Chapter 120 Leave your life to watch, within a month, the Vientiane Temple will be destroyed

Hearing the other party’s words, Feng Wuhun suddenly stunned, thinking for a moment, and found that the powerful Ye family in the heavens does not have blood in this world!

“Ye family? Which Ye family?” He couldn’t help but asked with a frown.

When the person saw this, he obviously knew that Feng Wuhun did not react, and he didn’t say much to explain directly: “Martial Sage Ye Family, Martial Sage Ye Family of Tianluo Territory Tianzhou, that dominates the top ten list of Southern Xinjiang Tianjiao. Martial Sage Ye Family with a quota!”

Hearing this, Feng Wuxun was suddenly stunned, and his thoughts were already flowing in his eyes.

He couldn’t help but think that the previous few terrifying Ye Family Tianjiao could defeat even the famous peak powerhouse Taixu, and even the existence of several reincarnated great emperors-.

Thinking of this, he suddenly grew his head and felt very depressed.

Just as Ye Changliu was unwilling to provoke Vientiane Tiangong, the top great power handed down from ancient times.

The Vientiane Tiangong is full of faults, and with the heavens to rely on, it is natural to see the potential of Ye Family’s continuous growth.

They would not think that their Vientiane Temple really had the strength to suppress the Ye Family.

In the heavens, there are not only a lot of things from the weak to the strong, but even more!

An unremarkable Tianjiao might even overthrow an ancient power!

Especially the heavens, all-encompassing, many famous forces, were not defeated by their own opponents, old enemies, but were overthrown by a humble ordinary little Tianjiao.

This existence is collectively called by all major forces: son of luck!

People who are born with atmospheric transport to protect, in the dark, one day protects.

Therefore, if these ancient forces offend a person, they will investigate their past reality.

If they find that the other party has a tendency to son of luck, they will usually make a plan.

This is the reason why these ancient forces can survive for a long time and experience immortality.

At this time, everyone in the Ye Family didn’t even need to investigate it.

Moreover, although the Ye family had no high-end combat power and none in the Happy Realm, a single Martial Sage Ye Wushi could cover all of them.

Ye Wushi was terrible, they were obvious to all, it was definitely a terrifying existence.

Feng Wuhun also became silent.

If it is in the heavens, his Vientiane Temple headquarters will operate, and it is not impossible to crush the Ye family to death.

But in the vast world, it is difficult!

He didn’t think that with the help of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the Ye family could be wiped out, or he might even catch up with himself.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

“What is the origin of the Ye family girl? Is it a collateral?” someone asked involuntarily.

After hearing this, everyone looked at the past again, wondering what the hell was going on.

If it’s a sideline, they can still operate a bit, and if they want to come to the Ye Family, they probably won’t turn their faces with them.

If it’s a direct line

They didn’t think about it, don’t even think about it to know how difficult it is.

Seeing everyone’s gaze, Martial Sage also shook his head with a wry smile: “It should have been a sideline, but now it has become a direct line. The Ye Family has introduced a family rule that is the supremacy of talent and strength!’


Everyone suddenly didn’t understand, so they continued to look at him.

Seeing this, he didn’t hide it anymore, and said everything directly.

“In Ye Family’s new family rules, all descendants have the same supply of resources in the early stage, even for the son of the Patriarch, and then after reaching a grade, they start to screen the direct lineages. The Cultivation Base has high combat power as the direct lineage. Responsible only for spiritual practice, just take action when the family is in trouble!

“And those with a low Cultivation Base will fall into the collateral line. After they reach a grade and Cultivation Base, they will be assigned to Daxia or some branches!”

Hearing this, everyone visibly frowned.

With this alone, you can see how much the Ye Family attaches great importance to the genius Tianjiao. If you want to take away a direct descendant, I’m afraid it’s impossible, and the Ye Family will definitely turn their faces!

Thinking of this, Rao Shi Feng Wuhen, as a generation of god king and the young master of the great power of the upper realm, couldn’t help paying the amount!

Everyone was silent at this moment, not knowing how to speak.

For a time, everyone in the entire Vientiane Temple was thinking about countermeasures.

“Why don’t you continue to look for it? In half a month, can you find another one? It doesn’t matter if the Cultivation Base is insufficient, just use Medicine Pill to pile it up, it won’t affect it anyway!”

Feng Wuhun couldn’t help but said that he was unwilling to face the Ye Family unless he was a last resort.

Hearing his words, the three Martial Sage glanced at each other, and they all smiled bitterly.

“Almost all of them were done. Three of them were piled up with Medicine Pill. We even had a relationship. Eastern Wasteland, Southern Xinjiang, Western China, Beiming, Zhongtian, and even overseas. No!”

Feng Wuhun suddenly got a big head: “It seems that this Ye Family girl is the only one!”

“Yes!” The big Martial Sage couldn’t help but smiled bitterly when they heard the words. They didn’t expect that everything would develop into the way it is now.

One of them, Martial Sage, said with a wry smile: “Originally they were all together. One of them was overseas and was brought back by a powerful emperor. It was supposed to be foolproof, but suddenly encountered the top tsunami, and the Shanghai beasts attacked. , So that the woman disappeared, never to be found again!”

When Feng Wuhun heard this, his expression became completely solemn.

Others don’t know that, as the saint son and young master of the Vientiane Temple, he knows the way best.

This is obviously a sacrifice that exterminates humanity, which Heavenly Dao has noticed.

After all, it was normal for Heavenly Dao to perceive so many innocent lives to Death at once.

At this time, if they want to continue offering sacrifices, they must take away the woman from the Ye family.

This is a catastrophe. After passing it, this sacrifice is safe and sound. If it is not passed, there will be endless troubles.

In the vast world, there is really no longer a woman with a complete body of the body of nine Yin?

Not at all, it is impossible for the vast and vast world to be absent.

However, under the influence of qi luck in the dark, no matter what, it will not fall into their hands.

The disappearance of the overseas woman speaks for itself.

An emperor-level powerhouse would encounter sea beasts in the Xiaoyao realm. I don’t know how small these lines are!

Therefore, this sacrifice, even if it is in the heavens, is not necessarily used for thousands or even ten thousand years.

At this time, it is difficult for him to choose!

To complete this sacrifice, you must deal with the Ye Family, but the Ye Family is really hard to deal with.

At this moment, a person who was strong in the emperor realm couldn’t help but speak.

“Actually, we can’t take it hard, we can choose to outsmart it!”


Hearing this, everyone, including Feng Wuhun, looked at him.

“What can you do?” Feng Wuhun asked involuntarily staring at this powerful emperor.

Seeing everyone’s eyes, the person couldn’t help but smile: “That woman is not weak, even a bit of arrogance, it is said that she is very famous on the Ye Family Dragon and Tiger list!”

“Such a woman, if we go to ask for it, they will definitely not agree, otherwise, the Tianjiao of his Ye family will be chilled, so we can only think of another way!”

Having said this, he paused, and continued to speak: “There is another way, that is to marry, let me from Vientiane Tiangong, go to marry!’

“Marriage?” After hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but wondered to themselves.

“Yes, it is the marriage. That woman has outstanding talents, and my Vientiane Palace is one of the top powers in southern Xinjiang. The Ye family is also the Martial Sage family. The marriage between the two parties is a win-win situation in the eyes of countless people!

“However, the Ye Family may not agree with the marriage. The Ye Family has such a rapid development momentum, there is no need to lose a Tianjiao woman for this, right?” Someone asked involuntarily.

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly stunned.


Seeing this, the man continued to speak: “Ordinarily, if I go to Vientiane Heavenly Palace, or even the palace lord’s concubine, the Ye family may not agree, but what if the young lord should go?”


Hearing this, everyone was stunned, their eyes stopped on Feng Wuxun’s body.

For such a woman, is it a bit too much to let the Young Master and Saint Child of the Wind Wuhun Tangtang Heavenly Headquarters go?

Feng Wuxun didn’t care much, and he threw himself on the sacrifice.

“You talk in detail, how to speak, how to deal with the aftermath, if this plan is feasible, there will be many rewards!”

The powerful emperor looked happy, and quickly stated all his plans.

“First of all, you can pretend to be the young master. When you went to the Tianluo realm to play or hunt for treasures, you once saw the woman and fell in love at first sight. After returning, you can’t forget it for a long time. Say it again!”

“Subsequently, you can fake a wedding, but it’s actually a concealment. After sending away the people from the Ye family, they will start offering sacrifices, so that they won’t notice it!”

“Afterwards, if the Ye family asks, there are multiple reasons that can be explained. For example, the young master wants to break through to the upper realm, but the upper realm can only be led by one person at a time, so you send her to the headquarters of the heavens first. As far as I know, the Ye family is in the heavens and has no contact!”

“In this way, the temporary crisis has been lifted. Even if someone in the Ye family stepped into the upper realm in the future, it is no longer known how long it has been. With their strength, I am afraid that they don’t even have the qualifications to see you, the young master!

“At that time, what to say, how to say, it’s not all we have to say, a trip to the secret realm, female Death, or being killed by the opponents of the upper realm, and even help me in Vientiane Palace. Strong teammates come!”

“In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, the Ye family will find something wrong by then, but they are in the heavens, and the gap between them and my Vientiane Temple is vast.

“If they don’t know each other, then just don’t stop and kill them!”

“As long as they reach the heavens, isn’t his Ye Family still held by my Vientiane Heavenly Palace? They don’t really think that killing a few reincarnated great emperors can really not be afraid of the great emperor, right?”

The man said all the plans in his heart in one breath.

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help thinking about it, and then had to secretly admire that this strategy is really good.

They are afraid of the Ye Family, just because the Ye Family is very powerful in the vast world!

But out of the vast world, in the heavens, to say something bad, is the Ye Family a ball?

You don’t even need to use the great emperor of the Ye family, just walking out of the heavenly supreme and even the god Sage can destroy him a thousand times!

For a while, even Feng Wuxun, who had been frowning and grimace, relieved his expression.

He couldn’t help but glanced at the other person approvingly, and was satisfied: “Yes, your plan is very good. Once this plan is completed, when this seat returns to the heavens, you will follow this seat and make suggestions!”

Seeing this, the strong emperor was overjoyed, and after preparing for so long, he finally got the reuse of the holy child!

Around, everyone looked at him with envy, and even the three Martial Sages were envious.

At the same time, I was secretly angry, why didn’t I think about it?

Feng Wuhun is concerned about these natures. As the Saint Child and Young Master of the Vientiane Temple, he knows these things best.

He is proficient in the way of driving down, and only in this way can people seriously advise him.

“By the way, what is the woman’s name? What is her status in the Ye family? Is there any powerful Tianjiao related to her?” He asked involuntarily!

Before everyone had spoken, the strong emperor spoke again.

“This person’s name is Ye Qingge. She is the daughter of a branch patriarch in a small town next to the Ye family. Because of her good talent, she has successfully converted to a direct line. There is no outstanding among the closest relatives, but this daughter’s relative, Little Brother, does not know why. Ye Daocang, the first swordsman in ancient and modern times, was fancyed by Ye Daocang, and appointed him to take care of the own yard!”

“This matter, even the entire Ye family is very surprised, because this person named Ye Huang has low talents in cultivation, and he doesn’t even have the qualifications to be sent abroad, but he was left behind by the Patriarch of the Ye family. I can only sigh, this person is lucky!”

“But it seems that Ye Qingge has been interviewed by Ye Daocang many times for this reason!”

This person said everything he had investigated and knew.

When the people around heard this, their eyes were envious, but the bottom of their heart was secretly cursing this person’s scheming bitch, and they were prepared so well!

When Feng Wuhun heard this, he was startled at first, and then he was relieved.

It’s just a collateral who cares for the yard, but there is nothing to worry about.

At this time, he was full of confidence in the plan this time.

He married Ye Qingge. Although his talent is strong, it is not impossible to abandon it.

Rather than Ye Qingcheng’s world-famous arrogance, at this time, unless Ye Qingcheng has someone he likes, others will use the banner of marriage to propose to Ye Qingcheng, I am afraid that the Ye family will turn their faces on the spot.

But Ye Qingge didn’t pay much attention to it.

At that time, the bride price will be more valuable, and he will make promises to the Ye family after entering the heavens.

Maybe when the time comes, he will be able to conquer the Ye Family Tianjiao and pave the way for himself!

When he thought of this, he became more and more satisfied with the man who had given him advice.

He glanced at him in admiration, then he ignored the gazes of everyone, took out a Medicine Pill from his arms and handed it to the emperor, and said to this person: “This is the heavenly spirit pill, the third rank of the pill, it is enough to make You directly break through to the Ninth Stage of the Ninth Stage of the Happy Realm. After you take the breakthrough, you can bring the bride price to the Ye family to propose your marriage. If this happens, in the future, you will be

I am a soulless person!”

Hearing this, the powerful emperor was overjoyed, and without saying anything, there was not the slightest dignity of the powerful emperor, and he knelt down!

“Thank you for the master’s gift, the servant will complete the task perfectly!” He directly changed his name.

Seeing this, Feng Wuhun nodded in satisfaction, then walked over and patted his shoulder!

“Work hard, I am optimistic about you!”

After speaking, the opponent he directly skipped, ignoring everyone’s gaze, left the hall.

At this moment, the powerful emperor stood up under countless people’s jealous eyes. At this moment, even when he looked at the three major Martial Sages, he was not as cautious as before.

The relationship between the two and even the relationship has been transformed, and the three major Martial Sages looked at him with a hint of flattery!

Because he is the young master’s person, just Martial Sage, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to be a slave to the young master.

Without time to talk to everyone, he left the hall directly and entered the Closed Door Training.

He needs to leave the customs as soon as possible to complete the task of the young master perfectly.Only in this way, he can completely be regarded as the young master’s person!

At this time, the Ye Family didn’t know that a conspiracy against them was underway.

At this time, Ye Daocang, in his own secret room, began to make his own breakthrough.

The boundless Wang Wei is changing, turning towards the Emperor Wei, and a terrifying spirit rises to the sky.

Behind him, Pangu’s facial features became more and more condensed, and a terrifying aura thunderously moved the sky, and amidst the wind and clouds, an boundless aura was rioting and shook the sky.

The Chaos Cave Sky world is constantly expanding, almost reaching the size of a state.

If time goes on, it might turn into a big world that is not inferior to the vast world.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When Pangu’s breath stopped climbing, the Chaos World stopped expanding, and his imperial power was completely transformed.

A terrifying aura rising into the sky stunned the sky, and the prestige unique to the emperor burst out from above the body.

Ye Family, at this moment, they have the emperor that belongs to them.

The blood of the quasi-immortal rewarded by the system, Ye Daocang did not take it, and was directly thrown into the chaotic cave world.

For others, this is a treasure, but for him, it has no effect at all.

He combined Sun Wukong’s blood, Yang Jian’s blood, Kuafu’s blood, and the so-called quasi-immortal blood had no effect except being assimilated.

Although he took ordinary blood, and after endless years of suction, there was only a trace of power, but it was still enough to crush the blood of the immortal.

The image of Pangu, the boldness in the eyes is getting more and more terrifying!

After fusing the nine drops of quasi-immortal blood, everything in the Chaos Cave Sky world seemed to become more and more solid.

【Ding~! Break through to the Happy Realm, archive Cultivation Base for release!】

The sound of the system sounded at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, countless insights poured into his heart at this moment, and mysterious roads were blessed toward Ye Daocang, prompting his unstoppable breakthrough in the Cultivation Base, and exploding toward the peak of the Freedom Realm.


After reaching the peak of the Xiaoyao Realm, his aura slowly stopped.

At this time, one month has passed since the Southern Xinjiang General List, and there are still two months left, and the Kings List will be suspended.

It is worth mentioning that this month, a terrifying great emperor breakthrough Cultivation Base, directly came to the peak of the king, a half-step imperial Realm.

At the beginning, he was brushed down from the top of Tianjiao Peak, but he felt that Heavenly Dao was under pressure for a long time, and his strength at this time also increased sharply.

The list of Tianjiao cannot be changed, even if there is Tianjiao Death, no new candidates will appear.

So he came to Ye’s house for the king’s list.

However, Bifang Crane took the shot and took a mouthful of Nanming Lihuo, which directly burned it to ashes, completely suppressing countless people.

After seeing this, many emperors never dared to make a move anymore.

However, the selection of the next six players on the Kings list is still very fast.

It’s just that the Ye Family seems to have become a forbidden zone for these people and cannot go further.

Even the snarling dog, ranked fourth, has the terrifying power to swallow a great emperor in one bite.

At this time, until Cultivation Base slowly converged into itself, Ye Daocang slowly exhaled a sigh of breath.

【Name: Ye Daocang!】

[Identity: Patriarch of the Ye Family of Tian Luoyu!][Cultivation Base: Ninth Stage Cultivation Base!][Divine Armament: Qingyun Sword (Divine Armament)!][Qualifications: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos God Eye, Middle Grade Miscellaneous Witch Body!]

【Martial Skill Cultivation Technique: Unsuperior Book of Heavenly Sword Art (contains all the swordsmanship practices of the heavens and all realms), Unprecedented Book of Swordsmanship devours the starry sky (advanced from Swallowing Heaven, cultivation becomes more terrifying to the late stage), close to the horizon, Nine Cycles golden body (fourth turn peak), sun fire, thunder hell!]

【Exotic Treasure: Patriarch Jade Pei!】

[Family buildings: Cangjing Pavilion, Enlightenment Room, Trial Tower, Contribution Hall, Family Residence, Artistic Conception Monument, Ancestral Tomb, Wanjian Cave, Library!][Supernatural power perception: Dzogchen full-level kendo Realm, supernatural power superb speed, power storage, square inch, Sword Domain, invincible, sweeping, force breaking, breaking delusion][Exchange point: 2465600!]

Kendo Realm has achieved great success, and I am thinking of breakthrough. Only the imprint of kendo is condensed.

But under the heavens, almost no one has done it. The imprint is that only the gods can condense after the gods condense.

Martial Sage is an excessive Realm between the Great Emperor of the Xiaoyao Realm and the strong man of the Cave Void Realm.

Just like the Realm between the titled emperor and the immortal.

Martial Sage is to accumulate and accumulate its own magic power. In the vast world, it is impossible for anyone to break through the shackles of Heavenly Dao and break through to the virtual world.

But between the vast world and the heavens and worlds, there is an ancient road in the starry sky.

The starry sky and ancient road are dangerous. People from the heavens want to get down, either to cut the Cultivation Base by themselves or spend a huge price.

But even so, if the strong come, they will be suppressed by Heavenly Dao to Martial Sage’s Realm.

Moreover, the higher the Realm of the heavens, the stronger the suppression will be.

After the Happy Realm, there are actually very few Realms in the heavens.

The cave virtual realm is also called the god realm, and then it is the Sea of ​​Bitterness realm, also called the holy realm. Realm, this is the emperor realm!

Those reincarnated emperors were in this Realm before they were alive.

And above the Dao Stage Realm is the Immortal Realm, that is, the legendary detachment, ethereal and unremarkable, and it is called the “Xian” Realm!

However, this Realm is just a legend, because no one has arrived.

Even those who are as strong as Cangdi, Qingdi, Gudi, Qitian, and Di, such amazing talents, have never reached this Realm.

See the hole, cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness, reach the other shore, step on the platform, and prove Immortal!

This is the most widely spread rhetoric among the heavens, and no one knows when it came out.

But so far, no one has arrived.

Among them, the cave virtual realm and the god realm are divided into gods, gods, gods, and gods, and four small realms.Each small realm is a huge gap!

In the Sea of ​​Bitterness, there are four Realms: Saint, Old Saint, Great Saint, and Saint King. The same is a small Realm First Stage.

The realm of the other shore is Venerable, Supreme, Heaven, Great Heaven, and the four Realm!

Daotai realm is Zhundi, Great, Titled Great, and Fairy!

This is the way for the heavens to practice.

The Realm of Martial Sage of Ten Thousand Realms, in fact, is almost the same as the quasi-celestial being, it is accumulation.

Every strong man who wants to cross the starry sky and enter the heavens needs to accumulate in Martial Sage, a Realm, otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to cross the past.

As long as you are Martial Sage, you can even choose to step into the starry sky and climb the sky at any time.

However, the ancient starry sky road is full of dangers.

There is no wisdom, only the star beasts that kill, they do not have Realm, the highest is Martial Sage, because without wisdom, they cannot condense the godhead.

However, the Magic power they accumulated is infinite, and some ancient star beasts even possess the terrifying power to fight the god king.

This is why there are many Martial Sages in the Boundless World, but they still choose to stay in the Boundless World, and only when they are about to sit down, they choose to step on the ancient starry road.

If the lower realm wants to set foot on the upper realm, it needs to go through untold hardships and fight constantly on the ancient road of stars.

But the advantages and disadvantages of this are relatively equal.

Almost every Martial Sage that goes up from the lower realm, their future achievements, hardly have a low level.

Some can even achieve the holy realm, the noble realm, the most terrifying, naturally it is the emperor realm.

Just like Qitian, Emperor, Taixu, etc.

There will be no people from the heavens who will look down upon those who come up from the lower realms.

Even many small and medium-sized forces will come to solicit after they learn about it, because they are at least the mainstay of the forces in the future!

His mind turned, Ye Daocang slowly retracted his own mind, Martial Sage still has a long way to go, not to mention other things.

At this moment, he doesn’t have this idea yet.

Although he is only one step away from Martial Sage, even as long as he set foot on Martial Sage, he can go to the ancient starry sky road, thus making a breakthrough.

However, he is absolutely not satisfied with this.

At this stage of Martial Sage, he definitely needs to accumulate for a period of time.

Looking at his 2.5 million exchange point, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but draw a faint curve.

When the remaining two months have passed, the exchange point in his hand will be able to break through to three million.

At that time, he can create a secret realm he likes.

Withdrawing his own thoughts, Ye Daocang stood up and finally walked out of the own room after a month.

[Huh? This tortoise with its head shrunk will go out of the gate today. With such a aura, he has reached the peak of the Ninth Stage of the Xiaoyao Realm? Fuck! How did he cultivate?][Huh? He is looking at me, oh yes, he must know that I scolded him in my heart! I did it yesterday, think of a way to get it right!][I thought that if I broke through to the half-step king, I should be able to prevent him from seeing the thoughts in my heart, but I didn’t expect it to be blocked!]

Ye Daocang looked at Ye Huang’s appearance when he saw him scolding first, and he immediately got angry and wanted to find something to do for him.

However, at this moment, upon receiving the news of his exit, the general manager Ye Changliu rushed over from outside the family residence!

“Patriarch, I just received the news that Vientiane Tiangong brought a brigade and came towards my Tianluoyu Tianzhou with great fanfare, in the slightest to welcome my relatives!”

Ye Changliu didn’t expect that Patriarch Ye Daocang hadn’t started to move, and the Vientiane Heavenly Palace would move out first.

“Propose a marriage? Which kind of pro? Could it be Qingcheng? He is also worthy of the Vientiane Temple?” Ye Daocang’s mouth curled, obviously not to put in one’s eyes.

Seeing Ye Daocang’s appearance, Ye Huang on the side could not help being stained.

[Oh, you don’t want to put in one’s eyes in Vientiane Palace, that’s the giant of Galaxy that occupies one side of the heavens!][Even the deity’s previous life must be afraid of them three points, this old thing is not taken seriously!][However, the origin of this hometown is mysterious, it seems to be a higher level world, it is normal not to take the Vientiane Temple to my heart!][But this Vientiane Temple is coming with such a big fanfare, I’m afraid it is unkind, I don’t know how this old guy should deal with it?]

Ye Daocang ignored Ye Huang’s aspirations, his gaze fell on Ye Changliu in front of him.

Ye Changliu heard the words, thought for a moment, couldn’t help but glanced at Ye Huangcai beside him and said.

“It is said that it was the Vientiane Heavenly Palace Saint Child and Young Master of the upper realm of the heavens. When I came to the Tian Luoyu to hunt for treasure, I met Ye Family Ye Qingge by chance. After that, I was unable to extricate myself.

Hearing this, Ye Daocang hadn’t made a statement yet, and Ye Huang’s expression on the side suddenly changed. He didn’t hold back his breath and burst out directly.

But fortunately, he quickly converged, only in a moment.

Ye Changliu on the side gave Ye Huang a surprised look. It was very weird, but because Ye Daocang was beside him, he didn’t think about asking more.

However, Ye Huang couldn’t help it at this time.

[Humph! It’s a big fanfare, everyone knows it, isn’t it just trying to make it difficult for my Ye family, what a miracle palace, you are not a small picture! You actually hit my old sister on the body!][The saint son of your dignified Vientiane Tiangong, what kind of women are there not, you have a word, those Holy Maiden goddess have not all come to sacrifice, and they can’t help themselves, deceive them?][But what does this Vientiane Temple have a fancy to my old sister? Wait, the old sister was born in a cloudy year and a cloudy day, and when she was born, she was born with nine yin qi into her body, which is a natural body of nine yin, or After the body of the wall, it is said that there is a secret method in the Vientiane Temple, which focuses on sacrifices. Could it be that they played this attention?]

Ye Huang’s heart was completely heard by Ye Daocang!

In Ye Huang’s eyes at this time, a terrifying killing intent flickered directly without concealing it.

[Okay, you are a Vientiane Temple, my old sister has been hit by all the ideas. Is it really impatient to live?][Hmph! If my old sister has a slight loss, I, Ye Huang, can’t spare you!]

Ye Huang also had no intention to complain about Ye Daocang at this time, and his heart was hanging on Ye Qingge’s body.

And Ye Daocang’s anger at this time also made no secret of it.

“Hehe, marry me Ye Family Tianjiao, he is also worthy?” There was a curve on the corner of Ye Daocang’s mouth.

“My master wants to see, what qualifications does he have to marry my Ye Family goddess!”

After saying this, Ye Daocang strode out and headed towards the hall.

Seeing this, Ye Huang was relieved after learning about Ye Daocang’s attitude!

At the same time, in the entire Tianluo Region, watching the people from Vientiane Tiangong approaching Ye’s family, everyone was full of emotion.

In their view, once the Ye family and Vientiane Temple succeed in getting married, it will be a win-win situation.

Even in the future, Ye Family will be another backer among the heavens.

“This Vientiane Heavenly Palace is not far away from dozens of domains, just to get married with the Ye Family. I really didn’t expect it!”

“Who said no? It is said that the Saint Son of Vientiane Heavenly Palace is not close to the female sex among the heavens, and the holy Maiden, who is dedicated to the gods and daughters, is not fake. I did not expect to fall in this place of the boundless world!”

“Stain stains, look at this betrothal gift, nine drops of God King Blood Essence, nine gold medals of God King, nine gods and gods, all are rare treasures in the vast world!

“The God King Blood Essence is enough to create a powerful emperor, and the God King Jinzhang, although appearing in this world, will be suppressed by most of the power, but it is still not to be underestimated, at least it can resist a Martial Sage!”

“I also need the godheads of the nine gods, if the Dao Yao realm peak powers merge, you can instantly create the treasures of the nine Martial Sages!”

“Vanxiang Tiangong Shengzi Feng Wuhen is an infatuated person. In order to show his own mind, he took out this precious treasure!”

“I don’t know if the Ye Family will agree?” someone said.

When another person saw this, he couldn’t help but smiled: “Why don’t you agree to this, a win-win situation, Feng Wuhen is the young master and saint son of the heavens, and it is the Cultivation Base of the self-slashing god, or Tianjiao Peak. One of the Tianjiao, a Tianjiao girl from the Ye Family is more than enough, and it is even the Ye Family who has climbed high!”

“Yes, if the other party’s goal is Ye Qingcheng, maybe the Ye family will not agree, but Ye Qingge, although he is well-known in the Tianluo domain, it is still a bit less interesting than Feng Wuhun!”

“I also agree, and in addition to the heavy treasures in the Vientiane Palace, there is also a strong man at the peak of the emperor who came with nine emperors, which is enough for Face!’

“With this marriage, the Ye family, who was already in a strong momentum, is afraid that they will quickly Ascension!”

For a time, countless people are happily talking about this marriage.

Feng Xing, as the leader of the Vientiane Temple this time, was also the person who gave Feng Wuhun’s ideas, and he was full of spirits at this time.

He used the fishing boat to directly ascending this marriage proposal to the point of marriage.

It was as if Vientiane Tiangong had already married the Ye family.

At that time, he brought a gift and letter of appointment to the door, but he didn’t believe that the Ye family could refuse.

In his heart, only the Ye Family is not sick, and he will not refuse this win-win situation.

Unless, the Ye family knew the real purpose of their trip.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but show a sneer at the corner of his mouth. How could these things be known.

However, he didn’t know, the Ye Family really knew it.

As the army entered the Tianluo Region and headed towards Tianzhou, countless forces followed behind.

They all want to see, a grand marriage that spans dozens of big domains!

However, when they came all the way to Tianzhou, they were dumbfounded.

The unimagined Ye Family Patriarch greeted many high-level leaders with a smile, and the whole road was deserted, as if they didn’t know they were coming.

According to the tradition of the great forces in the vast world, basically one force will officially arrive, and the other will go to the entrance of a state to greet it.

Feng Xing’s brow wrinkled involuntarily, and he glanced at each other, and they all saw the depth in each other’s eyes.

They don’t believe that the Ye Family will not know their arrival, but the other party does not have the intention to come to greet them at all, so that can only explain one thing!

The Ye Family seems unwilling to marry!

Thinking of this, their hearts sank involuntarily!

The Ye family is unwilling to marry, so their mission on this trip can’t be completed!

At this time, not to mention them, even the surrounding forces found something wrong.

“Huh? What’s the matter with the Ye Family? There isn’t even one to greet you!

“Could it be that the Ye family doesn’t know?”

“It’s not possible. If you don’t know this, they will know if someone else hits the door. In this case, the Ye family may not know how many times it has been destroyed!”

“Let’s take a look first, things seem to have changed, the Ye Family, it seems that they don’t want this marriage!

“What! This!”

For a while, the people around were involuntarily surprised and couldn’t understand it.

But at this moment, the Ye Family’s attitude has explained everything.

The eyes of all forces fell on the people of Vientiane Tiangong.

At this time, the faces of Vientiane Tiangong and others were not good to look at.

Obviously, they didn’t expect it, and then regretted touching their noses!

“Brother Feng! This! How can this be good?” A powerful emperor looked at him and asked with a trace of sadness.

If the Ye family disagrees with the marriage, they will not be able to explain it when they go back!

Even, let’s not say anything else, they can’t get through on the Face of the Vientiane Temple alone!

Feng Xing took a deep breath, spit it out slowly, and then waved a big hand: “Don’t care about him, go to the Ye family residence first!

After speaking, he directly led the team forward.

At this time, the voice of discussion had begun to decrease indefinitely, and people from all the forces followed one after another, wanting to see what Ye Family’s attitude was.

They couldn’t understand how the Ye family would disagree with this marriage.

The welcoming army marched towards the Ye Family Headquarters in a very dull environment, but the speed was obviously accelerated.

………For flowers…

However, the faster they walk, the more ugly they look.

If you say that before, they can still use the other side to not receive the news, or not rushed to comfort themselves in time.

But now, they knew very well that the Ye family 80% would not agree to this marriage.

At this time, even many big forces in southern Xinjiang have set their sights on here.

Finally, after walking for a while, they came to a place thousands of miles away from the Ye family.

After a while, they saw Ye Family’s majestic and quaint resident location, glanced at each other, and moved on.

Just at this time!


A dog bark resounded, and countless people couldn’t help but look in the direction.

I don’t know when, above the sky, the Roaring Sky Dog was looking at this group of people with a fierce expression, a terrifying aura broke out, and the attitude had already explained everything.

“The gatekeeper of the Ye Family, the snarling dog, at the same time, he is also the fourth terrifying existence on the king’s list!

“This black dog has swallowed the existence of the reincarnated great emperor in one bite, and now it has broken through, and it is still the pinnacle of the emperor’s emperor in the Happy Realm!”

Feng Xing and others changed their expressions, and a strong danger emerged in their hearts.

They didn’t even notice when this big black dog appeared above their heads.

For this alone, the strength of this snarling sky dog ​​is even more terrifying than they thought!

Feng Xing and the others looked at each other, and then, Feng Xing gave an awkward smile and stepped out!

“Hey, brother dog, please give an announcement, Elder, the core of the Vientiane Temple, is popular, come and visit!”

He was embarrassed by what he said.

At this moment, the faces of the people around me changed strangely when they heard it.

The forces fearing the Vientiane Heavenly Palace lowered their heads, and their shoulders trembled.

The representatives of their forces who were not afraid of them laughed directly and unabashedly.

“Brother Dog, puff! Is this trying to laugh at me?”

“So, is this a curse or a greeting?”

“Brother Dog, let him be completely famous in Southern Xinjiang, and even the vast world! Hahaha!”

“Brother Dog, what a good brother Dog!”

“Puff! I can’t hold back anymore, let me laugh for a while!”

At this moment, someone didn’t hold back, and directly snorted. For a while, loud laughter came from all around the distance, which caused the collective to laugh.

Not to mention the external forces, even the people in the Vientiane Temple, many of them bowed their heads and did not dare to look at him, but their faces flushed for a while, and some shoulders were still shaking!

Obviously, his dog brother didn’t even hold back his own words!

Feng Xing immediately looked angry, but he did not break out. There are really many forces who are not afraid of his Vientiane Temple, and he does not want to cause trouble for this.

Humph! Waiting for the emperor to complete this task and become a follower of His Royal Highness, can you laugh at it?

At this time, the snarling dog ignored his greetings, but flickered fiercely in his eyes, as if to warn the other party that one step forward would turn the world upside down.

Feng Xing’s expression suddenly became gloomy!

He knew that this was because the Ye family didn’t even let them in.

At this time, his anger was also a bit uncontrollable.The forces handed down in the ancient times, his core Elder, the high-level of the Vientiane Tiangong, were treated like this.How did they endure it?

He looked cold and indifferent: “Elder Fengxing, the core of the Vientiane Temple, came to see you, dare you to ask if this is the way the Ye Family treats guests?”

His voice has changed. At this time, he represents the face of Vientiane Temple.

The sound was like rolling thunder, and the sound of bursts vented towards the surroundings, shaking everyone’s eardrums!

As soon as his voice came out, the Ye family hadn’t moved yet, but the Sky Dog was angry.

It did not expect that the other party would not take the own warning seriously!


A crisp dog bark sounded, The next moment, a terrible blood and blood rushed toward your face.

Feng Xing and the others suddenly changed their expressions. When they looked up, they saw the slender black legs of the Roaring Celestial Dog fell directly.


The void is turbulent and trembling.

not good!

A terrible sense of threat came, Feng Xing and the three powerful emperors in front of him, without saying a word, sacrificed his own strongest killer move, and blasted towards the front.


The earth shook, and Feng Xing and the others changed their expressions in shock.


In the surroundings, the three powerful emperors flew out directly, spurting out a breath of blood and falling to the ground and smashing a deep pit!

Feng Xing himself was also uncomfortable, his body retreated, and a trace of blood was exposed at the corner of his mouth.

Regardless of his own injuries, his eyes are stubbornly imprinted with a snarling dog, and his face is horrified and jealous!


The snarling dog seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the own trick, violently violent, and wanted to continue to make a move.

At this moment, Feng Xing really couldn’t help but change color, and a secret treasure had appeared in his hand.

This was Feng Wuhun’s life-saving use, and at this time, he had to take it out.

In front of the snarling dog, he couldn’t see enough at all.

Fortunately, at this moment, behind the Ye Family residence, a faint voice came.


As soon as the sound came out, the snarling dog’s momentum suddenly converged. Obviously, it still listened to the other party’s words very much.

.. .0

At this moment, Ye Family’s thick and fragrant wooden door slowly opened, and Ye Changliu stood with his hand in his hand and walked out step by step.

Feng Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw someone from the Ye family come out.

However, when he saw that Ye Changliu was nowhere near the Cultivation Base of the Cave Sky Realm, he was irritated again.

He, Elder, the core of the dignified Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the strongest emperor in the Happy Realm, the other party sent an ant from the Cave Heaven Realm to receive him!

How can this make him accept it!

Ye Changliu walked step by step, ignoring the coldness in Feng Xing’s eyes, just looking at him indifferently!

Seeing Ye Changliu didn’t seem to say anything, Feng Xing was even more secretly angry.

“Huh! This is how your Ye Family treats guests?”

He couldn’t keep it anymore, and immediately began to question!

At this time, he must control the initiative, otherwise, he will be extremely passive in the next conversation!

However, Ye Changliu just looked at him faintly: “Gu? Dare to ask who you are? Come to my Ye family, did you vote first or did my Ye family invite you?”

At this moment, when Ye Daocang learned the real purpose of the other party’s arrival, his attitude towards the other party directly plummeted.

Didn’t his Ye family open a shantang? Send you a Tianjiao girl over there?

Besides, Ye Qingge is a very famous person in the Ye family. No one can say about future achievements. Just like this, I will send you to sacrifice for nothing. What about your face in the Vientiane Temple?

At this time, after hearing Ye Changliu’s words, Feng Xing’s expression suddenly cooled slightly.

“That’s the attitude of your Ye Family? I sent a figure from the Cave Heaven Realm to receive the great power of the Heavenly Palace in Vientiane?”

He directly skipped Ye Changliu and looked at the Ye Family Residence. Obviously, he didn’t want to talk to Ye Changliu.

Seeing this, Ye Changliu couldn’t help but sneered, flung his sleeves, and was about to go back.

In the sky, the snarling dog’s aura locked him tightly!

Seeing this, Feng Xing couldn’t help but his expression changed, and he couldn’t care about other things.

Seeing that Ye Changliu was about to return, he also said directly: “Although I have never notified you of the Ye family in this marriage, my Vientiane Heavenly Palace is such a powerful force. Achieving a marriage is a win-win situation. Is your Ye family really so not Giving face?”

Hearing this, Ye Changliu couldn’t help but stop, and a touch of anger was already showing in his expression: “Okay! What a win-win situation!”

He thought of Ye Daocang’s explanation, and looked at the other person’s eyes for some unknown reason.

“The young master and saint son of the great power of the heavens, for so many people who don’t pretend to be the goddess of the Holy Maiden, will be interested in a woman from a small family in the vast world. You are a fool of my Ye family. Nothing?”

His opening instantly aroused the contemplation of countless people.


Those Holy Maiden goddess, which is not the existence of the girl of the sky, has not been looked at, but the girl of a small family, is this possible?

For a while, everyone’s eyes fell on Feng Xing’s body, wanting to know how he spoke.

Feng Xing’s heart was dull, and he secretly sighed that it was a little too big!

He didn’t expect that the other party would have doubts because of this.

But at this time, how could he admit that he had ulterior motives.

“The matter of fate is here, and who can say it accurately?” Feng Xing made an inexplicable explanation, but it made people more suspicious.

They are all cultivators, and the Dao heart is so hard that the so-called love and hatred of ordinary people can be determined!

“Fate? It’s a fate. I heard that there is a secret method in your Vientiane Heavenly Palace. You need to use nine women with the body of nine Yin as a sacrifice. How can it happen that the Ye family daughter you are going to marry is just that nine. What about the Yin body?”

As soon as he said this, Feng Xing’s expression suddenly changed, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that the other party actually knew, and actually discovered their intentions.

The other powerful emperors in Vientiane Tiangong also changed their expressions, and for a while they didn’t know what to do.

Seeing this, the expressions of the people around suddenly changed. Seeing the faces of Feng Xing and others, they almost understood.

“Don’t tell me, it is true. According to secrets, the Vientiane Temple really controls a taboo method, but this method is too vicious and hurts luck, so even the Vientiane Temple in the upper realm dare not use it often!

“Let me just say it? The so-called love at first sight, it would happen to the dignified Upper Realm Saint Child, it is simply impossible!”

“It turns out that it was a trick of Mingxiu’s plank road to darken Chen Cang. On the surface, marriage is only a sacrifice. No wonder the Ye Family disagrees with this!”

“This Vientiane Temple is really insidious. It made the fishing boat so big and put pressure on the Ye Family to make it difficult for them to refuse, Damn it, even we were calculated by them!”

“It’s a pity, the Ye Family doesn’t eat their set, they have already penetrated it!”

“It’s true that changing to a normal family, I’m afraid I would have been overjoyed a long time ago, but this Ye family is so calm!”

For a while, everyone’s eyes fell on Feng Xing and others, with a hint of sarcasm and mockery!

Feng Xing and others’ hearts were extremely silent, he didn’t expect that the Ye Family would actually be aware of their attempts.

A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes: “Huh! The matter of catching the wind and catching the shadows, don’t want to be added to my Vientiane Temple, my Vientiane Temple has never been such a so-called secret method!”

Regardless of whether there is any, it is absolutely impossible for them to agree to this matter.

Ye Changliu sneered: “Whatever you say, my Ye family won’t agree to this so-called marriage anyway, see off the guests!”

After he finished speaking, he just flung his sleeves and was about to leave.

Feng Xing’s expression suddenly changed, and he became completely gloomy.

“You wait for the Ye Family, so you really don’t give me the Face of the Vientiane Temple? Not the Face of the Saint Child of the Force? My Headquarters of the Vientiane Temple?”

Ye Changliu looked at him with a sneer when he heard the words: “The Patriarch ordered me to spread the word, what is your Vientiane Temple? You are also worthy of giving me the Ye Family Giving face?”


As soon as this word came out, countless people around him suddenly changed their colors, and even the expressions of many major forces changed!

No one thought that the Ye family would not leave any face to the Vientiane Temple, and directly slapped their face without mercy!

“Hiss~! This is going to tear my face with Vientiane Temple!”

“Don’t say, as long as Martial Sage Ye Wushi is still a day away, the Ye Family will have the strength not to fear any force in the vast world!”

“That being said, unless he doesn’t want to further develop the Ye Family!”

“Yes! If you don’t enter the heavens, the so-called Tianjiao, after all, is nothing more than a bubble!”

“Who knows? Maybe this Ye family has its own heritage!”

Everyone at this time was shocked by Ye Changliu’s words, and they began to communicate.

At this moment, Feng Xing’s expression no longer stayed, and a terrifying aura burst out directly.

“Good! Good! Good! My Vientiane Temple is the first time in the endless years of the vast world that I have encountered such a person who does not sell Faces. To tell you the truth, today, this Ye Qingge, I must take away from Vientiane Temple. , Hand over the people with these dowry gifts, otherwise, not to mention what the Cang Fan world is, in the days to come, it will be difficult for Ye Jia to make progress.


At this time, he didn’t stay anymore, and directly exploded out of his aura, wanting to buy and sell strongly.

In his heart, Ye Qingge must take away his forehead, no one can stop it.

At this time, after hearing his words, the surrounding forces also shook their heads for a while.

Maybe he was puzzled before, but now they are quite sure that the Vientiane Temple is really going to sacrifice the secret method.

Now that all Spike’s face is gone, Fengxing doesn’t continue to pretend.

He looked at Ye Changliu whose expression had gone cold, and looked at him proudly without paying any attention.

“Huh! Today, Ye Qingge, you have to pay you even if you don’t, and you have to pay if you don’t. When I act in the Vientiane Temple, I need to explain to an indigenous force such as You? A joke! Not wanting face, it really has been my Vientiane Temple since the endless years. Is it vegetarian? Martial Sage Ye Wushi? Ye Daocang, the number one swordsman in ancient and modern times, Ye Hao, the number one swordsman in Tianjiao? The proud son of Tianjiao who has not grown up,

It will always be a joke, in this world, the strength is respected, and the weak must accept the plunder of the strong!”

At this time, he was also merciless.

He looked at Ye Changliu, who was already gloomy to the extreme, and he was very relieved, and he still continued to speak.

However, at this moment, a terrifying spirit rose to the sky, and an indescribable eternal killing intent moved across the heavens.

Immediately afterwards, an extreme Sword Qi suddenly rose from the sky above the Yejia residence, and the terrible Sword intent penetrated the Galaxy Cluster.

In this Sword intent, there are countless terrifying spirits, which makes countless people afraid to change their colors.

As soon as this Sword Qi took shape, it slammed towards the Vientiane Temple with a terrifying courage.

When everyone saw this, they were still feeling the strength of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace. At this time, the Ye Family’s direct action was even more shocked.


Feng Xing, who was about to continue to speak, was suddenly shocked and angry. He didn’t expect that Ye Family was so powerful, he ignored his threats, and even shot directly.

This sword was in the air, and Death, which suffocated everyone, rose from the bottom of my heart, and they changed their colors.

Apart from anything else, he directly sacrificed own’s strongest killer move, and wanted to resist it.


The boundless terrible spirit suppresses the Eight Wastes, and under the boundless turbulence, it makes people change their colors.


With a huge tremor, the Vientiane Heavenly Palace was a hundred miles around, and it was immediately annihilated, and boundless smoke and dust suddenly rose.

Amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a figure flew out directly. Before the figure fell to the ground, it was already bleeding in the air.

When the smoke and dust in the sky dissipated, everyone looked sideways. The welcoming team in the Vientiane Temple had long since disappeared, all of them died.

Only Feng Xing was left, he wrapped his chest, gushed blood, and his expression was extremely pale.


Seeing this, countless people’s eyes suddenly condensed.

No one could think of it. It was just a Sword Qi. All the people in the Vientiane Temple, including the nine powerful emperors, were all annihilated. Only Feng Xing survived.

Moreover, it seems that Fengxing seems to have stayed on purpose by the other party.

The popularity at this time, the spirits of the dead, the fear in the expression has reached the point that it is difficult to conceal.

He didn’t expect that the other party would be so terrible, so far apart, with a single sword in his hand, the entire Vientiane Palace, only himself was still alive.

At this moment, an indifferent voice came over. After being heard by countless people, those who heard it were shocked!

“What a weak, strong food, save your life, go back and watch, I, Ye Daocang, once again announced that within a month, your Vientiane Temple will not be destroyed, and my Ye Family will be dissolved in place! Now, go, dare to say a word , Die!” Chuan,

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