Chapter 115 Who dares to say invincible, who is invincible in Tao?

Ye Daocang’s mind is very plain, and the so-called immortal can’t make any waves in his heart.

In the secret realm he created, there are so many terrifying existences, how can he care about an immortal?

But one thing worth mentioning is that in this world, among the heavens, there have been celestial beings, or some celestial beings have fallen.

At this time, in the world of Tianjiao, the eyes of countless people gathered on the first stage.


Ye Wu and Emperor Taixu stood opposite each other, as if there was a Killing intent colliding in their eyes.

“Huh?” The Great Emperor Taixu suddenly let out a surprised voice.

He has obtained the inheritance of immortals, and just now in the collision with Ye Wu’s spirit, even if he can’t directly defeat the opponent, he should still be able to make him suffer a big loss.

At that time, he will be able to take this shot to suppress Ye~Wu’s force.

However, in the collision of just now, his terrifying fairy and soul, after touching Ye Wu, directly collapsed.

Even he felt a touch of horror in Ye Wu’s soul.

“You are very strong!” Great Emperor Taixu had to exclaim!

Instead, Ye Hao looked at him indifferently: “Let’s do it!’

Regarding Emperor Taixu’s accident, he was reluctant to take a look, and he was too lazy to take a look.

If it wasn’t for Sanshu who seemed to need them to compete for this list, he wouldn’t even come here.

The world’s Tianjiao geometry, he Ye Wu ignores it, he only knows what he is pursuing!

He has gone through the destruction of the door and was mutilated by his relatives.Now he just wants to become stronger and want to protect himself and his own people!

It is this sub-will that supports his undefeated myth!

“Although I don’t know what’s weird about you, but in the vast world, this emperor is an invincible term. You can’t beat me. There is no need to make a move. Give up!

Ye Wu raised his brows when he heard this, and said faintly: “It’s ridiculous, the ages are long, who dares to say invincible? And who dares to be invincible? After all, it’s just a big dream!’

In his heart, he is better than his third uncle and little uncle, such a terrifying existence, he dare not say that he is undefeated, a mere Emperor Taixu, what is it?

Of course, the Emperor Ye Anlan of the Holy Body was not counted by him.

Great Emperor Taixu was slightly angry at the younger generation like Ye Wu, and a trace of warfare has exploded.

“Humph! The emperor cherishes the younger generation, and he doesn’t want to see your decadence after being defeated. Since you insist on fighting, the emperor will perfect you, fight!”



On the first stage, around the Great Emperor Taixu, a series of void cracks appeared directly, and the boundless air of the void was constantly cutting around.

The Great Emperor Taixu was among them, and the cutting around him did not affect him at all.


Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help taking a deep breath, shocked to the extreme.

“Hiss~! It’s just the momentum, it shattered the void, the Great Emperor Taixu, so terrifying!”

“This momentum, I feel like I am facing a Martial Sage, it’s terrible!”

“Is this the Emperor Taixu who is the closest to Emperor Qitian in the rumors? It is so powerful that it is breathtaking!”

“I don’t know Ye Wu, how to deal with it!”

For a moment, everyone was silent in the horror of the Great Emperor Taixu, and the Killing intents kept boiling out, making people extremely frightened.

Facing this momentum, Ye Wu’s expression remained unchanged, and he didn’t talk nonsense.


A terrible void Sword Qi broke through the void, and a small grass appeared in the sky, cutting through the sky, and the cracks in the space exploded. The grass word sword art emerged, pointing straight to the Great Emperor Taixu.

The Grass Word Sword Jue, as the terrifying killer of the Wild Heavenly Emperor, is an invincible sword that has been integrated into the Desolate Sword Jue. With this, it is so terrible that the sword that slashes out the eternal Star is so terrifying.

With a sword coming out, the people shook, and countless people opened their eyes. Some people who were not optimistic about Ye Wu suddenly changed color at this time.

A strong shock flashed in the expression of the Great Emperor Taixu, without saying a word, a burst of courage went straight into the sky.

The next moment, a Nine Section Whip appeared directly behind him, rioting in the void, and the silver-white Killing intent impacted the hearts of the people, like a long dragon, invincible.

How fast was the killer move of both sides, with only this blow, heaven and earth smashed directly.

However, the competition between the two powers must be defeated.

Ye Wu’s terrifying ultimate move defeated the common people, and the grass-word sword tactic carried the momentum of the sky, directly penetrated the four directions, broke the terrible ultimate move of Nine Section Whip, and faced the Emperor Taixu.



Great Emperor Taixu’s expression changed, and he shot again, with a loud noise, his body burst out, and he almost quit the first stage!

After finally stabilizing his own figure, a trace of concentration flashed in his eyes. Looking at Ye Hao at this time, his expression was shocked, and a trace of incredible and unbelievable flowed in his eyes.

i~ and

Seeing that Emperor Taixu was at a disadvantage when he saw him, everyone suddenly changed color, and shocked eyes fell on Ye Wu’s body.

Obviously, no one thought that Ye Wu would be so terrible.

Ignoring everyone’s gaze, Ye Wu stood faintly, his gaze fell on the Great Emperor Taixu, and stepped into the air.


All around, in an instant, a figure of Zun Ye Wu appeared, and the Mahjong Emperor Taixu surrounded it densely.

The strength of each of them is not inferior to Ye Wu, and even stronger.

The horror of his transformation of the Great Freedom Law was revealed at this moment.

These countless Ye Wus are Ye Wu himself, and they are not, but they are real.

The eyes of the Great Emperor Taixu flashed with a hint of consternation!

He found that he couldn’t beat the densely packed Ye Wu figure.

Without giving him time to continue thinking, above the sky, a series of terrifying aura thundered the sky, with invincible prestige, facing each other.


Not surprisingly, after only a few fights, Emperor Taixu had no choice but to admit defeat.

Ye Wu lightly withdrew his supernatural powers and looked at him lightly.

Obviously, the first channel has changed hands.

The Great Emperor Taixu looked at Ye Hao in amazement, his heart was shocked to the extreme, and he was full of emotion.

Afterwards, he was unwilling to stay, and went down.

Everyone thought that he would challenge Ye Chen and the others, but they didn’t expect that he came directly to the eighth place, defeated a Tianjiao, and occupied it.

Emperor Taixu is not stupid, he clearly felt that none of these Ye Family Tianjiao was simple.

His Qiqiao and Exquisite Heart, just before he made a move, causing the void to burst, and when countless void auras spread, none of these Ye Family Tianjiao had changed color.

This shows that such momentum and strength are not enough to arouse their fear.

If he continues to challenge, if he loses, he will really be ashamed.

It would be better to take this opportunity to sell Ye family a face!

A great battle stirred up by the Ye family ended successfully, and countless people were still silent in it, unable to extricate themselves.

At this moment, whether it is the emperor or the emperor, looking at the people in the first eight positions, he fell into a moment of silence.

As the Thirty-Six Greatest Talents, the Ye Family occupies the top eight, how shocking it is!

“It’s terrible, even the Great Emperor Taixu was squeezed to the ninth place!

“This Ye Wu is really strong!”

“No wonder he dared to say, who is invincible, and who is invincible!”

“It’s so terrible, he didn’t give his full strength, right?”

“Ye Wu, Huang Jun Ye Wu, it is really terrifying!

“No wonder! No wonder he can power Ye Family’s first Tianjiao, this strength really has the strength to subdue many Tianjiao!

At this moment, everyone looked at the young figure on the first stage and was amazed.

In the next few days, Tianjiao Peak was like water.

The ranking competition for the next twenty-six is ​​particularly fierce.

However, the top 20 has basically not changed.


On the nineteenth stage, the Zijin Fire Cloud Sculpture instantly rioted, and a terrifying spirit rose to the sky and went straight to the sky.

At this moment, the Purple Gold Fire Cloud Sculpture Cultivation Base broke through and reached the peak of Ninth Stage.

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help looking sideways, and then showed a trace of envy and jealousy.

Among the people present, they were the most unconvinced, it was this purple gold fire cloud sculpture.

But it was the purple-gold fire-cloud sculpture that they were the least daring to do. The first eight Yejia Tianjiao were definitely not vegetarian.

Time gradually passed, and seeing that a month’s time was about to come.

On this day, a young man in black with a coffin on his back, carrying a coffin on his back, slowly walked towards the foot of Tianjiao Peak!

“Huh? Who is this, I have never seen it before!”

“What does he want to do? The Cultivation Base of the Sixth Stage in the mere cave world, just wants to occupy a platform?”

“Huh~! I really don’t know which domain the bastard came in, it’s too low in price, you lose your identity!”

“The world of Venerable Tianjiao is the strongest and most terrifying Tianjiao in the Tianluo realm. He really thought that with the Sixth Stage of the cave world, he can still leapfrog the battle?

“That is, even the terrifying existences of the top three such as Ye Hao, Ye Chen, and Ye Qingcheng are all half-step Cultivation Bases. If he dares to go to Tianjiao Thirty-Six Stage, he will be insulted!”

Many people smiled disdainfully when they saw this, and opened their mouths sarcastically.

Of course, the expressions of those who knew this black-clothed youth changed, a trace of anticipation, a trace of shock appeared in their eyes.

In Tianlu City, the folding fans in Bai Xiaosheng’s hands, who had completely controlled all the intelligence sites of this giant city, fell to the ground, and his mind was shaken when he looked at the young man with a coffin that appeared in the sky.

“It’s been less than three months. He actually came to the Sixth Stage of the Cave Sky Realm. Sure enough, Peerless Tianjiao is Peerless Tianjiao, a terrifying existence!’

“I don’t know, is it possible for you to climb on the thirty-six stages?”

Bai Xiaosheng picked up the fan unconsciously, looked forward, and said nothing.

I don’t know when, a trace of expectation emerged in his heart.

He rang, and Ye Zangtian just broke through, and punched a picture of the fourth stage of the king.It was the first time he saw it, and it turned out that Tianjiao can be terrifying to that point!

Among the Ye Family, the Ye Family Tianjiao on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings were completely shocked when they saw Ye Zangtian appear in the world of Tianjiao.

“Well, isn’t this the ice cube face Ye Futian?”

“I really didn’t expect that he went out for so long and didn’t come back, and ended up directly stepping into the world of Tianjiao!”

“What a terrible aura, he just broke through the Divine Passage Realm when he went out, and now he has crossed the Dharma Stage and reached the Sixth Stage of the Cave Sky Realm!”

“It is said that there was an agreement between him and the Patriarch, and now it seems that it is 80% true!”

“Guojiang Raptor! His growth rate is so fast that he is chasing Ye Wu and other clan brothers!”

…For flowers…

On the high-level seats, the moment Ye Zangtian appeared, Ye Changliu couldn’t help standing up, his expression shocked and excited.

He never thought that this son could grow to this point.

With the Cultivation Base of the Sixth Stage of the Caverns, setting foot in the world of Tianjiao is simply unheard of!

Ye Daocang smiled faintly from the side: “Changliu Elder, your heart is upset, just look at it, maybe you, the righteous son, can surprise you!”

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, Ye Changliu knew that he had lost his temper. He couldn’t help but smiled awkwardly and sat down slowly.

Hearing Ye Daocang’s voice, he couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “Patriarch is joking, he can enter the world of Tianjiao, I am already very surprised, I want to get a position with the Cultivation Base of the Sixth Stage of the cave world, how is this possible!

When Ye Daocang heard the words, he retracted his gaze, looked at Ye Zangtian ahead, and smiled lightly: “That’s not necessarily!”

When Ye Changliu heard Ye Daocang’s words, he couldn’t help but shook his whole body and turned his head in surprise.

He knew that Ye Daocang would never speak casually.

Could it be, my god?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but raise a trace of anticipation in his heart, but he showed a trace of worry again.

As the chief manager of the Ye Family, he naturally didn’t want the Ye Family to oppose the Vientiane Heavenly Palace!

But as Ye Zangtian’s adopted son, he didn’t want Ye Zangtian to live in guilt and hatred in the future.

For a time, his heart was very distressed.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Ye Daocang just smiled faintly, and then his voice came out.

“Changliu Elder doesn’t need to worry, as long as he can do what the owner said, Vientiane Tiangong, what if the owner has leveled him?”

Ye Daocang’s voice is very dull, and it seems that it does not resemble the giant Sect To put in one’s eyes that has been developed from ancient times to the present.


Seeing this, Ye Changliu on the side just took a deep breath, and cupped fist gratefully said: “Thank you Patriarch, so, it all depends on this kid’s good fortune!”

In the world of Tianjiao, Ye Zangtian carried a black coffin and finally came to the foot of Tianjiao Peak.

At the same time, the eyes of Ye Chen, Ye Hao and Ye Family Tianjiao all fell on Ye Zangtian’s body, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Obviously, Ye Zangtian actually appeared here, but they didn’t expect it.

Ignoring everyone’s words, Ye Zangtian carried the black coffin, soared into the air, and headed directly towards Tianjiao Peak.

“He is really going to compete for the doo platform!”

“I don’t know, can he succeed!”

Seeing this, in Southern Xinjiang, the expressions of the people watching here changed!

The people in the world of Tianjiao also showed a hint of surprise, but then, more, still disdain.

No one thought that Ye Zangtian had this strength.

The figure vacated, staring at the pressure of Heavenly Dao, and came to the thirty-six road parallel.

Before he could continue to climb, Tianjiao on the thirty-sixth Daotai suddenly flashed angrily in his eyes.

In his opinion, letting an ant from the Sixth Stage of the cave world go up is an insult to him!

“Where did the ants come from, get out of here!”

Glancing with anger, a shot broke through the sky and culled towards Ye Zangtian.

The terrifying prestige fills the sky, giving people a terrible coercion that shocks the heart!

Facing this strike, Ye Zangtian’s expression remained unchanged, his boundless terrifying prestige soared to the sky, and the black coffin behind him immediately dispatched, a burst of burial air, and crashed down toward the front.


After a collision, Ye Zangtian’s figure remained unchanged, but the heavenly arrogant spouted out of blood and flew upside down.


This sudden scene, so that countless people did not expect, everyone changed their colors.

“This! One move defeated the Tianjiao of Thirty-Six Daotai!

“Hiss~! How is this possible, he is no more than the Cultivation Base of the Sixth Stage of the Cavern Sky!”

“What a powerful black-clothed young man, I have missed you!”

“It’s another master of heaven and arrogance. If he is cultivated to the half-step to become a king, perhaps, he is also a Ye Family Tianjiao!”

For a time, countless people were shocked by Ye Zangtian’s own power.

“You!” The Tianjiao looked at Ye Zangtian, his fear in his eyes made no secret.

He never thought that a strand of ant that he didn’t see would wound him with one blow.

Ye Zangtian took a glance at him, did not continue to stay, and walked towards the sky.

Watching Ye Zangtian leave, at this time, under the Tianjiao Peak, many terrifying and powerful Tianjiao’s expressions flashed a little.

If this person was not injured before, they might not make another move, but now, they are not afraid.

But everything, you still have to wait for Ye Zangtian to pass the ranking.

And the thirty-six Tianjiao also changed their expressions, and they hurriedly practiced in Panxi and began to recover from their injuries.

And everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Zangtian, waiting, wanting to see which position he would choose in the end!

PS: This plot is finished. In asking for your opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and hope that what kind of story the protagonist has experienced can be simply written out!

After the author saw it, he thought it could be added!

Those who can see here are all brothers who are still looking forward to this book. Your opinion, the author will think carefully! Chuan,

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