Chapter 112 Sao Talking King is going to play Sao Talk again

“What a terrifying sword, how did he do it?”

“Who is this person, kill the Great Emperor Huo Lie with one sword? I’m afraid that this sword is the first sword in the cave world!”

“His name is Ye Chen, the number one swordsman in the Tianluo realm, third in the rankings, and he has never failed since his debut!”


Hearing Ye Chen’s ranking, everyone was shocked.

“It’s another terrible evildoer Tianjiao, his sword, I feel it can suffocate me!”

“Say something you can’t believe it. With the sword just now, I felt the sword in my hand was shaking, as if I was surrendering!”

“The third ranking is actually able to kill the Great Emperor Huo Lie and put it in other domains.

“Don’t you think it is scary? This Ye family, well-known in southern Xinjiang, already has the first Martial Sage Ye Wushi, the first swordsman Ye Daocang in ancient and modern times, and Ye Hao, the top of the Tianluo domain. Two terrifying existences in Ye Chen!

“Who said no, is this Ye family rich in Tianjiao?”

For a time, I don’t know how many people felt sighed at this time.

Many big forces looked at Ye Family Tianjiao and Jiang Mu with greedy eyes.

In the world of Tianjiao, Ye Chen took a sword indifferently, then retracted, and continued to close his eyes to feel the pressure of Heavenly Dao.

This kind of indifferent spirit is shocking, but at the same time secretly sighing.

What a terrifying, peerless swordsman!

On Tianjiao Peak, Ye Youran glanced at Death’s Huo Lie indifferently, and his expression didn’t fluctuate in the slightest.

“Come on Diao’er! I want to see, who dares to make a move!”

He was extremely indifferent, with one hand on his back, and he spoke lightly.

The purple-gold fire-cloud sculpture at this moment was both excited and shocked. Seeing a reincarnated emperor dying in front of own, he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Afterwards, he fell into the top under unexplained envy and jealousy gazes.

In an instant, the infinite realization of Daoyun blessed him, which made him involuntarily enter the practice.

At this moment, he showed extra peace of mind. He knew that with the Ye Family Tianjiao gang, no one would dare to make a move anymore.

Seeing this, Ye Youran didn’t pay any attention either. His body vacated and rose from the ground. In the end, he glanced coldly around and came to the seventh stage.

On this platform, a great emperor opened his eyes majesticly, his eyes were full of flames, and his aura exploded directly.

This person is Emperor Lake Great, a fortunate for many reincarnated great emperors. At this moment, he looks at Ye Youran with indifferent eyes, and makes no secret of the warning in his eyes.

However, Ye Youran seems to have decided to choose this seat.

Is he standing alone, and speaks directly to Emperor Emperor Lake: “You, go down!” 25

Very simple three words, full of indifference and carelessness, as if Emperor Dihu was a slave.

When did the existence of the dignified great emperor-level powerhouse and the rampant heavens suffer such humiliation?


A terrifying spirit blasted into the sky, the invincible supernatural power riot, the terrifying killer move that made the king change color, directly blasted towards Ye Youran.

This strike, the common people changed color, and the many Tianjiao powerhouses ranked below also changed their expressions, showing a trace of fear.

Emperor Lake is much more terrifying than Emperor Tianse and others.

Facing this strike, Ye Youran shook her head faintly: “Not wanting face!”

After speaking, a pair of Thor’s hammers had appeared in his hands, and the invincible breath was directly vented from his body and burst out.


The sky’s rushing thunder was waving, and the sound of thunderbolt could not be heard. The sound of rolling thunder made the common people discolored.


The ultimate move broke out and hit Jiuxiao!

The two sides directly collided together, fighting dozens of moves instantly, regardless of the outcome.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Youran seemed to be very relaxed, and Emperor Dihu was particularly cautious and jealous.

With dozens of moves against each other, Ye Youran’s indifferent voice resounded through the audience: “With such strength, you deserve to stand here? Get off!”

After finishing speaking, the Thor’s Hammer in his hand broke through the defense of Emperor Lake Great, and hit his chest with a hammer.



He vomited blood all the way and fell all the way, and finally, finally smashed the ground into a big hole!


Another great emperor was defeated!

At this moment, everyone was terrified. They found that the land returned from the reincarnation, in the hands of the local Tianjiao, did not seem to have the slightest advantage.

For a time, their expressions changed unceasingly.

Ignoring everyone’s horrified gaze, Ye Youran glanced down and then retracted his gaze.

The so-called Emperor Lake, he has no To put in one’s eyes.

The body fell on the ground, and a trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of Emperor Dihu, but at this time, he obviously did not dare to show it.

At this moment, Ye Youran defeated Emperor Dihu with absolute hands and occupied the seventh position. At this moment, no one had any objections.

At the beginning, they tried their best to tell the victory and defeat, but now Ye Youran won it so easily, which made them very jealous.

At this moment, another person in Ye’s family suddenly vacated and headed towards the sky.

He, Emperor Ye, now also Emperor Murong Yi, is heading towards the sky.

Murong Yihuang uses Sun Wukong’s external incarnation to play the role of the deity of the previous life to participate in this competition.

And Ye Huang was his avatar, staying by Ye Daocang’s side, and it completely dispelled many people who doubted him.

All the way forward, wherever he went, this time, no one was obstructing it. Obviously, everyone could see that this person was not simple.

Going all the way, I went directly to the top ten, and went to the sixth.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and sighed secretly.

Could it be that this is another terrifying arrogant of the Ye family.

When everyone saw this, they couldn’t help but shook their heads, there are so many arrogances in the world!

However, Ye Huang accurately fell on the sixth stage.

“Go down by yourself! You still have a chance to compete. If you take a shot, you may lose this opportunity to compete for the ranking!”

A very simple paragraph, but it reveals infinite confidence!

Seeing this, the sixth-ranked existence looked angrily: “I want to let this seat go down, foolish dreams, war!”


The terrible blow from the local Tianjiao was handed over from the top in an instant.

Unfortunately, facing Ye Huang, this person was a bit worse after all. This is a Tianjiao who can defeat the emperor, and in front of Ye Huang, he still looks quite powerless.

With a palm in the air, directly repel this person.

This person stood frowning, looking at Ye Huang with a look of confusion.

“You are a local arrogant, this seat will give you a chance, go down!!

Ye Huang’s indifferent voice appeared. At this time, he did not curse Ye Daocang in the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Ye Huang’s words, this person’s expression changed suddenly, and finally, he took a deep breath and moved down.

“Well, who is this Emperor Murong Yi? How dare to occupy the sixth throne?”

“It’s terrible, this Ye Family actually has an unknown Tianjiao!”

“Gosh, I don’t know what to describe!”

“Look at it, another strong Ye Family has been dispatched!”

“It’s really fast, it looks like the target is in the top ten again!”

“I know this person, Ye Yan, the well-known Flame Monarch in the Tianluo Region, but he hasn’t shot for a long time. I don’t know how strong he is?”

“His position, eh? It turned out to be fourth. I thought he would choose fifth?”

“He is fourth in the ranking of the Celestial Domain, so he chose fourth, which I didn’t expect!”

Ye Yan’s speed was very fast, and in an instant, he appeared in the fourth position.

“The fourth one is Bingxue Great. I wonder if Ye Yan is his opponent?”

“It may be a grand battle!”

Ye Yan stood proudly on it, looking at Emperor Bingxue indifferently: “Three months ago, Chunyunzhou, Tiannan Tower, who spoke insults to the person in my Ye family, was it you?”

When the Emperor Bingxue saw this, he couldn’t help but sneered: “The emperor has ridiculed too many people in his life. Whoever you said and the seat have long been forgotten, but the Emperor Tiannanlou has been there, if you think it was made by the emperor. It’s okay, the emperor will hit it, what do you want?”

His attitude was exceptionally strong, and he didn’t have the slightest fear of Ye Yan.

Ye Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. Without a word, flames surged across his body.

“Huh~! You don’t know what to do with this emperor!”

Bingxue Great sneered, he was extremely arrogant, thinking that even the first one could not be his own opponent.

Seeing Ye Yan an unnamed person attacking himself, his momentum exploded directly, and the power of ice and snow swept the sky.

The big hand flicked over, and the heavenly palace surged, coming directly towards Ye Yan.

“You slapped my side of the Ye family, and I will return it to you ten times today!”

Ye Yan spoke indifferently, a flame burst out instantly, directly suppressing the spirit of the Great Ice Snow, and instantly injured his foot.

For a time, on the entire Taoist platform, there was an unstoppable riot of ice and fire.

“What! In order for a collateral tribe to be bound by the great emperor’s hand, he must shoot him, even ten times?”

“This Ye Family is so domineering, so powerful!”

“I don’t know if he has the strength to pay back ten times!”

For a while, everyone held their breath and watched the scene in front of them.

Soon, their expressions changed.

Ye Yan’s aura was even more turbulent and terrifying, and he immediately began to suppress and fight!

From his disdain to his arrogance at the beginning, Bingxue Great was full of fear, gritted his teeth to resist Ye Yan’s sneak attack.



A clear sound, resounding throughout the Tianjiao Peak, shocked countless people.

I saw a deep palm print on the face of the Great Ice and Snow, which was extremely red!


Looking at everything in the world of Tianjiao, at this moment, I don’t know how many creatures took a deep breath and looked at the scene in front of them in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

He really slapped, slapped a great emperor in the face!

For a while, I don’t know how many people stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

The Bingxue Great Emperor stood, froze there, watching countless eyes converge, a humiliation burst out in his eyes.

“Dead! The emperor wants you to die! Kill!”


The immense power of ice and snow urged the minds of the people, and the great ice and snow emperor could not help but riot all over the sky.

However, his terrifying ultimate move was restrained by Ye Yan’s flames.

“Why? This feels humiliating? The good show is yet to come!”

Ye Yan’s unhappy or sad voice came, which shocked countless people.

Sure enough, it was just a few moves, and a clear voice sounded in the hearts of everyone.


“Ah~~! Ye Yan, I will kill you!” The Bingxue Great Emperor was completely crazy.





A series of applause appeared, resounded in the air, and also resounded in the hearts of everyone.

Looking at Emperor Bingxue, who was indistinguishable from Pig Tou, everyone only felt sad.

A great emperor was beaten like this.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Yan’s strength far surpassed that of the Ice and Snow Great Emperor, and it just so happened that his attributes still restrained him.

For a while, the entire southern Xinjiang was peaceful, and everyone didn’t know how to speak.

After a series of slaps, Ye Yan forced him back!

“You!” Bingxue Great’s chest rises and falls, and the killing intent in his eyes is unconcealed.

“You, get out!” Ye Yan looked at him indifferently and relentlessly scolded.


At this moment, everyone was shocked by Ye Yan’s words, and if he bluntly let a great emperor roll down, there is only one in front of him!

For a time, countless people’s eyes fell on the Great Bingxue.

The hatred and killing intent in his eyes was about to condense, Ye Yan just looked at him indifferently, as if waiting for him to make a move.

The ten slaps just now were used in place of the Ye Family’s sideline. Now, if the opponent makes another move, he doesn’t mind killing him directly!

However, Bingxue Great was able to become a great emperor, so he finally chose to be able to bend and stretch.

Taking a deep look at Ye Yan, he went straight down.

The corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and his eyes flowed on the bodies of many Tianjiao, as if he was ready to find someone to grab his place.

Although he suffered some injuries, it was not very serious for him. At least, he was absolutely sure to grab a spot.

Facing the eyes of Emperor Bingxue, many Tianjiao sneered, and did not burst out of their own aura, but looked at him coldly and explained everything with their eyes.

I couldn’t beat Ye Yan, I wanted to find them to vent, there was no way.

If the opponent is not injured, they may be afraid of two points, but now, the gap has narrowed indefinitely.

This scene made Emperor Bingxue even more angry.

But he felt it with his own heart that none of the top fifteen in the ranking was good to be bullied.

He had no choice but to go down.

Suddenly, his gaze fell on a purple-gold fire cloud sculpture that was practicing.

He obviously felt the other party’s fragile breath, he was taken aback.

As the fourth place, he was very arrogant. He had been practicing before 707, and he had not paid attention to all the battles of the nineteen Taoist platforms at all, because the time was too short.

At this moment, the moment he saw the Zijin Fire Cloud Sculpture, he didn’t want to think too much.

“Naughty animal, get out of the emperor!”

The whole body was violent, and the terrifying fist light directly slew towards the Zijin Fire Cloud Carving.

He didn’t leave any way for the other party at all, and wanted to kill him on the spot.

He wants to use the other person’s life to confess the common people, and the Great Ice and Snow, he still cannot be humiliated!

However, his such a powerful outbreak did not amaze everyone, but countless stunned gazes.

Subsequently, these eyes changed one after another, and one after another surprised, ridiculed, sympathetic, and compassionate eyes were cast.

This made him very puzzled, and even the purple gold fire cloud sculpture in front looked at him sarcastically.

This look directly summed up all his doubts.

At this time, he was extremely angry, and the boundless flames of rage rioted out.

“What are you, you should despise this emperor and die!”


The sky was turbulent and trembling.

Under the eyes of countless people, eyes that were shocked to the extreme fell one after another.

Just as he was about to kill the Zijin Fire Cloud Sculpture, a person appeared on the platform that should have appeared.

The eyes of Emperor Bingxue were condensed, but the killing intent of the wireless explosion was more.

“Whoever you are, all die for this emperor!”

It was Ye Anlan who appeared in front of the Zijin Fire Cloud Sculpture.

Facing the terrible blow from the opponent, his expression remained unchanged.

“The Great? It’s really vulnerable!”

The long voice came out, quieting southern Xinjiang, shocking countless people, and making many emperors look cold.

What’s going on in this era, any cat or dog dare to regard the emperor as nothing?

As soon as Ye Anlan’s words fell, The next moment, Anlan’s spear appeared directly, and he waved in the air!



Changkong made a tearing sound, and the terrifying gunway Realm rioted directly. It instantly broke the ice and snow emperor’s ultimate move and fell on him.


An Lan’s spear pierced through the body of the Great Ice and Snow and exploded it on the spot!

For a time, blood was spilled all over the sky, and countless blood fell towards the ground.


Seeing this scene in front of me, I didn’t know how much I couldn’t help but breathe in air, and looked at Ye Anlan in disbelief.

“What a terrible shot, it directly penetrated the body of Emperor Ice and Snow!”

“A random blow seems to make the sky shatter. What kind of strength is this!”

“Ye Anlan, is his name Ye Anlan?

“After today, Ye Anlan’s name, I’m afraid it will resound through southern Xinjiang!”

“The Ye Family, there is another great arrogant arrogant!”

For a while, countless people looked at Ye Anlan in awe, shocked.

Slowly retracting his own spear, Ye Daocang looked down indifferently, and the contempt in his eyes made no secret, which made countless people uncomfortable and dare not say it!

However, only a few people from the Ye Family and countless cultivators from Tianluoyu Tianzhou saw him like this, and the corners of their mouths twitched, and they couldn’t help but rub their brows and lift their foreheads!

They knew that the king of Saohua was about to let go of Saohua again!

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