much, Brother Li, for saving your life, thank you very much. I have been thankful for my life, and I have never said a word of thanks, but today, I would like to thank you. you!

(Good for Zhao) Hearing his words, everyone in Nanjiang couldn’t help but smoked, speechless for a while.

Have you ever said a word of thanks in your life? How did your last name come from?

Slowly shook his head, this golden lion king is here to be funny!

At this moment, the snarling dog couldn’t help it a bit, and a burst of swallowing gas broke out, very turbulent.

It means that it is possible to shoot at any time.

Such a scene made Xie Buxun and Li Yunying both very jealous, with a solemn expression on their faces.

Seeing the terrible snarling dog, they only knew that the two of them together were not enough for others to fight.

Seeing that the snarling dog was about to make a move, at this moment, the door of the Ye family suddenly opened.

Ye Wu said indifferently, “Xiaotian, come down!”

Hearing Ye Wu’s words, the Snarling Dog was dissatisfied, but it suppressed its momentum, put away the monstrous prestige, turned into a big black dog before, rushed down, and wagged its tail at Ye Wu.

Seeing this, Ye Wu touched his dog’s head, then threw the blood food in his hand into the dog basin and let him eat it by himself.

After comforting the snarling dog, Ye Wucai looked at Xie Buxun and Li Yunying: “Today, my third uncle is in a good mood, let you go, let’s go, next time, dare to come to my Ye family to challenge and be well-behaved. Take Xiaotian as blood food preparation!”

Hearing Ye Wu’s words from a cave in the sky, the two kings breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Buxun spoke again: “Thank you, this brother. I don’t say thank you very much. Xie Buxun has never said a word of thanks in my life. Today, I am here to thank you very much, thank you very much!”

After speaking, he thought about it again, and it was another cupped fist: “Also express my gratitude to Patriarch Ye on my behalf. After all, I have never said a word of thanks for my whole life.”

Seeing his appearance, I don’t know how many people are twitching at the corners of their mouths in southern Xinjiang.

You don’t know how many words of thanks have popped up for a day, and you haven’t said a word of thanks in your life!

It is estimated that you, the young lord of the golden lion clan, thanked you!

Seeing this, Li Yunying almost hid his face and fled. He hugged Ye Hao’s cupped fist and hurriedly left with Xie Buxun. shape,

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